Soul Evolution System

Chapter 495 To The Citadel

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Things went much better than I had thought... for quite some time the group advanced without encountering any problems! I later realized that they didn't choose the night to move because the people who stayed inside the second wall didn't want to witness the titans devouring these men and women!

…it seems that these giants are mostly diurnal and therefore do not move much at night! If I had known it before, that would have prevented me from several problems... well they say that it is better to know your enemy better than yourself!!

No, well… maybe I couldn't do my activities from the previous days during the night either. Even though I have the night vision ability, it's still much better to search for something during the day when the sun illuminates everything perfectly.

Either way, everything was going perfectly. Entering and sneaking into the group was not a problem, besides, I think I integrated very well with the atmosphere of the place… it was not difficult, I just had to think about how much I had spent lately to be as depressed as most people here! 

No, I may even have looked sadder than the others… perhaps for that reason, one of the women who traveled in the group paid attention to me and tried to comfort me! My problem was different, but I appreciated her good intentions.

The rest of the way I was able to spend the time talking quietly with the lady and her husband. It seems they were a merchant couple with a small shop in the 3rd wall area. But sadly, they didn't have enough clout to avoid being selected for this " mission"... yes, that's what they called all this... a "mission".

It was clear that this couple was aware that they had only been sent to die in this place… but still, the two of them tried to cheer me up and constantly insisted that things would be alright. They really seemed to be good people... a pity that they ended up this way.

But their luck isn't too bad though... at least I'll try to make sure they both make it safely to the citadel I had built!

Also, perhaps it is due to their constant words of encouragement and optimism towards me, but we did not encounter any setbacks as the whole group continued towards their destination. Or so it was until some people started raising death flags! 

Damn it, if they wanted to meet the titans so much, why did they have to involve everyone else?!!

When a titan appeared, concern began to spread throughout the place. Then I witnessed the scene of some people being devoured again... something quite unpleasant no matter how many times you witness it! But in the end, thanks to one of the men who had come forward to take charge of the situation, everything seemed to be solved.

...Although at the cost of the lives of several of them.

It was then that those fools had to speak... and then, as they wanted, several more titans made an appearance! And of course, noticing this, those guys were the first to try to escape from the place!

Seriously, I wanted to go to where those people were and throw them directly at those titans who were now running towards us! And I'm not doing it not because I'm a good person… but because I didn't have time for that right now!

After comforting the woman who suddenly hugged me probably thinking I'd be pretty scared, I make a big whistle that echoes throughout the space. This seemed to attract the attention of people and titans alike…several pairs of eyes are directed at me at this moment... something a little awkward I must say.

Ignoring this, I pay attention to a place… I look in the direction where the citadel should be. From here the hill that hid it was visible, so the distance was only a few kilometers it seemed. Then, I see a large figure running towards this place. The girls were probably hiding not too far from here from what I can see.

“W-what is that?”

“A-Another titan?”

"D-Doesn't look like it... It's moving at too fast a speed for that, isn't it?"

"I-it's true... but then what is it?"

“H-how am I supposed to know?”

Not surprisingly, this creates a bit of confusion for others. Only a sizable brown spot could be seen moving very quickly! In fact, I'm a bit surprised at how fast Horo can be…even horses shouldn't be able to keep up with her!

“A-A dog?! Hiiii~!!”

“N-No… a dog titan? Hiiii~!!”


"W-Why does it bring two people on its back?"

With that speed of movement, it didn't take long for her to reach the group of people… so, the people were now able to see Horo's appearance clearly. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like they can quite understand what she was yet... and in fact, the words of some of them earn her disaffection!

Well... it's not that I don't understand her. If someone you don't know suddenly called you a monkey, then you couldn't help but take it as an insult, right?

“… Horo-san, ignore them please.”


Since she seemed dissatisfied with being called a dog, I have no choice but to intervene. If she now refuses to help because of this, then things will become much more complicated!

"I-I think it's a wolf..."

“A-A wolf? What's that? ”

"It's like a dog- n-no, I mean... a wolf is a wolf..."

Oh~, I thought there wouldn't be people here who knew what a wolf was, but it seems I was wrong. In any case, when Horo hears the husband of the lady I had met before speak, she puts on a proud pose… but that doesn't last long when he was about to call her a dog again, she casts her eyes on the poor friend who didn't have any choice but to swallow that word!

…it's a good thing he was smart enough to realize that she was sensitive to that word. Also, I should keep that data in my memory too... it would not be good if I made the same mistake!

"After you can show them your greatness, Horo -san... now we have to deal with the titans that are fast approaching here."


"T-That thing speak!!"


