Soul Evolution System

Chapter 459 Claiming Rewards 3

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… Her big pair of breasts pressed against my chest… and also due to my own weight, they were deformed and looked like two squashed balls of meat spreading from my sides! Damn, its size was quite surprising!! My urge to bounce on these to feel their softness and elasticity only increased!!

Unfortunately… no, none of this was regrettable, but… now I was more focused on Yulz-onesan's lips! Lowering my head inch by inch I watched her reactions for any dislike for what I was doing! It's good that I couldn't make out something like that in her eyes !! There was only the nervousness that already indicated her racing heart that echoed in my own chest!!

Without wasting any more time and not being able to wait any longer, without thinking and probably as a conditioned action, I ran my tongue over my lips to moisten them... my body was simply preparing for what was to come.


So when I was about to claim her first kiss by putting my lips on hers, someone could be heard coughing behind us! Thanks to this, Yulz-onesan's attention that was on my lips too, shifts to the place where the sound came from!

With a great annoyance rising in me, I could only turn my head to see who was responsible for this... who had spoiled this moment between us! I don't know how many times I cursed this person in just the time it took to do that!

There were 3 people standing there who had their eyes on us now...

“L-Little one, it seems like you caught me off guard this time! S-D-Draw away!"


Coming out of the stupor caused by seeing these three people who were attentive to what we were doing, Yulz kicks me and makes me roll a few meters until my head reaches the feet from these three. From the ground, I could only direct a look of reluctance and annoyance for having interrupted us just at that moment!

"It seems that we arrived at a bad time, does not Alexander?

…Did we interrupt something?"

"Of course…"

"... I-I'm sorry, boy."


When one of those three people asks me, I reflectively respond to her words! Then I realize who the person was speaking and stop my complaints... or rather, they get stuck in my throat!

Two of the people who arrived were none other than the two grandparents Delna and Turlok, and among them, only the second seems to apologize to me for this. The first one keeps acting like he didn't do anything wrong! Damn, wasn't he young to understand his mistake and the reason for my discomfort? If it hadn't been for his inopportune intervention, now I would surely be enjoying a kiss with Yulz-onesan!!

“I-I mean... i-it's bad to interrupt someone when they train, right? It can be quite dangerous. "

“… I see, so you were training just now? The technique you used to immobilize and subdue that girl must be pretty good, she didn't seem to be able to move one bit... "

“Y-Yes, of course… a-after all I learned from a good Master... didn't I?

J-Just now I was practicing the techniques you taught me earlier, Kushinada. "

Well, the important thing was not these two... the person who made me compose myself and stop complaining was Kushinada who had also come with them! Hearing my words, her aura becomes more violent causing me to quickly change my words of complaint!

"" ... ""

I hoped my words would soften the situation a bit, but... I think that was asking the impossible. With the large tent that was now erected between my legs and that these three were clearly seeing, it was surely impossible for anyone to believe my words! Even the most clueless and innocent person should realize this!!

"T-Then why are the three of you here?"

"What's up boy? Did you forget it? "

“Well, we came to pick you up to take you away so you can get the reward for becoming the main disciple of the sect. The sect master is waiting for you in the library to choose one of the two main techniques we have. "

“The girls were still trying to choose some things that would be useful to them with the merit points they won from the tournament. Since I had nothing to do there, I decided to go back... it was also a request from them to avoid you causing problems while no one was by your side now, but... it seems that maybe I was a little late for that. "

"…I-I see"

The truth is that I ended up completely forgetting about that. A few moments ago the only thought in my head was the softness of Yulz's body!

On the other hand... what am I? A prisoner who needs to be watched?! Is it that they don't have a bit of confidence in me?!!

No, well... I probably can't speak for myself now… but at least I want a lawyer before I'm tried and convicted!

[Fufufu… well, with so many girls accusing you and having enough evidence against you, assuming you managed to find someone quite crazy willing to defend your case, I'm sure the lawyer will end up asking you to plead guilty to at least lessen the sentence.]

…I guess I just have to try to bribe the girls now, right? I think I can get some of them to testify in my favor.

"Okay, let's go to the sect master... Yulz-onesan, Let's "play" some other time~"

"" ... ""

After getting up and dusting myself off to follow the grandparents to the sect library, I don't forget to say goodbye to her. Her shoulders shake a little at hearing my words as she turns her back on the 4 of us... she must be trying to calm down and prevent others from seeing her face that must be totally flushed with embarrassment.

…At least it seems like she wasn't mad at me as she raises her hand to say goodbye to me. Or maybe she's just trying to act normal? Either way, I hope to have another moment with her to wrap up what we started earlier!

