Soul Evolution System

Chapter 460 Claiming Rewards 4

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"[Technique --- of Metallic Bones]..."

...when I open the parchment to examine the technique, containing a bit of emotion that I feel, the first thing I see tells me that perhaps this time I have not had any luck! The scroll was somewhat damaged, so the first words that are the name of the technique could not be read clearly!

I couldn't help but get discouraged by this, but luckily after I start reading the other contents of the scroll, I realize that the text below doesn't seem to have any problems! I breathe a huge sigh of relief seeing this!


But this does not last long... although I can perfectly read the contents of the scroll, what I see makes me frown. The technique seemed quite complicated... or more than complicated, it had several requirements to be able to practice it!

First of all, the person who wants to practice this technique needs to have a [Domain] at a high level… because of this, I think the title of the complete technique should be something like [King of Metal Bones Technique] or something like that. Also, I think this was the main reason why most of the people who wanted to practice the technique ended up failing sooner!

...only a few disciples of this sect could perhaps fulfill this condition.  After all, it took to be a King to obtain a [Domain]. And from what I see, it shouldn't be a weak King either... maybe the royal families belonging to the sect like the Delna family don't have the necessary range of the [King's Dignity] skill... after all, it says here that a strong [Domain] is needed to to be able to carry out the technique.

After fulfilling that requirement, a breathing and energy control technique is shown on the scroll to obtain the essence of metals using the [Domain]. This is perhaps the easiest part of this technique... also, depending on the metal from which you can obtain the essence, this determines the range of mastery of the technique.

Apparently, this technique is classified into the following levels:





Maybe the rarer and greater the degree of hardness of the metal from which the essence is obtained, the greater the range in the technique...

"What's up boy, are you disappointed?"


While the first few things I read made the technique look a bit tricky, so far I hadn't found a real problem. With my [Emperor's Domain] skill I should be able to fulfill the first requirement for the technique! I was quite confident in this one as it was better than the [King's Dignity] skill!!

Also, learning energy control and breathing technique shouldn't be difficult either. What made my brow furrow causing Sect Master to react to this and wondering that was the next part of the technique!

This technique also needed monster bone marrow with a level 2 soul and some special level 2 plants to perform the technique! The former didn't worry me too much, it shouldn't be difficult to find a monster of that level and get its bone marrow. The second was what worried me the most... if they were very rare plants, then it would not be so easy to get them!

With no other choice, I could only ask the sect master for this. Maybe he can help me by telling me where I can get these plants...

“… I need some level 2 spirit plants to create a pill that is necessary for the technique. Sect Master, you have no idea where I can get the plants... "

As I begin to tell him the plants I needed, the Sect master nods when he hears the names. Only when he hears the names of two of these does he show a negative reaction… these plants are probably not that easy to come by!

Then, right away he confirms my suspicions!

“Most of the plants you mentioned shouldn't be a problem getting them, they are quite common in this Area. The problem is the plants [Bone-eating worm grass] and [Ivory flower]… these plants are not easy to find.

The first is because it is a very strong poison... despite not being fatal, it is said that the person who consumes a poison created from that herb, their bones would become so fragile that a simple blow would make them break like glass. Because of this, it is a herb that is not openly sold... or rather, its sale is prohibited.

The second plant, although it does not have that same problem, that flower is also in high demand since this one is the main ingredient to create a [Bone Restoration] pill... it may be easier to obtain, but it disappears quickly from the market when it appears... and its price will surely not be cheap either"

…I had read some of those plants from some books that Lena had given me to learn about alchemy, so I knew that the Sect Master's words weren't a lie. It shouldn't be that easy to get these...

Also, I was somewhat curious about the need for the [Bone-eating worm grass]… the effect of this was not a joke! So I couldn't help but feel apprehensive about consuming a pill made from said herb!!

…Perhaps it is as they say, from the strongest poison one can create more powerful medicines. Or at least that's what I was hoping for… maybe I should get some more [Ivory Flowers] to create a [Bone Restoration] pill just in case… at least this should help in case there is a problem!

Well, I should find these plants first and then worry about something like that after...

"Perhaps the only place where you can find these plants more easily is on the [Island of the Fallen Star] ..."

“…[Island of the Fallen Star]? What place is that?"

At least it seems that there is a place where it is possible to find these plants! That saves me some problems... only the name makes me guess some things... some things that I had heard from Yulz-onesan recently.

“It is the most special place in this Area… it is an Island with a fairly high energy level. It is even said that training there has the same effect as Level 3 Areas.

A long time ago it was said that a star fell in that place causing many people to go there in search of treasures, and in truth some were lucky and found some things very good there. In fact, the technique in your hands is one of the things that were found on that Island...

Furthermore, it is also known by another name… [Garden of Plozert]. In that place, for some reason, a great variety of plants and flowers of level 2 and even 3 grow there. Some say that it is due to the strong concentration of energy there, others that there must be something even more special in that place..."

…It really seems like it must be the same place that Yulz-onesan had said. Seriously, people in Gaia don't put a lot of effort into the names, do they? Well… at least it's a lot better than if they had named it something like [Sky Waste Island].

"Where is that Island?"

