Soul Evolution System

Chapter 55 Discussion in the Castle (Part 2)

After Shizuka and Komuro take Rei somewhere else, the atmosphere in the meeting room returns to normal ... well, as it was before this happened. Yuriko-san coughs a little to clear her throat and get the attention of others, then continue talking.

"Kohon, if nobody has any questions about the origin of Alexander-kun, then let's resume this matter and continue with the following topics ... Hirano-kun do you have anything to say?"

"E-emmm, I want to ask Alexander-kun a question"

When we pretended to move on to other issues and set aside the problem that I am from another world, Hirano shyly raises his hand, Yuriko-san notices that and asks he.

Shit! Please that he will not open the mouth to say about the promise I made with him, that is something that should only remain as something that only we both know. If he says something about that subject, surely the girls would look at me strangely ... I wanted to get up and cover his mouth, but doing so would only attract more attention and cause others more curiosity.

"Emmm ... this ..."

Without more alternatives than just praying that is not what he want to ask, we all put our eyes waiting for him to speak, but when Hirano sees everyone's attention on him, then he is cohibited and babbles a few words.

"Damn! Just do your question!!"

It seems that he was not the only one that uncertainty was slowly eating him up, Saya despairs of his behavior and yells at him to hurry up to say what he wants.

"Y-yes! I just wanted to ask if ... if Alexander-kun is a hobitt or a similar breed?"

Finishing his words the silence returns to the place, seconds later everyone puts their eyes on me ... I thought they would take it as a stupid question, but everyone seems interested in what I can answer. The good thing was that it was not our promise, I sigh in relief and respond to calm everyone's curiosity.

"Haa, no, I'm human just like everyone here ... my short stature is only because I'm 12 years old, not because I belong to another race"

"I-I'm sorry ... I thought that because of your mental maturity you were of a race that was older than they seemed physical..."

I cannot blame him for thinking that since he is correct in thinking that my mental age is greater than my physical age. I have no problem on my part in revealing that, but they are just assimilating that I am from another world, it is not the right time to shake their mind again by telling them that I am also a reincarnate person.

"... damn, and I thought I had finally found a legal Loli ..."

"Hell! Who said that! ... take a step forward and I will help him by sending him to God so he can fulfill his wish!"

When Hirano finishes saying the why of his question, then a murmur is heard in the meeting room. Recovering from a slight stagnation because of those words, I bang the table and shout while I try to find the person responsible, unfortunately, as I had my attention on Hirano I could not saw who was.

"... well, if there is nothing else then let's continue"

Yuriko-san don't just ignore that! It's a very dangerous thing for a person with such a mentality to remain hidden in the group ... especially for me! Ignoring my mental concerns she begins to tell other issues that we had to discuss.

"Another of the things we have to talk about is the zombies evolving ... it seems that in both places, the park and police station, we find these, haa ... when we think things would improve, this problem arises that puts all humans in check again"

"Unfortunately we cannot do anything about that, the only solution would be to exterminate all the zombies in this world, but as you can see, it is more realistic for people from another world like Alex and me to come, than to do that.

They have practically cornered us to the point that we have to leave the cities that humans built to be able to develop themselves, now these are zombie territories. "

Kurisu probably wanted to expose the facts and her opinion of what was going on with the zombies. But with her words, the face of others becomes a bit bleak, it was certainly something that everyone understood, even so, it was not pleasant to hear.

Well, those with a strong mentality do not be affected for this much ... an example is Saeko who is now holding a crystal in her hands and is trying to give it to Scythe who is standing behind us. Scythe stretches her hand a little, but stops and just stares at the crystal, then after having an internal fight in her mind, she turns with me.

Saeko must have remembered the things that happened before, so she had to pick up a zombie crystal thinking that she could give it to Scythe to get closer to her. Through our link I tell her to accept the crystal and immediately she take it from Saeko's hands and eat it.

Since that would make both of they happy, it would be cruel of me to demand a crystal just to increase my savings. Turning my eyes away from that scene, again I look at the other people with depressed faces, then I intervene to try to compose the mood a bit.

"Kurisu, you're right about that, we can't do anything to avoid it. But the good thing is that we can still take steps to defend ourselves, certainly, zombies have become stronger and more dangerous, but as most here have seen, we can continue to kill them, just They are a little more resistant than before.

In addition, the trip of the group in charge of going to the police station where I and Soichiro was, not was in vain, we have many more weapons to defend ourselves. For now, we should concentrate on cleaning the entire amusement park of any zombie and making it ours.

Finishing that, we can do more things like saving survivors who are in the city or continue looking for weapons, food and other things we need. "

"Alexander is right, if the zombies have taken us away from our old homes, then we just have to build another one. As long as we are alive we can continue to fight and have hope, first we will free this place from all the zombies and then continue moving forward."

