Soul Evolution System

Chapter 45: Inside The Police Station[Edited]

We entered through the double doors of the police station that were open, inside as the sun barely was rising over in the horizon and apparently the electric current had stopped working, the whole place was a bit dark.

There were papers, blood and bodies scattered on the floor, the smell of rot emanated from the latter giving the Police station an even darker touch. This is what bothers me most in a world full of zombies, in the open you don't notice much, but once you enter a closed place like this, it is hell for your nose.

Due to the sound we made when entering, some bodies on the ground move. I don't know if it's because of lack of strength or something happened to them so they can't stand up, but they only manage to crawl to where we are.

"Where is the armory?"

Soichiro asks looking at the policewomen waiting for directions to move, completely ignoring the creeping zombies since they should not be considered a threat. The two live girls were absorbed by all the images that their eyes collected, it must be difficult to imagine your old workplace in such a state, in addition to have your companions who you used to see every day trying to eat you only makes it worse.

Knowing this, I and Soichiro calmly wait for their heads to process everything, meanwhile the dead girl in our group goes to where the zombies are and removes the crystals from their heads, then she checks around and when she does not see any other body move, runs where I am and gives them to me.

"... I'm sorry, I was a little surprised. The armory is in that direction."

As if the fact that Scythe had just killed all the zombies was the switch for Matsushima to return to herself, she spoke pointing to a hallway. Then the whole group walked in that direction.

It was a little strange the amount of zombies inside the building, leaving aside those who were crawling, there was none walking through the corridors, it seemed that someone was previously responsible for cleaning the place...

"It's a little strange ... there are no zombies"

“Do you also think the same Soichiro?"

This is bad, someone may have come before to find the weapons here ... it was naive to think we were the only ones with the idea of getting them. Now I just hope they couldn't open the armory, with that concern in mind I hurry up the pace while I also tell others to do the same.

"Let's hurry ... maybe someone got ahead of us for the weapons."

I turn into a hallway that indicates Matsushima as the way to go, then from the corner of my eye I catch a quick shadow that goes directly towards my neck. Instinctively blocking it with [Black Moon], in the next instant the sound of two metals colliding echoes in place.

When I put my vision into what attacks me I am surprised, it was a zombie. The strange thing was its movements and appearance ... it was fast, different from the others we've seen so far. It had a small body, being a little taller than me.

At first I thought it was a zombie of a poor child who had the misfortune of being infected, but when I analyzed it more closely, I realized that I was wrong.

Its appearance, although it seemed still human, had begun to change. The muscles of the limbs were well defined, given the impression that they were made to make quick and agile movements. It was very different from the body in poor condition than the other zombies we had seen.

What block and what this zombie attacked me with was a pair of long curved claws of about 15cm protruding from its palms, looking closely at where Its 5 fingers should be, now they had transformed into that intimidating pair of claws, if we compare them with something, they resembled those of a sloth.


The fact that I blocked it must have bothered it, because it yells at me near on my face. Distracted by the strange appearance of the zombie, when I noticed moving Its other arm where it had another pair of claws the same as the first were already a few inches from my side.



I try to back away, but it still manages to drive its claws into my flesh, Scythe seeing me wounded screams and pounces on the strange zombie separating it from me.


[Hp-20, you've been infected with the zombie virus]

The damage that caused me was not so much, but the second sentence of the system makes alarms sound inside my head. I quickly try to get an antidote from my inventory, but then Soichiro's voice prevents me.

"Be careful!! ... Above you!!”

I quickly look around with his first pair of words, but I only see Scythe tearing the zombie that infected me, then I was a second away from cursing Soichiro because I thought he was warning me too late, but when I hear what he saying after, then I raise the head.

There was a zombie just like the previous one ... It stuck Its claws on the ceiling, no, looking more closely it had pushed the cells of the ornamental roof and walked holding his 4 limbs through the metal structure that held that roof ... man, now there are even zombies imitating spider-man ...

While I had that stupid thought, this one falls on me, I try to receive it with Black Moon and taking out my colt, the sword goes through it, but with its weight it knocks me down and we both roll a little on the ground.

"Haaaa !!"




I scream when I feel that my left thigh bitten by the zombie, while I curse it, I put aside the butt of the zombie that is left over my face, then I point it with the colt to the head and empty the load when it lifts the face and tried to bite one more time.

