Soul Evolution System

Chapter 44: Arrival at the destinations[Edited]

Now I had the choice of going in a large military vehicle that was obviously safer, but was full of men and reeked of testosterone. Or going in a van that had just been repaired, but with the scent of women in the age where they have fully bloomed.

My brain ordered me to go to the first vehicle, but my feet advanced themselves to the van... Hirano was going in my same direction so I speak telling him to change the course.

"Hirano, you go and take the machine gun of the military vehicle"

[... One of these days, you'll be in trouble by following your hormones instead of your brain Alexander]

Haaa… Many say it is better to die happily than to live unhappy, Aurora. But I don't want to die yet, I'll try to control myself. In addition, the cars will go one after the other and the military vehicle is the one who will make a way in the streets, so the danger will be minimal.

On the other hand, I don't like anything being locked in a metal box. The 8-wheeled vehicle, apart from the driver and those who controlled the weapons, the rest must be enclosed as sardines.

I open the door on the other side of the driver of the van, Asami, who was going there, seeing me she moves more to the center so that I can enter, but when I'm about to board I discover a problem ... Scythe was by my side as usual. I thought about sending her to the other car, but Soichiro's men would probably complain, also I didn't like the idea of leaving her locked in a closed space full of guys.

Without further choice I make her go up first, when she does, Asami stiffens and seems to be quite afraid. Ignoring that, I climb and sit on Scythe's legs. With everyone inside, Matsushima starts the engine.

After the other vehicle moves, she immediately begins to following them, I lay on Scythe's breast that were in the right place to being like cushions for my head, perhaps instinctively or for imitating others she wraps my waist with her arms.

When I turn with the two police women and look at Asami who is still stiff as a stone, because is a little awkward that she be in such state I speak to reassure her a little.

"Scythe won't hurt you if you don't bother her, think about her like a puppy that, if you're nice to it, it'll play happily with you, but if you make it angry it'll bite you"

"... I've never seen a dog tear a person apart with its claws"

"Don't worry about her Asami, if she wanted to attack someone, the person on her legs would surely be the first.

What I want to know is what happened to the man who was the leader of the men from the hospital? Did you kill him too?"

It seems useless to try to reassure Asami ... when we both were talking, Matsushima asks me with a serious face intervening in our conversation. Damn it, why does she seem more concerned for a bastard than for me? I will never understand the mind of persons from the government.

"No, I didn’t kill him"

I turn my sight with her and look her in the eyes responding, technically I am responsible for his death, but it was not I who killed him, so I am not lying either. She continues to watch me for a few seconds ... damn it woman, look at the road. What happens if we collide?

As if listening to my complaints, she returns her eyes on the road and nods, but then continues to question me.

"So what happened to him?"

That is such an easy and difficult question at the same time to respond, I did not want to answer her, then she was disturbed again and begin to lecture me, I just want to have a quiet trip. With that in mind, I answered vaguely since if I kept in silence will be worse.

"Now he should be in the process of remaking his life ... the last thing I knew about him is that he was helping plants to grow"

"Plants? ... He wants to be a farmer or something like that? I do not think it easy with the world as it is now, but well, as long as he correct his life should be fine. I thought you'd kill him, but it seems I was wrong, I'm sorry for doubting you”

If she says that, it will make me feel bad, is this what I feel in my stomach my remorse? ... No, I think it must be a gas, because I felt nothing when I saw the Venus devour the guy.

"Fo-od ... si-ss-ter..."

"Hiii ... the zombie is hungry ... don't eat me!!”

Asami misunderstands Scythe's words, she gets even more scared and cries while saying ... damn it Scythe, don't discover me after everything that I say so she doesn't bother me for the guy.

"Calm down, she just want this."

To avoid they have other ideas, I take out a crystal after putting my hand in my pocket and then I give it to Scythe to eat. They both observe curious, so it seems that it worked to distract them.

"She thinks you are her sister?"

When things calm down, Matsushima asks with doubts seeing the two of us. Hell, she really likes to ask questions ... maybe that's why she became a cop. I wanted to deny it strongly, but that would only complicate the things.

"…I suppose."

"I-I knew it was a lie that you were a boy"

"It wasn't a lie! ... now that I think about it, Scythe may not have filled up ..."

