Soul Evolution System

Chapter 434 Kenichi World Tournament 21

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"Shigure !!"

… Before my eyes, Shigure is slowly falling to the ground while her blood flies in the air. Time seemed to pass in slow motion as if I activated my ability that did the same! I think this was because it felt like my heart had stopped...

Before I knew it, I was already next to her. So with my hands shaking with nervousness, I proceed to examine her! Her pink kimono was ripped revealing her fine mountains, but since she was wearing chain mail, she did not take the attack from that man entirely. In the end, Shigure only had a scratch on her neck from which some blood emanated.

"K-Kuh... I-I'm fine... I-I just let my guard down a bit."

I feel that time passes again when I listen to her voice! It was not a serious injury, and Shigure was still fully conscious only showing a bit of discomfort as she put her hand around her neck to probably check her condition by herself.

", this will help you"


Either way, I make sure to give her several pills to treat her wounds! So, being a little calmer now, I turn my eyes to the person responsible for all this!!

…Of course, even though I turned my back on that guy, I had never stopped guarding him with my domine. It was certainly a bit risky, but at the time I was only worried about Shigure!

Since he had not made a move, I thought he would be the classic villain who would start to give a speech after hitting one of his opponents, but it seems that was not the case. The reason why he did not continue with his attack was that there was another person standing between him and us... 

"...Who are you?"

… Fuck, I could only ask that! It was the first time I saw this person who had helped us! ...or he was probably in our group the whole time and I just ignored him. 

While I was thanking him for the help, this new guy was quite suspicious!

Why? Well… there were just several things that puzzled me! First, he wore glasses and had a fairly peaceful face… as well as a pretty round physique… yes, at first glance he didn't seem like someone from who you felt a threat! 

To describe it more clearly, he was like a certain colonel who sold fried chicken... only more plump!!

But… the contradictory thing was that this man was at level [143] and had various fighting skills at fairly high ranks as well! So, despite having that face of a harmless old man, an aura around him told you that he was not just an affable old man... really, who was this guy? 

"Are you two okay?"

"Alexander-kun! Shigure-san!! "


Well… I had a little idea who this man might be… only that was really hard to believe too! One of his abilities was [Master: Furinji Style-S]!! And this time it wasn't the old man in disguise because he was still shooting down some helicopters in the distance… so there was only one chance!

The problem was… no matter how many times I exchanged glances between him and Miu-chan who approached us along with Renka-chan… they are nothing alike!!

"Leave this to me, you guys get out of here"

After watching Miu-chan with warm eyes for a while, Colonel S ***er says that... yes, even though it's hard to believe, from the way he looks at her, the possibility that he is who I think he is, it's almost sure!

"What's happening? Hurry up and finish with that boy!! "

“Hehehe… there is no rush, leader~ Instead of complaining stupidly, you better take care of that man. "


Now things were getting even more confusing! Another Master level man comes to where we are! What's more…


"" E-Eh? F-Father? ””

…This person certainly bore a great resemblance to Miu-chan and the old man! Fuck, so who was Colonel S *** er?!! And why is the person who obviously has ties to the Furinji family given his appearance is Yami's leader?!! But most importantly... had I really become the main target to eliminate from this organization?!! Don't fuck with me!!

Really, things just kept getting more and more complicated... well, anyway, now there was no time to resolve all those doubts! There were more important things to do!!

"Colonel S *** er, please take care of that guy ... I have something very personal to deal with with the guy in the mask."

"C-Colonel S *** er? Are you talking about me?

W-Wait, more importantly, that's not good! That man is quite dangerous! "

"Miu-chan and Renka-chan, please take care of Shigure"

"" Wait Alexander-kun / Alexander / A-Alex! ""

"Hahaha, aren't you going to run this time, boy?"

"No, don't worry… this time I won't run… before that, I have to finish with you first."

"Hehehe... that's right, those are pretty good eyes~!"

Ignoring Colonel S *** er's warnings and the girls' screams of concern, I walked over to the guy who had hurt Shigure. Even though things weren't the worst… I still felt a flame of fury burning in my stomach!

…That Shigure was not hurt heavily, it was only because she had a chainmail coat and maybe also because she was strong enough to evade this man's attack a bit! If he attacked one of the other two girls instead, they would very possibly not only have minor injuries!!

Thinking about it made my body shake a little... because I didn't feel very threatened even though there were people with a higher level than mine and I thought that if things got bad at least I wouldn't have trouble escaping, I ignored a little that maybe it was not the same for the girls next to me!!

