Soul Evolution System

Chapter 472 Abandoned City 1

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“…This place seems completely abandoned”

"U-n... it's true"


Days after that crazy afternoon with Milene, as was planned, Saeko, Shisuka, and I entered the dimensional gate that we had found when the girls and I first came to this forest when we found this zone level 10...

Several girls were opposed to this, after all, as far as we knew, no one had returned once they had entered this gate! This was certainly something to worry about, but... thinking that it was possible because those people didn't pass the 9th limit of the first soul level, this wasn't that strange. The place on the other side of the gate seemed to be at least a Level 2 Area after all!

As soon as the three of us entered the place, the energy in the environment was very high! Even higher than in the [7 Mountains] sect! From Aurora's analysis, it was probably a level 19 zone! The peak of a level 2 area!

…so it wasn't strange that people with only the 9th limit of the first soul level wouldn't come back if they encountered a problem here. It was normal for those people to be more unlucky than lucky.

Well… even this worried me and I debated whether we should go back or continue exploring the place. In the end, I thought that at least we had enough means to escape if things got bad. Therefore, the 3 of us continue our adventure.

"Yes... this is definitely a ghost town... there doesn't seem to be any people here."

Yes, the place we arrived at was definitely an ancient city. We walked through the empty streets where only the sound of our footsteps echoed… it was a bit creepy! Also, even though it was daytime when we left Delna, it was nighttime here… I wonder if there is a time difference? It is difficult to know since I really cannot understand very well how the sky works in Gaia… from what I have heard, there are places where several moons or suns appear! Or even the absence of such things!!

[Well… you better not think complicated things for now, Alexander. Those things depend on the laws of the world… also, this can vary by the person who created it, or if it was created naturally, by the laws that formed it]


…okay, that sure seems complicated, so let's stop thinking about it.

[But… I think this place seems to be just a small space… it probably just hides this city here. You can think of the place like a pocket space.]

...perhaps that explains the sensation I've felt since I arrived in this city. Instead of coming to an open place, it felt like I had entered a cave!

Well, putting that aside, maybe I should call the place ruins? It seemed that many buildings had been collapsed. 


" seems that there was a battle here before"

...yes, Shigure was right. Instead of saying that the buildings succumbed to the passage of time, there were traces that there was a battle here resulting in the current appearance of the place. And not a small one, but something that probably led to the extermination of the residents of this city or that they had to emigrate to another location!

"...there doesn't seem to be anything in this place"


And that was the main problem! If my previous assumptions are correct, then this city has already been sacked by the invaders! Or if the citizens managed to escape, surely they took everything of value that they could take with them!!

So, as Saeko says, we haven't found anything considered to be of much value while exploring the place for a few hours! In the houses we checked there were only things like common utensils… at best, we could only find a few coins of Gold! My goal of try to get the spirit plants needed for the [Metal Bone King] technique! ] seems pretty distant now!!

If I knew this, I would have preferred to continue spending time with the girls in the Mansion! You Know? My luck had changed since I came to the [Fairy Garden]!! 

Although from what the girls told me, this was a name given by the people who settled in what was now a small city where our Mansion was, I couldn't agree more with such a name! For me, it really became a little garden where I could enjoy seeing various fairies circling around me!

Also, not only could I feast my eyes… as I said, it seems my luck has turned for the better ever since I arrived at the Mansion! At first I thought that I would have some trouble spending time alone with Saeko and Kurisu because of what happened earlier when they all found out that I had sex with Kushinada and Renka-chan, but… although I could detect a bit of jealousy in some of the girls, thank God they weren't as angry as I had thought!

…at least I don't end up as a Husband who has to sleep on the sofa… or in the street or at his parents' house in the worst case! I was able to sleep feeling the warmth of the girls in the same bed! I had missed this a lot!!

And perhaps most importantly…  no, without a doubt the most important thing! I was able to enjoy some time alone with Kurisu and Saeko!!

It's like they say, divide and conquer!! 

Yes, perhaps it was the same as in the savannah… where predators had to separate an individual from the herd in order to feed! Yes, after the prey is alone, then the following things are easier!!

…then you just had to be careful that once you've finally knocked down the prey, the hyenas don't appear to prevent you from eating quietly!!

That was probably the problem in the sect… there was not enough territory to separate a small gazelle from the herd! Usually, they always stay together!! So the poor lion, me, had to go hungry while I could only watch the herd prowling the place without me being able to do anything!! 

That was so cruel!!

Well, let's get back to the good stuff… it wasn't just Kurisu and Saeko! A third person had been added now!!

At first Milene was angry with me… well, it wasn't because she thought I took advantage of her moment of weakness, but because of something else that happened that same day!

