Soul Evolution System

Chapter 47: Amusement Park and Police Station[Edited]

(Continued POV Saeko)

"T-thanks, Saeko-san"

"Don't worry about that, but you should keep shooting to the zombie."

"B-but it doesn't seem to hurt it"

"No, you are wrong, although it seems to be more tough than the others zombies, If you shoot it a couple more times, the bullet will surely penetrate its head. Mizuzu-san, Niki-san is better that you two go back a little on this occasion, you two need to approach for your weapons to be effective, and also with Komuro-kun acting that way, is dangerous if you shot him by mistake"

"Ok, Saeko-san"

When Kurisu- san and I get up she thanks me, then I ask her to continue shooting it in the head, since the shooting the body do not seem to have any effect on it, so she and Yuriko-san are the only ones who can cause more damage to the zombie. Mizusu-san and Niki-san listen to what I say and move back after assent and go to watch over the entry.

Kurisu nods after seeing the fractured skull of the zombie and then I go in its direction to try to distract it and help Komuro-kun who was lost in his fury and does not seem to give importance to it that approached him while shooting it.

Yuriko-san runs to where Rei-san fell after being hit by the table, it seems she received the impact mostly on her right arm and shoulder, she held it with her other hand while complaining for the pain.

She shield it try to stop the table instinctively with her dominant arm, as a result, that part of her received all the impact. When Yuriko-san arrives where she is , she examines her to see how much damage she has, turns with me and Kurisu and gives us a nod to indicate that things are not so bad, then I look again at where Komuro-kun was who continued shooting at the zombie.

The shots managed to slow down it, but still the zombie continued walking to where she was. To make matters worse, Komuro-kun's shotgun runs out of bullets and instead of shots only the trigger click sounds.

"Groown !!"

"Komuro-kun, don't stand there quiescent! Move, its going straight to you!"

I shout to him trying to make him respond, but he doesn't seem to listen to me, without more options I run towards him, but when the zombie stops being hit by the bullets, accelerates its steps to where he is while pushing other tables blocking its road.

When I thought that wouldn't arrive in time to help him, another bullet hit the zombie's head hard enough for it to lose the balance for a few seconds. I turn back and see Kurisu-san who is preparing to shoot again.

Unfortunately, the zombie raises an arm covering its face so the following shots only penetrate the flesh of the arm and avoiding being hit in the face again.

"Groown !!"

The zombie roars again, but this time in Kurisu-san's direction, since it identifying her as its new aggressor. Then it takes a chair that was close and with its other hand throws it where she was.

This time not being taken by surprise, Kurisu- san moves to avoid the chair. Thanks to the time gained by her, I managed to meet with Komuro-kun who inserted cartridges into the shotgun as fast as he could while backing up making space from zombie.

"Please, don't ever lose your mind like that again. Don't worry about Rei-san, she isn't in any danger only is a little sore."

"I-I'm sorry Saeko-senpai ... I lost my mind for a few seconds"

It seems that he recovered his sanity, still looking in the direction of Rei-san and Yuriko-san with a worried face, but he is calmer now.

"We must distract it for doesn't cover its head and Kurisu-san can shoot it"


"Kurisu-san, don't shoot for now, I and Komuro-kun will distract it, so it maybe lowers its guard and then you can hit it in the head"

"I understand"

With that said Komuro-kun starts shooting at the zombie's body again, after several shots we achieve our goal of attracting it by moving it in our direction. Is a pity that it seems to continue paying attention to Kurisu-san since it does not lower the hand with which covers its head.

Well, if it doesn't lower it, then we must make it do it. I tell Komuro-kun to stop shooting to I can get close and attack it with the sword, perhaps being closer it will try to grab me with its hands.

He follows my words and lowers his shotgun, then I run to where the zombie is, this one was a bit impressive with its large muscular body and sharp claws at the end of each of the fingers, but that instead of causing me fear only motivated me to try to cut it with my sword.

"Grooown !!"

When it sees me approach, throws me a blow with its free arm that did not cover its face, it was good that apart from strength the speed was not very different from a normal zombie, I easily avoid its blow by bending down and then I made a cut with my katana.

In the next second its arm is thrown following the direction of the force of its own blow. The zombie does not seem to notice the loss of its limb, it moves the body as if wanted to continue attacking me and this were still attached to it.

Without wasting time I move to its other side and cut one of the legs and then I retire. When I do, the zombie tries to follow me, but fails to take two steps because it loses the balance by has separating in two part its leg.

The zombie tries to get up, but without 2 of its limbs the attempts were useless. In this way he had become less dangerous than even a normal zombie. By not representing any threat to us, everyone releases a sigh of relief.

