Soul Evolution System

Chapter 433 Kenichi World Tournament 20

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"Old man, we have to go!"

"Hohoho, alright ~ Now I'm going!"

…When I wondered where the old man was now, one of the Ryozanpaku Masters yelled towards a particular area where could be seen people flying away… he was no longer at the level of just being calm despite the chaos! That old man was surely having fun over all of this!!

“…Are you really going to tell me that a person who treats others like disposable objects cares about the safety of other people? Obviously he doesn't care if someone lives or dies! "

"T-That... probably no one will die from what the old man is doing, right?"


Seeing how the old man was acting now, I can't help but turn to Akisame who kept up the claim that his group was the good guys… but it was certainly difficult for him to sustain those words if you observed what was going on! When he hears my question, his voice wavers a bit and he looks away!!

What was going on, you ask? Well… the old man was using other humans as throwing weapons! Damn, I don't deny that this is very surprising and he has a great talent for it, but… a person doing that can only be seen as someone who has a total disregard for human life!

...well, probably unless those guys have bad luck, it is true that it is difficult for them to die from it. But… I think it's still quite inhuman, right?

[Fufufu… you want to try to do that, right Alexander?]

Shit, yeah! That seemed to be a bit of fun!!

Sadly, given my physique, it's probably quite difficult to pull off. For now, doing that may be something of a dream to me… well, it might not be impossible with my physical stats, but it would certainly be quite strange.



...when the old man had finished playing throwing human and is heading towards us, a helicopter seems to take him as a target and immediately begins to shoot at him! Seeing this, it was impossible for Miu-chan not to worry and try to go to where he was so I have to stop her!

I was much more worried about her getting a stray bullet than about that old man! Of course, not that I wanted him to die or something, but… I think there was just no need to worry about him.

The old man takes cover behind one of the pillars that supported this stadium and avoids the shots without any problem! B-Besides...

[Boom !!]

…After the helicopter stops firing, he rips the pillar with his bare hands, and immediately throws it towards that metal machine in the air!! I don't know what was more impressive, that he would throw that with what seems quite easily... or his aim!!

The helicopter is hit by that pillar and quickly begins to emanate black smoke and fly unsteadily until it falls to the ground to finish exporting...


"It's not that I'm complaining about the old man defending himself, but... you're not going to tell me that he cared about the guys who piloted that helicopter, right?"

"... they-they're alive, aren't they?"


To my question, Akisame points to some points in the air... they were probably the people aboard that helicopter who decided to parachute into the air when they couldn't control the machine anymore.

…It is true that there were no human losses for that, but… that was simply luck! Although they simply refuse to accept that, if circumstances require it, these Ryozanpaku guys were surely willing to kill, I am sure about that!! Or At least some of them seem more willing to do it.

"…what are you doing?"

"Praying that one of those guys' parachutes doesn't work properly and they fall... so you won't have any more excuses for your hypocrisy"


"" ... ""

It was annoying that they defended being saints but their actions did not denote it, so I can't help but put my hands together to pray that things did not turn out so in their favor. Although… it's probably useless since maybe it's the same world that helps them to look like the good guys while it prevents them from killing people by accident?

"T-That's quite cruel, Alexander-senpai..."

"Y-Yes... also if it happened, then wouldn't it end up being your fault that they died?"

…Well, the gazes of the others towards me were a bit strong, so I finally stopped myself from doing this. Also, as Izumi-chan who was the most worried and scared to see everything that was happening now says, her words and Kenichi's were true... surely the old man and these guys would blame me if the guys on the parachute really ended up dying.

"Who would have thought that a world I thought I'd have something like a little vacation would end like this... now it's not much different from others I've been to"

"... w-what kind of place have you been until now, Alexander-senpai?"

"...maybe you wouldn't like to know, weak-kun"

"Now is not the time to waste time, it is time for us to get out of here~!"

This place was not much different from a war zone now… different groups were shooting at each other, and they even did the same with some war vehicles. Looks like the guy who owns this island had enough money to also buy military-grade equipment and was giving the FBI that had come here a tough fight.

With Jennifer's words, we resume our steps to continue towards the port... or so I try to do, but Miu-chan continued without moving to wait for her grandfather to arrive here. It's a shame that this time he was stopped by what seems like several Yami Masters...

"Grandpa, we must go now!!"

"Hohoho~ Don't worry about me, I'll catch up with you all later!"

“W-Well… that old man just shot down a helicopter. S-Surely he will be safer than any of us!! "

I totally agreed with Alien-kun's words… and it seems that the other Shinpaku boys also had the same opinion since most of them nodded their heads at his words! Well, it was certainly much more likely that one of these boys was hurt than that old man!

The good thing is that thanks to the old man's words, Miu-chan finally decides to move to go together with the others here. We all started running towards the outer part of the island!

