Soul Evolution System

Chapter 446 Surprises Upon Returning To Gaia 5

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"Well, for now I will leave you these clothes and [Transmutation Bracelets] equal to Vrana's. I will leave the room "

""It's okay""

"Thank you, Master. Roock ~"


While I don't have any guilt over looking at those naked little harpies, sticking around any longer here might be misunderstood. So after handing over the things I say to the girls, I turn to leave the room.

Although I also want to pet and pamper those little ones a bit, just now I probably can't compete with all the girls. I can only give up and do it another time.

…I'm not escaping from the strong gaze that Rei still has on me!

Well, for now I'm going to rape Yami's Master's soul… I mean, steal his abilities!! Damn it, Aurora! This is your fault!! I don't have the will to do it.

[Fufufu… sorry~ But you shouldn't think about it too much and just do it]

Ha… that's true, the advantages are far greater than the slight discomfort I feel now. With that thought in mind, I head to the place where we had thrown that "thing." Scythe and Mary should be watching him by now. Despite the fact that he has lost his strength and some abilities, and only looks like a lifeless doll now, it was best not to neglect this. That's why I asked those two to watch him.

[Knock] [Knock] [Knock]

Unfortunately… or maybe I should say fortunately, I have to stop my feet and instead head for the front door as someone was knocking. As I open the door, I find two old men standing outside.

"Hello boy. We come to make a little visit again"

“Hahaha, it's for the same reason as before. Sorry to grind your sweet time with all the girls "


They were the grandparents of Cleirsa and Turla. As they say, in the last few days they have been coming every day to see Kushinada. Although she is undoubtedly beautiful and quite sexy, and her age is not much different from theirs, it is not because they fell in love with her.

...I'm really glad about that, it would be quite strange to have to compete with someone who could be considered my grandfather for a woman.

The reason they come to see her is that they want to make Kushinada one of the main elders of the sect. After I introduced the girls to allow them to join the sect, they quickly realized his strength.

Since Kushinada is now level [159], she was even close to the Sect Master I saw at that time who was level [176]. The truth is that I even believe that, if they both fought, the person who would emerge victorious without much effort was her!

Seeing her status I am very sure of that...


Name: Kushinada Mikumo

Race: Human

Age: 93

Level: 159

Energy: (600)

Strength: H

Resistance: G

Dexterity: F

Intelligence: G

Agility: G

Magic: (Earth Affinity)



[Super-Human-SS] [Master: Jiujitsu Kushinada Style - S] [Ki- Control - A] [Strong Mind-S] 


[Body control - A] [Focus - A] [Ki- Fight - B]

Magic: None


[Youth Retention-C] [Consecration of origin-SS]

Affection: 166 (Attracted)]

I can't imagine losing Kushinada with those abilities. Even though she was a bit weaker than the sect master, this made up for it. 

One of the things that surprised me, was that when my eyes went through the information of her age, I could only see black squares as if this was censored.

[Fufufu… it seems like you keep refusing to face reality]


Back to the topic, I think that the insistence of these two grandparents was rather due to the same Sect Master who wanted to tie Kusinada to the sect with a much more important position… he seemed like a rather intelligent old man.

…Speaking of the sect master, he was a bit different than I expected. I thought it would be an old man with a long beard, bald, stooped, and with wise eyes. Unexpectedly, despite the fact that he was bald and had eyes in which wisdom could be observed within them, he was still quite jovial considering that his age exceeded the century!!

This is probably because he had surpassed the 5th limit of a level 2 soul. When I gave the [Limit-break] pill to Kushinada and she reached level [159], she also looked a bit younger than before. Since life expectancy grows a little when exceeding that level, then youth should also extend in the same way.

Oh, right. The fact that the girls who reached the second soul level and I advanced a limit completely, was for no other reason than to have consumed that pill. I got some thanks from completing the quests in Kenichi's world, plus I also got some suitable gear for the girls in the chests I got.

Since I used most of the pills thanks to this, I then bought more from the system for the other girls who will probably need them soon too.

…The pills that work on people with a level 2 soul are much more expensive, but thank goodness I was not short on funds at this time. Even so, it would be best to obtain them on my own without depending on the system. It would surely be much cheaper!

I wonder if I make my Venus evolve then so will the plants that have been grafted onto it? That would be pretty cool.

Apart from Kushinada, Miu-chan and Shigure also joined the sect. Only they did it as disciples. The old men were also quite happy to see the latter...


Name: Shigure Kosaka

Race: Human

Age: 23

Level: 146

Energy: (900)

Strength: H

Resistance: G

Dexterity: F

Intelligence: H

Agility: F

Magic: (Water Affinity)



[Prodigy: Use of Weapons - SS] [Ki- Control - A] [Dynamic vision - S] [Body control - S] 


[Ki-Fight - B] [Focus - A] [Flexible Movement - A] [Agile Movement - A]

Magic: None


[Blacksmith] [Consecration of origin-S]

Affection: 118 (Attracted)]


Name: Miu Furinji

Race: Human

Age: 16

Level: 99

Energy: (90)

Strength: H

Resistance: H

Dexterity: G

Intelligence: I

Agility: G

Magic: (Wind Affinity)



[Ki- Control - G] [Dynamic vision - D] [Body control - C]


[Ki- Fight - G] [Focus - H] [Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement - G]

Magic: None


[Disciple - C] [Fighting technique: Furinji style - D] [Housewife - B] [Cook - B] [Consecration of origin-S]

Affection: 112 (Attracted)]

With this, it was not difficult to imagine why after evaluating Shigure's abilities many of the sect's elders wanted to make her the main disciple! Even those who opposed this could only remain silent without finding reasons to refuse.