While the others sighed, I was a little surprised. The reason for this was due to the sword in my hands, actually I did not think of attacking it on my own, this was because seeing that neither bullets could pierce its bones, I thought that my katana would be just as useless like hit it with a stick.

When I approach to fight with it, I just hoped to distract it. My goal was to make mere scratches on the zombie's skin to enrage it, but when my katana sank into its flesh, there was no the resistance that I expected and could cut it easily.

If I think about it now, every time I cut a zombie until now, it was like wielding the Katana on the air, so it was as if they didn't exist. On this occasion the feeling that the hilt transmitted to me this time was like passing the katana over water, although there was more resistance it, was still very easy to cut it.

I had underestimated the edge of the Katana that Alex-san gave me ... I must apologize to him when we meet again, and thank him for the great sword he gave me.

"Are we should finish it?"

"I see no reason to leave it alive"

"Yes, besides this zombie is very strange, we don't know what other things could do"

"Kuh ... I will feel better, knowing that this thing is dead"

As I am contemplating my sword, the others come around me and speak, nor did it make any sense to keep him alive, so I assent to their words. Then Yuriko-san, who was lending her shoulder to Rei-san to walk, is responsible for giving its last rituals to the zombie, shooting it several times with her gun in the head until it explodes.

"Well, with this the problem is now eliminated ... I hope we don't meet another zombie like that. How do you feel Rei, did you hurt yourself a lot?"

"I'm fine, I just need Shisuka-san to check me out a bit. But I think that we have to worry about knowing why this zombie was so different from the others ..."

"Yes, it was much more resistant ... and the most fearsome thing about it was that not only dragged its feet foolishly to follow a prey ... it had sufficient sense of preservation to cover its head from the bullet "

"I think zombies are evolving ..."

When Kurisu- san gives her opinion on why this zombie was so different. We all turn to her. Rei-san and Komuro-kun who had approached to help her, show faces of doubt and fear upon hearing that, so Yuriko-san who remarked its differences with other zombies speaks again.

" Evolving ? If what you say is true, things will get more difficult ..."

When the others talked, I look something shining from the corner of my eye, then I see a crystal the size of a few centimeters ... now that I remember it, Alex-san collected them, they might useful for him. Also, I think this is what Scythe-chan eats, if I give it to either of them they will be surely happy.

With that in mind I approach and pick it up, trying to find more, but it seems that there is only one per zombie. Finishing with that and seeing that there was nothing else to do here, I talk to others so we can continue with the things we have to do.

"Let's talk about that on another occasion, now we should take Rei-san with Shisuka-san since she can't fight with the zombies while being in that condition. In addition, we should inform the other groups that there may be stronger zombies than the zombies we have seen so far”

"Busujima-san is right, let's get Rei-chan out of the castle for have Shisuka-san to check her."

[Bang] [Bang] [Bang]

After we all agree we walk towards the entrance were was Mizusu-san and Niki-san, but when we all only walk through a few corridors hear shots from the other side of the castle ... the others must have found something.

"I'll go to see what happens"

"Wait Saeko-san, I'll go with you"

"Komuro-kun, take Rei-chan with Shisuka-san. Also, stay outside and don't just go to the castle"

""Wait, we’ll both go too""

Having tried my katana with the new zombies and knowing that it was more effective than bullets, I immediately run in the direction of the shots while informing others. I only take a few steps and then Kurisu-san and Yuriko-san run after me, and a little further back Mizusu-san and Niki-san also come.

Komuro-kun sees us leave for a few seconds, turns around helping Rei-san to walk and they head down the road we came to the exit. Both should not have problems since we did not find any enemy during that journey, also they were not far from the entrance doors of the castle.

Leaving the two behind, the five of us run to the place where the shots came from, before I realize a smile is drawn on my face due to the emotion of being able to cut more of my enemies.

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(POV Alexander)

After informing others, everyone begins to approach anything that seems useful, of course the main thing was weapons and ammunition, but there were also things like bulletproof vests, suits made with special materials, anti-riot police shields and other stuff.

In about 20 minutes, soon everything was stored in my inventory. The others collected things very quickly, although I must say that instead of wanting to get out of here immediately, it seemed that they did so they can see things disappear in front of their eyes.

[Alexander, even if you are no longer infected, you should treat that wound]

With everything stored, Aurora's voice sounds in my head. It's true, I neglected that when I heard that I was cured of the infection, I let it pass. To do what she asked me, I take out a potion and some gauze and bandages from my inventory ... it was a relief to be able to do it and not have to worry about others seeing me.

“What are those things for Alexander-kun?"

"Even if I'm not infected, I need to treat the bite of that damn zombie."

"…need help?"

