Soul Evolution System

Chapter 54 Castle Discussion (Part 1)

Arriving near the castle, Yuriko-san tells me while looking at me, I turn with Soichiro and he just makes a nod with his head. He had to tell everything that happened at the police station to her, well, I intended to inform the important members of the group about it, so I don't have to blame him.

This was the best course to follow, as long, it is only knowing in the core group of our survival camp, also had its advantages that everyone was informed. As for other people, it should still remain in secret for them, as there are no antidotes for everyone, they would surely complain about not being able to obtain them.

"Well, a lot of things happened in this short time, so it's true that we should talk to each other"

With that said we all walked inside the castle, the interior rather than a castle, it was similar to a 5-star hotel, the first thing I see when entering is a large reception decorated nicely for people, also the things inside looked fine and in good condition, only one than other piece of furniture untidy and some blood stains, nothing that with a little work can not fix.

Instead of a residence for the guy who built the park, this place had to perform the work of a hotel ... anyway this place will now become my home in this world. The rest people will be my poor commoners who will live under my orders, hahaha.

"… Why you smile Alex?. Are you thinking about bad things again? "

"Of course not, I'm just watching our new home. Where are we going, where does Yuriko-san plan to take us to talk?"

"If we continue in this direction, what is ahead are meeting rooms. It will probably be in that place where we will talk"

Are we moving forward and see several hotel facilities, even has a pool ... I wonder if I can spend time here with the girls while they wear swimsuits? That would be great ...

[You should concentrate more on completing the system missions, Alexander]

Aurora, don't be so tough. Spending time with all the girls having fun, can give me more energy to carry out missions efficiently ... I can not spend 6 months stressing me out every day on completing missions ¿no?

[… Well, you are right about that. But please promise me you won't use all your energy to spend time with women]

I promise you, they will only be occasional moments ... I have not forgotten that zombies continue to strengthen with each passing day, and I have not lost the desire to make myself stronger.

We arrived at one of the meeting rooms that Kurisu was talking about and then everyone in our main group starts to take a seat around a table. When everyone takes a place then Yuriko-san takes the floor.

"Well, honestly the things Soichiro told me that happened at the police station are hard for me to believe, or more correctly, they would be the things you did and said in that place Alexander-kun."

With her words, everyone focuses their eyes on me, those who went with me to the police station or I told them before those things like Saeko, had an idea of what Yuriko-san was talking about, those that didn't, in his eyes it reflected Doubt while they looked at me.

"Things like people coming from other worlds should only exist in fantasy stories ... but if everything Soichiro says me did is true, only that could make sense. Besides, there were already strange events happening around you that were difficult to explain with the normal logic, like that wall of flames that you made appear from nowhere in our house or the military vehicles in which we arrived here ...

For all that, I honestly think you're a much more dangerous individual than zombies out there ... but I must also say that you does not seem to want to do something bad on people in this world, in fact, I can assure that if it were not for you , our situation now would be much worse.

But still I must ask you Alexander-kun ... why you have come to this world? "

So that everyone in this room were equally aware of things and there was no one left out of the conversation for not knowing, Yuriko-san exposes some things that Soichiro told her.

Then the doubt of others is transformed into confusion and disbelief as the previous times that I myself have mentioned these issues to others. Those who already knew things simply wait for the conversation to continue, others like Kurisu and Saeko also have different reactions.

Kurisu who is next to me for example, you can see the nervousness on her face, then she looks at me with concern about what may happen in the next few minutes. Saeko who is on my right, her face becomes dignified and also waits to see how this finish. Shisuka, she ... I can't know what she is thinking ... she may be humming a song in her head, or listening the things seriously ... I really don't know.

Terminating see everyone's reaction, then I speak to answer the question Yuriko-san that now does not have the smile that I usually see, now has a serious face and is the same that her husband. But I am curious why when others Discover my origin, it always seems that the first thing they think is that I come with bad intentions?

It is because is what normally anyone think? ... or it's for my personality? Well, it doesn't matter, for now let's answer.

"Well, you may think that someone or something sent me to this world to do certain goals ... but you shouldn't worry, none of these goes is against the people in this world.

