Soul Evolution System

Chapter 482 Shingeki no Kyojin 2

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[ Beep ]

[Main/Mission “Help evacuate as many people as possible” - G]

Eliminate the greatest number of titans so that other people have a greater chance of surviving this tragedy!

Failure Conditions: Number of survivors of the external walls < 30,000 of approximately 50 thousand of the total population in the place.

Rewards: 100 x Red Crystals (RC) for every 10,000 people rescued.

100 x Million G x every 10 thousand people rescued.


[Special Mission “Prevent Eren from falling on the path of Vengeance! ”- F]

Rescue Eren's mother to prevent the poor protagonist from drowning in hate! It's sad to see how a little boy loses his mother and just spends his life trying to seek revenge, help him!

Failure Conditions: Death of Eren or his mother.

Rewards: 500 x Red Crystals.

1, 000 x Million G

…before my impulse to take hands and run away together with the paralyzed girls who watched the scene of that enormous being on the other side of the wall, the system notification echoes in my head. 

Right… until now I kept refusing to accept that I was in this world that I completely forgot that it hadn't started the main world quests!

This helps me a bit to focus on what I needed to do... and from the information this gives me, I find some courage. Yeah, no need to face that thing who has over 50m high for now! First I can see what the other giants are like. Thank god they shouldn't all be that size!! In fact, if I remember correctly, one that size should be pretty rare.

On the other hand, since the quests are [G] and [F] rank, it shouldn't be impossible for us to do this. Although they are one of the missions with some of the highest evaluations that I have received so far, I have already completed some!! It shouldn't be impossible to carry them out!!


“N -Nooo !!! T-The wall…”

“T-The wall is broken!!!”

“G-Gyaaaa ~ T-They're coming in… t-the titans are coming in!!!”

While re-evaluating the things I have to do a bit, that giant makes his move and kicks one of the gates of the wall breaking it completely! Damn it, the strength of that thing is no joke! If he hits me or one of the girls, probably the only thing left of us will be something similar to a meatloaf!!

…the good thing is that it seemed slow. Thanks to that huge size he shouldn't be able to move that fast… although, honestly, that doesn't reassure me that much! It would still be quite difficult to deal with something like that!!

But as I had thought, it's not like we have to fight things like that. Through the hole it creates in the wall, several other titans are seen invading the interior of this city. Its size was varied, I could see from some that were only about 3-4m high, and others between 10 and 15m... they were big, but not anything as exaggerated as that red thing on the other side of the wall.

The first ones seemed to be at the 9th limit of the first soul level… they were even weaker than some of the snakes we had fought before coming here! So it shouldn't be that hard to eliminate them! 

…perhaps the only bad thing about this was that they seemed to be the smallest percentage of the enemies that were entering the city. The slightly larger giants were the most common to see… and the strength of these at first glance was between the 1st and 2nd limit of the second soul level. 

I could also see some that surpassed this strength reaching up to the 4th limit, but… until now I hadn't seen any above that level. That makes me finally breathe a sigh of relief. At the very least it should be easier to fight them than that cobra from earlier! 

What was worrying and depressing was the number of enemies that were entering! The titans kept entering one after another as if it were an anthill… it didn't seem like they would ever stop going through that hole to follow their prey!

Yes, their prey! The screams around us were not only because of the fear that they generated in people but because since the giants entered, they had begun to go after the little humans to devour them!! The scene of seeing how they chewed and seemed to enjoy the taste of people was something that would make anyone tremble!!

“ Everyone, run to the second wall!! ”

“ T-That's right, we have to escape from here!! ”

“C-Come on, let's go!!”

Remembering that one of the missions was to rescue the largest number of people in this area, I yelled at the men near me to snap out of their stupor due to fear. Then, finally, people begin to run as I instructed them towards another more internal wall of this city.

This city was divided into 3 walls, so that if the normal people wanted to survive, then they only had the option of seeking the protection of the second wall! 

Thank God that none of the missions was to protect the place and stop the invasion of titans... that would have been much more complicated to do! Unfortunately for the residents of this city, it was almost clear that this wall has now fallen and all this area was lost… and getting it back would not be easy at all!!

"Come on, let's kill some of that stuff."


While we are left alone here as everyone else has begun to evacuate, my eyes turn to the giants. I had to fight them to see how difficult it would be to move in this world! Until now I could only make assumptions at best... and unfortunately, most of these were very discouraging. But only by fighting would I understand things better!

After speaking to the two girls next to me, they too seem to regain their courage a bit. Saeko and Shigure are women with strong mentalities, so you could quickly see their fighting spirit in their eyes to face these enemies.


