Soul Evolution System

Chapter 41: The Hospital (part 3)[Edited]

(The bastards’ Boss POV continues)

When night falls and we are still waiting for news from inside the hospital, a shot is heard. Everyone outside is surprised, I quickly take cover behind the car, I'm not like those idiots who stand waiting for a bullet to fall on them.

After a few minutes, there is no sign of another shot, maybe they managed to subdue them? ... When I think about it with excitement I poke my head towards the hospital door waiting for good news.

It is a pity that time passes and nobody come out... I begin to suspect that those bastards because of me not being there maybe thought it was their chance to taste those women ... if so, I will cut their balls !!

When my rage began to build, finally some leave the hospital while running, among them is one of my faithful followers who, seeing me, runs straight to where I am, is probably the only one who resisted the temptation when the women were captured and came to tell me that they want take advantage of them before me.

This is bad, I have to go there before they put their hands on my goddess, she is mine and of nobody else. I get up and walk towards him before he can say anything.

"Don't worry, I'll go there myself and let them know how stupid they were ... if things didn't progress much, I may forgive them"

"E-eh? Boss ... do you know what happened there?"

"Of course, do you think I'm an idiot? It’s something obvious what they did, but once they see me, the clarity return to their minds and will know how foolish they were."

"Boss, you are amazing! I knew that what they said of you being useless man who urinated on himself was a lie"

"fuck, who said that? !! ... Well, it doesn't matter, we'll solve that later. For now we're going to where those fools are with the captured women, let's hurry before it's too late."


I walk with my rifle in my hands while keep my back straight, but when I go forward I notice my subordinate standing still looking at me. Not wanting to waste any more time, I shout, urging him to hurry up and follow me.

"Why are you standing there idiot?! Hurry, if not that bastards would not settle only for caressing them"

"B-boss ... we haven't captured them ... inside, the others surrendered when someone shot”

I can't understand what he says... Or maybe I have heard his words wrong. Did he just said that they shot inside them when they captured them? Those bastards, I'll cut their balls!!

"Everyone else surrendered ... look there"

With his words he points to one of the windows, as it was already dark it was hard to distinguish so I ask the driver to turn on the headlights of the truck. With the light I can see a little better, inside that window, in the room I can see that the women still have weapons and all my men are against a wall ...

Those useless trashes without balls surrendered!!! Just for a damn shot!!! Do they not have balls to face a group of women?

“Useless bastards! They are assholes! it’s a waste all the time I've spent protecting them!"

With fury I scream until all the air in my lungs is expelled, the sound of my voice was loud enough for everyone in the window to hear it and after that they look at us. Then all my men after see me, instead of feeling ashamed of their betrayal walk towards the window and also shout.

"Garbage! You're the useless one!"

"Right! You only think you are superior because you have a weapon!"

"You moron, you don't even serve to please a woman!!”

"Hahaha, he is right. All the women you were with who are still alive said that your thing was so flabby and small that they had to think that it was your rifle that penetrated them to feel something."

Hearing them, I feel like was about to pass out because of the fury ... damn it! Who told them my ex-girlfriend´s words before she left me? !! Suddenly something went up my esophagus and eventually I vomited a large amount of blood.

"All of you go and kill those bastards !! ... Move, didn't you listen to me? I want them dead ... no, bring them alive so I can torture them myself !!"

I shout at the men I have left, but none moves no matter how much I order them, they just stare at me. Besides, I know that look, it was the same look my coworkers and my boss gave me before they began to murmur things about me, thing like I'm an idiot or that I don't do anything right.

"Aaah !!"

I lift the rifle, and aim at the nearest man and shoot, he falls writhing in pain, the others when they see that, run, but unfortunately not to the hospital, they go to other directions.

"Damn it !! Come back !!"

"Hahahaha, you see it now, nobody wants to follow you !!"

"You are the only useless one here !!"

"Sons of a bitch !! All of you will die !!"

With my rifle pointed to the window where the bastards who surrendered and do not hesitate to throw me in the face about others that left are... I do not care about those women anymore, I can get others else whenever I want. When they see me, they all lower their heads covering themselves ... this rifle is also useless, as long as I fire from a distance, it can't hit the target, the bullet only hit another glass of the building, failing to the window where I aim.