These goals would rather be the opposite, I have to kill a large quantity of zombies and rescue a number of people in this world. "

" Wait Mama, Alexander-san, I do not understand any of this ... what is that of you come from another world? "

"Yes,Takagi-san ... is this a joke? Shouldn't we be talking about serious issues?"

Saya and the bodyguard of the Takagi family intervene after I speak to everyone, the first seems to be still confused by the things that we are talking about and the other simply cannot believe it.

"Calm down, both of you, Saya let us move forward with the conversation and then maybe you can understand the things better. Yoshioka-san, this is not a joke and it is a very serious issue that we have to talk about now.

Everyone else also remain calm. Alexander-kun you can do something like what my husband said you did at the police station for others to take this seriously ... besides, I think that also need to see it with my own eyes "

" Fine"

To prove it, I materialize the sniper rifle that we picked up at the police station and put it on the table, when I do it everyone is surprised, there are even people who get up from their chair or fall back due to surprise.

" Where did that rifle come from ?! "

"h-how is it possible?"

"Is that enough or should I do others things?"

I ask everyone, but nobody answers me, so making the decision I also summon my grimoire, when the floating book is shown, the jaw of more people loosens and they open their mouth involuntarily.

It takes a few minutes for someone to finally say something, Yuriko-san then taking on the role of everyone's representative, talk again.

"... that is certainly surprising and interesting. What other things can you do? "

The atmosphere changes again, and now people were curious about the things I could do, they were like a child with a new toy waiting to see all the functions of this.

Unfortunately it is not as if I have a wide repertoire of tricks, so I shake my head and say.

"That would be the most amazing thing I can do."

"You didn't make flames and vehicles appear in our house?"

"... I can do it, but that has a cost, I can't make them just come out of nowhere"

"... what is that cost?"

Soichiro also joins our conversation asking while others just continued listening. To answer his question, I take a crystal of my inventory and show it to everyone as I explain.

"These crystals ... you can find them inside the zombies head"

"Now that I think about it, I've seen Scythe get that out of the zombies, she had eaten it too ... have you been picking them up until now, Alexander-kun?"

Everyone puts their attention on the crystal in my hands, Hirano who was one of the people who were calmer since he had known this before, then also joins speak by asking.

"I haven't had the time to pick them up from everyone, but as you said, sometimes I have asked Scythe to take them."

"What are those crystals?"

"They are a type of energy that crystallizes within zombies"

Since I do not know very well what these crystals are, I simply say something that remember hearing from Aurora, in Gaia they are used as a source of energy, but here they do not have that technology, so for others here they will not be different than simple ornaments.

"So with those crystals did you get the antidotes that Kurisu-san had?"

The words of Yuriko-san says when she takes the floor again surprise me a little, from what she says, it was not Soichiro who told her about this, it seems that the antidotes have also made themselves known in this group, there should have been something happened.

When I look in Kurisu's direction , she lowers the head as if is afraid that I would complain to her, took her hand and smiled to calm her down, then she lifts her face to see me and sighs while her lips also curl.

I was only worried about people's reaction to learning about the antidote, so I told her to keep it hidden, so if she is well, I have nothing to be angry about. In addition, I had also exposed the antidotes in front of Soichiro, so the secret would be discovered anyway.

"Alexander have you had those antidotes all this time? !!"

When I was going to answer, Rei gets up from the table and looks at me furiously ... I think that since I arrived she has been staring at me and seemed to want to tell me something, I must say that she has endured quite well waiting to be able to speak ... well, can also be that the things I did when I arrived unbalanced her mind, preventing she from speaking.

But honestly I do not understand the reason for her anger, I do not remember doing something to make her look like this and it also seems that I am not the only one, since the others at the table look at her doubtfully. The trigger that made she could not stand to be silent, was the word antidote ... perhaps thinks that I should have saved all the people of this world with this one?

Thinking that could be that, I answer her and also to Yuriko-san's previous question so that there are no misunderstandings.

"Yes, but it is not as if I have a large amount, the number I have of them is limited, I cannot save all the people"

I thought it would be rational and she would calm down with what I say, but instead her anger seems to increase. She begins to walk with strong and determined steps towards where I am sitting. It is a pity for her that when tries to reach me with her arm that is not hurt, Saythe interprets it as an aggression and gets in her way.


