Soul Evolution System

Chapter 49: Meeting Of The Whole Group[Edited]

(POV Kurisu continues)

I placed myself on the side of the bitten man, in doing so the others observe me with curiosity. Without paying attention, I take out the syringe with the antidote, but the subject I want to treat shivers and says while he sees me.

"P-please ... I'm afraid of death. Let me convert first and then you can do whatever you want."

It seems that he misunderstand my actions, but that is not his fault, since there should be no cure for the virus or disease that is transmitted through zombie's bites.

"This is not to kill you ... it is to prevent you from becoming a zombie."

With my words everyone looks at me more seriously, or rather the antidote in my hands. Then many sigh probably thinking that it is a lie to make the man accept the injection that will end his life, even the bitten person doubts what I say.

Since time is something essential, I bend down trying to take his arm and apply the antidote.

"Although this antidote can cure a bitten person, the time that has passed after he was bitten is still very important for it to take effect ... so I need to do it no- Kyaaa!"

The man does not listen to what I say and withdraws his arm and even throws me backwards and I fall on my rear hurting myself a little from the impact.

"Is it true what you say Kurisu-san?"

Yuriko-san asks me when I try to get up, it seems that after hearing me insist, she takes my words seriously, I turn to where she is and nod. Then she looks at Saeko-san as if she also wants her to confirm what I said.

"Until now I have not seen that antidote be used on someone, but since it is something that Alex-san gave to her in case of emergency, I think what she says is true and that should work in preventing people from transforming"

"Alexander-kun? ... that child is increasingly mysterious... why are you all standing there watching what happens? Did you not hear? That antidote does not work indefinitely, quickly, immobilize him!"

"Yes, Yuriko-san!"

"Yes ma'am!"

After obtaining confirmation from Saeko-san too, she orders the men to hold the bitten person. Several people have to intervene to finally prevent him from moving, but being restricted by others then he resorts to screaming while crying.

"Nooo! Please! I-I don't want to die !!"

"Calm down, if I wanted to kill you it would be much easier to shoot you in the head than to go through all this just to give you an injection."

Although I know that I’m trying to cure him, seeing him act like this makes me feel as if I am really doing something wrong to him. That is why I speak to try to calm him down, it is a pity that he does not seem to hear any reason now.

With the subject immobilized, I can finally administer the antidote. When I see that all the liquid is emptied from the syringe, then I back off, but for safety for himself and the others, they decide to continue immobilizing him for a little longer.

Apart from the people who hold that person, the others, after receiving Yuriko-san's orders take positions to monitor the place since all the noise could have caught the attention of zombies that were hovering nearby. So she walks to where I am, I have an idea of the reason why she is coming, but unfortunately I cannot resolve her doubts.

"Do you know where Alexander-kun got the antidotes? Or if they are producing them somewhere?"

"No, I don't understand very well how he got them, as for your second question, if you’re thinking that behind Alex there is an organization or something else, I can assure you that thought is wrong, He and I arrived in this city alone and we have no one behind us, if you want to know more about how he got the antidotes, you should ask him "

Although I know more or less how he gets the antidotes, I don't know if she would believe me, and I don't want to reveal Alex's information without him knowing, it's better that she asks herself.

Yuriko-san keep watching me for a few seconds as if assessing if what I say is true, then nods and changes her attention from me to the subject that was bitten. She probably expect to see if the antidote really works.

With the passing of time, that person seems to finally calm down, so the people who held him release him, then he sits and remains motionless  for the following minutes. Everyone's attention in the kitchen is focused on him, even me and Saeko- san are not an exception, the reason is simple, we want to see if in fact that liquid injected in him can prevent him from transforming into a zombie.

I don't want to doubt Alex's words, but it is inevitable that I feels uncertainty about what might happen, maybe those antidotes only work on his body ...

Time is still running, but the person does not seem to have any changes. After 10 more minutes, Yuriko-san, seeing that the subject remains as human, makes someone treat the man's arm with first aid to avoid the slight bleeding that he had .

It is decided that they will continue to observe him for a few more minutes for safety, if nothing strange happens in the end, he will be taken with Shisuka-san to give him a better medical treatment.