Now I was really upset, I can't believe that my first 69 with this body was with a damned zombie ... I reload the gun and empty the cartridge in its head again. When I was taking out the third, Matsushima intervenes stopping me.

"Enough ... is already dead ... you ... were you bitten?"

With her words I remember that, and I immediately took out the antidote and applied it on one arm, everyone else looked at me strangely, some with concern others with surprise, but I ignore everything and just wait for the system notification.

I don't think it's been more than a minute, so the first level antidote should be enough to deal with the infection, but I still take out a second level to use it in case the system tells me nothing.


[The infection has stopped]

I sigh in relief hearing the message from the system, I check myself and see blood stains on my side and my leg... when I put my eyes on the last one the fury that reduced from knowing that I was no longer infected emerges again.

"Bastard! Shitty zombie !!"

As I didn't want to waste more bullets, I started kicking it with my right foot that didn't hurt when I made strong movements.

"Alexander-san ... I know it's something difficult to process, but hitting that zombie's body won't solve anything."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

I stop when Asami calls me, with my mood fully on I respond sharply not understanding what she meant by that. Looking at others who also had their eyes fixed on me, I realize then that I was apparently the only one, that her words seemed strange.

"Alexander-kun ... you've been bitten ... that means you're infected"

Because of my tone Asami does not dare to answer me for what Hirano takes her place and tells me. Ah I see, now I understand why everyone looked at me that way, for everyone here being bitten means death.

"Ah, don't worry about that, that's why I used the injection before. My anger is because, if this bastard bites me an inch above, then the wretch would have eaten my penis! I haven't even used it yet and I almost lost it!! "


"... You mean you have a way to prevent people who are bitten from becoming zombies?"

Soichiro, who was the fastest in processing what I said, asks me. The others are distracted by the reason for my fury and do not pay attention to the first thing I mention, well, it is certainly a very important thing, so it is normal for the rest to lose importance. A shiver runs through my body when I remember those sharp teeth and how close they were to my partner, the weirdo here is Soichiro for not caring ... demon!!, worry more, it's very important to me!

The others upon hearing him, think again about what I said, watching everyone's reaction, my reason is restored a little. Shit, being in an altered state I was answering without thinking, I also used the antidote in front of the others...

Well, it's impossible to keep it a secret for them now. I nod, and then I explain the functioning of the antidotes that I have.

The joy and surprise for such information was displayed on their faces, they undoubtedly understood how valuable these injections were, and they covered to some extent one of the main problems faced by those who are fighting against zombies, that is, being infected.

"How do you have the antidote for the disease?"

While the others were glad to know that there was an antidote in case they were bitten, Soichiro continues with his interrogation. Then others look at me with doubts and distrust ... I understand their thought process, it is something simple, if someone has the antidote of something, it is natural that he also knows about the disease. This was one of the main reasons why I did not make public that I had such things with me, most likely they think that I have something to do with what happened in this world.

"I have no problem telling you, but I doubt you can believe me"

"... Why don't you try?"

I think of a way to making credible to them, but I can't find any, all the things that come on my mind are out of their common sense in... In that case let's tell the truth, it's better that they judge me like a crazy man than as the one that caused all this.

"Well, the truth is ..."

I explain a little of my origin and my purpose of coming here to this world, everyone is attentive to what I say at the beginning, but after continuing I can see the doubt and disbelief they feel for my words, then to prove what I said I summon my grimoire, this was the most striking thing I had with me to make them believe my words.

Everyone is stunned when they see a book appear after a glow, in addition to that it stays floating in the air and it moves when I handled it with my mind.

"... Do you really come from another world Alexander-kun?"

Hirano being the one with the greatest knowledge on these issues is the first to speak, perhaps it was a rhetorical question, but I still answer with a confirmation. The others keep trying to assimilate the things I said, they put their eyes on me as if they wanted to discover something that makes me different from them, but when they didn't find anything, they focus on the book floating and then exchange looks between them.

"I would like to give you all the time you need to assimilate that, but unfortunately it is not the case. We do not know if there are more things like those that attacked me and they are certainly much more dangerous than normal zombies."

