Soul Evolution System

Chapter 473 Abandoned City 2

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Since we had only been exploring what seems like the common neighborhoods on the edge of this ancient city, after giving it some consideration upon hearing Saeko's questioning, I think the best things were most likely where the rich people here were lived!

So the most suitable place to look for treasures was surely more in the center of the city where the buildings were bigger... especially two places that attracted more attention, something that looked like a castle, and another that had architecture similar to a temple perhaps.

"So... where do we go first?"

“…I think it would be better to start with the castle.”

"I understand, but... we should wait a bit, maybe?"


After Shigure asks, I go with that option. The truth is that the idea of looting a temple scared me a bit… if you don't remember, Milene had been cursed by a god before… so doing something like that would surely offend a god! That could be scarier than any other danger in this place!!

By the way, I said “had been” because now that problem of hers had been solved! Who would have thought that I only needed to have sex with her for that?! In fact, yes, I think it was much easier than having to convince her to lower her head in the temples or churches of the gods she offended before!!

…Milene could be pretty stubborn about her own ideas! One of the reasons I didn't insist on changing her preferences when we did it! No, well... that's obviously a lie. I didn't do it just because it was also really fun to see her like that for a bit!!

Well, I could think of two reasons for that to happen… the first, as I said, was because of the [Consecration of Origin] skill. Yes, apparently there was a much more direct way for a girl to obtain this without having to perform the ritual that I perform with other girls! By having sex with a girl, and if she had strong feelings towards me, that was enough for her to gain such an ability!

…Milene's affection meter, which until now had always been between 70 and 80 points, surpassed the 3 digits after what happened that afternoon! But I think that was reasonable. Perhaps the only thing that puzzled me a bit was the other thing that appeared there in her state… [Love Slave] could be clearly read even now next to her affection indicator!

Well, it certainly didn't seem like a bad thing... and it may just be because of the fact that she is my slave, but... that also just sounds like a better way of saying [Sex Slave], right?! T-That was what bothered me a bit!

The second reason I could think of might why those Milene's curses have disappeared was… was because she got a partner now and also put aside her greed to sink into lust! Those two gods might consider that she had rectified their way or disposition to something more pleasant for them!

After all, if I remember correctly, it was the gods of love and business that cursed her before... as she had somewhat accepted "love" now and had also paid for being too greedy, then they might have decided to raise their curses.

Yeah... maybe they thought she had enough punishment on my hands?

…either way, I was more inclined to believe that this was due to the first option. Since Cross seemed to be a higher existence than Gaia's gods, a blessing related to his power would possibly nullify any other god's curse.

Or so I wanted to believe! The other option scared me a bit… didn't it mean that those gods were watching us all the time? Even in my intimate moment with Milene! It's just that they were perver-… n-no, didn't they have something better to do than watch the hobbies of poor mortals?

Well, it was probably best not to think about it too much…for now.

Leaving all of that aside, when I intended to walk together with the two girls by my side towards the place where those two buildings were, Saeko approached me and whispered that to me… following her vision, I could see that my pants had raised a carp that threatened to rip my pants!

W-Well… after thinking about all the above, it was normal for something like this to happen, right? Sure, it was a bit awkward walking like this… besides, I sure look like a pervert If I do it!!

“…should I help you?”


When I was trying to calm down a bit by thinking about complicated things, Saeko keeps whispering to me and stops me from doing it!!

…is it may be likely that she was affected a little bit since almost most of the times we did it before was when we were outside?! While she was saying that to me, she was exchanging her gaze towards my crotch and the surroundings as if looking for a suitable place for us to do something!!

And almost by reflex, I answer her affirmatively! It also seems that I myself was affected by it! The only thing that stops my words from coming out of my mouth to accept her request was...

"…S-omething happens?"


I remembered that this time we were not alone! Shigure, who wasn't far away and was watching us, asks us. This makes Saeko's face blush a little more... it seems that she also just remembered her presence!!

But… she doesn't take back her words and continues to look at me as if waiting for my answer! If I nodded and took her hand to go somewhere else, she might follow me without saying any complaints! I was tempted to do it, but... it seemed too cruel to leave Shigure waiting for a few hours here alone! 

No... given how Shigure is... maybe if I invited her, she might accept? I-I think this was quite possible… this girl doesn't have a very firm foundation in her knowledge of intimacy… so a threesome might not seem very strange to her!

", nothing strange happens, let's just rest a bit to continue."