Soichiro continues with my words while gets up from his chair and knocks the table with the two palms as he puts his eyes on everyone in the room, everyone's spirits then return with the will to fight for a home burning in their pupils.

"We will be divided into four groups, one will be directed by me, the second by Soichiro, the third by Yuriko-san and the last ..."

"Alexander-kun, Yoshioka san is a very capable person, we should make him the one in charge of that group. While we were cleaning the zombies of the castle he was in charge of protecting those who stayed outside."

"Yuriko is right, Yoshioka is a person you can trust Alexander"

The Takagi couple says recommending me to their bodyguards, I was trying to think of someone, but listening to them, I look at Yoshioka. He not has given me no reason to doubt from him, I thought of Matsushima for the leader of the last group, but when analyzing a little, I assent. He has more seniority in the group, although I must say that more than trusting him, I relied heavily on Soichiro and Yuriko-san that were speaking for and recommending him.

Of curse, in the end what influenced more in my decision to put him as the other leader was that seeing his aura, it was of the most stable in the place.

With all 4 leaders elected, we now try to form our groups with people that fighting whit zombies. Of those 4 groups 3 would be responsible for cleaning the entire amusement park, while 1 would take care of the castle.

Soichiro, Yuriko-san, and Yoshioka choose from the men who already protected the Takagi mansion and the people of their group and my slaves as well. The latter logically will not be given any weapons, they will still fight with sharp or stabbing weapons.

I stay with the same people who have followed me so far that have earned my trust. Although we may be smaller in number than the other groups, I plan to compensate for that by equipping them with enough weapons.

The group that would stay was Yoshioka's. Me, Soichiro and Yuriko-san would take a part of the park to take care of the zombies. With everything ready, now we just needed to arm the people properly.

We moved out of the castle and then I took out the weapons that we brought from the police station, I only take 2 of the M-16 rifles and give them to Yamada and Yuki graduating them from their short-range weapons, I also take 8 Heckler guns & Koch USP and handed them to others in my group as a secondary weapon for in case of emergency. The other 20 Howa Rifles type 89, the remaining 25 guns and the Katanas I handed them over to Soichiro and Yuriko-san for they distribution in their groups.

[Heckler & Koch USP - J]

Semi-automatic pistol activated by short recoil, has a 9mm caliber with cartridges with a capacity of 15 bullets. It is a reliable weapon with a functionality guaranteed by 30,000 shots.

[Howa type 89 - I]

Gas-powered assault rifle with a 5.56 caliber with a removable curved magazine for 30 bullets. It has an effective range of 500m and a lower recoil given its low caliber compared to others.

When I want to give Saeko a gun, she then said that feels more comfortable with her Katana, a similar case happened when I wanted to pass a rifle to Saya, she tells me that didn't think could control it, so Saya just keeps up with Beretta that I gave she previously as her weapon.

As Saeko does not take the weapon I keep it with a strap on my leg ... for me, the more weapons the better. Finally I take out the PGM Hecate II anti-tank rifle that I found in the confiscated items, it was really the biggest treasure rescued from the commissioner. Then I pass to Hirano who is surprised when I do.

[PGM Hecate II - H]

Sniper rifle caliber 12.7mm manually activated bolt, has cartridges with a capacity for 8 bullets, its total weight 15Kg.

"Take it Hirano, from our group you and Kurisu are the ones with the best aim, as we hear from Yuriko-san, zombies that have a muscular appearance can withstand several shots of a normal rifle, so it is better if these appear you take care of them with this"

"T-then that Kurisu-san take it"

"Don't worry, I'll take one that suits her better to give it to Kurisu, take this one"

Although his eyes were bright when he saw it, he seemed to understand that I gave a little more priority to the girls next to me, so although he loved it, he speaks to hand over to Kurisu. After insisting again he takes it happily and begins to inspect it.

As what I said was not an excuse for he to take the rifle, I close my eyes and go to the menu in my head to use the coupon for an anti-material weapon that I received when completing Hirano's mission. After browsing the list for a few minutes, I choose one that seems suitable for Kurisu.

[DSR-50 - H]

Anti-material rifle, manually operated with 12.7mm caliber. It has a recoil damper and an instrument in the mouth that works as a silencer and mouth brake to reduce the flash of the shot. It has a weight of 5Kg and a straight magazine with a capacity of 5 bullets.

"Well, take this rifle Kurisu... this one is lighter than the one I gave Hirano, and you'll feel less of the recoil force with it. If you feel it's too much to carry it along with your other rifle, you can give Soichiro the M- 14 for he give to another person to use, with this new weapon you will only take care of evolved zombies if they appear "

I take it out and hand it over to Kurisu, as I think it might be a little awkward for her to carry the two rifles, I give her a suggestion to have it sedated for someone else to use.