“……You’re right. Since the zombie outbreak, is the first time I see those creatures"

With that said, we all put our attention on the thing that bit me, when I evaluating it, it shows [Zombie type agility level 16] ... it was a zombie after all, but it had exceeded level 10. When it broke its first limit it must had evolved, but what worries me about the name is that, if there is an agility type, they must be able to develop in different aspects.

Damn it, when I saw the anime, the zombies didn't evolve ... although I think the plot only covers the first two days after the outbreak.

Even so, are they not strengthening very fast? Aurora, didn't you say it would take more than 100 years for the world to evolve?

[Sorry Alexander, that data was before the bombs detonated. They filled the atmosphere with more energy, it was as if they put fertilizer in a field only that, instead of accelerating plant growth, they helped the world evolve faster]

Shit, it seems that humans really seek self-destruction with everything they do… so how long time do you think the world needs to evolve now?

[… Minimum 10 years, maximum 50 years. You do not have to worry about a zombie that manages to reach a level 2 soul in the time that you will be here, but I think that when they reached level 10 they began to cannibalize among them seeking to strengthen themselves… you have to be careful as they will become stronger over time]

That's great, now I not only have to worry about zombie hordes, but also about they getting stronger individually.

"Is that a zombie?"

While cursing in my head, Matsushima asks to see the body with the skull bursting on the ground, so I speak confirming it and hurrying others to do the things we came here for.

"Yes, but it seems the zombies are evolving, we need weapons more than ever, we don't know the percentage of those that evolve and it is most likely that this is not their final form ... they can continue to do so to become stronger"

"T-the zombies are getting stronger? W-we already had enough with their huge amount and now this ... Do humans have a chance to survive in this world?"

The atmosphere becomes a bit bleaker than it was with Asami's words, we all have similar thoughts ... haa, things will get harder with each passing day. At first I thought that surviving here for 6 months would be simple, but I couldn't have been more wrong.

"They should be the ones who took care of the normal zombies in this area, they shouldn't recognize themselves as partners or of the same race"

Being an experienced and observant person, Soichiro draws conclusions when analyzing the situation, the good thing is that as he says, it was not people who had cleaned the other zombies in the Police station, the bad thing is that the behavior of evolved zombies does not change many things.

"You are right, but as everyone saw, it is a pity that they also consider us their enemies, they killing a few zombies does not help us much, on the contrary, it only makes them worse, since they do so in order to become stronger.

Let's continue, but everyone be careful, we don't know if there are more of these zombies here, Scythe ... just take the crystals and leave that zombie's body, let's go "

I take my sword embedded in the zombie that bit me and as I advanced a few steps I realized that Scythe was still tearing the first zombie that attacked me, I don't know if she did it because she saw me when I was angry and taking it out on the zombie or was transmitted by my ability [Tame] that I wanted tear them apart, but she continued to attack it even after she killed it.

With my words she stops and then takes the crystals of the two bodies and brings them to me, when she gives them to me she keeps looking at them, feeling a little sorry for her, I give her one of my inventory that was clean of blood with the approximate value of 100 equal to those she deliver me.

"Good girl"


I praised her and stroked her hair a little so she grunted happily, also is good that she didn't seem hurt by the fight, she just got a little dirty. So when she eats the crystal as if it were a candy, we go in search of the armory. Being alert we arrive at our destination without finding more problems.

Matsushima takes out the key, opens the doors and then inside we find all the equipment of the Police station... I no longer remember the emotion, but this is what a child should feel when he goes to a toy’s store.

In the place were rifles, guns and uniforms of riot police in an orderly manner. But inside there were also boxes where they probably kept the ammunition for all the weapons, now I felt that the zombie bite was worth it.

"Since there are quite a few things, we should immediately start moving these"

"Wait Soichiro, I can take care of that"

Since I no longer had the need to hide my skills anymore, I speak to stop Soichiro who was coming forward to take some things and move them to the cars. The van we brought now has become unnecessary, but this will also save us a lot of time.

I walk forward and starting with the rifles, I sent them to my inventory. Seeing them disappear the others are surprised, then I explain to them while I continue to store everything that seems useful.

"It is not necessary that we spend time making trips from the police station to the vehicles, I can store them in another space ... you all can help by bringing me everything that is useful and then I will take care of everything"


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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