Soul Evolution System

Chapter 494 New Monster? new girl? 3

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"Then... I'm going to transform now"


Horo's nervousness disappeared when she saw how the girls tried to comfort me since I had gotten a little depressed remembering some of the things I'd had to go through… unfortunately, now I just wanted to crouch on the ground to draw circles with the finger!

But somehow I manage to cheer myself up by hearing her words. She retreats a bit from where we were, and in the next instant, it seems that her body begins to give off a kind of mist that quickly surrounds her until she disappears from our sight...

A few seconds later, that mist expands to a considerable diameter almost like an explosion! The wind hits the faces of the three of us who were watching carefully expecting to see Horo's beast form, and it didn't take long for us to achieve this!

“ Whoouu~!”


"U-n... I'm also surprised"


When the visibility becomes clearer, in front of us there was a big wolf that howls happily raising its head to the sky. She may have done it instinctively or she just wanted to show off a bit this time…either way, I have to admit this was pretty impressive!

In fact, even though I said “big”, that word didn't quite describe her now… the size was rather huge! About 3-4m tall, and with a length of probably close to 15m from the nose to the tip of her tail!! But what was more important was that I could feel a certain pressure when our eyes met… I hadn't felt this even from the titans! It was more similar to when we met that cobra in the ruined city temple!!

…well, if I am to compare the difference between the giants and those two beasts, the former gave off a feeling of unpleasantness… as if they were more of an evil existence! In fact, I think if you're walking around at night and suddenly you see one of those things… chances are that anyone who goes through that afterward needs to change their pants!

It wasn't something that had to do with strength...  I could have the level of a god, but if that happened, even if I could eliminate that thing in a second with a finger... Probably my pants getting shitty like with a person in the first soul realm won't change!!

As for Horo and that cobra, what was generated when I saw any of these was more of a feeling of imposing… they were creatures that emanated strength and greatness! You could only admire and respect them a little for this.

"…you are not afraid?"

Surprised by our reactions, Horo can't help but ask as she tilts her big head and moves her mouth full of pointed teeth… well, that last one was certainly a bit scary!

Either way, knowing that she probably wouldn't attack us using those fangs or claws, none of us were too intimidated by her wolf form. What's more…

“ No, well… honestly, you're still pretty adorable compared to those giants, you know? ”

“Un,  can I pet you now…”

"I'd like to do it too... I'm a little curious about that."


…I must say that after seeing a huge talking cobra and those titans of this world, her transformation into a wolf loses a bit of impact thanks to that! Probably if we hadn't seen those things before it would be a much more amazing impression! 

Unfortunately…or perhaps I should say fortunately, we can see her and talk to her calmly even while we have to raise our heads to do so.

By the way, her voice had changed a little now… it was deeper and as if it echoed in her mouth… although it still had a certain feminine tone. This was a bit curious.

Either way, it seems that this doesn't stop Shigure from still wanting to pet her… even this time Saeko joins her too! Now that I think about it, this girl also liked to do that kind of thing… I constantly saw her stroking Scythe's pigtails.

…well, without a doubt that scene and the one of petting a huge wolf were very different from each other.

Anyway, I was also waiting for her reply... if she agreed, of course I would join too! Her fur which consisted of two colors, orange-brown on the back, and white on her stomach and chest looked quite soft! I also wanted to check the fluffy and long tail of Horo!!

“ Umu …now I'm more curious to see those giants you've talked about so much. I think I can smell them very close to here… should we go hunt some of these? ”

“Well… there's no need to rush for that. Just by leaving these walls, it won't take long to meet them... so surely you will be able to see them very soon."


…it seems like she just ignored the girls' requests, too bad. Well, now that she's with us, there will probably be a time when we can do it. After the trust between us increases, she shouldn't reject such a request so much, right?

I could only comfort the girls and myself by conveying that message through my eyes to them...

Leaving those things that could wait for later, the important thing now was that with this, I had more or less verified that she would be quite helpful in rescuing the people who would soon be expelled from that city!

“ Unnn~! It's been a while since I transformed into my true form... it's nice to be able to do it~!”

Repeating the previous process in which she transformed, only this time the result was the opposite, Horo returns to her girl form with ears and a tail. Then she stretches a bit as she says that.

"Alex-san... if she's going to be in that shape, isn't it better to give her some clothes?"

"Un... s-oon it will be night and it will surely be cold if she is naked"


Umu … I had forgotten about that! Since these girls aren't the type to make a big deal about these things, I pretty much overlooked it! If it was Kurisu or Rei instead... surely they would have pointed out this problem from the moment they saw her!