Luckily for her, perhaps because similar things had happened before, Scythe doesn't attack her and just blocks the way so she can't touch me with her hand.

"Take off, damn zombie !!"

"Rei calm down!"

"Yes, Rei-chan you must calm down"

I was a bit surprised for her insistence, as she tries to put aside a Scythe, but because of the difference in strength and also that can only use one arm, her attempts are not fruitful. The others who recover from the surprise of her actions try to calm her down, but none of their phrases seem to reach she.

"It was your fault !! It was your fault that Hisashi died ... I will not forgive you for that!"

"Haa? Who the hell is he and why am I to blame for him dying?"

Every time she says a word, her anger changes until becomes crying, you probably think I should feel a little sorry for her. But instead it, was now I felt is that my mood was going ignite.

One of the things that bothers me the most is that people blame me for things I haven't done or don't understand. I have not been responsible for someone she knew dying, let alone killing someone for whom she should complain.

Komuro, realizing that I was getting angry and did not understand what she said, speaks trying to explain to me why Rei reacted in such a way and wanted to attack me.

"She talks about the other guy who was with us when we first met ... she must blame you for not giving he the antidote in order to cure him"

"Yes! You could have prevented Hisashi from transforming into a zombie and to him die."

With what he says, I remember the events of that time ... in his group at the beginning it is true that there was another men, he was also bitten by a zombie. Shit! Do she still blame me for that? If I remember correctly I separated from them because I wanted to avoid just that. On the other hand, she is confusing some things ...

"Girl, it seems you have two big misunderstandings there."

" What misunderstanding ?! If you had given the antidote to Hisashi that time, he would still be alive !!"

"Shut up and listen! First of all, I have no duty or obligation to save someone who I doesn't care for. If someone dies because I don't help him, it was simply the fault of fate and not mine.

I am not a kind of Saint or hero who goes around the world looking for people with problems to be able to save them and receive their applause or prayers. At that time I didn't know you three, so you have no right to complain if I don't use the antidote to save your other boyfriend.

Besides, you can be grateful, since now being part of my group if you're in trouble and I can help you then I will. "


You must be kidding, I certainly have a Hero ability in my status, but if I had to go there to save others that I don't know while risking my own skin, I would prefer a thousand times better not to have it and lose its advantages.

When she hears me, the ashes of her fury are revived more intensely, and she looks at me as if she wanted to kill me. I ignore her and continue with what I was saying.

"Your second misunderstanding is about the antidote, these are not omnipotent. There are three types of antidotes, the first only works for the first 10 seconds that someone is bitten, the second is effective until a minute after someone is infected and the last It can work up to 10 minutes.

If I remember correctly, at that time I asked you how much time had passed after he were bitten, then- "

"... it had been about 5 minutes, you can't apologize by saying that 10 minutes had already passed!!"

Rei listens to me carefully when I say the next argument, then she also starts to remember what happened in that time and before I could finish she interrupts me continuing her accusation against me.

"That's right, it seems you still remember, he told me that about 5 minutes had passed from when he was bitten ... it is a shame for him that at that time I only had the first 2 antidotes, so that time I told him that he was screwed "

"You lie!!"

"Believe what you want, but I didn't have anything against your other boyfriend, if I could have helped him, I probably would have done it since it didn't cost me much to do it"

She stares at me for a few seconds and then collapses crying again, I do n't know if she believes me or not, but I don't care about that. As I had also got up to argue with her, I take a seat again ignoring her.

What if I feel sorry for her? No, I honestly feel more sorry for Komuro than every time I mentioned Rei's other boyfriend, it seemed that his heart was stabbed.


"It's not your fault Alex, you couldn't do anything on that occasion"

When I sighs, Kurisu on my side tries to cheer me up, she must have thought I felt sorry for her, but my sigh was for the two unfortunate guys. The one who died and the other who became his replacement ...

"Shisuka-san can you take Rei-chan to rest?"

"Okay ~"

Yuriko-san instructs Shisuka to help Rei calm down, she must have thought that her would not intervene in the following conversations for what she chose Shisuka. Komuro also helps Rei to feet her and the three come out the door.

"Well, now that this was resolved, we can continue with our meeting"


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