Soul Evolution System

Chapter 429 Kenichi World Tournament 16

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(POV Sakaki)

“A-Alexander-kun… that boy is quite scary! He's willing to go so far in order to win... "

“As I said, he's just holding some panties! Don't praise him!!

...although, it is true that apparently that brat is willing to do whatever it takes to win. No one can deny that! "

Since Ma was acting like the boy had used some forbidden technique or something like that, I can't help but yell at him for his overreaction! Well... the words that Alexander actually said seemed quite scary and maybe they had some truth in them... if the old man touches those panties, his social life may be ruined in the future! Or at least, surely Miu-chan will no longer be able to see him in the same way as before!!

…That must be the reason why in the end even though that seemed just silly, still the old man didn't dare to touch those panties and Alexander achieved his goal to some extent!

But surely, that was not something to cheer him on! That damn bastard... where did he get those panties? What girl were they from?! But most importantly... why does he have them with him?!! Just thinking about the possible answers to those questions makes my blood boil and fills me with envy!! 

M-Master... those panties c-could be..."

“No… they are not mine! T-They seems a bit small to me, don't they? "

"Un... they're not mine either..."

"" ... ""

Shit! I was really about to explode due to envy!! How I wished at this moment to be in the old man's place and be the person to hit him!! The conversations of the girls next to us were like stabs to my heart...

All that could not escape my ears and sight... that woman's little disciple, when she sees the panties in Alexander's hands, for some reason she quickly puts her hands on her skirt as if she wanted to check that she was still wearing her underwear... t-that reaction only makes me hate the boy more!

Also... why that Master and Shigure talk as if it is normal that Alexander could have their underwear with him?!

When she finishes checking her status and seeing that everything is in order, the little girl makes a sigh of relief, but… in the next instant, she turns to her Master to ask her that while her nervousness was equal to a greater than before!

Given this, that woman can only blush and deny that those panties are hers! Even so, seeing that reaction, that leaves even more doubts! Perhaps the only thing for which the little girl could be reassured was that what her Master said about that underwear not appearing to be his size was true ... t-this woman's body at first glance could be seen to be quite voluptuous!

...and if that still wasn't enough, even Shigure joins the conversation of that Master and disciple... I don't know if it was due to some kind of competition between them or she didn't want anyone to think that Alexander was now showing her underwear to all the world, but… it was surprising that Shigure blushed a little too! That was quite strange coming from her!!

I-I have to quickly look away when those three notice the gaze of several of us towards them! Although... it seems that one of us did not care about the strong gaze of that woman and continues to use his camera to immortalize their reaction.

"Do you want me to gouge out your eyes?"

"H-Ha! M-My camera... "

I don't know if Ma is brave or just as stupid as that boy… that woman didn't seem like someone to joke with! As with the old man, I can't fully see her movements that shatter Ma's camera!! Also, it seems that Shigure has gotten even stronger lately… several stars were now pinned around him and I think Ma doesn't notice when this happen either!!

"Curse! Old man, break all four of his limbs from that damn brat!! "

"Fuck you!! Damn middle-aged man Tsundere!! "

…Finally, because of all this, I can't help but scream with all my might towards the ring! I had to or it might end up giving me a fit for putting up with these feelings inside of me!!

My words came clearly to those two and I get a response from Alexander...

"C-Calm down a little, Sakaki..."

“…Damn, I can't keep watching this! Even though I want to watch the old man hit that brat, I may end up passing out first! "

I get up from my seat to go and walk a bit to calm down... also, maybe because I raised my voice, I felt several glances directed towards me... when I check it, I see some figures of some people that seemed familiar to me... if they are those people, then I have to know why they are here.

…It's never a good thing when they're here.

"I-It can't be… did Alexander-kun really go that far ?! D-Don't do it, you won't be able to go back once you do!! "

So, when I was heading towards those people… a tumult arose again among the spectators and Ma reacted in a rather exaggerated way. I have no choice but to look back, and then I find that… when I thought things couldn't be worse, that damn brat seems to want to remind me that I shouldn't underestimate him!!



(POV Alexander)

"Don't get distracted, Alexander~!"


… D-Damn Sakaki! Because of him, I got a little distracted!!

The old man manages to pierce my shield and hits me making me take several steps back! Even though my strategy worked somehow, it was a shame that this "shield" was quite small and could not cover much of my body… besides, my hands were now blocked from having to hold it!

…I-I have no choice but to do that!

"W-Why do you seem to want to hit my face so hard, old man?!"

"... well, I just find it a bit annoying~"


As I avoid another blow that went straight to my face, I retreat even more! Seriously, like 70% of the old man's punches were aimed at my face! So it was something quite annoying!!

