Soul Evolution System

Chapter 48: On The Way To The New Base[Edited]

I leave the armory and see others waiting for us outside, everyone has a normal face only with the exception of Hirano and Asami. The first one looks at me with eyes as if he saw a celebrity, while the second one seems to find it difficult to look at me so that her eyes roam elsewhere.

After Matsushima comes out, immediately goes to Asami, she will surely try again to correct the misunderstanding. Letting them talk I go to Soichiro to tell him the things that I talk with her in the armory.

"We should also check the room where keep all the confiscated objects, let's look for the things that can help us from there, we also collect the communication machines of the police radio"

"I understand why go for confiscated objects, but does the machine make any sense for we pick it up? It must have broken down like many other electronic devices."

"Yes, it probably has broken down as you say, but maybe someone can repair it. It will be very helpful if someone can make it work, so when we have to leave the base for something, we can maintain communication with the others."

"That would certainly be very useful, but it is a pity that it is only a possibility"

"That is right, then let's go for those things, Matsushima guide us to where the confiscated item room is"

"I understand, but it is very likely that the door is closed"

"You don't have the key to that place too?"

"No, I was in charge of the armory, another person was responsible for that place ... her was one of the police officers we saw at the entrance of the police station, the one I called Hina before"

"You should have said that with the dress. Are you going to check if he has the keys or am I going? Soichiro"

"I was surprised to see her in that state, how did you want me to remember this at that time?"

"I'll take care of going, you two come with me"

"Ah, it's true, take some antidotes in case there is a problem"

"Thank you ... although I hope we don't need them. Come on."

"Yes, Takagi-san!"

I give Soichiro 5 first level and 2 second level antidotes. As he says, I also don't expect to have to use them constantly ... since that would imply that I would be hurt.

"Then we will go for the radio machines "

We separate and each part goes in different ways, each of the police women goes in a group to be able to go to the other place if any group finishes first what they has to do. Matsushima goes with Soichiro and the other two men, therefore, Asami has to go with me, Scythe and Hirano.

Perhaps because Asami still didn't believe Matsushima's words of what happened in the armory, she had offered to go with Soichiro, but the latter refused strongly and goes to the other group.

"You are so cruel Matsushima ... I feeling as if was used, after got what you wanted from me you make me aside now"

"Stop joking Alexander! Don't complicate the things more than they already are!"

While I watch that group leave at the exit, I can't help joking with her. When she hears me, she almost stumbles then turns around shouting at me loudly. After I laugh a little at her reaction, we go to the police communications room.

"Won't it be closed like the other room?"

"No, that place is not controlled as the armory and the room where they keep the confiscated objects"

Walking to our destination Hirano and Asami start talking ... I wonder why she feels safer with him than with me? It is a great mystery. I have the appearance of an adorable 12 year old boy and Hirano is an otaku of arms ...

Well, each person has their tastes and preferences, and I think that should keep my promise with Hirano and help him with she. If the original plot is correct, then it will not be difficult for them both to end up together and so I will have something less to worry about.

"Asami, are you good at shooting?"

"E-eh? That ... I think that did well in practice to be able to become a police officer, b-but being honest I can't shoot a person ... it's even hard for me to do it against zombies"

"I see ... Hirano, why don't you give her some advice. He is very good with weapons and will surely be able to help you. Do not let that silly face of him fool you"

"Eh? Me?"


Damn it boy, I'm helping you, stop putting that face on and better tell her something, see, now she’s looking at you with doubtful eyes. Well, I can't blame her, since he doesn't look like a soldier who is good with weapons.

"Yes, I think he can help you ... don't mess it up, you just need to give her some advice and prove that you are someone that can be trustworthy. It seems we got to the communications room, I will take these things, you two can talk calmly."

When I see a room that has a sign with the name of our target, I go forward, as I pass through both, I confirm Asami's question and approach Hirano's ear to tell him some tips to talk with her.

Then I, with Scythe behind me, enter the room left the two alone, Hirano starts talking while being some nervous, but it's good that at least he seems to be able to have a conversation with her.

The first thing I do when entering is to inspect the place so as not to get any surprises like the previous time, not finding any threat I go to the machines, I try to turn them on, but they don't seem to work ... it's a shame, but I still keep they in my inventory.

With everything stored, I walk to the door, but listening to they was still talk among them, I decide to give they more time between them, so I sit in a chair while stroking Scythe. It seems that her hair got dirty again ... I hope that the new base has a large bathroom to be able to repeat the ones that happened in the house of Shisuka's friend.