The man realized that what I said before was true, then he kneels with his head hitting the ground repeatedly while thanking me with tears in his eyes. It is a relief that this time he cries out of happiness, a little nervous for his actions I ask him to get up, it didn't feel good to have an injured person doing that.

"If you want to thank someone, please tell that to Alex, he was the one who gave me that antidote ... but I must tell you all beforehand, these antidotes are not many, so you better be careful and try not to be bitten by the zombies "

"... it is better that everyone does not have strange ideas, that antidote can save you from a zombie bite, but the only thing that will allow us to survive in a world full of them, is a team to count on in order to deal with them.

You've seen how the situation is out there, it's not easy to stay alive being alone, so think well about your actions if you don't want to end up having to fend for just yourself in the streets of a city infested with zombies. "

"Fufufu, besides, Alex-kun will return soon, and when he does, his plant would probably be hungry, it has a big appetite and It simply swallows everything he gives it as food... although perhaps if you touch his woman you won’t have to worry about that plant ... what awaits you can be much much worse "


When talking about the antidotes, many of the men look at me with eyes full of greed and desire for them, that makes me fear a little for what they can do ... Alex said that if people knew about the antidote, they could act this way, but I didn't thought that people within our group would do it, it seems that I was naive.

When I step back for those looks, Mizusu-san and Niki-san take my sides holding their weapons while watching those men, I also took my rifle while seeing them. Although I don't want to have to shoot a person, I will defend myself as Alex asked me ... Alex, why haven't you returned yet?

While the restlessness grows within me, Yuriko-san's words are heard loudly and reached most of the men who seem to recover their senses. As to complement her, Saeko-san also speaks, but what she says only affects the last group that joined us.

Is just that her words rather than make them think about what they are doing, make those 5 men tremble while a shriek escapes from their lips ... I really don't know what Alex did for them to react like that, but it seems that what he did, has to do with his plant.

The others also look with doubt the reaction of these men, they also do not understand Saeko-san's words, most likely the only ones who know why they act that way, are those who went to other place with Alex while Scythe dragged the guy who passed out when we were in the mall.

Well, I do not want to know what happen that time, and it is better for my mental health to remain oblivious to those things ... I have that very clear, since I know that he can be sometimes very extreme with what he does.

With things returning to normal ... or almost, now those 5 look at me with fear. I try to find out why I could cause them fear, since I haven't done anything to them, then analyzing Saeko-san's words I realize that she referred to me as Alex's woman.

I turn to look at her and she just smile at me, then I feel that my blood rises to my face, so I avoid her gaze quickly out of shame. I don't know if she said it just for helping me or really thinks our relationship has advanced to that point ...

Minutes latter, a couple of men accompanied the subject who was bit out and we continue to clean the castle of zombies. After the surprise of the two strange zombies, we didn't find any other problems on the first floor so we headed to the second.

In the second there were no more evolved zombies ... or so they seemed, so I'll call them that way. There were only a few normal zombies walking through corridors, we quickly take care of them and then we go to the next floor.

The other floors were like the second, it is fortunate that not all zombies evolved, otherwise it would have become a big problem. After cleaning all the corridors of each of the floors we return to the hotel reception.

There we took the keys and distributed it among ourselves, so in the same way as the previous one we divided into two groups to check the rooms of the whole castle. Before doing it, Yuriko-san asks me for some antidotes to hand them over to the other group in case of an emergency, as I think it is a better idea to have to run to the place myself to help someone, I hand them over. In addition, since its use depends on time, it is best that it be administered as quickly as possible.

Of course, I only give them the antidotes of the first 2 levels, the level3 I keep them with me. I don't want to go against Alex's words anymore, I think I've done enough by providing those, if someone still dies, I may feel a little bad about it, but after seeing those eyes with which they looked at me, I intend to heed the words he said to me when we arrived at the first village in Gaia.

I will worry first about myself that others ... well, I will also give priority to Saeko-san and Shisuka-san because Alex asked me, and the former has saved me once.

After about 30 minutes we checked the entire castle completely. Most of the closed rooms were empty so it was not much work, we lasted a long time mainly because we wanted to do it carefully and not be negligent.

Then after meeting again, we all left the castle. Outside things seem to be going without any problem and with only two people injured in our group, we can say that things were almost perfect.