Although most of the people had calmed down a bit due to the appearance of Horo and the other two girls… although it is also true that for others this simply increased their fear, the important thing was that the titans kept approaching us while this was happening.

In fact, other men who appeared to be part of the militia and who accompanied this group had to go out to intercept them again. So if we didn't hurry up, the same scene from a few minutes ago would surely repeat again.

…it seems that the number of people trained to fight titans among us was very limited, so I'd like to keep as many alive as possible. They would have a use for me later!

After my words, Horo runs again in the direction of the people and giants who had started fighting each other. A few seconds later, she pauses for a moment to let down the girls who had been galloping on her back until now and chooses her first target.

…I was very curious how she would deal with those titans, and in the next moment I can find out this. And well… what I saw wasn't much different from a beast attacking a person, just that the two creatures locked in a fight to the death were enormous in size… maybe it was just that my expectations were a bit too high?


"I-it's eating the titan..."

Well… it is true that it was certainly a rather striking scene. And surely, for all the viewers, it was a bit amazing to see that the giants that until now were the predators at the top of the food chain and fed on people, were now being devoured by another being.

Also, I shouldn't compare Horo to a normal beast either. Instead of seeming to let her instincts take control of her fight, she seemed to attack in a very focused way the weaknesses of the titans that I had told her earlier... in a matter of a minute, she had already eliminated 3 titans by eating their crystals!

And not only that, Horo was able to perfectly assess her surroundings while she was fighting… she wasn't like a dog… let's try to remove that word from my dictionary, she wasn't like a wolf that after biting only seems to concentrate on clenching its jaw! When she noticed that another titan was about to attack her, she moved quickly to dodge it!

Besides, she also tried to cooperate with the girls who hadn't been sitting around… even though they weren't as fast as Horo, they had both taken out some titans by themselves and her help.

…looks like my choice to leave them alone so they could interact more with each other wasn't such a bad idea!

"T-The titans are dead..."


“B-But… what if that thing attacks us now? Wouldn't it be even worse?!!”


“ N-No, but… haven't those two been fighting together with that creature? ”

“I-Is that true… m-maybe it only attacks titans?”

I must say that I was not wrong! Horo's effectiveness in fighting titans was very good! No, in fact, it was much better than I had originally thought!

Thanks to her, it doesn't take long for tranquility to return to this place. And because of this, people start talking to each other wondering what would happen next. Taking advantage of this, I decided that it was the best time to try to talk to all of them. I walk towards Horo and the girls to meet them who was heading this way too.

“ H-Hey, boy… w-wait! ”

"It is dangerous!"


“…can I climb on your back?”

Ignoring the shouts that came from behind me, I ask Horo this. Since I wanted to attract the attention of as many of them as possible, surely being on top of her would make it easier.

"…ok but only this time"

After a few seconds of seeing each other, she finally gives her consent. That's good, it would have been very unfair and awkward if after allowing the girls to climb on her back she denied me this!

She lowers her stance, and then I jump onto her back. Once there, I realize that due to my size it was difficult for people to distinguish me… with no other alternative, I take another small jump.


"...sorry, bear it for a moment"


I knew she would complain about this, so I had no choice but to do it without telling her. Once I'm over Horo's head, I cast my eyes on the crowd who were now looking at me with curiosity… and even concern. I don't know if this is because of me though... or if they're just afraid that I'll make the huge wolf in front of them angry and attack them as well.

“I'd like to introduce myself to everyone, but…it seems like we don't have much time, so let's keep things simple. I will give you two options and you can choose which one to take…

The first is to follow me and I will take you to a safe place. In exchange for this, I do not ask for much, only that everyone who decides this option will have to follow my orders …”

“ W-Who the hell are you, boy? ”

“ W-Why should we follow your orders?! ”

“ P-Please save us! We will follow you and follow your orders!! ”

"Y-Yes, I'll do anything, but please save me!!"

"W-What's the other option?"

Despite the situation, many still had questions. Yes, there are always picky people… well, most of them at hearing that they could be safe, quickly accept. So things didn't look too bad.

And for those who were a bit demanding or had doubts about my proposal to save them… I take out my bastard sword which immediately goes up in flames...

"H-Hey, if you burn my fur, I'll really bite you.


“…I-I'm sorry. It's the fault of this damn sword…”

…and this was not a very good idea. As usual, the flame tries to engulf me! This wasn't too much of a problem for me, but I couldn't say the same for Horo!! 

I have to work a little to keep this from burning her fluffy fur! I didn't want to check how true those words of hers were!!

After solving the slight problems that happen because of this, I point the sword in a specific direction...


…and from there, even more titans than before could be seen walking towards us. I think this was already inevitable… after all, the sun had risen and illuminated the place just a few moments ago!!

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