Soul Evolution System

Chapter 428 Kenichi World Tournament 15

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"Hohoho, what's up boy… are you already tired?"

"Ha... ha... ha..."

…Shit! That was obvious, bastard!! Although I have confidence in my resistance, that a person... no, that a monster follows you and pressures you for so long really exhausts you very quickly!! My situation now was the complete opposite when I fighting the guy who used the technique that Ogata had taught me before.

Now I was gasping for breath! Although… physical exhaustion was the least of my problems now! The mental tension and consternation also kept increasing with each passing minute!! Also, seeing that my attacks were easily stopped was frustrating.

The only good thing about all this was that this was not a fight to the death and I kept following better the old man's movements more and more. Although my punches and kicks ended up being blocked or evaded, the number of times I could attack and counter also increased over time.

Also… since my domine was not very effective in putting pressure against him, this time I try to just expand it around myself for a bit like a second [Sheikuken]! Even trying to combine this skill with my domain!

The effect of this was one of the things that allowed me to react much better to the old man's movements! It was almost as if it allowed me to see for a second in the future what would happen!! The only bad thing about this was that I had to be very focused to be able to do it.


[Sheikuken rang up]


[Will of the Emperor rang up]

Oh~ This skill hasn't leveled for a while, it's good to hear it! Then with the system notification, the domain around me got a little stronger now! Sadly, I was pretty sure it wouldn't exert enough pressure to affect the old man yet, so it was best to continue with my current mode of using this one.

Leaving that aside, although thanks to this fight I was getting used to the fight and even getting a little stronger, my situation didn't seem to change because of that. Instead, it was more like the old man was adjusting his strength again to keep pushing me! 

Try as I might, it didn't seem like I could achieve the goal of landing a blow on him! And that even though my mind was totally focused on achieving that! You really do not know the desire I had to give him at least one good blow!! 

Well, I still had some techniques to use to try to achieve it... the only problem was that after using these to take him by surprise and he experience them once, they would surely not be as effective for the next time! I could only wait for the most suitable moment to attack him with these.

But there was also the biggest obstacle with this! As much as I had sought an opening in the defense of the old man or a good time to use those skills, in my mind it always resulted in failure when I thought it was time and so ended up backtracking...

Well, if I can't find an opening in this old man, then I have to create one! With that thought in my mind, I retreated several meters making several jumps backward avoiding another of the old man's attacks!

"Well... I really didn't want to use this, but... old man, you forced me to do it!"

When the old man tries to follow me, then he sees what I make appear in my hands and that now I holding and stretching it with my thumbs since it was quite an elastic material...



(POV Sakaki)

"... isn't the old man taking things too far?"

“Well… he probably just wants to teach Alexander a few things and fighting him seriously is his way of doing this. I think everything should be fine. "

We were all watching the Elder and that boy fight… and at this moment, as Ma mentioned, things were not looking very positive for the latter! Because of this, I couldn't stop a big smile from forming on my face! Unlike him, I was quite glad to see him in such a situation!

"That's not very reassuring... if I remember correctly, the last time Alexander had a serious fight against a Ryozanpaku Master, he ended up with a broken arm."


…That would be great if it happened. No, I hope this time the old man ends up breaking both of his arms!!

"What are you worried about, Ma? Shouldn't you be happy that someone taught the boy a lesson? "


I can't help but intervene in Akisame and Ma's conversation. Yes, that was the reason why I wanted to see the damn boy suffer a little! It seems like his nights were quite fun hanging out with Renka-chan! I was so envious of this!!

… I feel like I might break my teeth from clenching them so much when I see them acting affectionately with each other! Besides, she wasn't the only girl who had fallen into the hands of that little bastard!!

“Well… as a father it is perhaps inevitable to feel a little angry that someone takes your daughter, but… I think Alexander is a good boy… I feel calm if I know that he will take care of her.

But… it seems that you seem even angrier than I do, Sakaki. It is truly unfortunate to see an adult envious of a little boy... "

"Tch ..."

I'd like to spoil his fun time with Renka-chan, but it doesn't seem possible. Ma doesn't really seem upset that his daughter is doing those things with him!! Besides, now I also want to hit Ma! The sad eyes with which he looked at me were not pleasant at all!!

…Well, for now, I'll just enjoy watching the boy suffer.

"Well... putting aside the pitiful people who may have some unwarranted resentment towards Alexander-kun, the old man may also win the enmity of some people for what he is doing..."

With his words, Ma directs the eyes towards some girls not far from us... there were two adult women and a little one! The problem was the first two… seeing the old man repeatedly hit Alexander, the aura they exuded was getting stronger and stronger!