"Well, if I can't have those women, nobody can have them !!"

I walk to the truck and point the driver to get out of the car, now I can´t trust in someone else, and then I get in and drive in circles in the parking lot while blowing the horn and make the biggest noise I can.

[Biip !!] [Biip !!]


A bullet hits the glass and rubs my shoulder, so I quickly turn the wheel trying to get away. With all the previous noise and the new one I was making with the car, zombies start coming out everywhere walking to the hospital or trying to reach me in the car.

"Hahaha, everyone will die, damn assholes !!"

They looked like a locust plague flying towards a wheat field, soon they filled the hospital doors completely blocking them. All those bastards and those bitches will die as punishment for making me angry.


(Alexander POV)

After returning to the pharmacy with everyone, I intended to leave them with Matsushima to watch them and I go to find my other slaves, but seeing that they were too many I tried to decide who else would accompany her to do it, but suddenly a scream from outside stop my thoughts.

When I look out the window I see a guy ranting with all the volume of voice he can achieve ... that must be the leader who directed these men and from what I see he doesn't like that they surrendered any bit.

I could not hear what he said because I was thinking about something else, but because of the reaction of the men who surrendered, he should have insulted them. They go to the window and begin to curse him back ... what they say varies from reproaches to the sexual performance of the guy, if what they say is true, then he is someone unfortunate.

The guy full of anger orders that everyone in the pharmacy is to be killed to the guys who he still had around him, but they must have lost all confidence in him, and even forgot the fear of his weapon. When nobody does anything after his words and they only see him as a monkey doing nonsense, he does not hesitate to remind them the fear of his rifle.

It is a pity for him that even after shooting an unfortunate man, instead of following his orders, they flee to all sides.

Seeing this, those inside the pharmacy make fun of the guy again, I might even feel a little sorry for him, but the fact of him having illusions with Shisuka is unforgivable. If I managed to put my hands on him, his destiny will be much worse than simple insults.

"Get down!!"

"Kyaaah ~"

In despair that man points his gun to the window where we are, at that moment I shout to others so they take cover themselves, knowing that Shisuka was the most distracted of the people in my group, I throw myself at her knocking her down ... I swear, it wasn't because I wanted to sink my face into those huge breasts...

"... perverted brat, you can get up ... he didn't even hit the window where we are"

Well, in fact, yes, I wanted to do it, but right now I did it more for her safety than for anything else ... when I don't get up for a while after the shot, Rei speaks to me with a slightly hard tone, so , with no other choice, I give up those warm breasts and get up.

"Where was he?"

When I look out the window again, I can't find the leader....Or should I say, the former leader of these guys, so I ask the others who were more attentive. Saeko responds to me by pointing to the car with the headlights on.

"He got into the car ... will he try to run away now that his followers have abandoned him?"

That is very likely, if with all his men he could not put his hands on the women of my group, then he must have thought that it was impossible for him to capture us by himself and without more options decided to escape ... I cannot allow it, I must make him pay for the pretensions he had towards the girls

[Biip !!] [Biip !!]

Thinking he would run away, the guy began to blow the truck horn while circling in the hospital parking lot. In a crazy way, making the biggest noise he could.

"Did the guy go crazy?"

"Maybe as those men say it's so useless that he thought about driving when didn't know how to do it ..."

"No! It's trying to attract the attention of zombies!"

While the others doubted the actions of the guy, Hirano points more out of where the parking lot was ... then we saw a large number of zombies coming. Some threw themselves into the truck to be hit, but many also headed inside the hospital as if they felt us.

To confirm Hirano's words, the guy shouts happily while laughing. Crazy bastard!! If he wants to die, he shouldn’t drag us with him. I take out my colt and try to aim at him, but because of the constant movement of car, the distance and that it was night I can't get it right.

I shoot repeatedly, but none of my shots stop him, besides he drives further making things more difficult to me. I turn with Hirano who has a rifle more appropriate for long-distance shooting, but he shakes his head having the same problems as me.

"Alex-san, this is bad. The zombies have arrived in large numbers and have locked the hospital doors."

"... With that amount even with weapons it will be difficult to make our way between them"

Hearing the words of Saeko and Hirano, I poke my head out the window looking down at the front door. As they say, a large number of zombies cram the doors pushing themselves to advance inside.