… I'm not going to say that I was scared that it would ruin my pretty face, but… in a sense, it was kind of worrying! At last in this life I could be considered someone very handsome, you know? And losing this now would definitely depress me a bit!

Although I did not intend to live off my face, I would not enjoy it being ruined by someone! My thought was something similar to when a person spends all his life savings to have cosmetic surgery and then... after that person finally wants to release his new face, he ends up having an accident leaving him worse than he was!!

Fuck, that was like God told you "I made you ugly, so stay ugly"! It was pretty depressing, wasn't it? If something like this really happened, I'm sure that even if the person was an atheist, he would only begin to believe in God to hate him!!

So instinctively I covered my face more carefully… well, thanks to the old man focusing enough to hit that spot, it made it a bit easier for me to predict his attacks.

Also, now those blows didn't seem to stop at just disfiguring my face! It seemed like he wanted to rip my head off!! For every impact that took me in the body when my "shield" was pierced, I felt that my legs would give up and I would fall to my knees! And like I said, I couldn't use my hands to block those attacks either!!

So, with no other alternative, I could only do the only solution for all this that occurred to me...

"Y-You ... w-what the hell are you doing now, Alexander?!!"

"...I am no longer Alexander... now I am Panty X!"


I was going to say "XXX-Panty ", but ... that sounded like a size for very "big" women or the name of a porn page... so after thinking about it a bit, I decided on the one I said.

Yes... the only solution I could think of was to use these panties as a mask! I-It was pretty stupid, but… at least now my face was fully protected and my hands were free! I-It wasn't easy to do this, I swear!! As proof of this, I could only pretend that I was someone else to bear the shame! And yes, I use the old man alias as the basis for this...

I don't know what bothered him the most ... having to fight with a person wearing panties as a mask, Or... to use his alias as the basis for mine. He surely thought I was just making fun of him!

… Now the old man had more veins on his head pulsing!

Interestingly... when my eyes move towards the stands to see the reaction of others, specifically where the people I knew were... there were various types of reactions to my actions. Some girls seemed flushed by this... others were quite surprised with their mouths open... and there were also those who looked at me with contempt!

I-I was prepared for this, but… this was still pretty tough!

Well… the ones who had the biggest reaction were Master Ma and Sakaki. The first, he took several steps back as he looked at me with eyes full of admiration and surprise... if you ask me to compare his reaction, then I would say it was like the scene where Vegeta analyzes Goku's fighting power and breaks the tracker while saying " Impossible, his fighting power is 18,000!! ”… seriously, I could almost see Master Ma doing the same!

The only bad thing is that my fighting power hadn't increased… only my embarrassment did!

As for Sakaki... the guy starts to destroy part of the stands by kicking or hitting the place... he really has a serious problem... seriously, he should better try to get a woman instead of spending so much time complaining or being envious of people who have a partner!

"Well... if you're done playing, then let's get this over with, Alexander."


I-I wasn't playing around! I was trying to do everything I could to win, I swear!! But I think that hardly anyone would believe me if I said it... probably not even I could answer that to the old man by looking into his eyes! So I could only remain silent without saying anything.

Oh~ As I inhaled and sighed at the thought of that, Saeko-chan's scent floods my nostrils... since previously for some reason I kept some underwear from her and Kurisu, it was clear that these panties had to be from some of them, but... now I know whose these panties were exactly.

No, it is not that I have the fondness of collecting them or something like that, just... after washing them and wanting to give them to those girls, they were always accompanied by someone else! It certainly wasn't very appropriate to take them out and give them to Saeko or Kurisu at such times, right?

Also… when we were alone, instead of being able to hand them over, I sometimes ended up with others in my possession… so now I had several of these objects in my interdimensional storage.

…Now that I think about it, don't I look like a pervert by recognizing whose undergarment it is by smelling it? Well… probably since I'm wearing panties on my head right now, that should be the least of my worries… there's no way I can escape being labeled a pervert right now.

Well, not that I care about that… I've never thought of denying that! That is why I have the courage to wear some panties as a mask in front of so many people!

[… I don't think that's something to be proud of, Alexander]

… I know, but I'm not going to feel bad about it now either, Aurora!

With that thought in mind, I prepare to face the old man who seemed to have become even more serious than before! It seems that all my goals for doing this were achieved!!

Even though the old man thought he was just playing games, he doesn't dare to attack me in the face again! Also, with my hands free now, I could intercept or block some of the blows aimed at my body!!

…Yeah, who said that some panties couldn't give me some advantages in a fight?! Also, smelling Saeko-chan's scent that reminds me of our time together so intensely, I actually almost felt like my fighting power had now really increased!!

[Haa ~… you really look like a pervert now, Alexander]


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