They were none other than Shigure and Yami's Master that we saw in the museum with her disciple! The first one for a while did not stop sheathing and drawing her sword causing Apa who was close to her not to know how to react! Furthermore, the other woman was even more terrifying… the aura around her was not much different than when the old man gets serious!!

"Master... it seems this time that boy has a big problem"

“Un… I don't know what that damn old man is doing.

Although… I didn't expect you to care about him, Chikage "

"N-No! I-I just… I-I just thought that Master looked in a bad mood now..."

... by putting my attention in that place, their conversation reaches my ears. Don't tell me that damn brat has also cajoled on that little girl?! Can't he let even that little girl pass? Is he mad?!!

No, well ... thinking about it, they should both be almost the same age. Although, it still doesn't stop being annoying that he cajoled on another girl!!

“C-Calm down, Sakaki… you're spilling your beer. Also, I think this is the third time this has happened in this short time... "


Involuntarily I ended up squeezing the beer that I was holding and spilling its contents... all this is that brat's fault! Now my precious beer is wasted!!


Suddenly, the place seems to go silent and Akisame who was watching the fight frowns… then, waiting to see the moment when Alexander collapsed on the ground from some blow from the old man, I quickly turn my attention to the ring with great excitement!

Unexpectedly, the image I wanted to see did not come across to my eyes... instead, the two of them kept some distance while looking at each other. Or rather, Alexander seemed to be holding something in his hands and the old man had his eyes on it!


"I-Impossible! Alexander-kun has come this far to fight the old man?!! "

...the one with the biggest reaction to this, was none other than Ma. He gets up from his seat, points his camera towards Alexander as if wants to see better what he was holding, and then takes several steps back with a face full of surprise and even afraid…

Seeing such a reaction, for a moment I thought my eyes had misled me, but when I checked, Alexander was still holding the same thing! No matter how I look at it, th-that was...



(POV Alexander)

When I remove this object from my interdimensional storage, the place seems to fall into a great silence... thanks to this, I felt even more uncomfortable! B-But I had no choice, this was one of the best things I could think of to deal with the old man!!

"...what are you planning to do with that, Alexander?"

Even due to surprise at seeing this in my hands, the old man seems to have forgotten that he was now hiding his identity in this tournament. Well, or at least he thought he did.

"Of course, this will be my shield!"

", it doesn't matter how you look at it, it's just a panty!"

Yes, what I was now holding in my hands was a small triangle of fabric, panties! But that was not the important thing... well, these are still objects that represent the dreams of men so they are always important, but now they would help me in something else!

“You're wrong, Elder… they are the perfect shield!

Imagine what all these people will say if they see you touching your granddaughter's underwear? You would go from being a respected Master to just a perverted old man who likes to play with his granddaughter's panties!

Yes, these are Miu-chan's panties!! Can you really touch them, old man?"


The old man begins to walk towards me as if he does not care about the treasure in my hands, but… when he hears my next words, his feet stop again! Although… I didn't get the reaction I expected… I wanted to see the terror in his eyes now, but… instead, some veins began to form on his forehead!!

I-I knew this could be a double-edged sword, but... I couldn't take a step back now! Although what I least wanted was to enrage this old man, at least that would puzzle him a bit... I just hope I can take advantage of that and not die before I can!


When I feel that he will make a move, instinctively I put the panties in the trajectory of his blow… th-that seems like it just saved my life! Even though it didn't hit me, the air from that hit was enough to shake my brain slightly!

I-If his fist had hit… damn it! My legs are shaking just considering the consequences of that happening! It was not a joke!!

"Damn old man, you want to kill me? Where is this that you are fighting trying not to kill your opponent?!! "

“HO-HO-HO… don't worry, the boys recover very quickly from their injuries. It's the good thing about being young~ "

"No, damn it! If that punch had hit me, then I wouldn't end up with just a broken bone that heals quickly from being young! My head does not grow back if it is separated from my shoulders!! Fuck, not even salamanders can do that !!

Also, think about your reputation, what will happen if you accidentally touch Miu-chan's underwear!! It would be a social death if that happens, you know?! ”

"T-Those panties aren't mine !!"

"" ... ""

… Damn it, Miu-chan! Don't break my unbreakable and perfect shield now!! Without the illusion that it was her underwear, now there will only be a super angry old man and me just holding some female underwear!! My perfect shield has been broken!!

"…T-They are still a teenage girl's panties, so it won't be good for you to touch them anyway, you know?"

Thank god it seems my words have enough effect... when a smile had formed on his face upon hearing his granddaughter's words, he frowns again. Yes, surely it was still just as bad to see an old man touching a teenage girl's underwear!

…Anyway, it was difficult to continue fighting while holding the panties with my hands… I had to think of something to get my hands free!

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