Soul Evolution System

Chapter 481 Shingeki no Kyojin 1

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(Alexander POV)

…for the past few days, I've just passed the time trying to recover. The good thing is that it was not like the previous time that I had to use three pills [Overdrive], it just took a short time to almost return to normal.

But yes, the first thing I did every time I got up was to see the grimoire... and wish for the name of the world where we were to change! I really didn't want to be in this place!! Unfortunately, despite all my prayers, the same letters kept appearing there! 

The three of us were in the world of Shingeki no Kioyin!! Fuck!!

Well, if you compare it to the other worlds I've been to, it would probably be very similar to the first world I went to, [HOTD]. The only difference was that the vast majority of "zombies" here were over 10m… which was a huge difference!!

I wasn't very scared even though I could be in the middle of a horde of zombies in [HOTD], but… these giants were different for all I knew! They weren't slow, and I think they weren't that stupid… but the main problem is still their height! Having to fight something over 10m tall was a bit too much trouble! 

In fact, almost nothing I learned in Kenichi's world is useless here... hell, I don't think even those masters could fight these giants... no, thinking about it, I can imagine that old man playing with them like they were just kids… even so, I can't compare myself to him! 

The old man had already lived for almost a century, so it's obvious that he no longer has the same attachment to life as me!

…no, well…they also say that the longer you live, the people are more afraid of dying... but I think that didn't apply to that old man. Surely he was one of those who have already done everything they wanted in this life and could happily leave at any time... yes, surely! That's why he could charge into a tank while laughing!!

[Well, it's your fault for choosing one of the first names in the grimoire, Alexander. There's no point in complaining about it anymore.]

...No, it's that damn cobra's fault, Aurora! 

As she says, the reason for all this is because I was in a hurry at that time and I chose the first name that appeared in the grimoire! And unfortunately, this one orders them from strongest to weakest! So yes, I was in a peak level 2 world!! Also, where the vast majority of the individuals in this one are on the second soul level!!

…in these days that we have explored the place a bit, we were able to discover that most of the people in this city, thanks to the fact that the energy level in the environment is quite high, they are between the 5th and 9th limit of the first soul level. Only children or the elderly are usually below that level of strength. But that doesn't reassure me at all! This only means that far from these walls is full of titans much stronger than the people here!

Oh, right. Speaking of children… it seems that the two I met before were the main characters of this story… I think their names should be Mikasa and Eren. Since my mind was a little dazed at the time, and also because it's not that easy to recognize a child at first sight for me, I didn't realize this until later.

But that explains the abilities of both of them that I saw when I evaluated these two… little Mikasa was at level [48], and she also had a [Great Martial Warrior] body just like Yulz-onesan! Damn, I thought this was something special, but I meet someone with this one the first time I come into this world!

No… she was still the protagonist of this world, so it should be normal. When we walked through the streets of the city, I didn't see anyone else with a special physique like her, so it should still be pretty rare.

Leaving that aside, when I realized this earlier, it was the reason why I left the two-sword style technique to her. With this one, I think that, although it won't be the same as the Yulz family technique that seems to be perfect for people like them, this should help her get stronger.

Well, that other technique was incomplete for now… if I can get my hands on all the parts that are in the three families and meet her again, then maybe I can give it to her. Yes, I am sure that sooner or later I will meet her again…

As for Eren, even though he was a little weaker than the girl, he was still someone who had the favor of the world with the [World's Beloved Son] skill…although, to be honest, and remember his history a bit, his skill should be better called [Son hated by the world]… the guy was too unlucky, wasn't he?

How the abilities work continues to amaze and scheming me...

“Alex-san, what do we do now? Should we leave the city walls? ”

"U-n... I want to see the giants that people have mentioned before."


The two girls, wearing a hood over them, walk over to ask about our plans now. We couldn't stay without doing anything, but… I didn't want to do what they both said either! It was too risky to go out with just the three of us attracting all the attention of the titans outside! 

First I want to see how hard it is to deal with them… maybe I'm just overthinking things and it's not that bad, right?

…at least I'll keep telling myself that until I believe it!!

As for why all of us have to wear hoods, it was because we just drew too much attention to ourselves. Aside from both girls being very beautiful, it seems that their oriental features were a bit off here. Most of the people here have more European appearances. And for me, my red hair also stood out too much!

Well, thanks to this, we were able to get some money to move around the city. It was the "donations" from those kind people that you can find in the alleys...