"Well, it is not difficult to find the place... the problem is that, even if you go now, that will be useless since you will not be able to enter"

"Why? ...Is it controlled by some power? "

If it was such an important place, it probably should be like this. And I can imagine that those who would control that place were none other than the three great families of this Area… if so, perhaps I should ask Yulz-onesan for help.

...or maybe I just can try to sneak in?

“You are not wrong in thinking that it is a place controlled by a power. The three great families guard the place, but that is not the problem.

As you must have heard before, it is impossible for these three families to cooperate fully with each other... so they are not in full control of the place. Or rather they can't because of that.

If the three of them were united in this, they probably could have controlled the place for themselves and prevented the passage of others, but fortunately for the other organizations in the Area [Plozert], this is not the case.

As these families are not united, it is impossible for them to try to prevent access to others... and just one family would not dare to turn all the other organizations here against them.

The problem is that in that place there is a natural barrier that prevents the passage... and this only opens on certain occasions. "

…shit! It seems that the option of sneaking into the place is impossible if what prevents the passage is a natural barrier! I would have preferred that it was because the three great families controlled the place... this would have been easier for me!

"Sect master... do you know when that barrier opens to then enter the island?"

“That is the problem… it does not have a specific time. Sometimes it opens within just a few years of difference, while other times it takes decades to wait to this. If I recall correctly, the last time the barrier was opened must have been about 5 years ago… so it may open soon... or it may take more than a decade to wait still ."


Fuck, that was the worst news I could get! I don't want to wait more than a decade to be able to practice the [King of Metal Bones] technique! But it's too early to give up for just this little mishap… if I can't get the plants on the Island, then I must look elsewhere.

[Yes, you shouldn't give up on practicing that technique, Alexander. If I'm not mistaken, that technique must be sky level]

E-Eh? This is a peak range sky level technique ?!

[Yes, all body tempering techniques are at least Sky level.… Also, seeing the complexity of it, it must be peak range!]

Shit, that's great! I did not think that I would achieve a technique of that level just by having to defeat the prince-siscon! It's good that I didn't fall for the temptation of the sect master's family technique!! I have to make an effort to get those plants with an even greater reason!!

Finally, at the end of the scroll, it had written what seemed like a philosophical quote or something like that... [The way to the peak is more a path towards hell than towards heaven]. A somewhat dark phrase I must say... also, I don't know why, but reading this I feel a bad omen... well, it's probably my imagination.



(POV Yulz)

That little boy was actually more dangerous than Ithought!

I-If these three people hadn't appeared... m-maybe I really would have been eaten by that little guy! I really underestimated him… besides, I think I should have paid more attention to Rei's advice!

Although... I did not dislike the emotion that that boy made me feel... the feeling of having my heart racing and nervousness as if I was in danger was something that I had not experienced in a long time.

Also, I can't say that I dislike that little guy… it's true, I probably shouldn't call him that now… I still have the sensation of a big thing hitting against my belly! I even thought that that thing would go through both of our clothes turning me totally into a woman!!

…At the thought of that, my body shudders again and my blood rises back to my head making my mind feel a bit cloudy! So I have to go back to trying to calm down again!

When the three of them leave, only Elder Kushinada and I were left here. I felt that her eyes were on me now... this was a bit uncomfortable! So, feeling that now I was calmer, I decided to leave the place right now.

...I was also a little afraid of meeting Alexander again ... but strangely, at the same time, I had a desire to do so. It was a contradictory emotion that I couldn't understand very well.

"W-Well... I think I'll be back now, Elder Kushinada"


When I wanted to leave the place… in the end the impulse to leave prevailed more than the other of trying to wait for that little one, but... it was more because at this moment I needed to change my underwear! This was certainly not due to sweat from exercising a little earlier! I-It was quite uncomfortable having to stay this way.

Unfortunately... Elder Kushinada stops me! The truth is that she was another reason why I wanted to leave this place... the aura around her was quite awkward!

"...s-something is wrong, Elder Kushinada?"

“Only Kushinada is fine, you don't need to be so formal with me.

And no, nothing's wrong... I just feel sorry for having interrupted your "practice" with Alexander earlier, so... why don't the two of us practice a bit while I take his place rather?"


…curse! She is certainly mad because of what she saw earlier! Seriously, how can it be like that seeing the number of women around that boy?! It is quite illogical!!

...Or is it that these girls see me as someone inferior to them? That bothers me a bit!

At first I wanted to refuse to do it, but… I feel like it would be a bit cowardly of me if I did… besides, the truth is that I was also very curious about her abilities. Because of this, I nod in approval of her words.

"So let's start now"

"T-This... thinking about it, could we wait a bit?"

Trying to get into my usual fighting pose, I remember one of the reasons I wanted to go back to the place the sect gave me to stay... or rather, the discomfort when moving reminds me this! I needed to change my underwear now!!

"…something happens?"

"I need to change my underwear..."

…S-Shit, when she asks me, I finish answering her without thinking! Now I'm even more ashamed than before!! I can't even see her in the eye...

Perhaps my mind was still quite confused by all the things that had happened before! Now I am thinking that maybe it is not the best time to start practicing with Kushinada!

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