…after all that had happened in, what seemed to be her office, I went out to meet Saya as I intended from the beginning. After asking someone else… since I forgot to do it before with Milene and she probably wouldn't give me a coherent answer that time, I found a suitable person for that and I was lucky that she was still in the store.

I talked to her for a while and praised her for all her work, to which she responded with a smile. Although this wasn't hard to do... Saya was actually very good at this! When we returned to the Mansion to go with the other girls, she gave me just over a hundred red crystals! She had earned more than 100 million crystals in these few months!!

Well, going back to what I was saying, when Saya and I were leaving the store, I noticed that one of the girls who worked there was heading directly to Milene's office! So I quickly goaded Saya to hurry up as I could imagine what would happen next!!

Unfortunately, I didn't make it in time… the girl, who ignored the sign of [Unwell] that I had put on the door, froze on the spot… shit, why she didn't pay attention to the sign?! I even bothered to go back there to put it on, you know?!! 

The next thing that happened was a big scream from the girl… I still clearly remember her words since… they were quite amazing! 

After a loud “K-Kyaaaah!!!” which caught the attention of all the employees, continued with “S-Someone… someone has attacked Milene! N-No… i-it seems that a group of people has raped her… s-she is covered in semen… n-no, rather the whole place has traces of this… g-god, how many people attacked her?!! She is worse off than if she had been attacked by a group of bandits!!”

…While in my head I was replying to the girl that it had only been me, other workers began to go towards her… and more than concern on their faces, I could see that they were curious about what that girl had said!

You couldn't underestimate or say that that girl was exaggerating… maybe she was one of the girls I rescued before from bandits! So... she could very well compare Milene's situation to that of a pitiful victim who experienced atrocity and disgrace by such criminals!

Well... I can't lie, what that girl said inflated my ego a bit, but... I couldn't feel proud of that either! Not when Saya was looking at me carefully from the side!! It was clear that she knew the perpetrator of such an act!!

After showing her the most innocent smile I could muster at that moment, I could only avert my eyes in the next moment at her piercing gaze. In the end, after repositioning her glasses, she just sighs… I was lucky that the girl who heard all that was Saya, who was one of the girls around me who could be said to have fully accepted that I would have a relationship with several women.

…maybe her only problem was that, inside those girls, there was also her mother! As we resumed our steps, she complained a bit to me how her mother was bugging her to me pick her up from that world. Probably I will do that after this expedition.

Then, while we were doing that, we heard another scream! Milene who surely regained consciousness having rested a bit and also... due to the commotion brewing around her, shocked, she probably could only do that!

The cry of “F-Fucking Alexander, you couldn't even cover me with a fucking blanket? H-Hyaan~!!!”, reached our ears… seriously, it seems that what they say is totally true! Women can be quite incomprehensible… they can get angry over tiny matters… things as small as a “blanket”!!

…no, well… this time I could understand that. The problem maybe… no, surely, it wasn't because of the blanket!! Sorry… I thought that sign was enough! Who would have thought that this one would be ignored by someone?!!

So…a blanket was the reason Milene was mad at me for a while.

Well, after her anger diminished, I discovered something curious… I don't know if it was because of the way we did it the first time… or maybe because of how the other girls in the store looked at her now… yes, given the state that the other girls found her... and knowing that she hadn't been assaulted against her will when she tried to resolve everyone's "misunderstanding", you can probably imagine what kind of eyes the other girls looked at her with now...

Well, the point is… is that, when we both were able to have a moment alone again, things were not very different from the previous time! Not that I wanted it that fact, since I now wanted to try to see her more as one of my women, I thought we must be a little more normal our next time.

Who would have thought that she would take a similar attitude that time?!

No, well…she wasn't as frustrated as she was then, so it wasn't like she was dying to have sex. It was just… it was just that her attitude when we were both alone was completely submissive again! N-No… it was more like she wanted to be degraded a bit!!

I wonder if Milene became a Masochist? Thinking about it... it doesn't seem like that was the case. It was more like she just liked to be dominated... and maybe humiliated a bit?

...I guess that's still considered a Masochist, right? Anyway, not that I had a complaint about this either… if Milene doesn't complain, that was something new and very exciting for me too!

“Alex-san… Alex-san… Alex-san, do you hear me?”

“E-Eh? S-Sorry, I was a bit distracted… what were you saying, Saeko?”

"I was saying if we continued looking around this place...or maybe it would be better to move to another area?"

“Well… I think the latter is best, there doesn't seem to be anything good around here… I think we should head to the central part of the site… where the buildings seem to be bigger. Our luck may change if we search there.”

""It's okay""

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