Soul Evolution System

Chapter 480 Milene’s New Problems

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(POV Milene )





While I was working…or at least I was trying to, every time one of the other girls working in the store passed by my side, I heard her murmuring. D-Damn it, it all started after that day! It's that pervert brat's fault-H-Hyaan~! I-I mean, it's the… M-Master's fault!!

No, well… maybe it was a bit my fault too… I should have thought of a better way to explain all that! Saying that “I was just a bit bored and frustrated” to others, surely weren't enough words to resolve that misunderstanding! 

...In my defense, I can only say that my mind was still a bit blank from everything that had happened that day. Also… the first time I might have blamed Alexander for just leaving me in such a state and then leaving afterward, but… when that happened several more times after, it's certainly my fault for not preparing some things myself! 

Although… those things always happened very quickly and caught me a bit off guard! It was hard to be prepared for that!!

B-But... I feel like that's what I tell myself as an excuse! It's like a part of me wants to receive the contempt of the other girls!!

"Ha... Ha..."

Thanks to that… now all the other workers look at me like I'm trash! What did I do to deserve this?!!

E- Ermm … well, if you ask me if I did something to deserve this, to be honest, I can think of several things… yes, maybe in fact this is a bit due to my accumulated Karma… more than one person should think that it was a punishment well deserved! And the worst part is that I probably can't deny that!!

"(Dirty woman…)"

“(Meat hole…)”

"K-Kuuh... ha... ha..."

…s-seriously, when will this end? I hope it's just kind of a fad that wears off after a few days... it's hard to concentrate to be able to work like this!! T-The worst thing is that those insults not only annoy me a little, but also... f-for some reason, every time I hear those insults, my body shakes a little! W-What the hell is happening to me?!!

I-In fact… could it be that their words remind my body of my intimacy with Alexander?! I-It could be that… almost all the insults that these girls say to me, I myself have used with myself in those moments!! 

W-Well... W-What can I say? Every time I do that… the sensations in my body become more intense! It's like in my time alone with Alexander some kind of switch in my head flipped and... being put down felt really good!! 

H-Hell… I wonder if that per- Nyaan~! I-I wonder if Master did something to me… I wasn't like that! Well, I had never felt any feelings for any men before or had any kind of interest in them... much less have any kind of intimacy like together with Alexander! So I can't say that this was something that was deep inside me either!!

T-That's a bit scary… you never know what's hidden deep inside you!!

“(Sex slave…)”

“(Lustful demon…)”


…speaking of demons and stuff, it wasn't all just bad stuff after that. My curses were now gone! Although... I don't know why, but… instead of feeling that I had recovered or gained something, I had a feeling of the opposite! It was more like a feeling of defeat!

...Perhaps what I lost was my own dignity? 

No, well... if it was like that, maybe it wouldn't be such a strong feeling. If I'm honest with myself, ever since I became a merchant, for a suitable price, I was willing to get rid of that… yes, now that I'm rethinking my life, maybe all of this was really my fault. With those principles of mine, sooner or later all it would have ended the same way... or maybe even worse!

So, more than losing something, I think it was more like I had lost against someone!! I wonder if it's because I lost to myself... maybe that's it.


“(Woman muti-uses…)”

Oh~ That last insult is new. Maybe I can use it the next time I'm with Alexander… w- what the hell am I thinking? Fuck!!

While trying to collect my thoughts holding my head and tapping it lightly on the table where I was sitting, suddenly a voice next to me called me... well, this time they weren't whispers directed at me, someone really was speaking to me! T-This has become a bit weird lately, so I can't help but be surprised.

...crap, this is depressing!

“ You… did something again, didn't you? The other girls treat you differently than before…”

“E-Eh? C- Celi… I-I don't know what you're talking about, everything seems normal to me…”


“(Sex toy…)”


S-Shit, not even when there is someone else by my side do the others give me a break?! With this, it is more difficult to see the pure eyes of this girl and pretend that nothing happened… right, those eyes are the ones that for an instant almost stopped me from using her as a pawn token for some business! 

F-Fuck… I really may be a very bad woman… although, when I did that, I did it thinking that it was a safe deal and I couldn't lose! And no one would notice that!

Anyway… this sweet and pure girl looking at me with those strict and hard eyes is a little… y-yeah, that's making me a little wet! What the hell have I become?! Anyway, she was the only one I didn't want to expose my new relationship with Alexander to... t-that scared me a bit!

As a woman, I know that the worst thing is not the contempt of other girls... what can scare me is what a jealous woman can do! If Celi, who sees Alexander as her prince charming who rescued her when she was in trouble, finds out that I slept with him, I can't imagine what this girl would do!!

No, maybe I'm just worrying too much… knowing her, I don't think this girl would do something so crazy out of jealousy… probably. In the worst case, it may just be that the look with which she sees me will be harder than before… which is maybe being pretty bad now that I think about it! If that happens, I may reach orgasm just because she looks at me!!

My dignity as her Master would be completely ruined for that!

…n-no, maybe it's late to worry about something like that, right? For a while now... or more precisely, since she found out I sold her, she only sees me as her enemy!

“ Well, it doesn't matter… I'm just warning you, I'll be watching you! Lately it seems like you've been spending more time with Alexander-sama... I don't know what you're planning, but I won't let you take advantage of his kindness! 