Since we weren't far from the third wall, it only took us a few minutes to get close to our first enemy… a titan about 15m tall! Seriously, I thought I had regained my courage to fight these things, but... when one of them is only a few meters away, I can't help but be a little scared!

Not only was its size quite intimidating… its appearance scared me! And this was as if it was something instinctive… something that came from deep within myself! I-I think I've heard of something like this before... this should perhaps be what people know as the [Uncanny Valley] syndrome, right?

…that fear that is generated when you are close to something similar to a human but that is not human. Well, more than fear, it was like a bad feeling… as if you know this shouldn't exist!

Looks like I wasn't the only one affected by this…Seeing the giant, who now had some blood dripping from his mouth due to a possible unlucky guy, this one also focusing his eyes on us and the three of us stopped our steps.

[Tun] [Tun] [Tun]

Then, almost in sync with my heartbeat, the footsteps of the giant approaching us echo in our ears. Damn, why is that thing smiling like that? It was so sinister!!

“Fuck it! I don't think you're stronger than that damn cobra!! ”

Clenching my teeth, I take a step forward to approach the titan. It was just an act to get out of the state I was in before, and it seems to have worked but… it's not like I had thought of what to do after this either!

I think the weakness of these things could be the head or the neck, but… it was a damn giant! How the hell did I get there?! With my current abilities, I'm far from being able to jump such a distance to be able to attack him in his weakness!!

“ Guaaa~””

So, when I was thinking about how to attack this thing, to my luck, this one helps me a little! Well… more than helping me, it lowered its head to try to devour me!! Holy crap, his breath stank!! I wanted to complain to him about this, but he didn't seem like he could understand me!

“ A-Alex-san, watch out!! ”

Of course, I wasn't going to stand still for him to take me inside his mouth... if his breath was already like that, I didn't want to find out what it would be like inside there!! Along with Saeko's warning, I move to the side with a small jump and, at the same time, I summon my cursed bastard sword! In the next moment, the blade was heading towards the neck of this thing!!

[ Strrriiiit ]

…things were much easier than I expected. My sword cut through his skin with no problem and his head detaches from his body in the next instant! It was even easier than cutting down the snakes before!!

I think these titans have a pretty unbalanced state… if we put it in game terms, most likely their stats were focused almost entirely on the strength attribute. Therefore, his defense was almost nil!! 

No, not only was his defense low, his mobility was still quite low just as I thought before. Well, at the very least, they were much slower than that cobra that was even bigger than them…

"I-Is he dead?"

"B-ut... it seems like it's slowly regenerating"

The girls' words snap me out of my thoughts and make me look back at the giant's body that was now lying on the ground. It wasn't moving, but…as Shigure says, the skin on its neck was slowly growing while some smoke was coming out of the wound… and not much blood was coming out of it, so it was quite strange.

Also, I could feel that this thing even though it had stopped moving was still alive…hell, apart from its disproportionate strength, it seems that it also has a very high vitality! I think if I left it this way another head would come out of his body sooner or later!! 

[ Stuuuun ~]


With no other options, I go back to making several cuts in the neck area until what looks like a small crystal disproportionate in size to the rest of his body is exposed... then when I remove it with my hand, the giant's entire body begins to emit a lot of smoke and appears to disintegrate slowly.

It was a little different than what I knew about this story, but not that I cared about that either. The important thing was that it seemed that this world could bring me quite a profit! It was a red crystal!! It meant that a giant was worth at least 1 million normal crystals!!

I can't stop a smile from forming on my face! There was no greater motivation to hunt these titans than to enrich my own pockets!! Also, if I get a few thousand of these… then they themselves will pay to the system for us to be able to use modern weapons in this world! One of the problems that worried me would be solved thanks to this!!

“Their size aside… these things shouldn't be that hard to deal with. Girls, your swords should be able to cut through these giants with no problem… you just have to avoid getting caught by them at all costs as that could be pretty bad.

Also… make sure you attack that area of the giants and get the crystal on their bodies. If you don't, these may continue to regenerate to get up indefinitely! ”

"I-I see... if we can cut them down, then they're not that scary anymore."

“U-n…we can do it”

I pass on my discoveries to the girls who were looking at things a bit surprised… well, I must say that it was still quite impressive as I, who is less than 2m tall, had just decapitated this giant of about 15m tall! It was more exaggerated than the story of David and Goliath surely!

Although, also now that they saw that these giants had various weaknesses, the sparkle in the girls' eyes returned… they turned to other giants who had noticed us and now were heading towards us, but unlike before, now the girls looked like predators looking at their prey!!

They both draw their swords and fearlessly walk to meet them faster... I couldn't stay behind them, so I also walk to face these giants together with them!

"Don't let them surround you!"


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