"N-no, I can carry the both of them"

She refuses to get rid of the M-14 and takes it in her hands while DRS-50 carries it on the shoulder... certainly she has passed the first limit and is stronger than before, besides the new rifle does not weigh much, but I find it a bit awkward to carry both ... I must get an object with an interdimensional space for her.

"Well, here's the manual, ask Hirano about that, he must understand it better so he can explain it to you"

"Yes! Thanks Alex"

If we will separate into three groups then I will need another one of those rifles, that way if an evolved zombie appears where Soichiro and Yuriko-san appear, it will be easier for them to take care of it ... haa, my precious funds.

I go back to the system again, but knowing what I'm looking for, I doesn't take long, the different thing was that I had to spend 7,500 crystals on the anti-material rifle this time. I bought the same version as Kurisu since the person I was thinking of giving it to, was also a woman with a somewhat delicate appearance.

"Yuriko-san, do you think you can handle this rifle?"

When she hears me calling her, she turns to me, then leaves her group with whom she was speaking and approaches to ours. When I delivered the rifle, she inspects it for a moment and then begins to handle it skillfully.

"This is a good weapon ... are you sure you don't want to keep it for yourself?"

After taking a look and seeing all the weapons I have in my body, she tells me that while have a smile in her face, I think she is mocking or complaining a little because I has taken all the weapons that wanted without asking anything.

"Although I would like to, there is someone who always reminds me that I should not depend so much on this type of weapons, and with Kurisu in our group with that same weapon, I think that will be enough"

The person I mentioned was Aurora, but Yuriko-san misunderstands this and her vision goes to Saeko. Then as if she understood something that only she knows nodded and then returned to her group to continue organizing them.

"Alex-san ... I've never told you anything about the way you decide to fight. It's fine for me to you do it the way you feel most comfortable"

"I know, when I said that I didn't say it for you Saeko-chan, it was for someone else. Yuriko-san drew her own conclusions, I'm sorry about that."

"Unnm, is okay, you don't have to apologize"

Finally, so that everyone's team is complete, I take out some costumes that I picked up from the police station that I found interesting when I evaluated them with my ability.

[Suit with carbon nanotubes - H]

Two-piece suit (pants and shirt) integrated with carbon nanotubes. It can resist stabs of a weapon of the same rank, in addition to that, it also works against .45 and 9mm caliber bullets. It is much lighter and less bulky than other bulletproof materials, allowing comfortable mobility.

When I asked Matsushima about these suits, she told me that a company had manufactured them as a test and sample product. They were then taken to several police stations in the hope that when they were used, they would consider replacing the old protective equipment with these.

Unfortunately for that company, the cost of the suits exceeded those already existing, and with the budget received by each police station it would be impossible to equip everyone with that type of costumes.

Well, that doesn't matter anymore, what is important to me is that they cost me nothing and are an excellent equip for the girls and people in my group. The only regrettable thing is that as they are made for adults, there is none that is my size ...

As I need 10 to dress my whole group, without any shame I take them. The remaining 5 I give to Soichiro, Yuriko-san, Asami and Matsushima. The last two was because one is Hirano's suitor and I can't let her die ... it would be difficult to find another woman who is interested and who have honest feelings towards him.

In the future when our group grows, there will be many women who throw themselves at their feet because they are in a good position, but I am not so cruel to throw a woman who only wants Hirano for interest ... well, for now having Asami, it will be better than Try to get them to end up together if for some reason it doesn't work, I will turn to such women as the last option.

As for Matsushima, as she had also gone with us and was the one with the key to the armory, I thought I should give her a share of the treasures.

When I only have one suit left in my hands I see Yoshioka and he to me, then he extends his hand. When I am about to give it to him, I remember that I forgot someone ... I turn and run to Shizuka who had gone to check Alice's father.

"... Yoshioka ... do you want my suit?"

"... Takagi-san, is fine, I will stay here in the castle anyway"

"Ah, Hirano, you will go with Soichiro's group this time. So go with his group when they leave."

I listen to the voice of Soichiro and Yoshioka, but I ignore them and continue running, so I remember putting Hirano with the first of the two previous ones that I mentioned to distribute the 3 rifles of greater caliber in each group.

Yoshioka shouldn't complain about that, I don't have a suit either. Besides, at first, he was a meat shield ... I mean, a bodyguard. So surely he is happy to sacrifice yourself for a beautiful woman.

... I just hope the suit fits to Shizuka. I don't think she has problems with the pants, but the shirt… well, if she only raises the zipper until covers her stomach, she will be protected at least 2/3 of her torso… maybe it is ½ part?… Less? ... well, whatever the percentage that covers her, it is still better than 0.


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