Back on topic… facing some giants, huh? I don't feel very motivated for that… really. And not only because of all the above that I said, but because there was another problem that I had discovered.

When we got involved in some problems before in the alleys, I tried to take out a weapon to quickly fix it, but… at that time the announcement of the system of [To use technology over a century of the current period, you need to pay 1, 000, 000, 000C... 

You want to pay it?]

I almost spit blood when I heard that! That was almost the amount I had in C and G now!! I would be left with almost no resources if I did!! 

...I don't know what was worse, not paying it and not being able to use most of the weapons I got in other worlds, or running out of funds and not having the help of the system in an emergency!!

Until now I had only been to worlds that were technically in almost the same era... [HOTD], [B-TOOM], [Black Lagoon ], and [Kenichi]. You could say they were worlds at the beginning of the 21st century... so I haven't had this problem so far!

Now it seems that if the technology differed greatly, I couldn't use it where I was unless I paid for it!! And the amount was not a joke!!

When I asked the girls if they still had the BIMs that I had given them earlier when we entered the gate to the destroyed city hoping that they would escape this regulation, they told me that when they got here they had disappeared…it seems that the grimoire sent directly to my interdimensional space after they crossed into this world!!

…I'm still debating on what I should do about this now.

In any case, it's true that we can't stand here waiting for the time to come up so that I can open the dimensional rift towards [HOTD]… also, it seems that the girls on that side will last a little longer in order to create a gate of Gaia over there! So maybe we should wait for a while longer!

We previously communicated with them to keep them from worrying and to explain our situation a bit… they were a bit anxious because this, but after we told them that we were fine and they just needed to create a gate from Gaia to Saeko and the others' world, they calmed down.

Well… there were other options. Like getting the girls to bomb the area on the other side of the door where we entered, but… that worried me a bit! I'm sure that cobra wouldn't resist several ballistic missiles against it, but the problem is the intention of the dragon in that crystal! If for some reason it activates and unleashes an attack on them, that can be pretty bad!!

Last time it didn't attack when I used the BIM against the egg, but I can't guarantee that it won't do it… also, from what Aurora told me, that crystal should be from at least a 4th soul level dragon… with the energy that it has within this one, an attack from its remnant intent was no joke!!

So it's better not to ask for the help of the girls to take care of that cobra... besides, I had sworn that I would take care of it by myself!!

“It is true that we need to see one of those giants, but… we will not leave the walls”


“We will make them come to us!”


I kept thinking that it was still too hasty to do something like getting out of the protection of these walls... or at least we shouldn't try to do it until I evaluated the risks of fighting a titan! So after thinking about it for a while, I remembered that this area should fall because of the attack of them… the only problem was that I didn't know exactly when that happened.

It could be just a few days… or in the worst-case, years! 

There was no alternative… instead of answering the girls who seemed to have doubts about my words, I summon my grimoire and in the next instant I choose one of its functions!

…I had to pay some crystals for this, but at least it wasn't insane like the amount to be able to use modern weapons!!

"Let's go"

""It's okay""

We go through the dimensional gate, and come out in what looks like the same place we were before… well, it shouldn't have been that long time, I think.

Yes, I had used the option of the grimoire to go forward in time in a world to arrive at the time when the 3rd wall of this city is destroyed!

“ K-Kyaaaa~!!!”

"N-No... it can't be!!"


Then, before the girls could say anything to ask for an explanation of where we were now, several screams are heard from outside. We quickly went out to see what was happening.

“I-Is that a giant?”

"I-It's much bigger than I thought..."


It wasn't difficult to find the reason why everyone was screaming and their faces were showing an enormous fear… following the gaze of the people outside to where the wall was, there was what looked like a huge face of a person... but in which only you could see his muscles and bones... that thing was clearly seen now!

F-Fuck… actually seeing that makes you think how is it possible that a creature can be so huge! That wall is at least 50m long, you know? And yet a huge face sticks out of it!!

…no wonder both girls who were previously motivated by the idea of fighting a titan are now paralyzed almost like the rest of the other people watching such a scene!! Even I feel a chill and some sweat running down my cheeks!!

Seriously, I couldn't think of a good way to fight that!! The idea of going to hide in a place and waiting for a month to pass before going to another world seemed like the best option to follow now!!

…I really didn't want to fight things that size. I want to go back to Gaia and spend some quality time with Kurisu, Saeko, Milene... and even the other girls there in the mansion! My mind seems to try to get out of this reality remembering those beautiful moments with them!

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