Soul Evolution System

Chapter 42: Back At The Mall[Edited]

When we go down the truck and Kurisu sees me, she immediately stops arguing with Soichiro and runs in my direction, when she arrives where I am, she throws herself hugging me… I wish I could say that I receive her with my arms extended happily, but due to the difference in sizes and that I was surprised, we ended up on the floor.

The good thing is that she does not seem to care about that… it must also be because she fell on me avoiding hitting the ground, so I am the one who takes the most impact... I think my Hp was reduced a little.

When I see her shed tears I forget any complaint, I get up with her as I can, then looking at her eyes that are a little red from crying I ask.

"What happened, Soichiro intimidated you? Do you want me to take care of him?"

"Idiot ... when I heard the explosions and they said that it was in the direction of the hospital, I was very worried. I thought something might have happened to you and wanted to go immediately, but Soichiro-san said it was better to wait a bit and organize another group to go there”

"It's true, we were worried Alexander-san ... also, although my dad is somewhat rigid in the way of thinking, please forgive him, he is not a bad person ... it would be good if you both got along better"

"So that was it, I'm sorry for worrying you everyone, things got a little difficult in that place and we were forced to do some extreme things to get out of the hospital.

The good thing is that the zombies tonight probably would focus their attention in the hospital so we can continue quietly with our work of loading all the things of the mall until all the trucks and cars are full to their maximum capacity, we should not have problems with them for a while. "

When I ask Kurisu for the reason of her tears she answers me that way, Saya who arrives after also speaks, but her voice decreases as the words move forward until what she said was indistinguishable, I only understand that she was worried that her father and I fought. It must have been because of my previous words, although we both of them argue sometimes, it does not mean that she does not cherish him.

She knows well how I treat my enemies, so maybe she was worried about what I said.

"Don't worry Saya, although your father and I may have different opinions, it's not like I hate him."

I also try to calm Saya's restlessness then she gives me a big smile when she hears me, but for some reason that makes Kurisu jealous which pinches me on the side, then I try to calm her by stroking her back a little.

Soichiro and several others gathered around a little later, they ask me about what occurred in the hospital and then I explain with a summary of what happened in that place.

I didn't have to hide the things that the guys had done, rather it was better that they knew it, so they would be careful and watch over them, then I tell them all the information I got from them before.

When they hear it, many see them with distaste, mainly women. They could only shrink like turtles because of the shame of being labeled as bastards, but since they are still useful I intervene before the others want to reject and not accept them.

"Well, they may be bastards, but they still have hands and feet with which they can do some work. We will simply have someone keep them under surveillance and they can pay what they have done with work... also if they try to commit their previous crimes again or escape, we can put a bullet in their heads"

"B-boss ... that doesn't help us at all"

"Help you? Why should I talk good things about you? You should be grateful that I didn't kill you for trying to put your hands on the girls."

"T-those were the orders of this guy"

One of them speaks for everyone to try to defend themselves, but still, his argument does not sound very convincing, since the others do not believe in his words. Yuriko-san decides to intercede for them and also speaks.

"Alexander-kun is right, they are still people. Although they were wrong we cannot abandon them, as he says, they will have to pay for what they did with work"

No, you are wrong Yuriko-san ... for me, they are more like pack animals but let's leave it that way since others agree that they stay after what she says.

"How is it going the loading of trucks?"

"We continue to do it, but it will still take a while. Besides, Soichiro has someone repairing the vehicles in the parking lot, if we can get them to turn on, we will have to wait for them be loaded too"

"Do you think they can repair them?"

"It's hard to say with certainty, but the mechanic who is with us promised me that at least he would make one work"

I change of subject to the progress of our main objective of coming here, on the side of Yuriko-san it seems that things are going smoothly, but the issue of other vehicles, as Soichiro says is not very certain. Also, if we only have one mechanic in the group, asking him to repair a fleet of vhicles in a few hours is not realistic.

"There are no more mechanics in the men you have saved?"

"No, the only mechanic here is Tokaba"

"I-I'm a mechanic !"

When I was talking to Soichiro, one of the men that I brought from the hospital raises his hand with enthusiasm after listening to us. We both turned to where he is and that only makes him more nervous.

"Are you a mechanic ?"

"Y-yes, boss!"