"" Stop there!! ""

It's a shame that there were still quite a few Yomi Masters… even some of their main members were here and finally decided to make a move by running towards us! Because of this, several of the Masters next to us have to take an opponent who seemed to want to attack us... or rather, those guys didn't seem to be targeting me directly?!

The guy in the wrestling mask who was the tournament commentator is blocked by Master Ma when he tries to get to where I was! Right away, the [Hero] also goes to where I was to be stopped by Apa!!

Also, a Yomi Master that I saw for the first time who had long hair and apparently practiced [Zambo Commando] is intersected by Akisame while Kushinada also takes as an opponent ah a guy who wore only a Greek toga!!


"Tch... you're here too, Hongo"


…A guy who seems to be the Master of the white-haired guy also gets here. The good thing is that this guy instead of going straight to me, he instead goes to where Sakaki was.

…All these Masters had abilities and levels not too different from the Ruozanpaku guys! Perhaps the only person I was sure would win was Kushinada who was probably on the same level as the old man!

Furthermore, other Yami Masters kept coming to where we were and the other Masters next to us one after the other have no alternative but to fight them!

"Shit... this is bad, now we have fewer meat shields!"

"" ... ""

"...I mean, this is bad, we can't get out of here if the Masters fight now!"

"S-Senpai... I think it's too late to correct it, you already let out your true thoughts"


…To be honest, I wasn't saying it for me. I was more concerned about the girls… besides, surely most of these Masters wouldn't die from taking a bullet or two, right?



The glances a little from others due to my words in the next instant stop worrying me... finally what I was afraid of happened! One of the men of fortune, perhaps, points his gun at us and shoots...


But things don't happen as I remembered... or I don't let them happen that way. Seeing that they were aimed at Miu-chan, I quickly get between her, the white-haired guy who throws himself to try to cover her, and the Fortune soldier.

As I lift my foot to block the boy who is now walking towards me with open arms as if he wants to hug me, I also pull out a BIM from my interdimensional space and activate it as this guy's face bumps against the sole of my shoe.

As a result of all this, a shield appears in the next second and blocks the bullet. Everyone is safe… well, the boy's only nose bleeds a little now. As for the guy who shot, he now had his gun cut in half and was passed out thanks to Shigure who moved quickly… although, it was still a second late to stop the guy from firing.

"" ... ""

"T-Thank you, Alexander-kun ..."

"W-Weren't you a bit cruel, Alexander-senpai?"

"…cruel? He is alive, right? "

"T-That's… well, I think that's true."

Honestly speaking, I still haven't made up my mind whether or not to save this guy! My body simply moved before I thought about it and... my goal was Miu-chan's safety! That I rescued him was more a bit of luck since the BIM shield also managed to cover him.

Even so... now I was even more nervous! I didn't know what would happen in this world if I changed events as important as someone's death! I could only pay full attention to my domain which until now had been active and expanded around me.

"Shit... don't tell me this world really wants Miu-chan's life now?"

Through my domain, I detect a presence moving rapidly in our direction! Or more precisely, where Miu-chan and I were!! When my eyes try to find the one responsible for this, I meet a small figure that was moving quickly while avoiding the other Masters who were now fighting around us!

The worrying thing was the things that I can distinguish thanks to my evaluation skill!

[Level 149] [Master: Jihan Radin Tidat-SS] [Super-man-SSS] [Ki Control- B] [Body Control - S] [Stealth - B] [Agility - A]

…Fuck, fuck, fuck! It was another monster just like that old man! This was bad enough! This was much more dangerous than a simple bullet!!


"" A-Alexander-kun / Alexander / Alexander-senpai? ""

I understood that it was probably impossible for us to escape from this person, so my only alternative was to get a few steps ahead of Miu-chan and Renka-chan who were next to me too... what I least want is them to be involved with that little Monster!!


[Optional / Hidden Mission "Defeat one of the 3 super-men / Women in this world"

Range: E

Defeat one of the most important and privileged people in this world in a totally serious fight~! That will certainly be a great help for your development as a martial artist~!!

Objective: Defeat or Kill a person with the skill [Super-man / woman]

Failure: Death

Rewards: 25 million x Crystals

250 million x Gold

10 x [Limit-Break Pills-E]

Fuck me! Of course I had no intention of trying to defeat this guy in a serious fight! It wasn't the same as my fight with the old man!! As it clearly says in that mission that the system gave me suddenly, if I failed, then it meant that I will surely end up killed by this Monster!!

"Go from here now !!"

My goal now was simply to distract him long enough for the others to escape! Although that was still quite dangerous, I think at least I could do that without losing my precious life.

"Stand aside, little girl!!"


"S-Shugure !!!"

Sadly, before that guy got to where I was, Shigure got in his way...

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