"Hiii, s-senpai help!"

"... Please stop scaring Asami"

I clench my teeth and with more pain than I felt when I lied to her for what happened to the guy, I answer. Then Asami who had calmed down gives me a low blow with her words, in retaliation I decide to remind her of Scythe.

We continue our trip to the police station, talking to each other. We do not have any setbacks and with the LAV making our way we did not have to overwhelm any zombie, just had to endure the shocks by the bodies lying on the asphalt that the van occasionally passed.

That way we arrive at the police station, where the vehicles stop. We looked around and people could not be seen or heard. My guess must have been right, the cops fled or fell fighting with the zombies.

"Isn't that Riku? Besides, the one over there isn't Hina?"

While looking around, Matsushima's voice is heard ... I look in the same direction she was looking and there are several zombies wearing police uniforms, they must have been her former co-workers, for their misfortune, they could not escape.

"They are not, now there is only their body walking without meaning ... do not hesitate to pull the trigger when you two see a familiar face because they will not hesitate to nail their teeth in your flesh"


"S-senpai ..."

I warn the two beforehand so they can prepare themselves mentally, here will be many faces that they know become zombies and if they hesitate to kill them, it will only put them in danger. Soichiro and 2 of his men get down with Hirano from the vehicle, the one who stays takes the place where the machine gun was, he is probably the one who stayed to watch the cars.

"If you can't face them, it's better if you stay here, just give me the keys of the armory."

"... no, I'll go too"

"Me too"

I nod to their words and then we all go down. It is a relief that they came, I did not want to have to look for the armory in the entire building. We meet the others and walk to enter the building, on the way I, Soichiro and Scythe kill any zombie that blocks our way until we reach the doors.

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(POV Kurisu)

We separated from Alex and the others in the mall, we were heading to the amusement park that is on the edge of the city. It was a bit strange, although it was Japan, it wasn't the Japan I know ... this must be what others think of as parallel worlds.

As a scientist, it is a bit exciting to check these theories from my own experience, but seeing how there are zombies walking through the streets, is also very scary. Now I feel nostalgic for desk work ... I don't think I'm suitable for field work.

I hold tight the rifle that Alex gave me the first day we met, without him by my side, it's the only thing that can trust to defend myself.

" you miss Alex-san so soon? We don't even have 10 minutes separate from him."

"Eh? I-isn't that! ... I thought the two of you had become very close too, don't you miss him?"

"Fufufu, in fact, I would also like to be by his side right now"

"I miss him much too, I want to hug Alex-kun !!"

"Shisuka-san, keep your eyes on the road while you are driving!"

The one that gets me out of my thoughts asking is Saeko-san ... I don't hate or dislike her , but quite the opposite, I think she is a great girl that I can get along with, only that every time I see her, feel that my heart is compress.

The reason is simple, I know she has a close relationship with Alex and although he and I don't clarify what kind of relationship we are in, I can't stop feeling what I feel.

Alex has been clear that he will not be in a love relationship with a single girl, that may not be normal with the customs with which I have lived so far, but seeing through the window of the car the dead people walking, what is normal in my life now?

So, even if I get jealous at times, I don't think that cannot accept more girls by his side. The only problem is that when I see them, before realizing I start comparing myself to them. For example, Saeko-san, is someone very beautiful and besides that she is skilled with the sword, compared to me, she can surely help Alex much better ...

The second to speak is Shisuka-san ... my other rival. It may seem that we are in more even terrain, since she is not someone skilled to fight, the only difference is her appearance ... seriously, what happens with that body of her, it seems that she was created to attract the eyes of any man ... I-I wonder if she will tell me what to ate to get that body... no, I think my development phase is over and missed that opportunity.

"What's wrong Kurisu-san, why do you have that depressed face?"

"Haaa ... no, it's nothing, I was just thinking a few things"

"... I understand, Shisuka-san, do you know where the amusement park is? Is there a long way to go?"

"Hmn? No, I'm just following the path that Yuriko-san's car follows."

Shisuka points to the military car in which Komuro-kun is seen above it managing the machine gun in case of emergencies. Alex wanted us to go in that car since it was safer, but in the end we decided to use the Humvee of Shisuka's friend, although I think it's still a very robust car. That's why we decided to leave the other one with free space in case we found someone along the way, so that they can climb immediately.