"Hell! We should get out of here as soon as possible ... but how do we get out?"

Maybe I should buy another magic scroll to make a way ... haa! Why are they so expensive? My precious funds will go away.

"I have an idea ... but I don't know if it works"

When I went to the menu in my head and almost bought a scroll to get out of here, Hirano's voice stops me, if we can make it without spending my money that is much better, then I hurry him to tell us his plan. After we hear it, I organize the others to leave as soon as we do it, we will only have one chance before the zombies block the doors again or we will are trapped inside by the consequences of this.

"Everyone runs as soon as we do, those who have nothing to do for the plan, carry the medicine bags !!"


""Yes! Little boss! ""

First answered those of my group or nod to what I say, then the guys who surrendered raise their voices, without time to correct them we only carry out Hirano's instructions.

Of my new slaves, some load some oxygen tanks to the window that goes down the entrance, lift them, open their knobs so that the gas leaves and throws them.

Hirano quickly ignite a Molotov bomb with a lighter that one of the men we captured gave us, he improvised and made it with a bottle of alcohol. Then throws it through the same window in the direction where the tanks fell.

[Boom boom boom]



Three loud explosions are followed after Hirano throws his Molotov bomb ... they were more powerful than we thought, all the windows of the building explode after the strong sound.

"Move !!, Move !!"

Even with our hands covering our ears, explosions manage to disorient us for a few seconds, but having no time to lose, I order others to move immediately.

I don't know if they can listen to me, since even my ears are still ringing, but perhaps because of the signs I do with my hands or because they remembered what they had to do, move with their feet a little wobbly to the stairs to go down.

We went down and after walking through the corridors we arrived at the main entrance that was on fire and has traces of zombie pieces burning everywhere. Two men get ahead holding a pair of fire extinguishers that we picked up previously and open a path through the fire, and then we walked to leave the hospital.

Outside, the scene was even worse, there were three small craters created by the explosions of the oxygen tanks, pieces of bodies that still burned scattered around a large perimeter around them, but the zombies that were only hit by the shock wave now treated to get up off the ground

"Alex-san !! The car of the guy from before is there!"

Checking everything that caused the explosion, Saeko yells at me pointing to the truck that still had the headlights on, but with all its glass broken ... it seems that my ear has returned, I was a little worried about become deaf.

"We all go to the truck!! Shoot all the zombies around us, Scythe you know what to do"


Between shoots and the Scythe’s claws we reached the truck, inside the guy who was the previous leader of the men was fainted or dead, without time to check him I simply took him out of the seat and asked Shisuka to try if the engine still can turn on.

After a peer of attempts the sound of the moving cylinders is heard , everyone rejoices at the result and starts boarding inside.

"Little boss! What do we do with this guy? He's still alive ..."

"Kakaka, put it in the car, if he wakes up, immobilize him, I have big plans for him ... besides, I know what all of you think and not, I am not a woman, I'm a man ... if you address to me as a woman ... you won't have a good time"

"E-eh? Little… I understand boss!!"

"Alexander-san, you can't torture that guy ... even if it's worse than trash"

"It's true Alex-kun, it's not good for your mind to do something so cruel with your own hands"

"... well, I won't torture him with my own hands"


Matsushima is not convinced by my words and worries about what I would do to that guy ... I will have to take care of him when she is not looking. Shisuka on the other hand starts to drive the truck trying to get out of the hospital parking lot, I don't know if she trusts in my answer or if stop caring what can happen to the former leader.

Before we can leave the hospital 5 men who ran away previously, when their leader shoot one of them, leave their hiding places they were using to avoid the zombies and came to the truck asking for help.

Hirano and I provide cover fire so they can reach us and then get on the back of the truck. They seemed to be the only ones in the area ... the others either ran too far or are already part of the zombies now.

We move along several streets, many zombies walk in these in the direction of the hospital, probably attracted by the strong explosion and the glow of the flames that spread throughout the building when we were leaving.

After several minutes we returned to the mall, many watched in the direction of the hospital, I see Kurisu who is discussing something with Soichiro, but I cannot know what they are saying due to the distance.

The truck goes into the parking lot and stops while calling everyone's attention in the area. We go down and the others are surprised by the amount of people who do it… well, we went in a small group and returned being a bigger group after all.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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