Soul Evolution System

Chapter 447 I Want To Learn Magic! 1

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After leaving the house, I look for a nice place to train. Unlike in the morning, it was training focused on the mind rather than a physical one. Slowly I begin to use various [Karate] and [Kenpo] breathing techniques to help me with this.

Sitting in the lotus position, place my palms only a few inches apart. So I focus on circulating the energy within my body and try to push it out so that it condenses between my hands.

At first glance you might think that it was a much calmer workout than the previous one, but… in a matter of minutes, my body is drenched in sweat as if I had been training for hours!!


It was still quite difficult for me to do this. The good thing is that my effort is not in vain and soon I can see a small shine the size of a grain of rice! After a lot of effort I have achieved it again!!

"Oh~ what is that, boy ?!"

"Shh! Don't deconcentrate him, Turlok! "

"I-I'm sorry, but... you're also being quite loud, you know?"


I ignore the elders who seemed surprised and excited to see what I was doing. If I lose focus, even a little, then easily the energy that has condensed between my hands will dissipate in an instant! I couldn't pay attention to other things now!!

When I take a closer look at the small energy grain, I can see that it was a mixture of black and white color... probably this was because my energy was not normal, but the energy of origin instead.

…Is quite peculiar. At first, I thought this was two energies… besides, I was quite worried since the opposite colors usually repudiate each other! But after careful analysis, I realized that the different colored strands were intertwined harmoniously with each other... as if they reached a perfect balance. Or rather, it was could not be considered as two types of energy but only one.

"... fine, then let's move on to the next step."

Speaking to myself as if to encourage me, I return to fully concentrating on trying to manipulate this energy! Although it was already a great achievement to get to this point, there was something more important that I wanted to do!!

Upon reaching a soul level 2, my elemental affinities were released! Well, it is not something specific that only happened to me when I reached this level, it seems that all people do.

[Fufufu, well that's true. Although… while people's elemental affinities are unlocked when a person reaches the second soul level, that doesn't mean they can use this.

First of all, there are many people who do not have some elemental affinity... or it could be said that they have a neutral affinity. Also, in order to use this, people at least have to have enough energy within them to do so.

Usually, a person who just enters that level cannot use his elemental affinity because of the little energy that his body has. There are only a few cases where the individual meets this requirement and can do so. These could be considered geniuses.

Let's say that to do so, a person should have an amount of 500 energy points to make use of his elemental affinity. For that, normally people need to be at least at the 5th limit of the second soul level. The exception here, as I said, are people called geniuses, prodigies, people with special lineages, or something special.

Of course, to do this the person must at least understand the use of energy within them. In addition, there are also places where the laws of the world are stricter and can prevent the use of a person's affinity]

That explains why I have seen such a difference in the amount of energy in the girls… for example, Kushinada and Shigure. Even though the former has a higher level, the latter almost doubles the amount of energy she has in her body.

Also, it seems that the difference between my body and that of other people is much clearer now.  While Shigure would be considered someone quite talented at this, I have twice as much energy as her while I am several limits less than her!

…On the other hand, those differences are only in humans. I think Cleirsa told me that monsters can start using elemental attacks when they enter the second soul level.

[Well, regarding monsters, it can be said that because they have an energy crystal even when they are born as level 1, they have always been 5 limits ahead of most other races. However, whether they use elemental attacks is up to the Monster too.]

That's a bit reassuring… I'd hate to see all goblins with a level 2 soul using elemental attacks! Probably those things would have already conquered Gaia if they were like this!!

Dismissing my thoughts of the great goblin empire, I refocus on the energy between my hands. I try to turn this into water to begin with… I think it was one of the safest elements to do this.

Although I am immune to fire, it is not the same for others. It would be bad for something to go wrong and hurt other people around me for not having good control of it. It was the same for most of the other elements.

With the water, probably I or the girls would only end up soaked… I don't focus on this element because I want to see the girls with their clothes attached to their bodies if they get wet from this! It is simply for safety!!

...sadly, like other times so far, it doesn't seem like I'm making any progress. I can't get the energy I control to change even a little bit!

[You can't despair, Alexander. You only have a few days practicing this, you know?

Usually, in the best of cases, a person takes months of practice to achieve it. And that's for the most talented people at this! You cannot expect that in just a short time you will achieve something that a normal person would take years to do.]

