Soul Evolution System

Chapter 484 Shingeki no Kyojin 4

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As the three of us retreated towards the innermost part of the city jumping from one building to another, we left the image of those people fighting against the giants behind us… honestly, that was a bit like seeing a frog hunting insects around it!

Maybe we couldn't move as fast as them, but I must say that the three of us weren't slow either. Because our physical skills were quite good, surely not even Jackie Chan could pull off such parkour moves! Also, using our weapons as support, we can move from one building to another quite easily… maybe the only bad thing was the damage generated by this! 

Although… I don't think this could worry the residents of this city… the collapse of several buildings by the titans was certainly much more significant than this! 

Either way… I was still tempted to try to capture some of those guys who were flying like flies around the giants to "borrow" their equipment. I had no choice, he couldn't see any of those pieces of equipment lying on the ground… it seemed that the titans didn't care much about having to ingest them with these! 

…its digestive system must be pretty impressive, right?

Well, in the end, I stop that thought of getting that equipment. It was better to continue using our own means… after all, getting used to using those things shouldn't be that easy. Knowing this, using them could only be considered a very bad idea. Besides, stripping someone of his equipment would be like condemning him… they didn't have the same mobility as the three of us, so it would be almost the same as taking the wings off a fly!

...I'll still have to wait to be able to move like Spider-Man! And Shigure too... she still continued to turn her head from time to time and a bit of envy could be seen in her eyes seeing those people in the air.

[…That's cruel, Alexander. Comparing them to flies is... is not a good thing. They are still people, you know? ]

N-No, well… I say it without malice, Aurora! It's just that since I had been thinking about spiders and frogs... and when you think about the things that these eat, the first thing that comes to mind is that, right? 

Also… don't you think that, as I said before, the general image of this was like watching a documentary where a frog eats flies?

[Now that you mention it…certainly the image is very similar]

R-Right?! It's just that, I swear! I still have a bit of humanity in me!!

Well, leaving that aside… what worries me now is how to find Eren and his mother! It can be said that we are just running aimlessly hoping to find them luckily! I want a better way to do this...

[ Fufufu~ What's up, Alexander? Don't you trust your luck? ]

Damn, how could I do it?! After everything I've been through lately now I'm wondering why the hell the system is telling me I have this ability, you know?! 

...Or maybe its current rank counts as a negative number?!! Yes, that is the conclusion I have come to!!

I wanted Aurora to help me out a bit so she could advise me on something that could help me with this, but… before she could say anything, a system notification sounds in my head!

[ Beep ]

[ Mikasa Affection +10… Total Affection: 105 (Idolatry)]


I swear, the first thing I thought because of this is… is that maybe my [Luck] skill had heard all my last complaints and decided to do something for me to announce its presence and effect!

Although... I was also surprised by two other things. The first was the reason why that little girl had developed such a great affection towards me! We only met once and also for a very short time… the truth is that I would already consider that it would have been good if she remembered me even a little!

No… actually, I have some idea why this happened. And that's the second thing that surprised me about this system notification… in this one, I could read something that cleared things up a bit! More than a love interest or something like that... that girl was idolizing me!!

…I-I remember that she called me an angel… d-don't tell me that she created a kind of altar to pray to me?! I-I don't know how to feel about this… wouldn't that be the same as some people's custom of setting up a small altar to a dead person?! I-I hope little Mikasa hasn't gone that far.

In any case, thanks to the first impression I made on her, and also the time that had passed since then... then perhaps it is not so strange that her affection grew slowly until now in what perhaps the current situation led her to overcome the digit 100!! 

"...Is something wrong, Alex-san?"


Well... it would be better to put all those things aside for now. Besides, I kept believing that my [Luck] skill was just trying to get noticed right now! This thought I would not put aside no matter what!!

Whatever, no matter why this happened. The important thing was that with Mikasa's affection surpassing the number 100 things were solved now!

Why? Because thanks to the fact that when a girl exceeds the 3rd digit in this I can feel the presence of the person to a certain extent! The next instant the notification rings in my head I can roughly feel where that girl was!!

In fact, not only that. I had discovered that, if the girl is considered my wife by the system and she has more than 500 affection, we can also telepathically communicate with each other as long as we are in the same world… maybe even if the number keeps growing something even better will happen!

It's a pity that until now the only one who had reached these conditions was Kurisu… well, Saeko is not so far from that number now. And maybe with a little more time Kushinada and Milene could achieve this as well. No, I should also put effort on my part to get it!

