Soul Evolution System

Chapter 485 Shingeki no Kyojin 5

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(Continues POV Eren)

“N -Nooooo!!!”

The Female Titan who had knelt slowly lifts my mother up from the ground with her hands… I could see her face full of despair and fear, but then… as if accepting her fate, my mother smiles at me while saying something to me.

Reading her lips I could interpret her words… no, even without doing that, it was more than clear to me what she meant. I could almost hear her voice whispering low "Stay safe, Eren... be strong".

I could only scream to try to release all this sadness and frustration I felt now… I couldn't do anything! I was as useless as an ant that can only be crushed by the feet of a human…  yes, it is curious that now the roles have been reversed and it is the humans who are powerless and fragile against these titans!

…no doubt all a joke, a punishment, or simply a game of God!

That's why I didn't like to see Mikasa pray to someone every time she ran into a problem! If there was a god, it was clear that he was no longer on our side since a long time ago!

When I was younger, I remember that she wasn't like that… she couldn't be considered a devout girl. She was just a little quiet girl...  just a happy girl who lived with two very loving parents. But this changed the same day her parents were killed by some men.

That time I tried to help her, I couldn't see how some damned people did all that! So I plucked up the courage to try to do something! 

In the end, the last thing I remember is a loud sound and being hit by something... everything that happened after I entered that house was quite confusing.

When I came to, I only found several men asking us various questions… they seemed quite surprised and were looking at us with some fear in their eyes. At first, I didn't understand why this was, but... after looking around me and distinguishing several charred bodies, those doubts were cleared up!

It was all quite strange, I could understand the confusion of all those adults! Unfortunately, I had no idea of the things that had happened here after I passed out! And Mikasa's only response to this was that an angel… an angel with blood-red hair and a flaming sword had saved her and killed the bad guys.

…if this was hard for me to believe, it was even harder for the adults who asked questions! But they also couldn't explain how she had burned those men without causing us all to burn inside the house. So, everything was left as a rather strange event... and after that, many watched Mikasa with some fear.

After that, she came to live with us and whenever I asked her about that night, her answer was always the same. If you ask me, I don't think she lied… she didn't seem to be a girl who would do that… and, knowing her a bit more, this became clearer to me.

Either way, that didn't matter much to me. What did it matter how those men died? That they were dead was a good thing… or so I thought. What worried me the most was how Mikasa would be after the death of her parents...

Inevitably, she was affected by this. They were her family after all, how could she not be affected by losing them? But surprisingly, not only did she lose her parents that night… she also seems to have gained something to lean on. That angel she was talking about.

…this was another reason why I thought it was no good stopping her from doing that. If she was happy praying to that angel and didn't bother anyone for doing it, then why take that away from her?  

If I had a problem with all this, then it was just one thing... once, interested in another of the changes that Mikasa had had after that day, I tried to ask her about it. She had not only become quite mentally strong… but she had also become physically strong!

I don't think there is someone our age who can defeat her… no, even once we met some suspicious adults, she beat them up hard! Yes, using just two sticks, she hit them so hard that I doubt those people could be recognized by anyone now!

And it didn't just seem like she did it because of her talent or that she did it without thinking... it was more like one of the defense techniques they teach to become part of one of the military groups! Curious about this, I asked her and her answer was as I thought!

According to her, before that angel left, he had given her some kind of technique to practice! And since I also wanted to be strong, I wanted to be able to explore the outside world and for that strength was needed, I asked her to teach me too!

...I didn't expect her to refuse. No, it was more that she wanted me to pray to that angel with her as well… her reason for this was that, since it was something he had bestowed on her, then I needed to believe in him too! 

That was a bit of a problem… although I didn't really care that she did that, I didn't have the same “faith” like her in that angel! And I didn't want to lie to her just to get that… I'd feel really bad afterward, I'm sure! Although she could be a bit strange at times, she now was part of my family after all!

For me, the only ones who could change something were ourselves! That was the thought I had always grown up with and tried to follow since I can remember!  So I could only respect the people who used their lives to achieve this, as the Survey Corps!

Or so I thought, but… the person who was about to be devoured by that titan was my mother! So, before I knew it, even I started praying myself... unfortunately that was the only thing I could do! There is no one in particular, only someone who could help my mother now… any god, thing, or even demon that was willing to help was fine!!


[ Slash !!]


[ Buum!!]


“F-Fuck! One more second, and I can't do it!! F-Fuuu ~”

…when the female titan had opened her huge mouth to try to eat my mother, in the next instant a person wearing a hood jumps from the now roofless walls of the house and…and cuts off that giant's arms!!