Thinking about those great moments, the voice of the two outside stops, it seems that Hirano ran out of conversation topics. Come on man, it hasn't been 10 minutes ... to keep things from getting uncomfortable between them, I leave the room with Scythe.

"I collected everything, we can go where Soichiro and the others went"

"T-that is good"

"Y-yes, Alexander-kun"

"So, Hirano gave you a useful advice?"

"Yes, I was surprised that he had gone to the USA and received some military training"

Well, that's new to me too, but let's keep quiet about it since I had told her that he was someone trustworthy, it would be strange to ask about it now, since would seem that I said it without knowing anything about him… besides, he may have told me, but I forgot.

[Yes, your head must have some kind of filter for things that other men say]

Shit, really my head has something like that? Why did Cross put that on me? ... well, I think that can live with it.

[I was Kidding, Alexander. Obviously you don't have such a thing in your head ... or maybe you have it, but you can't blame Cross for that, it's because of your personality]

You scared me, Aurora. Your jokes instead of causing me laughter, produce me apprehensiveness, because until now I taken your words very seriously. Leaving that aside, I don't think it's my fault either, let's say it's the fault of destiny because I was born as a man ...

[That only applies to your first life, the gender of your body now was your choice]

Well, but don't you think it would be strange if I had chosen the opposite, having been a man before? For me there was no need for a choice since the first.

[Fufufu, I think you would also have been an adorable girl if you have done it]

No, Aurora! Please don't betray me in that regard too. I've had enough that every time I meet someone, they think I'm a girl.

[Fufufu, I'm sorry, I was kidding, Alexander. In fact, I'm glad you're a man. Don’t worry, your body has to grow sooner or later]

Haaa, I hope it's sooner than later.

Talking with Aurora in my mind, we arrived at the confiscated item room. Inside was the other group ordering the useful things in one place for I storage them.

It seems that those two zombies that I and Scythe killed were the only ones in the whole station, we didn't find any more problems after them. Finishing saving everything, we headed to the exit again.

A few minutes later, we return to the vehicles, those who stayed alone had to take care of some zombies that got too close, besides that, everything on this side was also without problems ... in fact I think I was the only one who had a moment Difficult throughout the trip.

Finally, before leaving the station, we also removed several radio receivers from the police patrols in the parking lot, in case someone can repair the communication instruments.

With nothing else to do here, we got into the vehicles to leave, but when everyone was aboard the car and us were maneuvering these ones to get out of the parking lot of the police station, the sound of a loud roar and something being hit, is heard.


"Shit, what is that?"

Sitting on the van I turn in the direction of the sound, what my eyes capture is a large body from the chest up since the other half is blocked by a car. I activate my evaluation ability and quickly discover what it is.

[Zombie Force Type level 15]

It was an evolved zombie, but in a different attribute than the ones we found inside the police station. The zombie seemed to want to get to where we were, but it is blocked by cars, as a result this seems to enrage it and then hits the vehicles by shaking them.

Fuck, if that thing hits me I will surely get several bones broken... as our cars had begun to move, it really did not represent a threat, but I felt bad leaving it knowing that could continue to grow and grow stronger. As it was out of reach of my weapons, stick my head out the window of the van and shout at Hirano to take care of the zombie.

"Drive aside the van, Matsushima”

The LAV stops after my words, and then the top of it begins to rotate, seeing what they intend to do I tell Matsushima to take the car away. Then after it completes the 180 degrees, the cannon that that vehicle possesses is seen to start making adjustments in the direction of that zombie.

When I look for the person who drives it, I discover Hirano who has control of the cannon and while smiling he makes the settings to shoot.


A slight explosion is heard and when I turn to the direction where he shot, there was a car that had been mistreated by the shot and was now bathed in blood and organs.


[Alexander level up to 21]

[Scythe level up to 43]

It was true that I wanted Hirano to take care of the zombie, but I think he exaggerate a bit ... it would have been enough for him to use the LAV's machine gun to take care of the it. Well, I and Scythe leveled up, she finally did it after killing so many zombies so I shouldn't complain.

"T-that was amazing ..."

"I told you Hirano could be reliable"

The police girls are surprised by the result of the events, Asami even stares at Hirano who was celebrating for having hit the shot, without wasting the opportunity I try to do she get a better opinion of him, my efforts seem not to be wasted since she blushes a little while looking at him.

Having fulfilled its objective, the LAV cannon returns to the front and then begins to move forward again. Matsushima immediately follows it with the van and both cars head for the amusement park where the others went.

