Soul Evolution System

Chapter 43: Leaving From The Mall [Edited]

I was happy to hear that she was responsible for the armory in her commissary, but her companions had probably cursed her until they got tired... with her sixth sense of a woman she must have noticed what I thought because immediately speak in her defense.

"How would I know that a zombie apocalypse would be unleashed? Asami called me for help, so I came because I was worried for her being a rookie… besides, every officer has his own weapon for daily use."

"S-sorry senpai"

"Alex-san, it wasn't because of her woman’s sixth sense that she realized what you thought ... you said it out loud"

Asami apologizes for the problems that she caused to Matsushima and Saeko informs me that my internal dialogue apparently was not that internal, but ended up actually saying everything I was thinking.

Damn it, I really have to correct that habit, or I'll get into trouble later. Maybe it's because I constantly talk to Aurora in my head.

"Well, let's not think about what could happen to other people, let's focus on us, we have to go to the police station for those weapons"

"I still haven't agreed to help with that!"

"Oh, really? It's a shame, I'll get those weapons with or without your help, I don't mind having to undress you completely to find the armory key, it's you choice to go dressed or fully exposed to the commissary."

"N-no, you wouldn't dare ... I'm still an officer of the Law!!”

"Kakaka, go ahead and try me, we'll know right away"

"Matsushima-san, please help us with that ... or I'm afraid you'll end up naked."

"Alexander stop joking, please cooperate official Matsushima, we need the weapons to protect ourselves and others, we can face a few zombies with rudimentary weapons, but if we are surrounded by a large crowd of them, we will be in serious trouble"

Being honest, if I have to undress a mature woman, my first choice would not be Matsushima, I would prefer it to be Soichiro's wife...

When I think about that, I immediately look around and see at everyone's reaction, Fuuu, it is a relief that this time it did not escape from my mouth or I would have to appease the wrath of Soichiro who is currently trying to convince Matsushima.

"Well, I will open the armory, but we will only take up the arms if there are no other police officers in the place."

In the end, Matsushima is convinced and says that, that seems fine to me, I don't think there are more cops in the place. If they were not finished by the zombies, the people who surely went there asking for help would probably put all their fears and frustrations in them for not controlling the current situation, which I can say, that is human nature.

So if we add the fact that they couldn't take out the other weapons, things shouldn't have gone very well there. Or they ended up running away or facing an enraged crowd added to the zombies.

"We can't all go there"

"I agree with what Soichiro says, taking the entire convoy would only cause unnecessary problems"

"So what will we do?"

"We will separate into two groups, some will get ahead to the amusement park and others will go to the police station to look for the weapons."

After analyzing the problem, that is the best way to go that I can think of, I mention it for others to hear and they also consider it as the best option.

With the plan to follow, we decided to carry it out when the trucks have finished filling the cargo, the others return to their respective previous activities and Soichiro goes to where Yuriko-san was to inform her.

The night passes without any problem, the distraction of the burning hospital attracted most of the zombies in the area to that place, and we only had to take care of the occasional lost ones that came to the mall.

In the end the mechanics also manage to repair another 2 cargo trucks that were in the parking lot, so they also proceed to fill them.

Having nothing to do, without realizing it, I fall asleep,and wake up later to find myself wrapped in a sheet while Shisuka holds me on her body. She also rested peacefully, on my other side was Saeko watching the others doing their work.

"Didn't you sleep Saeko?"

"Yes, everyone took turns for rest. I just woke up after taking Shisuka-san's place to watch by your side."

"Was there a problem while I was sleeping?"

Although I knew that everything should have happened without any setback, because if not, Aurora would wake me up. I ask to make conversation with her and as I thought she tells me that nothing new happened while smiling at me.

"The trucks that have been repaired are almost finished loading, we can leave soon "

"Fwaaa ... alright"

I yawn taking the heaviness off my body from sleeping and I get up carefully not to wake Shisuka. I look at the trucks and the three I bought in the system are fully loaded, now people move filling the other two as Saeko said.

Aurora, how much to dawn?

[Less than two hours]

If so, they’ll probably finish almost in sync with the sunrise, I look for Kurisu, but couldn’t locate her, Saya’s and Kurisu’s job of recording things was taken by Mizusu and Niki at some point, so I ask Saeko for her.

"Where is Kurisu?"

"Fufufu, calm down, I don't think she abandoned you, you just need to give her some time. Right now she is in the car sleeping"

She also gets up, gets closer to me and points to the TR-12, then bends down a bit to match my height and gives me a light kiss.

"…Good Morning"

She really is an affectionate girl to greet me with a kiss after waking up, in response I return another slightly more invasive stroking her tongue with mine. After about a minute I separate my lips from her and I smiles, making her blush.

"We will have organize how people will be divided into each group"

"What group do you want to be in?"