If you do something that harms or hurts Alexander-sama or the other girls, I will be the first to make you pay for it! ”


...shit, I wanted to tell this girl that things were totally different from how she imagined! In fact, the only one who has been a little hurt... both, physically and morally, in our last meetings has been me! Fuck, that perver-Nuaan~!! A-Alexander-sama is not as sweet as she thinks!! 

Believe me, he can be quite dominant and intense when he takes on his role as Master…

"...W-Why are you drooling all of a sudden?"

“N-No, it's nothing... do not worry. Also, rest assured… maybe I've changed a bit… no, maybe I should say quite a bit… I-I'm not the same Milene I was before…”

“A-Are you okay? W-Why do you look so depressed now? …no, you also seem to be excited?

…r-really, what's wrong with you?”


Fuck, I don't even know myself, so don't ask!!

“ Anyway, did you need something, Celi? ”

"Oh, it's true! 

It seems that something happened to Alexander-sama at the place he went. Saya-sama told me to come to get you since all the other girls in Delna were meeting at the mansion to discuss this!! ”

“E-Eh? S -Something happened to the perver-H-Hyaaan~! Ha… ha… (S-Shit… I-I think I came a little…) t-to the Master? ”


It can't be that now that I finally find a man then something happens to him… w-well, almost a man... a few more years, and he will be a man completely. Thinking about it, things didn't turn out too different than my mother expected... no! At least he's older than that boy she had kidnapped from somewhere that time.

…I can't tease Rika about this anymore. 

Although… on the other hand, I can make fun of Rika for having sex with him before her! Well, I would if it wasn't for the fact that I'm still a bit afraid of how the other girls will react when they find out about this… maybe not all of them will accept it so easily… in fact, I'm very scared that they will oppose this!

Let's not think about that... let's get back to the matter about the old lady. I thought it was good to tell her that I finally had a partner and I was about to send a message to inform her to stop worrying about this... or rather, cause me more problems! 

But, in the end, I had to refrain from doing it! When I thought about it, I could imagine her coming immediately here to insist that I show her grandchildren now!! I can almost see her advising Alexander on ways to accomplish that!!

Let's better ignore that too... the important thing now was Alexander's situation! Don't tell me this is due to my luck with men? Is it really my luck to be alone for the rest of my life?!

…On the other hand, I'm surprised that even though I was quite worried after hearing what Celi said, my body can still feel pleasure! I almost feel as if it had been changed for another without me realizing it!!

“ You two are taking too long… what are you doing? It's not the time for both of you to play, you know? ”

“ N-No… t-this woman is the one who was acting weird, Saya-sama! ”

"...I-I'm fine, let's go"

F-Fuck, don't look at me like you're looking at something dirty… you'll make me cum completely, you know?!!

Saya who probably couldn't wait any longer comes showing her concern on her face. She had come to call us. And yes, her timing almost seemed perfect… she arrived at the worst time! To avoid my embarrassment…and reach a full climax because of this, I walk towards the exit of the store to go to the mansion while feeling the gaze of both of them on me... thanks to this, every step I took was a fight against my own body!!

This was one of the things that changed lately. Saya had made me join the meetings that all the girls close to Alexander usually had...  although she told the others that it was a bit cruel to keep excluding me and, since I lived with all of them, then I should also be part of their discussions. This was obviously just an excuse and rather it was because she was the only one who knew about my current relationship with Alexander!

At least this girl didn't change her attitude towards me much… no, in fact, I think she accepts it very favorably since now she treats me like another one of them!

…well, I hope at least she doesn't fully know what kind of relationship he and I have. M-Maybe I couldn't look her in the eye if that was the case! And it wouldn't be so much because of shame! But because that would be perhaps even more intense than the punishments this damn [Slavery Equipment] provides! Surely I would writhe on the ground just for her look!!

“A-Are you okay? I-It doesn't look like you can walk on your own…”

"S-Saya-sama... you better not get close to her... s-she's leaking... you'll get dirty!"

“H-Huaaaaan~!!! W-Why does it feel so good? N-Nuaaaaan~!!! ”


I-In the end, I can't prevent my body from reaching the peak of pleasure that it was looking for so much since a time ago! My legs give way and I collapse on the floor as I feel the reverberations of a great orgasm run through me completely… in addition, my screams again attract the attention of the clients and the other employees making these sensations only amplify as several waves run through me from head to toe!!

…well, surely this way it will be difficult for the others to stop treating me like they have the last few days! A-And the worst thing is that for some reason I don't feel bad about it!!

“…you girls, help Milene to go to her office… and also change her clothes… and make someone clean the place”

““… Tch, it's alright, Saya-sama””

After Saya's words, some girls reluctantly come over to comply with her orders... but as Celi mentioned before, they lift me up as if they were taking care of removing something dirty from the floor! 

What's more…




…they don't even bother to make their words whisper anymore! I can hear them clearly!! I-I wish they would stop... otherwise, I'll lose myself in pleasure again!! I feel like my mind is going to a blank world slowly for each one of their words!!

Then, it wasn't until several minutes later... until I recovered, that the three of us can head to the mansion to find out Alexander's situation.

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