I lay on Scythe's chest to rest and check our loot of all the things we collected from the armory that was in my inventory.

[33x Heckler and Koch USP

15x Howa type 89

7x M-16

30x bulletproof vests

15x Suits with carbon nanotubes

50,000 bullets 9mm

30,000 Bullets 5.56mm

40x Polycarbonate Shields

5x Smoke Grenade Launcher

27x Katanas

7x Hand grenades

1x PGM Hecate II]

This time we had a great harvest, although I expected to find more weapons, Matsushima told me that the Japanese police do not like guns so much ... in fact when we picked up them some even had dust on them.

But well, even so, with these they are enough to create a small squad of armed men to eliminate many zombies, besides with these weapons I do not have to worry to deal with other small survival camps that have surely been created for others or are being made in the following days.

I just have to take care of the groups created by the military or government people, but the vehicles and weapons should be enough deterrent for them or at least make they think twice if want to take advantage of us.

With a big smile on my face I enjoy the trip to our new base, with the arsenal we have now, I feel much safer to face the things that come on our way.

On the other hand, I also hope that the others there did not have difficulties to settle, but if the density of zombies is not as high as in the city as others said, they should not have problems. I longed to meet with Kurisu, Saeko and Shisuka soon ... now that I think about it, I have to talk to the latter, I plan to do her hold responsible for I being bitten by that zombie.

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(POV Kurisu)

When Saeko-san runs to the place where the shots are heard, I, Yuriko-san, Misuzu-san and Niki-san run after her. She had saved me from being hit by that table, so, even if I doesn't can help her much, I plan to pay the favor she did to me.

Being honest, that surprised me ... but I think also understand why she did it. We may be jealous of each other in a few moments, but if I left her when she needed my help, I couldn't see Alex to his eyes and I would end up hating myself.

Perhaps she has those same thoughts or she may also be someone much more open minded than can completely not care to help another woman from the man she likes. Anyway, now I respect her a little more than before, I just hope that my jealousy doesn't change that in the future.

While I was thinking about that and we ran through the halls of the castle, we got to where the shots were heard. What we see when entering was a place that looks like a kitchen and the men who came in this direction, shooting a zombie.

This didn't seem to be a normal one, but it wasn't like the one we found in the event hall either. It was a smaller zombie that ran around the place trying to avoid the bullets while covering itself with kitchen utensils.

"Wait, busujima-san, that's not a good place to use your sword!"

Saeko tries to go after the zombi, but Yuriko-san stops her, her words were true, with so many metal things that get in the way, she won't be able to move her katana as usual. Noticing this she also stops moving forward, well, if she can't use the sword, then it's the weapons turn.

Mizusu-san, Niki-san and Yuriko san join the men to shoot while trying to follow the movements of the zombie, several bullets impact him, but unfortunately at not being in the head this continues to move throughout the kitchen.

Then when the zombie was in the direction of one of the men who arrived first, although they have not been able to hit the head until now, by the continuous damage received in the body one of its limbs is amputated, causing it to fall, stopping its movements.

Until now I had been following it with my rifle, so when I see the opportunity, I pull the trigger. The bullet goes off and hits the head, the zombie kicks for a few seconds and finally stops all movement remaining inert.

"Nice shot Kurisu-san. Are there any injuries or casualties? "

Yuriko-san praises me and continues to ask to the men, they inform us that because that zombie surprised them, when they noticed it, unfortunately had already thrown itself at one of them.

The unfortunate man was holding his arm at this moment while he was pale, surely more than the pain that now feels from the wound, the cause of this is that he is thinking about the consequences of being bitten.

Seeing him I remember the antidotes that Alex gave me before, when it was just me, he and Saeko-san alone. They were 10 level1, 10 level2 and 3 level3 ... the first two were probably useless for that man, only the third would work.

There was only one problem, those antidotes Alex had asked me to only use them if I, Saeko-san, Shisuka-san, or anyone I considered important for the group were bitten ... surely that man would not enter as someone important if he were here.

An internal struggle took place within my mind, I knew that these antidotes were not easy for Alex to obtain, so I wanted to follow his instructions as he told me, but having in my hands what could save that man and not do it , it was causing me great discomfort.

"If it bothers you enough to put that face on, use the antidote. Although Alex-san said that before, I doubt he gets mad at you for something like that."

Then Saeko-san stands next to me and tells me in down voice so that only we two can listen, when I listen to her I make a decision and walk to where the person who was bitten is.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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