Soul Evolution System

Chapter 448 I Want To Learn Magic! 2

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"W-What the damn technique is that?!"

Seeing the explosion created by the energy sphere, the two elders can't help but be further shocked and quickly come to my side to search for answers.

“Well… I can't say it's a special technique or something. It is only about having good control of your internal energy to be able to do the same "

"T-That is…"


As I said, it didn't make much sense to hide how I did this. Anyone with good energy control can do it… you probably need to be at least [B] rank in the [Ki Control] skill, and have enough internal energy to achieve this. There is no big secret behind this.

…Even though Kushinada and Shigure were also surprised when they saw me do this before, they were able to imitate me just by explaining how I did it a little to them.

Unfortunately... the second girl did not seem to care much about this. I think it was because attacking with energy spheres didn't suit her fighting style very much. Furthermore, the former also quickly realized that there was a big problem using energy like that.

To put it simply, each energy sphere I make needs about 300 energy points to make it! So… I can only use this "technique" about 10 times! And for the girls this was even worse!!

Also, when the amount of energy drops below 20%, the body begins to feel lethargic as if you have run a great marathon for many hours! And this practically depletes a person's internal energy very quickly!!

[Well... to be honest, that energy sphere you launched at most only had about 100 energy points... the remaining 200 were scattered because your energy control still is not that good. The other two girls who have that ability at rank [A] probably only have 100 units of energy that are wasted unlike you]


…Well, at least it means that this can be improved even more. 

The worrying thing is that even the [A] rank of the [Ki Control] skill doesn't seem to be enough to not waste energy! It is probably necessary to bring this skill to the master level to avoid that problem!

But taking that leap to improve skill shouldn't be as easy as increasing rank from [B] to [A]!

…No, since I know the problem to improve on, then I have a great advantage. I just have to keep concentrating and prevent my energy from being wasted and dissipated. Practicing creating energy spheres every day is sure to pay off.

Also, while it can't be considered to be doing it perfectly, the power of this is very real. The main reason these two old men were shocked is sure that receiving an attack like that would be bad enough for either of them!

Although it seems a little less than a hand grenade explosion, I am sure that even a person above the 5th limit of the second soul level would be seriously injured by a direct hit!

…Maybe if I could have done this in my fight with Yami's old man or Ryozanpaku's old man things would be very different. Well… it probably wouldn't have been nice to use this with the latter.

Now you may wonder what is the need to convert pure energy or Ki into an element. The answer is simple, each element has its advantages! For example, using fire could perhaps cause the same damage with only half the energy used on that sphere! Or you can take advantage of the malleable form that water is! Not to mention elements such as the space with which you could teleport!

Each element can be used in quite variable ways!! Without a doubt I can only see advantages in converting energy into an element to be able to use it as magic!!

Also, as Aurora mentioned before, if there is elemental resistance in people or monsters because of their affinity, then there should also be the opposite, weakness for some specific element. So it will surely be of great help to learn how to use magic.

"Hahaha... now I think it is certain that you will end up victorious in the sect tournament!"

"Yes, but ... you probably shouldn't use that move on this one, otherwise, you might end up killing other disciples."

“…Don't worry, Grandpa Delna. I am only doing this for practice, I am not going to use it during the tournament... maybe."


While Turla's grandfather seemed quite pleased, Delna's ex-king seemed concerned. The latter's thoughts were reasonable. If a disciple is hit by this energy sphere, he would almost certainly end up dead... or at least mutilated. After all, the most talented disciples of the sect are only in the first limits of the second soul level.

On the other hand… it was difficult for me to use this move in a fight. To create a sphere of energy, I currently need to focus too much while sitting in a meditation position! Doing this in the middle of a fight can only be insane! For this to be a move that can be practical during a fight I still need some practice.

The good thing is, it's not like I need it to win this tournament. I am quite confident in winning and putting in my hands the technique of the sect that interests me! At least a damn old man wearing a mask won't appear this time, right?!

“Hahaha, I look forward to tomorrow to see your performance in the tournament. Before I had some concerns that you would participate in this one, but… looking at you now, I can only worry about the other disciples, hahaha! "


Well… before I still had a level 1 soul, so I could understand his thoughts. Surely it would have been more difficult to fight in the tournament with just that strength and win. But with my current strength, there should be no surprise in this.

Still... these old men are a bit cheeky to put their own problems on my shoulders! Of course I understand that my winning the tournament will give them more advantages against the other faction or groups in the sect !!

…It seems that this tournament apart from testing the disciples also serves to passively fix some differences between these factions.

Anyway, now the only thing that worries me is if this technique would be as useful as the name suggests. I just hope it doesn't end up being some useless technique. 