"Well, why don't you have someone take him with the other mechanic and check if what he says is the truth, Soichiro? If what he says is real, it would be much better to have two mechanics fixing the vehicles."

"Seems right to me"

"I hope you don't lie to me, if you just do it to try to look good, things will only be worse for you."

"N-no, I'm a mechanic really!"

"If so, then go and fix the cars that others tell you"

"Yes, Boss!"

One of Soichiro's men directs him to where the other mechanic is fixing the cars. As there is nothing left we only wait for the trucks to be filled and repaired, I tell another one of the things that also had to be processed.

"These guys had a den near here ... from what they told me, it seems that there are several women in that place and some men who stayed to watch, someone should go there and deal with it."

"... It doesn't seem like you want to go there"

"Sorry, I already did my good action of the day when going to the hospital.

"I can go Soichiro"

"No, I will go, you are already busy recording everything that is filling the trucks"

"I have other things to do ... one of you go with Soichiro and show him the way to your hiding place, the rest come with me, I have something interesting to show you. Scythe brings that guy."

"... I will go and continue to help Yuriko-san with the inventory of the trucks ... don't overdo it Alex."

"Then I will accompany you Alex-san"

"Me too ~"

"... Shisuka, why don't you go and check on Alice's dad?"

"Oh! It's true ~"

While the Takagi couple agreed with who was going, I give orders to the men who just joined us and after asking Scythe to bring their ex-leader, I begin to walk out of sight of others. Kurisu probably having more time with me gave herself an idea of what I’m about to do, so she decided to avoid seeing something that might traumatize her.

Saeko decides to accompany me, I have no problem with her looking at what I am about to do, I think she is a girl with a strong mind. On the other hand, I do not feel well letting Shisuka observe, so I ask her to go check Alice's father as a pretext, it is good that she does not seem to hesitate and goes humming happily.

We walk until there is no one else to see us and then I take out my poke-ball by throwing it a few meters away from me. Immediately the Venus Luciferian appears showing all its mouths while it twists a little, then I walk towards it and caress its leaves making it react happily.

Everyone else apart from Saeko and the fainted man is surprised by the sudden appearance of the plant, without explaining where it came from, I say to them.

"Now I want everyone to observe something ... what can happen to you if you are idiots like this guy and try to go against me again. Scythe wake up the guy that you brought”

"... It would have been better if you did while he was sleeping, that way he wouldn't suffer so much"

Along with Saeko's words, Scythe thinks for a few seconds how to carry out my orders, in the end, she sticks the claws of one of her hands on the man's shoulder and twists them tightly, then the guy wakes up screaming.

"Gyaaaaa !!"

"Scythe is enough, he's already awake"

I stop her from continuing, because, perhaps finding his reaction funny, she continued after the guy had woken up, not that I felt sorry for him, I just didn't want him to make such a noise and faint again because of the pain.

"Now let me introduce you to my other pet, isn't it cute? It's a plant that I've been taken care of recently giving it some fertilizer."

Neither response to me and they just watch my two pets while trembling a little, Saeko pulls out a handkerchief and starts cleaning Scythe's hand that was stained with blood as if she were just a girl who got dirty with mud when playing.

"W-where am I? ... ah! You bastards how dare to betray me, I will kill you all !!"

The guy who had just woken up, after his pain subsided a little, spoke inspecting his surroundings and find us. When he saw his former subordinates, the fury he showed earlier returned to him.

But after searching for his body he couldn’t find his rifle, so he did nothing but to shout at them. Finding him annoying, I stand in front and kick him in the stomach, as a result, he falls to his knees vomiting everything he had in his stomach.

"L-little bitch! I'll kill you ... no, first I'll have fun with you and then I'll give you to the zombies as food!!"

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, I was thinking about similar things ... I already had fun with you, now I will make you pay for your intentions against Shisuka ..."

I kick it with more strength throwing him near the Venus, with my strength now it was not difficult. After a few seconds of rolling on the ground while cursing, stops, he gets up even more furious and then when he tries to say something I just smiled at him, when he sees me he closes his mouth and seems to calm down ... or rather fear invades him.

"N-now I remember you ... you are that girl from before, n-no, you are that demon !!"

With each word he takes one step back and then collides with the stems of Venus, so he instinctively turns and raises his head to see what stops him.