Well, I can think about those things later, the important thing now was that I finally had a path that we could follow! So I immediately stop to focus more on this. Saeko asks me with doubts… but before answering something, I close my eyes for a moment, and then knowing where to go now I inform both girls to follow me.

The three of us headed to the place where I felt Mikasa's presence. Now I could only hope that she was together with Eren… this worries me a bit, but it should be the most likely!

…I hope so.



(Eren's POV)

...this day had turned into a nightmare. In the beginning, like most days, I, Mikasa, and Armin had gathered to play with each other… then, while we were talking to each other, what could only be considered a bad dream starts to happen!

First, a huge face was visible on top of the wall that had protected us until now… I had never thought that those damned titans could reach that size! No, this should definitely be a dream! 

What other explanation is there for this?

If titans could have such a size, then why until now could all people have a peaceful life inside this cage? This should not be possible and the walls would have been breached by the titans long ago! 

Yes, humanity would have been extinct from this accursed world long ago...

Unfortunately, even though I had pinched myself several times in order to wake up from this dream, it stayed there watching everything inside the wall… so this could only be real and not a dream! And of course, in this reality, the humans had to continue suffering more!

The titan that was seen from the top of the wall, kicks this one creating an explosion! I could see how some stones that are thrown due to this crush some houses… but, painfully, that was the least of the worries that people could have about this!

In the next instant a hole is created in the wall… and then from that hole, one titan after another starts to invade the city! Not long after this, the screams of hysteria and fear of the people echo throughout the place!

Chaos reigns throughout the place... people run to try to go to take shelter inside the second wall since the first had stopped fulfilling its function of keeping those atrocities out!!

""E-Eren, where you go?!""

For a moment I don't know what to do, but then I remember my mother… then, before I even think about anything else, my feet start running in the direction of my house! The other two also follow me after yelling, and together we make our way through the crowd that was trying to go in the opposite direction from which we were heading.


“E-Eren, Mikasa! W-what are you doing here? W-Why didn't you all go to the second wall? E-Eren… the three of you have to go now! ”

“N-No! Y-You also has to come with us!! ”


After a while, more than I would like since the city was in chaos now, we finally made it to my house. Then the first image I see makes the blood in my body stop circulating… of all the houses, I didn't think that ours was one of the unlucky ones to be hit by one of those stones that were thrown earlier!

I could only scream hoping the worst hadn't happened… I scream with all the strength in me hoping I could get a response to my words. Thank goodness that after trying a few times I heard my mother's voice... s-she was still alive and the joy that I had lost before came back to me.

Unfortunately, this doesn't last long… although she was still alive, her legs had been trapped under the stone! But even while she seemed to suffer, seeing us her first impression is not of joy, but concern!

…not that I didn't understand her, but this couldn't worry me now! Ignoring her insistence that I, Mikasa, and Armin get out of here and go to the second wall, the three of us tried to remove the stone that was holding her in place.

Things were very bad… I understood perfectly! Even if we could get her out, which for now seems impossible, taking her with us would not be an easy thing! And most importantly, every second lost meant that the titans were surely closing in on us… still, how could I abandon my mother?!

“Listen Eren… y-you have to escape! The three of you have to escape!! I-It's too late for me... j-just leave me here"

“N-No, no, no!! W-We'll take you with us!! ”

“Eren! Did you promise me that you would pronounce Mikasa as your sister? Don't you care what happens to her and Armin?!! ”

“N-No… b-but…”

“Escape!! If you can do it, then I can rest easy…”

Tears were running down the eyes of the three of us… I refused to think that I had to do that! Although I didn't want to endanger the two of them too, I couldn't abandon my mother either!!

[Crack!] [Crack!] [Crack!]

Then the worst that could happen happens! A titan with feminine features tears off the roof of the house as if she were opening a can of food… surely that was a perfect analogy. 

She immediately rolls her eyes at us with that huge smile on her face… my mother pushes me to escape, but still my feet wouldn't move and the three of us could only keep staring at this horrible being...

Mikasa, just like when that titan's big face was shown before over the 3rd wall, put her hands together as if praying to someone... the truth is that it bothered me a lot! It was obvious that God had long ago stopped paying attention to humans, otherwise, why had all this happened so far?

But it's not like I have time to complain to her now… not when that titan takes my mother as her first target! 

The stone that we had struggled to remove from her feet and that we didn't even manage to move a little bit is removed by that titan so easy… but this couldn't make me happy in the least now!

After all, in the next instant, my mother is picked up by one of her hands and I could see how that titan slowly brought her to her mouth while she kneels on the spot…


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