I-I didn't keep her naked because I really enjoyed the view! I just forgot about it! Seriously!!

“…more importantly, I'm hungry. There is nothing to eat in this place? ”

Well, it seems that the girl herself didn't care much about this either. She seemed to put another one of her needs in a higher priority... although since we can do both, while I prepare some food, I give various clothes to the girls to help Horo choose something to wear.

In this way, they may also become a little closer. This was very important… since we would be fighting together very soon, it was best to have a good understanding between all of us!

…but I'm not going to lie, I'll miss that beautiful image from before. But Shigure was right, in her human form she didn't have that fur of her wolf form that could protect her from the cold, so it was inevitable... it was inevitable!!

...Yes, I have to say it twice to convince myself!!

“So, what do we do now, boy… hamu~ hamu~”

“I'll go back to the city I talked about before… I'll try to sneak away and join the group that will leave soon there. In the meantime, I think it would be good for you to go with the girls and hunt down some of those giants near this area to make our job easier.”

“ Umm… wouldn't it be better to go along with you? So I can help you from the beginning… hamu~ hamu~”

…with her clothes on, Horo happily sits down to fill her stomach with the food I had prepared. And she really seemed to have been hungry… her hands didn't stop and she continued to fill her mouth at a fairly fast speed. 

Unexpectedly it may be a girl with a gluttonous trait... well, since instead of being nasty she looked pretty cute, I don't think anyone would mind.

By the way, I don't know if it was her or one of the girls, but in the end, Horo was also wearing a red hood... seeing her, I can't help but think a little about the famous story of little red riding hood! It was definitely a wolf disguised as a beautiful girl!!

…don't tell me you want to come with me to hunt grannies?

"...You're thinking about some strange things again, right?"

“H- Hahaha … no, I was just considering your words.

What you say may be true, but… I don't want the people within that city to see you transform into a huge she-wolf. There are already many strange rumors… I don't want to add to this another one.

And surely if you get too close in your form from the start… I'm sorry to say it, but… surely they would just see you as another enemy.”

Silly thoughts aside, I quickly consider her idea. 

One of the things I had noticed about her was that Horo was actually someone who was quite willing to help others… although she complained a bit at times, you could usually see her desire to lend a hand. If I had to define her personality, she would be a kind Tsundere girl!

…although, maybe it's because she was trying hard to fit in with our group. As she had made clear before, one of her biggest worries was being alone…so it's not hard to imagine that she would try her best not to be!


...u-umu, let's not think about that. She looked at me again with narrowed eyes... if her mouth wasn't busy chewing right now, she would surely tell me again "... You're thinking about something rude again, right?". She's pretty sensitive about these things after all!

Well, it's a pity that this time I have to reject her well wishes… if she were to accompany me to the city, instead of being helpful, I can only see troublesome things happening with her by my side! That was why it was better for her to stay here with the girls.

"Then I'll go... see you soon"

“Ok… hamu~… hamu~…”

“ Take care, Alex-san”

“Un... be careful”

After a light goodbye with the girls, I leave the walls of this citadel to go directly to the second wall of the city. With Horo by our side, I felt a bit more relaxed about what we had to do now!



…it was not difficult to enter the city, and immediately I join the group of people who were waiting outside the tunnel that would take them to the area of the third wall. 

Well, I guess that was to be expected... the people guarding the place weren't worried about someone else joining these unfortunates, but about one of them trying to escape from here.

The atmosphere in the place was quite gloomy… but, again, this was to be expected. I don't think many were willing to walk happily and merrily to their deaths! 

For now, I could only wait until it was my turn to make an appearance… so, having nothing else to do, I simply found a place to rest until the group moved on. It wasn't until several hours later, in the middle of the night, that this finally happened.

…couldn't they pick a worse time for this?! I already had my own difficulties keeping these people safe, now it would be a night ride!!

Maybe those bastards just want to avoid witnessing the possible devilish scene of some 15,000 people being devoured by titans. Although... I think that's a wasted effort! The screams of people being devoured during the night would surely be heard from a distance! That would be like ghost wails!!

No, well… my job is to prevent something like that from happening. So those guys should at least be thankful!

Little by little, people enter the tunnel… and the atmosphere in the place only gets worse. It wasn't until some time later that we were able to get out of the narrow place and advance through the grounds inside the third wall...

It's funny how even though it was the least they wanted to see right now, most people would constantly turn their heads into the darkness of the night at the slightest sound as if trying to find the first titan to make an appearance...

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