"I will go with those who go to the police station to collect the weapons"

"I thought so ... me too-"

"I think it is better that you go in the group that will go to the amusement park, probably Soichiro will also go to the commissary, and you being the other person adept at the sword between us would balance that team more"

"... well, if that's what you want, I will go in that group ... will you take Kurisu with you?"

While I and Saeko talk, we walk towards a table where the Takagi couple was sitting with a cup of coffee or tea. Although she said that she is not possessive, it seems she can't help feeling a little jealous, or maybe she is someone competitive? ... I answer as we continue moving forward.

"No, of the people who use weapons, the ones I trust the most are her and Hirano, I plan to bring the latter to the commissary, so take care between the two of you during the journey and when you two are in the amusement park ... also take care Shisuka, don't let her end up being eaten by some zombie because of her carelessness.”

"Fufufu, don't you fear that any of us will end up eliminating the competition?"

Among them the one that worried me the most was Shisuka, as she having nothing to defend herself ... if I gave her a weapon, I don't know if she would end up shooting herself. As for Saeko's question, I smiled in response, because of their personalities I don't think any girl does that madness.

While we talk to each other, we get to where Soichiro and Yuriko-san were, when we get close they put their eyes on us and then the wife is the first to speak.

"Haaa, Saya missed an opportunity to go to sleep, that girl is somewhat careless in that sense, well, she inherit that part from you Soichiro"

I thought her previous comments were just a joke to annoy Saya, but now I feel she really wants us to be together. For my part I do not disagree with her idea, but I also do not feel very motivated to pursue skirts having this body, we just have to wait for things to develop normally.

Saeko just smiles at her comment, so Yuriko- san returns the gesture, and then she invites us to take a seat to drink the same as them. We accept the offer and take a chair at the table, so she serves us what seems to be coffee, I take a sip after putting some sugar on it and I talk about the matter I came for.

"Have you thought about how we will divide the groups?"

"I'll take some men and the officer Matsushita and we'll go to the police station"

Soichiro answers at the end of my question, as I thought he would go to the police station, but it seems that he took us out of the equation, so I speak right away.

"It seems good to me, but the less people the better. Besides, I, Hirano and Scythe will go with you. I think it is good to take one of the armed vehicles and another to transport things, preferably a small car, not a truck."


He looks at me for a moment and realizing that I will not change my mind about what I said he accepts. With things cleared we enjoy our cups of coffee while the others continue to load the remaining 2 trucks.

Time passes and the dark night begins to have lighter shades indicating that it will be soon dawn. Now all cars are filled with supplies from the mall, leaving only room for people to enter.

"Alex-kun, you're cruel for leaving me alone there ~"

In addition, sleeping people wake up and those who work go to trucks to rest after an arduous effort.

"I'm sorry about that, Shisuka, but I had some things to talk about with Soichiro."

I give an excuse to Shisuka who complaint to me after she woke up and didn't saw anyone ... honestly we didn’t talk so much between us, but I got distracted after drinking coffee and forgot about her.

"I'll make up for it later Shisuka, now I'm going to pick up Scythe"

"It's a promise ~"

"…I'm going too"

"I want to see how Scythe-chan passed the night"

Kurisu who had woken up and got a little upset when I told her to go with the group in the direction of the amusement park, tells me while she gets by my side, but is a relief that when she learned that Saeko and Shisuka would also go with her, she calmed down.

Saeko who cares about Scythe also comes, so the three of us walked to the place that I left my plant a few hours ago. Walking for a short time soon we see our goal, but what we see surprises us.

Now my plant has 4 parts similar to mouths, its stems now appear to be more than 4 meters long, but being twisted they do not look so large, in addition to what looked like a bulb of a growing flower that has a pistil similar to a tongue of a snake and goes in and out, another one was added to be 2 now.

Also its several vines could stretch on a perimeter of 10m, it no longer looked like a plant but a complete carnivorous trap. Its level had obviously advanced, now was a [Venus Luciferian level 24] and had surpassed me in level.

Scythe at this time had been bringing 2 zombies dragging one in each hand ... it seems that she had to devise the form to maintain the rhythm with which the plant digests its food. Without getting too close, she just throw the zombies carelessly, then the parts that are like flower buds seem to notice them.

Maybe they really work like snake tongues to look for their food ... discovering their prey, the vines immediately throw themselves at the zombies and entangle them to drag it in the next second. In the end they are taken by different mouths and they swallow them.

"It is a very interesting plant ... besides being dangerous, are you sure that people will not be eaten if they approach it?"

Kurisu comments after seeing how the plant eats the zombies, I answer that it is safe since it only attacks when I allow it to do so and with the link between us it can understand enough not to attack people when I order it. Also, the plant until now had only eaten one human... its main diet is zombies, so let's say it's safe.