Well, as Old Man Turlok says, tomorrow I can find out.

That is the only reason I have stayed in the sect until now... if not for this, I would have been back with the other girls a long time ago! I really want to see the other girls who are in the Kingdom of Delna!!

"" Hmn? ""

“Oh~ What a surprise… since I haven't seen you for a few months I thought you ended up running away, boy. Well... the truth is I'm quite glad you didn't. I was looking forward to getting back to practicing and testing my skills with you… so I'm quite happy to be able to do it."

"Hmp ~ This boy is not worth your time, brother~"


While I was thinking about the technique I want from the sect, several people come up to us. When they arrive a few meters from where we were, the ones speaking were a young couple of a man and a woman.

…Given the insignia they have on their clothes, it is clear that they were also disciples of the sect. But…

"What's up boy? Did the mouse eat your tongue? "

"Fufufu... surely seeing how strong you have become in this short time, he is now totally scared, brother~"

"Hahaha, that must be-"

“You… who the hell are you? 

…we know each other?"

"" ... ""

…He seems to know me, but I can't remember him no matter how hard I try! I-I think the girl next to him seems a bit familiar to me… her condescending expression aside, she should be considered a beautiful woman.

And if I can't remember these two there, then there is nothing to say about their followers behind them. With no other choice, I could only turn my head to seek help from the pair of elders next to me.

Turla's grandfather was smiling, but... one corner of his lips seemed to have cramps and twitching. Cleirsa's grandfather had an awkward smile as they shook their heads and held his forehead... what do you want me to do? If I can't remember who they are, then I can't do anything!

The good thing is that the latter tries to calm things down a bit and makes the introductions...

"He is Prince Velrut..."


But... damn it! That does not tell me or help me at all! Who the hell is Velrut? For me it is still a great mystery! No, wait…

"Prince... prince... prince..."

That word awakens a distant memory in my mind! So, by repeating it several times, I feel like I start to remember a little...



(POV Sister of Velrut)

"Prince... prince... prince..."

…I-I thought this damn brat just wanted to annoy my brother and me, but… damn it! It really seems that he does not remember us at all! What kind of brain does he have to forget us?!! Is his damn head fine?!!

"Oh~ I finally remember! You're the guy who fucked his sister! The siscon-prince!!

…Come on grandpa Delana, why do you have to give him an alias or a nickname like “Velrut”? If you had told me it was the siscon-prince, I would surely have remembered it quickly!"

"" ... ""

"Y-You... Y-You... Y-You..."

...I-I must have fainted for a moment while standing... the anger and shame that his words made me feel made my brain disconnect for a moment!!

Besides, it seems that my brother was not in better shape. His brain seems to have stopped and he just keeps repeating that word!! I can even see a little blood coming out of the corners of his lips!!

T-This brat is trying to kill him out of sheer fury? If so, he is probably about to do it!!

…In these last months, I thought that my brother had become too obsessed with that brat. I was also angry with him, but… he had not touched me during all this time! Even after getting ready to try to stimulate him, it didn't work! That only seemed to have the opposite effect and his resentment towards this boy increased!!

I was a little mad at him for this, but… it seems like I was the one who forgot how annoying this damn brat was! Now I understand his eagerness to train to become stronger and be able to finish him off!

…Well, I should be grateful that thanks to this boy, my brother now had almost entered the 4th limit of the second soul level! If it hadn't been for him, he probably wouldn't get better in such a short time! I'm sure it will surprise everyone at tomorrow's tournament!!

J-Just wait, boy… we'll make you pay for all this embarrassment you haven't put us through!

F-For now I can only clench my teeth at the strange looks that others are giving us… w-well, that won't matter tomorrow! In this world, strong people are respected no matter what they do!!

“Come on man… you don't seem to remember my name either, so don't be so mad that I forgot yours. Now I remember, you are that siscon-prince...

So what did you want? "


"B-Brother !!"

"H-Hey... are you okay?"

My brother seems to have reached his limit and ends up spitting blood with his eyes rolled! He seems to have completely passed out! He even seems to have received internal injuries from his pent-up rage !!

“Y-You… we-we'll remember this, you damn brat! We will surely make you pay for all of this in tomorrow's tournament, just wait!!

You guys help me get my brother back! "




(POV Alexander)

“…What was all this about?

In the end ... what did those guys come for? "

"W-Well... who knows..."

"Hahaha, anyway, it looks like we won!"

"... and what exactly did we win?"

This was quite strange… in the same abrupt way these guys came, they left. I can only see a stain of blood that was left in the place... I wonder if it is some kind of curse? I should remove it just in case...


[…You are quite cruel, Alexander. Fufufu~]

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