"Hiii, what is this thing?"

"Go ahead, it's the new bag of fertilizer that I brought you, take it"



As if it had been waiting for my words, the Venus opens one of its mouths and throws it at the guy, catches him sticking its spikes from the mouth and lifts him.

"Gyaaa !! It hurts !!"

Then, like an animal that tries to accommodate a prey in its mouth, it opens and closes it until the whole man is inside.

" Let me go !! Let me go damn thing !! Eh? Haaaa!! IT BURNS ME !!"

A little white smoke begins to emanate from the mouth of the plant, probably because of the acid with which it digests its prey. Screams louder than the previous ones are heard in the area making those who watch the show tremble, a few minutes later the sound stops.

"Is it clear what can happen if you betray me?"

There are no words in response because their teeth were chattering and they couldn't talk. They only nod so hard that one would think their heads could come off. With the things done I send those men to go and help to load the trucks too, without waiting for another word they run quickly.

"What do you think, haven't I improved my way of speaking to people?"

"... Haaa, Alex-san. Leave the part of convincing others to the Takagi."

Saeko sighs and tells me ... well, instead of convincing, my procedure is more to subdue others, but since it has worked so far I do not see why to change the way I do it, I do not mind being the bad cop and that the Takagi couple the good one.

"Since you've finished what you intended, should we come back?"

"I think I will leave the Plant here for Scythe to feed it, the time we spent in the Takagi house it grew a lot, let's give it more nutrients to continue developing.

When they finish loading the trucks I will come back to look for them, Scythe makes sure to take care of your little sister and feed her with the zombies that you find near the area. Don't go too far, I don't want to have to look for you when is time to go, do you understand? "

"Sis-ter... ta-ke... ca-re ..."

After instructing Scythe, Saeko and I return to where the trucks are loading. I do not see Soichiro, he must have gone to the hiding place of the men who attacked us in the hospital, with nothing to do I look for a place to sit and watch the trucks being loaded. Time passes slowly when you don't have anything to do, after what seemed like an eternity to me I see some cars arriving and parking.

Soichiro gets off having a somewhat grim face ... well, that's one of the reasons I didn't want to go. Then several more people descend from the car, some are the people who had accompanying him, the others were mostly women.

Some walked on their own feet, but a few had to have someone carry them. What they had in common was that they looked somewhat unfortunate and they seemed to have a strong aroma, because when some other people approached to help they frowned and take a hand to block their mouth and nose.

"It seems you found the hiding place of those guys"

When Soichiro sees me sitting, he approaches me and when he is at a distance where is easy to talk with him, I speak to him. He with apparent dislike, tells me.

"Maybe we were a little soft in punishing those men, some of the women were driven mad ..."

"We can only make them work harder, they don't serve us dead and if we imprison them they will only become a burden, you should also get used to seeing those scenarios. Not all survivor groups are led by someone like you or me."

He thinks about it and responds by shaking his head in agreement, I also remind him that the state of the survivors will not always be so good, it is a fact that with this kind of events the rights of the people they had previously were not respected.

But the fact of facing the group in the hospital aroused restlessness in me. It was fortunate that they only had one rifle, if they had been a heavily armed group, things would not be as easy as this time.

We have to get more weapons ... I don't want to get them in the system, because that would generate a great expense, so we will have to get them in another way.

"What are you thinking about?"

Soichiro takes me out of my inner thoughts by asking, so I tell him the concerns I have. Trying to solve this problem, I remember the policewomen, the most common places to find weapons are the police stations or the military bases, so they, belonging to an organization of that type, know better where to go to get them. With that idea in mind, I order someone to call them here.

"Tell the policewomen to come, I have something to check with them"

Mizusu who was close gets up and goes to look for them, after a few minutes she is accompanied by them. When Matsushima arrives where Soichiro and I are, ask why we call her, then I also explain the plan to her.

"So you two want to take the weapons from the police station?"

"They are necessary to defend ourselves against zombies, it is better that we have them in our hands than to see them in the hands of others ... it is also not certain if they are still there."

That's what worried me the most, having to take a trip in vain. But Matsushima's next words make my day.

"No, they must still be there, this week it was my turn to take over the armory of the police station near here, I have the key to it and the only copy is in the Central Police Headquarters"


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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