Soul Evolution System

Chapter 430 Kenichi World Tournament 17

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…Well, even though I now had my hands free and my head well protected, the fact that I was at a disadvantage didn't change much! It seems that the damn old man was now fighting completely in earnest!!

His fist digs into my abdomen, and all the air in my lungs is expelled from the impact! Also, I felt like my knees would give way at any moment and an urge to hold my stomach due to pain was the only thing I could think of!

"Well... it's over, boy~"

Somehow I manage to endure all of that by clenching my teeth, but the next attack from the old man was approaching now! He really should be planning to end this fight now while my legs were not responding to my commands to try to evade his approaching fist again!


…As a last resort, I use one of my best skills. I feel like my body strengthens a bit and everything around me seems to slow down… now I could see the old man's fist approaching inch by inch! Unfortunately, it was all I could do because despite insisting on my legs to move, they were still reluctant to do so!!

C-Come on, panties! Give me strength!!

Yes... I was in a desperate moment and probably due to the lack of oxygen to my brain, I could only continue demanding that this treasure help me even more than it has done so far. It's a shame that it seems that Saeko-chan's panties have already done everything they can now and no miracle happens... it doesn't look like these are going to start to shine and give me a little power!

Still… a thought goes through my head as I was wasting that little time I had left until the momentary time slowdown was deactivated! If only a few panties are not enough, then I just have to get more!


Right in front of the fist that continued to get closer and closer to me, some small panties appear… looking at the size of these, they are probably Vrana-chan's… from the moment when she, literally and figuratively, showed me her secret hiding place.

Thanks to that little piece of cloth, the old man's movement stop completely! It worked!! To be honest, I didn't expect it to work that well… doing this was almost more of a gamble!!

[Well... rejoice, Alexander, now you've witnessed the power of suggestion~]

Y-Yes… probably in a normal moment this the old man shouldn't care much about touching a girl's panties, but… after what I told him before, at least that made him hesitate to do it right now!!



The few seconds that Vrana-chan's panties got me were enough to finally make my legs move!! And taking advantage of the fact that the old man seemed a bit puzzled by the sudden appearance of more underwear that prevented him from ending the fight, I made a series of three consecutive kicks trying to hit the old man from below, in the middle, and above!

What's more…

[Bam!] [Bam!] [Bam!]

…I do it using my [Futae no Kawami] technique! I knew that the chance that this technique would be successful with another part of my body other than my hands was just over 50%... so if this technique were successful twice, it might already be considered lucky for me!

But maybe because now my concentration was almost completely on those kicks or because of the pressure of this moment, I ended up hearing three small consecutive explosions indicating that my three kicks had my effect of the [Futae no Kawami] technique behind them!


[Energy control Rank up]


[Skill [Futae no Kawami Rank up]

Unfortunately, I did not have time to rejoice at the success of using my technique three times with my foot in a row or by the system notifications… all three of my attacks ended up being blocked by the old man's hand!

Tch… I really couldn't break through this old man's defense?! No, I still couldn't give up! He understood perfectly that if I missed this opportunity, the chances of hitting him at another time and making him accept defeat would be completely non-existent! Fighting with him for a while had been pushing me to my limits now! 

"Nice try Alexander, but... it seems that it was not enough"


No, not yet! It's still too early to say you've won, damn old man!! I could no longer save any cards at this time and had to use everything now!!



While I am still in the air from the three kicks from earlier, I bring my hands close to my face, stretching my fingers and perform the most recent technique I have learned! Then, after shouting his name, a flash dazzles the place for a second!

…Since I wasn't fully mastering it, I had my doubts that it would have a good effect in broad daylight… but perhaps thanks to my increased rank from [Energy Control] or just at least this takes the old man by surprise, its effect was enough to give me a second for my next move!

When the old man instinctively brings his arms towards his eyes to block the light, my concentration is focused only on launching another kick… this time I don't use the [Futae no Kawami] technique… I don't even use my energy on this one! My only goal was to kick as fast as possible! I couldn't waste a second trying to do those things!!

… Indeed, the old man was a monster! Even though at this moment he had his eyes blinded and should be disoriented, he somehow senses my kick approaching him and tries to block it!

So when I thought that everything would be useless, I realized that his arms this time were moving slower than before! The previous kicks must have worked at least to numb his arms a bit!!

"Kuu ..."

…success! In the end, my foot manages to pass between his arms before I can block it and my kick connects right in the abdomen of the old man! It was certainly not a strong blow that put him in a bad condition, in fact, this one only had muscular strength behind it to push him back a bit, but... at that moment I felt that it was the best blow I had hit so far!!