Also, perhaps because she was also surprised, the female titan falls on her back!

…n-no, I don't think this one was very surprised by the person… maybe she didn't even notice it. The main cause of this should be the flames emanating from the sword that the individual used… no, it wasn't just the sword! It was rather his whole body that was in fire!!

“A-Angel-san!! I-I knew you would come…”


The only one who reacted to all this was Mikasa. In her face, all the concern and anxiety that was shown to see my mother, whom she also appreciated as one, about to be eaten, disappears. Now a big smile and happiness could be seen on her expression... as if all the problems had disappeared now.


A few seconds later, I run to the place where my mother had fallen! There she was, still sore from her injuries from earlier, but… but she was still alive!! 

“ T-Thank you… thank you… really thank you very much for saving my mother, mister angel! ”

"Yes, thank you very much, Angel-san!"

…either by chance or because of the movements he had made earlier, the hood this person was wearing falls off revealing his face. He was the most handsome boy I had seen so far… also, you could clearly distinguish a red hair… of such an intense color as the flames of the sword he was carrying!

There was no doubt, it was definitely the person… no, I think maybe Mikasa was absolutely right and could only be compared to an angel! This was the angel that she saw that day and saved her, there was no doubt seeing that she recognizes him!!

“T-This again? Well… never mind. It's too early to thank me, first we have to get to a safe place... I still can't say that all of you are safe.

So we should go now."


"Y-Yes, but... my mother can't move..."

“D-Don't worry about me, just leave me here... but please… please take the children with you”

"Well... that's definitely a problem..."

…after he finishes with that titan, Mr. angel speaks to us reminding us of our situation. The way he pulled the crystal out of that titan was quite impressive... while she still looked confused about losing both of her hands, he jumped on her chest and then... then practically dug with his sword on it until she was completely killed when taking out the crystal in her body.

For the first time I appreciate the fact that these things don't seem to feel pain and don't exude much blood… otherwise, it would be an image that would give me nightmares for a long time!

Leaving that thing that didn't matter much aside, hearing him speak and laying his eyes on my mother, I can't help but start to worry... although it might be the most logical thing to do now, I didn't want to hear the words of having to abandon her in this place! It would have been totally useless for him to save her just a moment ago!!

But his next words put me at ease completely! Also… I really could only see him as my great benefactor now!!

"Leaving you here would be a big problem for me, Ms, after all, one of the reasons I came is to prevent you from dying."

“T-This… Hmm~”

W-While talking to her, he approaches her… then pulls out what looks like a small pill and makes my mother swallow it before she can say anything or refuse! I-If it wasn't for the fact that there wouldn't be much point in me hurting her now, I'd be quite worried… but I don't think his words were a lie, so I just see his actions without opposing them.

“T-The pain is gone…”

“Although the pain is gone and it seems that the wounds have healed, these are not completely healed… the broken bones should still remain. For these to heal, it will take several days maybe. So it's still not good for you to try to walk, ma'am.

But at the very least, with this, it shouldn't be so annoying if someone picks you up to take you somewhere else."

"N-No need... Like I said, please take the boys and-"



The amazing things kept happening, after a few seconds of my mother swallowing that pill, the bruises on her legs quickly disappear before everyone's eyes! The most shocked of this, my mother, tries to stand up to be stopped by him while he explains all those things.

Although she is not fully cured, still this was already very surprising! Now even I want to try to pray to this person just like Mikasa who has stood by his side clasping her hands in prayer while looking at him with a certain sparkle in her eyes... this girl's faith in him seems to have increased from witnessing all these things! Although it's not that I don't understand it now.

But for now, let's not think about that... there will be time to think and thank Mr. Angel better. The important thing was that, as he says, I feel much calmer knowing that my mom is not suffering now!

Learning that she still couldn't walk, my mother tries again to ask him to leave her here, but before she can finish what she says, more people come into the house and interrupt her words.

One of them was the old man Hannes, and also two other people who quickly approach Mr. angel...

"Just in time~ Mr. Mule... I mean, Mr. Helper, please carry the lady so we can get out of here."

“M-Mr. Mule? E-Emmm… who are you? ”

"No matter! Just do your job! ”

“E-Eh? I-It's alright!! ”

…Th-Things get a little strange, but… Giving in to the pressure emanating from Mr. Angel, old man Hannes walks quickly to my mother's side to help her. Y-Yes, well… I think it's hard not to obey someone whose body seems to be surrounded by flames from time to time!

After everything was ready, all of us headed out to head for the second wall… It was a bit worrying how Hannes seemed to be having a hard time with the task he was given. In fact, I can't say that he is quite trustworthy, but... I think he can at least do this.

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