Kushinada narrows her eyes and frowns at this, but... they say that the most fearsome people in prison are those sentenced to the maximum penalty since they have nothing else to lose and therefore nothing scares them, and now I felt a little that way! 

Since there is no longer any salvation for me, then why should I care about a crime or two more?! Now I felt a little freer to think this way!

[Fufufu~ Surely you may be a person who has no salvation anymore, Alexander.]

"L-Let's go ... I want to get the technique quickly!"


…no, that's a lie! Kushinada still scared me quite a bit! Besides… I certainly still had a lot to lose! I have yet to get the virginity of most of the girls next to me! Therefore, I cannot afford to think that way and play with my life!!

I start walking quickly to get out of this place on the pretext that I couldn't wait any longer to get the technique I wanted as the two old men follow me. The best thing was to stay away from Kushinada until she calms down… I feel a bit guilty since now that I wasn't there, she could only focus on the only other person in the place, Yulz-onesan.

But nothing bad should happen to those two being the two of them alone, right? Yes, let's think positively, that could make them know each other better and this may help her and the others not see her as strange.

…I hope so.

Since the three of us walked quite fast, it didn't take long for us to reach the sect's library. Wasting no time, we entered and headed straight to the top floor. There was already the sect master as these two had said.

“So you finally arrive… you really kept this old man waiting. Don't you know that the time of the elderly is quite valuable to them? "

"" Sectmaster, sorry for the delay, excuse us ""

"Hello sect master"

There was a lot to say about his words... like he seemed more energetic and jovial than the two who accompanied me. But in the end, I put that aside. I didn't come here to argue with him, but to get the technique! That is why, like grandparents, I also give a simple greeting to him.

“Well, boy… your performance in the tournament was quite good, you will certainly achieve great things. I just hope you also think about the sect a bit when that happens. "

"...the disciple understands, Sect Master"

I think he knew that I didn't have much attachment to the sect… still, it's good that this doesn't seem to bother him. This old man undoubtedly had a rather wise mentality. Instead of trying to bind me tightly to the sect and get the most benefit he can from me, he's content with just being able to get at least a little.

If he did things as the first option, I might even end up hating this place. Whereas taking the second route, it would be highly unlikely that friction would develop between us.

…This certainly works in his favor, I must say my opinion of him and the sect is now quite positive. I wouldn't mind helping someone who has also helped me before.

"Well, let's not waste any more time. So, boy, what technique do you want to learn? "

"…that one"

There was nothing to think about here, so immediately after hearing his question, I pointed to the [Metal Bones] technique... then the sectmaster nods as if he expected this, but immediately frowns a little.

“Well, I knew you would choose this one… for you and the girls next to you, the technique of my ancestors should not be very flashy. I'm sure you have better Ki control techniques than this one.

But are you sure? No one so far in the sect has been able to practice this technique. There are those who say that it is incomplete... others that they were only ramblings of someone... or perhaps only specific people can practice it.

Although I have a good opinion of you, I cannot break the sect's rules for that. If in the end this technique is not useful to you, then you will lose this opportunity that for other disciples would be very precious. Maybe, although the technique of my ancestors is not the best, I can tell you that this one took my family to be at the top of a level 2 area just like the three great families of this area... no, although it sounds presumptuous, my family was still even stronger than those three families.

It's just a shame that my talent was not the best... "


For a moment I thought that he would refuse to give me the technique, but… it seems that his expression that showed doubts was only due to good reasons. I must say that, due to his words, now I have a certain doubt when I have to choose a technique... perhaps it really is not so bad to choose the technique of his family.

After all, Aurora had said that it was at least a low-ranking earth-level technique! It can't be as bad as I had thought before.

“Thank you for the advice, Sect Master, but... I am firm in my decision. I want that technique. "

"Haaa~ Good. I hope this helps you unlike all the others who have tried it before."

Still, after considering it for a while, I decided to stick with my earlier decision. A Ki control technique would not change things much for me now, whereas… if what the name of the other technique indicates is correct, strengthening my body with something like metal bones is a huge change!

…Without a doubt the words that the old man said could be also true and it may be a useless technique in the end, but it is better to take the risk! My luck hasn't been the best these last few days, but... I can't say it was so bad either! So let's trust this one a bit!!

After the Sect Master seems to disable some security measures to protect the technique, he takes it in his hands and immediately hands it to me. Then the two old men on my back, even though they're probably curious about this one too, retreat a few steps back on their own.

Now let's see...

"[Technique --- of Metal Bones]..."

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