"Ha... ha…"

Pushing myself with force in the opposite direction from the kick, I do a somersault in the air to land on my feet a few meters away from the old man... although I was tired both, mentally and physically, now a euphoria invaded my body that seemed to fill me with energy!!

“I-I win… damn it, I win!!



I could only raise my arms and scream to express what I feel! It might not be a fight of life and death, but… I won on his own terms the strongest "Monster" I had ever met! It was definitely something to be happy about!!

"…what are you talking about? This is not over yet~ "


…Then, the next words of the old man make me feel as if you fell in a frozen lake after having sex! N-No… damn it! H-He can't be that shameless, can he?

"R-Respectable and honored old man… y-you said that if I hit you, then I would win!"

"That's right, but... I haven't felt any blow ~"


After feeling a great disappointment that forced me to come down from the 9th heaven, a great fury begins to emanate from within me! Don't tell me that all my effort was useless? No! That can not be!!

"Damn old man, you can't be so cheeky!! Obviously I just kicked you in the abdomen now!! You even still have my shoe mark on your clothes!! "

I knew he was lying and playing dumb, but ... even though it was annoying, maybe thanks to those muscles that look like steel, the old man didn't really feel my kick...

[Pan~] [Pan~] [Pan~]


“Well, well, well, old man… you just turned this into a fight of life and death!! Fuck this tournament!! "

When I point to the dust mark on my shoe marked on his clothes, the damn old man turns around and starts shaking himself to erase it!

Well… if I was going to lose anyway, then it was much better because I was disqualified! At this moment I was going to start using BIMs and other weapons in order to give the damn old man a good "blow" so that he will not be able to forget it again!!

“G-Grandpa, Alexander-kun… t-that's enough! You two can't keep fighting anymore ~ !! "

“Hohoho ~ It's a joke, it's alright… you win little one~. I'm withdrawing from this tournament, I think I've heard someone asking for my help, bye ~! "

… In the end, I don't know if it was because he saw that I was talking very seriously about turning this fight into something much more serious or because of Miu-chan's screams to ask him to stop, but then the old man gave up.

Hearing that, I could feel my anger descending… I just wanted to receive my pass to the next round which was what I deserved now and for which I tried hard! Even though I was willing to seriously fight the old man, if I could avoid that, then all the better.

…That last thought is strengthened when the old man jumps what appears to be more than 10m and then disappears in the next second. Seriously, that old man is no longer human! For a moment it seemed to me that he could fly!!

Now I had many doubts that even with the BIMs and other weapons I would manage to defeat that old man... but I am a bit reassured when in my perception I notice that it was only that he moved quite fast to get to the place where the other Ryozanpaku guys were.

“… Since contestant Garyu X retires, Panty X moves on to the next round! Hahaha, it was a great show!! "

"Panty X ~ Panty X ~ Panty X !!"

…Honestly, I thought I would get boos because you couldn't say that our fight was very serious, but… I think the viewers shouldn't have noticed that. Also, like the commentator and Master from Yami, they quite liked the show… or maybe most of the men just couldn't help but admire someone brave enough to wear panties as a mask in public!

I think I have earned the respect of many men here… sadly, I cannot say the same for women!

"Kyaa~! Panty X, you are so cute~!! "

… Or so I thought, but instead of receiving looks of contempt from the women which is what I expected, there were enough that they also started yelling along with the men. I don't know if this world is strange or on this island only quite peculiar people gathered.


[Objective: Proceed to the final - completed]

…Anyway, I have achieved my goal! With this, I only have to fight one more time to finish the tournament! Also, I think my next match shouldn't be that difficult!!

" long do you plan to continue wearing those panties on your head, Alexander-kun!"

"It's true! Whose are they?!

I-If you asked me, I could give you mine... "

"'s a mask... and I'm Panty X"

"" No, they are not and you are Alexander-kun / Alexander-senpai / Alexander! ""

Due to the joy of going to the final, I forgot to remove the panties from my head when I return to the contestants' waiting area ... although I do not have much problem with someone seeing me as a pervert, there are limits to that too... I could only hide my shame-

[… I'm sorry, but I don't think you have that or know the meaning of that word~]

…Fine! I could only hide the little shame I still have inside me by denying that I now had a pair of panties on my head, pretending I was someone else, and standing proudly on the spot! Yes, indeed, even doing all that, it doesn't seem to work very well… so the best thing was to simply return my original identity by removing Saeko-chan's underwear from my head.

…By the way, I didn't forget to pick up Vrana-chan's ones who had practically also rescued me when I needed the most… because of that, a thought that maybe I should hold onto these clothes and treasure them… and that it only had to do just a little bit with hidden perverted motives as well, pops up in my mind.

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