Hirano asks me when I take things out to treat the wound and Matsushima offers to help me, so I decide to accept her good will without much thought. But then when she takes gauze to heal me, I realize that need to lower my pants so she can do it.

Well, that can't be done on clothes, without paying attention to that, I unfastening my belt and then my pants to lower them, but when I do it the two women here raise their voices in protest and surprise at my actions.


"… What are you doing?!"

"What are you talking about? It's obvious that I need to expose the wound to be able to treat it ... haa, if you can't do it, I'll do it on my own. Give me the bandages and the gauze"

"Who said that I can't do it? I was just a little surprised!"

"S-Senpai, I'll wait outside"

"I also"

Matsushima decides to continue after she hears my words, is probably someone who keeps her word even if they put her in an awkward position. On the other hand, Asami who had shouted, decides to leave while she has a red face , Hirano when he sees her leave, immediately goes behind and accompanies her, and then as if it were a trigger for everyone to leave, the others walk to the door without saying anything .

The only ones left in the armory are me, Matsushima and Scythe who stands by my side ... the latter does not seem to care about my appearance, in fact, she has already seen me completely naked and I also saw no reaction in her, she just staring at me and doesn't seems matter her if I am dress or not.

Well, it's better for men to leave, I don't want to kill them with envy, kakaka. After everyone leaves the place, I sit at a table where had some boxes to make it more easy to Matsushima heals me.

Half of the bite wound is visible while the other half is hidden by my boxer… when I see the place where that zombie bit me, I feel fear and fury at the same time. That damn small zombie almost makes me a eunuch, I should have kicked him more...

I open the potion and drink the half, the rest handed it to Matsushima telling her to apply it on the wound, and she nods and begins to do so. As the wound is not completely visible, she have to make my boxer a little more up to see it complete, when she does although her tries to put on a calm face, I can see that her cheeks are somewhat red and her hands shake a little.

She may not be the most beautiful woman in our group, but she is still someone of the opposite sex, so while touching my skin and feeling her fingers in a sensitive region, I'm worried that sleeping dragon will react. To avoid that, I try to distract myself making fun of her a little.

"If you touch more inside my boxer and wake up the guy there, you will have to take responsibility for calming his anger for disturbing him while resting peacefully."

"E-eh? What guy are you talking about…. Damn brat! you're just a boy who hasn't grown hair down there, don't get haughty with me!"

"You want to… ghaaaa !!"

When I try to take retaliation for her words, she smears the potion with the gauze with more force than before making me scream in pain ... damn, I was just kidding, she must be a virgin for reacting that way.

"I-it's everything ok senpai?… Kyaaa! Sorry to bother you!"

Due to my scream, Asami peeks out asking us while is something worried, but when she sees us, her face turns completely red and I can almost see smoke coming out of her ears ... then turns quickly as she screams. Both, finding her reaction a little strange, we looked at our situation. From the angle that she could see, Matsushima would be with her head between my crotch, and I by the pain had taken her from the back of her neck with both hands while leaning a little ...

"Asami !! It's not what it seems, I'm just helping him treat his wound !!"

"I-it's fine senpai, i-it's good that the two get along better"

"I tell you that you are wrong! You also tell her something!"

"Will you help me bandage myself or do I do it by myself?"

"Haaa !! Why do you worry about that now? !!"

"My priority is to treat my wound, what she thinks doesn't matter to me"

"What about my reputation and image? !!"

"Matsushima you are such a banal woman ... you worry more about things like that, than about an injured person"

"Fuck you brat, I don't think you're hurt at all"

"If you don't want to help me I'll bandage myself"

I take the bandages that she had left on the table when she gets up to try to go to the door to explain to Asami about her misunderstanding, but stops halfway to claim me. As I don't care what others think of me, as long as they don't treat me like a woman, I just ignore her and focus on treating myself.

"Haaa, wait, I will do it."

Seeing me take the bandages, she sighs and approaches while says with a defeat posture, I give it to her and then she starts bandaging my wound.

"Is there another place here at the police station that can have things that are useful to us?"

"Hmn? Other things? Mmmm… oh, it's true, there's the room where all the confiscated things are stored. Besides, I don't know if it's useful or even works, but there are also the machines at the police radio station."

As there may be other things in the police station that we can use, I ask Matsushima for information. The first one mentioned seems like a good place to find more weapons or other useful stuffs, I just hope that the other police or other people will not overtake us.

As for the second place, it sounds like something good, but due to the electronic pulse they probably broke down, but since we are here we should take them too, there may be someone who is able to repair the machines again.

"Well, then we'll pick up those items too."

I get up and put on my pants when she finishes treating me and then I say her while walk to the door of the armory to inform others to go to those places too.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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