With the castle being safe now, the others begin to unload all the merchandise we brought from the shopping center and place it in some warehouses of the castle.

Yuriko-san and Saya, the pair of mother and daughter are in charge of revising everything to see that it coincides with the annotations we made previously. Then I, Saeko-san, Misuzu-san and Niki-san go to where Shisuka-san is.

She seems to have finished checking the man that was bitten and others removed him from the castle before. Yuriko-san asked for him to be treated out of the sight of others to avoid problems, and after he was healed they still kept him under surveillance. They probably keep it that way for a few days to be sure, the good thing is that he is now calmer and easily accepts his situation.

"I'm glad everyone is fine ~"

When we arrive, Shisuka-san greet us with a smile while saying, next to her is Rei-san and Komuro-kun, she had to immobilize her arm because of the blow she received from the table. Also with them were the two people that Alex choose for our group on the way to Saya-san's house ... I think their names were Yamada- kun and Yuki-san, they should have remained on Shisuka-san's side in case she needed help.

When Rei-san puts her eyes on me, she looks at me intensely, but she says nothing and just looks at me, then Komuro-kun who has a face as if he had problems with her mood, makes a nod trying to apologize to me, I return the gesture out of courtesy, but I honestly don't feel he has to do that, besides if Rei is angry with me she is free to do so.

If Saeko- san hadn't taken me off the table, I would probably be the one who would be in her place ... is that the cause for her seeing me like that? It's a bit mean to think about being fine at someone else's expense, but I understand that nobody likes to get hurt.

Well, since I cannot consider myself a friend of her, it is better to forget that, as long as she does not cause me any problems, she can look at me all she wants, it is not as if I were the one who threw that table, so I can feel calm with myself.

"Yes, we are well Shisuka-san, I'm glad that you are also fine"

"Yes ~, there was no problem here while you were in the castle, it seems that your group was the one who had a hard time inside"

"Fufufu, for now we can rest. Then we will talk with others about whether we continue cleaning the amusement park by ourselves or wait for Alex-san"

"Haa, I want Alex-kun to come back soon so I can hug him!"

"... I also hope to see that perverted brat as soon as possible"

While the three of us talked, Rei-san enters our conversation, it seems that she forgot her anger with me and passes it on Alex, because of the tone in which she says it, it does not seem that it is a good thing why she wants to see him, maybe she see me that way because him?.

As there are other people watching the area, we all look for a place to sit and see those who are responsible for unloading the contents of the trucks. They lower box after box of food and utensils for everyday use and move them inside the castle.

Yuriko-san seems to have postponed cleaning the other areas of the amusement park until all of the trucks have been unloaded or Alex and Soichiro-san return, for now she directs all her focus in directing the people that watches and those unload things. She really is a very hardworking and intelligent woman, I can see why her family was one of the most important in Japan in this world.

While we get distracted watching that, time passes and minutes become hours ... haa, being a person accustomed to technology, this is very boring, but I must not complain, this is still better than having to fight against zombies.

It's just a shame that Alex isn't here, at least when he's here, I can talk to him to distract me... I can't start a conversation with Saeko-san who is sitting while she has her eyes closed and holding her sword.

Maybe with Shisuka-san ... forget it, she seems too cheerful humming a song that I don't know, and I don't know if we can find common conversation topics ... well, I have one with we both can talk about, the subject would obviously be Alex, but that It would be harder for me to talk about than anything else with her.

Then when I thought that should imitate Saeko-san and try to rest for the time to pass faster, sounds of vehicles on the road that we had come before are heard.

When I raise my head to see in that direction, I look at the other military vehicle that Alex summoned with the system in the Takagi's house, followed by a van.

"Alex is finally back!"

With my words Saeko-san opens her eyes and together with Shisuka-san come in the direction where I have my eyes set, the two also smile and get up. The two cars then park next to the trucks that had the merchandise a little far from the vehicle where we were.

Soon people start to get off and soon, I see Alex and Scythe getting off the van, he passes his eyes around the place as if examining it and when he sees us he walks to where we are ... but for some reason he drags a foot a little.

The three of us are surprised for a second, but we quickly move forward to meet him halfway.


Written by: Drack

Edited by: XArezzX

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