Scythe after seeing that the plant eats the zombies, turns around to go for more, but before she can take a step I speak to stop her.

"Scythe, that's enough. We have to get out of here."

She must have been very focused on her homework, because she only noticed us until she heard my voice, at seeing us she walk with hurried steps to where we are.


"Good work Scythe-chan"


Saeko begins to caress her pigtails while praising her, she does not pay attention to that and instead points to Venus and says… is she complaining about her big appetite or praising her because she grew up? It must be the latter since she does not seem to mind hunting zombies.

"Yes, your little sister has grown a little, well, now I will pick her up so we can leave."

I take out the poke-ball and aim it at the plant, seconds later it disappears into it. With nothing else to do in this place we return to where the others are.

When we arrive, most of them are already in cars to go to our new base, only some of them were waiting for us. When Soichiro sees us, he walks towards us so we also turn to him to meet halfway.

"Everything is ready, we can leave at any time. I just wanted to know what military car you wanted to take to the police station. Also, the mechanics were able to repair that van, it will serve to transport things"

When we are near he asks me, pointing to the two vehicles with equipped weapons and a van that looked a bit worn. It's good that he didn't take my cars and make decisions for himself, but now I have to think about which vehicle to take.

In the end I point to the 8-wheel vehicle, although it seems a bit more dangerous to have the driver's part exposed, I am not the one who will drive, if something happens to you, Soichiro, it would be unfortunate, but you can go in pace to the other world, I will take care of your wife and daughters.

"... Your words more than comforting me, I feel they had another meaning"

"Fufufu, you must take care of yourself and return Soichiro ... you cannot leave a child with that responsibility"

"... Yes dad, you have to come back and take care of mom"

Oh shit, I said again what I was thinking in my mind. I quickly tell him that this is what anyone would do for a partner with the one who fights together in the same place, I don't know if he is innocent or a little slow with those things, but he only accepts my words by nodding.

On the other hand, Yuriko-san must have realized what I meant by my words, but she take it as a joke of a child and just laugh at that comment. Saya looks at me and her mother repeatedly and then with a serious tone tells Soichiro that.

We separated into small groups and began to say goodbye to each other, everyone who came with me from the school gather around me, then we tell each other to be careful on the trip and hope to see us again at the amusement park.

"Alex ... you shouldn't go after married women, well, we'll talk about that after we meet at the park. You have to make sure you get back safe and sound."

"Alex-san, come back soon. We all will be waiting for you"

"Alexander-san, please take care of my dad too. Besides, my mom already has him, but I…"

"Hirano, you have to be careful and come back"

"... Both come back safe"

"" Both take care ""

"Everyone also take care, see you soon"

When we said goodbye, Kurisu hugged me tightly as she scolded me for my previous comment, it was just a joke ... yes, just a joke. Also, I said that I would take care of Yuriko-san if something happened to Soichiro, so technically she would be single again. Haaa ... it seems that I won’t escape being scolded once I return.

Similarly Saeko hugs me and we say goodbye, it seems for being in front of everyone this time there will be no kiss ... it's a shame. Saya as usual, speaks by diminishing her tone until the words are imperceptible.

Hirano also exchanges words of encouragement with others, so when I wanted to leave, someone lifts me up. When I feel the two large and soft mounds in which my face is submerged, I realize that it is Shisuka now that think about it I had not said goodbye to her.

"Alex-kun, you have to make sure that you are not eaten by zombies and come back, you still have to keep your promise to compensate me for leaving me sleeping alone! I will feel a little sad not being able to hug you for a while ..."

Her words sound like a bad omen ... damn it Shisuka, if something happens to me during the trip, I will make sure to punish you when I return. And although it is very nice to be like this, my lungs begin to demand air, it is time for you to let me go!

As she seemed to forget that living beings need oxygen to survive, I turn to my last resort to free myself from her strong hug. With a little more force than the previous time, after sucking her chest, I bite her left nipple.

"Hyaaaan !!"

"Ha ... ha ... we'll have a talk when I come back Shisuka ..."

"Mooo, Alex-kun bad ... I think this time you left me a mark"

When she checked her chest, the attention of all men was absorbed, since the way she did it was a bit erotic. She stroked her left breast with the palm over the clothes and then decided to focus the tip of index and middle finger on her nipple while massaging the area where was bitten.

Then stopping this scene Kurisu intervenes while she takes the Shisuka’s other hand and pulls her to the car.

"Shisuka-san you should have more awareness of yourself !!"

With the others also going to the car, me and Hirano went to the 8-wheeler, in which Soichiro was already waiting for us, he took 3 of his men to accompany us that were already inside. In addition, Matsushima was in front of the wheel of the van that was repaired accompanied by Asami, the latter I asked her to come because she also knew the area where we were going.


Written by: Drack

Edited: XArezzX

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