It was fortunate for them that she was not interested in intimidating the other disciples of the sect. Yes, if these people made the other disciples fight against her for this, it could only be seen as intimidation!!

…Seeing how happy most of the elders were when these girls joined, maybe I was overthinking things and it wouldn't have been bad to bring all the other Masters who stayed in Kenichi's world here.

No... they could probably see it favorably just because there were few people. If I had brought a dozen Masters, things would surely have been different.

On the other hand, even though Miu-chan was overshadowed by Shigure, I think she was also very talented. No, rather, all other girls around me should be considered quite talented. The problem was that it is easier to be surprised by something that can be shown immediately, than something that is still like a dormant talent.

“Elders… Kushinada is not interested in becoming a main elder, nor is Shigure interested in being the main disciple. Besides, they are part of my family… so I would appreciate it if you didn't recruit people from my group for your benefit. "

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, boy. But... we had to try, right? "

"Haa... well, you can also say that they are part of the sect, so we should be happy about that."

It would be annoying if this persists, so I better decide to speak clearly on this subject. Since surely people think that there is an influence behind me, I blatantly inform them that these girls are part of it. That should save me some trouble.

Also, I'm sure looking at Kushinada and Shigure the idea of an influence behind me was much more sustainable now. It was surely hard to imagine that those two girls, and the others as well, reached that level of strength alone on their own and without any organization behind us.

"Come on, we have to clean you ~"

"You are so cute little one~"

"U-Un... pretty"

“They are from Vrana, roock~! Vrana wants to carry them!! "

"Come on, don't be so stingy"

"" ... ""

While talking to the elders, the girls leave the room with the three little ones in the arms of Cleirsa, Turla, and Miu-chan while the others walk as close as they can to them.

…Listening to them, it seems that they were going to the bathroom. Well, I think the first thing you do after a baby is born is to bathe them, only since those three didn't look like babies now, I forget that. Or rather, I don't know if it was something necessary for them now.

Either way, I don't think it would be a bad thing. The girls seem to be having fun taking care of those 3 little harpies now. On the other hand... the elders are quite surprised seeing that scene...

"Hooo~! Looks like I'm a great-great-grandfather now!!"

"E-Eh? G-Grandpa ?! W-What are you doing here? O-O rather, what are you saying?!!"

…Since the little girls seem to be wearing the bracelets I gave them earlier, they were certainly no different than human girls. But... how does this grandfather expect the little "Strange Feet" to be my daughter and Turla's? That just seems impossible.

No, wait... since these harpies grew to that size in just a few seconds, then... I can't say that a human baby suddenly grows the same because of something.

“It's true, Grandpa. That little girl is the fruit of love between Turla and me~! "


"Y-you ... y-you... what are you saying, stupid Alexander!! F-Fruit of our love, yo-you say... "

Either way… seeing Turla act flustered and with a totally flushed face unlike her serious and proud demeanor that she normally shows is a pretty good thing to enjoy, so I don't hesitate to add fuel to the fire!

“Relax, Turlok… obviously that's not possible. The boy is only joking with you... Or are you going to tell me that the litle girl Cleirsa is holding is her daughter when even the two of you have not married? "

“H-Hahaha… it's as Grandpa Delna says. These 3 are little harpies that have just been born recently "

Shit! It seems that the ex-king is more strict on these matters… although he is smiling when he asks me that, his eyes don't! So I dare not joke with him about that!

"E-Eh? I see... so it was a joke "

"G-Grandpa... why are you so discouraged about that?!"

"Well, let's continue to bathe these little girls."


"Oh~ Alexander, don't you want to come in with us this time?"


At the end, when the girls continue on their way, Rei turns around to ask me that. Not that her “Dere” phase has finally arrived... quite the opposite! She knows that as I am now entering with them for me is more torture than something I would enjoy!!

…Walking into the bathroom right now with them was like starving, having a delicious dish in front of me, and only being able to smell it without being able to eat it! Without a doubt that is a fucking torture!! And more if you have already tried a few spoonfuls of that dish!!

Fuck! I'm really so hungry... and I want to eat "meat"!!

If I could do it, even if the old king were to give me a few scratchy eyes, I would still enter without hesitation! Although it is a bit scary, the benefit outweighs the risk so I would not hesitate to face the danger!!

"... I will have to refrain from doing it"

"Oh~ I see. That's a shame, you know? I was even thinking of washing your back~ "


I almost feel like I spit blood along with those words that I said… and Rei's continuation only makes this worse! Haa… I think it's better to go out again to train a bit to calm my mind.

While I have the desire to go after Rei to take her offer… no, I would not only make her wipe my back but my entire body! But you have to know when a battle is lost to minimize casualties.

But... While I may lose a battle, I will definitely win the war! I swear!!

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