""…it's fine""

Well, I finally managed to contain my desires this time. Also, maybe because I wasn't so repressed now, it's not that difficult either... no, lie, it was still difficult, but I wasn't crazy enough to do something like that in an unknown place and where we don't know what dangers there might be!

…Saeko-chan, I promise we can do fun things some other time, so don't make that disappointed face!

After a few minutes for “everything” to return to normal, the three of us resumed our adventure in these ruins… then, as we approached the central area of the city, we discovered that we were not alone here!

"...those things move pretty fast"

“Y-es… but they are not that problematic either”

“Either way, both of you be careful.”

What we found were snakes that moved through the streets or buildings of the place... and as Saeko says, they seemed quite agile. Although, I also agreed with the Kunoichi girl…as long as we're careful, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Until now, most of these snakes were between the 8th and 9th limit, with one with another having passed to the second soul level. Perhaps the only thing that worried me a little was that these could be poisonous… and, in fact, some of the strongest ones spit out a corrosive acid! It's good that we prepared in advance and I got several pills [Antidote] and others from Lena which were useful on people with a 2nd soul level, or poisons that could affect people with such strength.

Also, the girls' equipment and mine could prevent the acid from those snakes a bit as long as we weren't unlucky enough to get hit in an uncovered area... 

Anyway, now I think I know why most of the people who entered here never came back… if they also encountered these enemies, it can only be said that they were just very unlucky! Put aside the 8th and 9th limit snakes, probably a second level soul one was enough to exterminate a group of people who ventured into this place!!

...good thing I didn't rush to explore this dimensional gate earlier.

With our current strength, we could still advance without much trouble… for me and Saeko it might have been good training, but for Shigure, it might have been a bit boring. Any snake that got close to her would end up being cut in two vertically in just one slash of her sword!

But now that I think about it, I remember that this place was related to the Serpent Queen and a dragon…so maybe it's not strange that the enemies we encountered were these.

Although… to be honest, I was actually a bit disappointed. When you think of something like a Serpent Queen, isn't the first thing that comes to mind a beautiful, provocatively dressed Lamia showing off her splendid curves?! In fact, before entering here, I really expected to see something like the city of Lamias! 

Unfortunately, although we did find a city when passing through the door, it was in ruins and there were only snakes that were not sexy at all!

“…it seems that these snakes are getting stronger the further we move towards the center of the city”

"It-'s true…"

"...Saeko, don't walk away from me"


Yes, the more we advance towards our objectives, the more and more snakes that exceed the first soul level attack us… now we had to face groups of these with that force! Even though Shigure and I could still move forward smoothly, for Saeko things were getting a bit tricky… now I could only help her by using my domain to prevent her from being attacked by surprise.

…In fact, I was considering that maybe it would be better to withdraw, but when I mentioned it, the girl for whom things had become more complicated was the first to refuse! So since I didn't want to hurt her pride, I could only help her the best I can. Well, I also thought that we could still go a little further and see how things were… after all, it was unfortunate that we had come for nothing!

Also, we still had items that we could use in case things got more complex and we could escape safely using them. Not that I valued what we might find here more than the safety of these two girls. So, after several battles, we managed to reach the castle.

"Let's go in"


The doors were open as if welcoming us… or rather, they were probably forced open by the people who attacked this place or the owner of the place escaped so quickly that he didn't bother to lock his house!

This was a bit disappointing as it meant that most likely everything of value would now be gone as well… even so, we still had to check it out. The three of us passed through the doors, and then we walked down the halls. 

The good thing is that the number of snakes here was not much... or rather, through my domain, I could feel that a large number were gathered in one place!

…after some consideration, I advise the girls to go straight there. Usually, the place with the most enemies is where the treasures are, right? Perhaps basing all this on my experiences in the games was not the most appropriate, but... I still thought that place was the most suitable to find something! For a reason all those snakes were gathered there!

In the worst case, we will get a few more bodies and crystals from these snakes. From what I know, the materials of these are very appropriate for the creation of leather armor! And at least they would be of rank [G]! They would be good for the girls in the [Servants of Alexander-sama] organization. Or just selling them by Saya also is very good.

"T-That's quite a few..."


Soon, we arrived at the place where I felt the presence of many enemies, and we can't help but be a little surprised. Saeko was right... I could easily count a few hundred snakes gathered in this room! Furthermore, I could see at least 2 snakes that had a strength higher than the 5th limit of the 2nd soul level!!

All of these seem to guard a door that seemed quite resistant… it really seems that we finally found the jackpot! Surely behind there must be some good things!!

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