I understand that, but… Aurora, you can't blame me for wanting to try to handle things like fire, water, wind, electricity, and other things! That was like a dream for most of the people!!

…Is there no shortcut for this?

I have bought several magic books to see if they would help me with this, but they all say the same thing! That one has to understand more about the element that he wants to control!! That doesn't explain much!!

...although it can be said that I have a lot of knowledge about physical phenomena like any person in my world, which I even think is greater than the common knowledge of this world, it does not seem that this is what those books mean.

…Or could it be precisely because of that? Since I grew up in a world without magic then is it more difficult to understand this? Haaa… I can only keep practicing. At least I'm sure I should be able to do it sometime!!

Another thing I learned from those books I've been reading is that there seems to be a wide variety of ways to use it! Although I do not know if thanks to this it will be more difficult or easier to use it.

What I am doing now is using my thoughts to try to change the energy or Ki into an element, but there are other ways too. Like chants or arias, hand seals, magic circles, and even objects to make magic. Each of these apparently has its advantages and disadvantages. The common thing in all of this is that you need a means to can use magic.

As for why I chose this way, it's simply because I thought it would suit me better. Well… the truth is that I feel that it would be very unfortunate that after spending a lot of time learning martial arts, I had to discard them to take the path of an orthodox magician!

As for the option to utilize objects to use magic... without a doubt I think it is the easiest way, but in the end, the one that does the magic itself is the same object! Without it, it was the same as not being able to use magic! Besides... those things are very expensive!!

By the way, there are also objects in the system such as magic grimoires that introduce into the head the knowledge necessary to use magic, but... those things are even more expensive!! I thought I was a rich person at the moment, but... looking at how much these cost, it seems I was wrong and it was no different than a poor beggar!!

…I almost spit blood when I saw how much I needed to buy them! Well… I don't want to think about it, it's better to forget about it for now.

[Well… it's not that there isn't a shortcut, just that you probably won't like it, Alexander~]

“… For now let's hear it first. Surely it should be no worse than needing the wealth of an entire Area on Gaia... or maybe even more. "

[It's easy… and difficult at the same time. When a person has an affinity towards an element, in a certain way he also has a resistance to it. Using this resistance, you can probably get more familiar with that element]

"... i-in other words then..."

[Fufufu… in other words, receiving elemental attacks can also increase your understanding of this~]


Fuck! In other words I have to be tortured to become more familiar with an element!! That is just as bad or even worse than having to expend a large number of resources to learn magic! What if I end up turning into an "M" because of that?!!

…No, well… since the option of spending crystals or Gil to help me in that is ruled out because I don't have enough of these, it can be said that it is my only option now if I want to learn magic much faster.

Even so... my desire to learn magic is still not so great that I have to go through torture to achieve it!!

[Well~ There is also another option… when making a contract with someone or something, an understanding about the elements is usually shared between both sides as well. So if they both share an elemental affinity, the person with the least knowledge of this ends up benefiting]

“…Aurora, I think you should have started with that! That is much better than the other option!!

But… doesn't that mean I should have had this advantage when my bond with Scythe, Vrana, and my Venus was created? It doesn't seem like this helped me understand the elements they control... "

[Well ... I think that's because you haven't unlocked your elemental affinity yet or they haven't.]


…That is quite regrettable, but… there is no point in crying over spilled milk.

A contract, huh? Well... I have Kenichi's world scroll to summon a new monster of at least level 150. Also, two to create a homunculus of the same level... if I create these homunculi to have some elemental affinity, it should also benefit me, right?

Unfortunately… to use these scrolls, I need a good amount of red crystals… and I don't have enough of these! Most I have are colorless crystals!!

…I think I should go and hunt down some level 2 soul monsters now. The girls hunted several harpies at this level, but… apparently, most of their crystals ended up in Vrana and Scythe's belly… that's the reason why they increased their strength more than the other girls.

[Well… although that might help you, you shouldn't expect it would be a big change either. To do this, you would have to contract with a creature with a high enough rank so that it has a much greater knowledge of the use of the elements. That is why you better not forget your own self-study.]

Well, well, I understand.

Either way…


…The use of only a concentration of Ki cannot be considered as something useless.

After increasing my energy output and growing the small grain of rice between my hands to the size of a small sphere, this energy shoots forward with just one thought from me and then creates a small explosion!

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