"As it is on the outskirts of the city, it will take some time for us to arrive"

The one who answer is Rei, I look at her and think when we met, at first Alex and her could not stand each other, but now the environment between them has softened somewhat, at least they do not argue at all times, perhaps it was for that reason that I had a bad first impression of her.

"Rei-chan, because you didn't go with Komuro-kun, did you two fight again?"

"Why should I go with him? !!"

"Aren't you a couple?"

"No, we are not! ... We are only childhood friends, do not listen to what that perverted brat says!!”

"Hmp, they have always been like that, it is obvious that they both feel something for each other, but neither takes a step forward"

"That's not your problem, Saya!"

"You're right, now I don't care anymore ... but, why do I always fall in love with boys who have other girls with them?"

The last girl to speak is Saya, from what I have noticed, she also fell in love with Alex, but he has not been as proactive with her as with Saeko or Shisuka ... I worry more about her mother, when we meet again I will have to speak clearly with him, I can't allow him to go after married women.

Looking around I notice that for some reason he seems to like women with mature appearance or character more, I wonder if he lacked a maternal figure in his childhood?

"What I don't understand is how you can allow that little pervert to go after you 3 at the same time ... if you allow him to continue like this, I don't know what he will become in the future"

Rei changes the subject towards us probably to avoid continuing to discuss her situation with Komuro-kun. I feel my face reddening since she says it as if we both were dating, I can't lie and say that I feel nothing for him with my two rivals present, but I am very ashamed for someone to  knows that I have fallen in love with a child 6 years younger than me.

"But Alex-kun is so cute, it's unfair that only one stays with him"

"... leaving the nurse's comment aside. You two must be more rational"

"Fufufu, It only matters that I like him and he also seems to feel the same for me, the rest does not interest me"

"... I'm still thinking about it ... but I'm sure that I don't want to separate from him"

We both answered at the same time, but upon hearing Saeko-san's words, not wanting to stay behind her, after saying the first, I quickly add the following sentence.

"This world drove all of you crazy? It is not correct that several people are in the same relationship"

"You may be right and this world affected us, but you have seen women who, according to the group that attacked us in the hospital, helped? They ended up being tools to relieve stress ... and I fear that it will not be an isolated case, women who can’t fend for themselves, would probably end up like them.

So having to share my man I do not see it as the worst result that I can have, and since before this happened, I felt that the norms of society were suffocating me. "

Remembering the look of those women, a chill goes through my spine ... if my previous world had to go through the same thing, or if I somehow came to this world alone by myself, I could probably end up like them.

I was lucky to have Alex by my side to teach and give me weapons to defend myself, I don't want to think what would have happened if I were alone on my own.

"T-that's ..."

It seems that I am not the only one who is disturbed to have the image of those women in their minds, they are affected too... with the exception of Shisuka-san who continues to drive while humming a song.

"Many will no longer worry about the norms and laws of society in this world, so I will not have to worry about what others think of sharing my man, maybe in the future other women will even envy me for being able to be by his side, since having a capable man to trust in will be worth a lot in this world”

After her words, Rei says nothing and remains in silence, but I also think her words are true. Since not only in this apocalyptic world are her words are applicable, even in a normal one, having a reliable partner has always been a source of envy.

During our conversation, time went by without us noticing it and before we knew it, we had a great construction in front of us. The first thing that came to our vision were the walls that were about 3 meters high, seemed to be made of stone arranged one on top of the other, with it’s only  entrance facing the road through which the cars went.

Its appearance, as they had mentioned before, resembled the walls of an ancient castle in old Europe. I don't understand people with money, how can they spend so much on something unnecessary ... well, now it will have at least a proper use.

Being on the outskirts of the city, the amount of zombies was minimal, just one or another that walked around the place can be seen.

Looking at it, it certainly seemed like a good place for us to install, it has thick walls that surround the entire area and I don't even think that a horde of zombies can tear it down. If Alex were here, he sure would be glad ... in fact I can imagine him naming himself as the king of this castle.

Thinking about that, I can't stop a smile from forming on my face, now we just have to clean the place of zombies to surprise him when the others return.

"We arrived ~"

"So this will be our new base? It doesn't look bad at all."

“Yes , I think Alex would like this place."


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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