…Well, it was also true that I thought it was difficult for someone like Shigure or Kushinada's life to be in danger here. But it certainly wasn't the same for Miu-chan and Renka-chan! No, even those first two weren't exempt from getting hurt like I just saw now !!

I couldn't risk running away with this man behind us! He can take advantage of an opportunity or carelessness to put the girls at risk!! With that in mind, I accept the mission to deal with him. It was a way of committing myself to meet this goal!

"Well... if fate wants someone's life, then I'll give yours to this one"

“Hehehe, that's it, that's it, boy! You really are someone quite promising!! "

...Aurora, how many pills I just got from completing the tournament mission can I consume at the same time?

[…three. If you consume more than three, then the damage to your body will be permanent]

As I had told the boy who practiced Mue Tai before, I understood perfectly that there were things that you could not overcome despite your strong will or effort to do so... and fighting and defeating this man with the wooden mask was one of these! Not only did he surpass me with various limits, but also in skill!!

This would not be an easy fight... it would surely be the hardest fight I've had so far! And to be honest, in the way I am now, my chances of winning against him were pretty low! Maybe even if I use the weapons in my storage it wouldn't change things much...

So after thinking for a few seconds, I remember the new pills I had won for each tournament phase I pass… the [Overload pills]. Some time ago I had seen a man use them and understood more or less their function. They simply increased a person's strength for a short period of time.

…What I didn't know was if I could use more than one, but according to Aurora, it seems possible. The only worrying thing is that, from what she says, even if consuming three of these don't permanently affect my body, it seems that I do not escape that after their effect ends I will have to endure some serious adverse consequences for using them!

Well... I'll worry about that later. Now I just wanted to increase my chances of beating this man! Without much hesitation, I take 3 of those pills from my interdimensional storage and right away eat them!


It only takes a few seconds for the pills to take effect! The energy in my energy core suddenly increases and takes me to overcome several limits in an instant... I felt that my body was overflowing with great force at this moment!

Even perhaps due to the sudden change of energy within me, my muscles also swell and contract a bit as if trying to adjust to this new force!

It was a bit unfortunate that this is only for a short time… with the muscles fully marked on my body now, surely no one would ever mistake me for a woman again! Also, I could understand why I would have some adverse effects from using these pills... just the sudden increase in strength was not something my body had slowly gotten used to.

Surely I won't just have muscle pain after this fight is over!

“Hoo~ You keep giving me surprises, boy! Let's see all what you have~ "


Shit, even though Yami's guy can tell that there had been some changes in my body now, in his eyes you could only see emotion! No… his gaze even gave me a few chills! It was like the look of a pervert!!

W-What's wrong with this guy? W-Well… maybe it's better not to know! I don't want to hear something even more terrifying than that look of him!!

The guy in the mask threw himself at me so I stop having useless thoughts, I activate my [Sheikuken] and also reduce the size of my domain to do the same thing I did when fighting the old man!

Then we both started to exchange several blows with each other!

Colonel S *** er tries to get in the way of our fight, but… before he can, the other guy who seemed to be a relative of Miu-chan also intervenes blocking him. I appreciate the sentiment, but I had already decided that I would be the one to fight this guy!

…When I get a chance, I'll buy fried chicken to thank you. In fact, I really wanted some of this since when I was with Kushinada I only led a vegan life!

Fighting this man, I quickly realize that he wore the same style as the boy I fought in the snowy mountains! So I was a bit worried that he would have a similar ability and use a domain too!!

… It's good that doesn't seem to be the case, I could only feel a Master's aura coming from him. Although… this was not much consolation either! If it weren't for my dominance that counteracts his aura, I'd be in bigger trouble!!

Besides... of all the Masters I've seen so far, his killing intent was the greatest! Sh-Shit… it wasn't even very different from mine! This guy must surely have killed many… many people to get this one!!

And that was clearly seen by his movements! Each of his attacks was aimed at trying to kill me or at least cripple me! He used his hands like claws and tried to gouge my eyes out, rip out my throat... o-or even my crotch!!

…Th-that was pretty scary! Fuck, this man didn't hesitate for a second to try to turn me into a eunuch!!

That was certainly something bad enough, but unfortunately, things did not stop there! The fight between the two so far was pretty balanced! You might think that wasn't bad, but… while I was doing my best to kill this bastard, I knew that he on the other hand was only evaluating my abilities now! In other words, he still didn't get completely serious about our fight!!

“Hahaha… well, well, wonderful~! Even though you lack a bit of experience using your techniques, your physical abilities are definitely top-notch! "


...I was really not happy to hear this man's praise. After avoiding another attack that seemed to be trying to damage my hearing this time, we parted making space between us and he starts talking again.

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