Soul Evolution System

Chapter 58 Rooms Distribution

Leaving Komuro behind, I advance to the meeting room where we have been talking about the important things of the survival camp so far. Inside was the Takagi couple waiting for us, then after I enter and take place the others begin to arrive too.

The first thing we talked about is again how each group did on their side of the park, I report that we didn't have any problems on our part and Yoshioka does the same. Soichiro and Yuriko-san talk about their success in running the generators and water pumps.

Moving on to other issues it is decided by the group to implement a guard around the castle for the night, as we have not completely cleaned the amusement park, this becomes the best option.

After there is no zombie inside, with only a few men watching the entrances should be enough, but for now, we have to keep the place where we are going to rest safe.

At the end of that conversation, we continue with a priority that we should take care of as soon as possible ... to distribute the rooms. When I say important, of curse I don't mean of the assigned room to other people, I do not care if Soichiro-san and Yuriko decided to leave them out, but probably they do not that.

The only thing that matters to me is where I go to sleep, and I already had in mind where when I saw the castle and I knew that this was a Hotel, so before anyone wants to take it first, I appropriate of that place Before someone says anything.

"The presidential room of the castle is mine!"

With the abrupt interruption when Yoshioka, Soichiro and Yuriko-san organized the bedrooms, everyone turned to see me. I said it first, so you have lost your chance, hahaha.

"... Alex, because you don't let the Takagis take that place. It should be more comfortable for them since they ... well, they were influential people."

"No! That room now belongs to me, they already enjoyed the pleasures of money, now it's my turn"

As everyone stared at me in silence, Kurisu, who is easily ashamed, speaks when several seconds pass without anyone saying anything. But even with her saying that I will should yield that room, I stand firm in my decision.

"It's ok Kurisu-san, if Alex-kun wants to stay in that room. For us there will be no problem, this hotel has enough comfortable habitations"

"Yes, that doesn't matter much."

Well, then you can sleep outside Soichiro, I don't care that Yuriko-san sleeps with me, Kurisu, Saeko and Shisuka ...

Having learned from my previous mistakes, when I think about that I put my hand on my lips to make sure they don't move. I don't want to be lectured by Kurisu again, it's better to be cautious.

Since the married couple does not seem to care that I take that room, the others have no objection. Then I let them do the work of handing out the rooms and I'm going to see my new bedroom.

Interested in what kind of place the presidential suite would be, apart from the girls who I share the bed with, others in my group also come. We go up the stairs and arrived at the top floor, we continue moving forward and reach a small tower with 3 more flat ones.

I take out a key to open the double doors of the place, Yuriko-san told me that they had not examined this place the first time they checked the castle and it was Yoshioka who did it when the other groups started killing the zombies in the park.

But apparently they didn't find a zombie inside, it seemed that the place was closed during the zombie outbreak like most of the Hotel's rooms. The first 2 floors have several suites, this is surely where the main members of the survival camp will stay.

And then the third level of this tower is the Presidential Suite, my new residence. Passing the stairs of the first 2 floors, we came across other double doors, quickly took the key with a crown carved in it and opened.



The first thing we see is a living room decorated with a huge TV on it, have a gas fireplace on the side, a carpet on the floor and luxurious furniture on it. In front of us at the end of this room instead of a wall, there were large windows that let us see a balcony and even further away you can see the view outside the park.

We walked inside and on the right, you could see what would be the bedroom with a large bed that surely 6 people would sleep comfortably without feeling tight. In the same way as the living room, it had a fireplace and other furniture.

To the left that it would be more a continuation of the living room, only that it was separated as another room by some refined wooden screens, there was what looked like a small office with several shelves with books on the wall.

"Everything in this place seems so expensive and luxurious ..."

"Yes, if I came to this place in the world before the apocalypse I would be afraid to touch something for fear of breaking it and having to pay it ..."

It was certainly a rather luxurious place, and the main advantage of the place, which in the world as it is now is very difficult to find, is that it was completely clean, free of blood and the smell of rot. Although it is a shame that I can not enjoy this room 100% since most of the electronic advantages are damaged, but still, it is a very good place, mainly the bed, in it I can sleep with all the girls and also in a very comfortable form.

I enter the bedroom putting my eyes on that large bed, then I notice the glass door, of those that distort things on the other side when you see it. I approach to open it and discover a great bath ... God had heard my prayers.

"Great! Why don't we have a bath to take away our tiredness?"

I turn and tell the girls who had accompanied me to see the place that also will be their bedroom with great enthusiasm, it is a pity that this emotion collapses by their next words.

"Of course not Alex! Don't you remember what happened to you the last time? "

Of course I remember that, I went to heaven and had angels surrounding me ... or not, were they the Himalayas? Well, it doesn't matter, the only thing matter is that it was great and I dreamed of being able to repeat that.

"What Kurisu-san says is true Alex-san, I don't think it's very good for you to pass out again"

"Yes Alex-kun, you are hurt and you must take care of your health"

"T-that was ..."

I wanted to shout in my defense that that was only because I was too excited and it would never happen again ... but if I tell them that, it would wrong for several reasons, so the words get stuck in my throat while my eyes got wet by saw my dreams collapse ... Noo !!

"Looks like you'll have to bathe alone this time Alexander-san"

Then Komuro's voice reaches my heart like the final stab. Damn! Now that I think about it, it must be because of your bad luck with the women that I got some of that.

"This is your fault! Why don't you go and look for a room so you and Yamada can sleep together? !! "

"Eh? Why is it my fault? ... Well, it doesn't matter. I'll do what you say and see if they've already assigned us a room for us, are you coming too, Hirano?"

"N-no, I'll stay here a little longer ... you two go"

Komuro comes out after saying that, he probably only thought about the literal meaning of my words and not what I was implying, besides when he leaves doesn't realize the slightly strange looks of all the girls when he turns his back on them.

Hahahaha, that will be your punishment for infecting me with your bad luck, surely tomorrow there will be no girl in this camp who wants to approach you ... or they will probably only look for another woman friend when they see you.

"Maybe that was the reason for his indecision with Rei? Also, that's why he didn't pay attention to me?"

"I-I hope you're happy Takashi ..."

As I laughed, I listen to Saya and Rei's murmurs ... maybe I exceeded myself a little ... well, it doesn't matter. He deserved it for bringing me bad luck, Haa, now since I can't take a bath with the girls, there's no hurry to do it that alone.

"I Forget something, I'll be back soon"

Besides, when I saw Hirano, I remembered one thing, so after telling everyone here that I will leave for a moment and walk to the door to go downstairs to look for Yuriko-san, but when open it I meet her coming here.

For a moment I thought that my luck had been composed again and she also came to sleep with us, but when I saw Soichiro walking beside her, that possibility vanished into the air.

" What's happen Alexander-kun, don't you like your room and want me to change it? "

"No, it's not that, the room is perfect. I was just going to look for you to ask you a favor Yuriko-san"

"Oh? What would you need from me?"


When I wanted to tell her, Soichiro's strict face prevents me, it is not as if I were going to ask his wife for one night, besides the favor is not something for me, but because of his character, he may complain about this. Then, as if she realized my problems, Yuriko-san asks Soichiro to go ahead and also tell him that we will follow him in one minute.

He simply nods and goes to the presidential suite where the others were, being at a distance where he can't hear us Yuriko-san smiles again, bends down a little so that our faces were closer and she tells me.

" Well, Alexander- kun , what thing do you need from a married woman whom you want her husband to leave? "

Shit! Is this the sensuality of a married woman? This is poison for any man... I feel my blood burn, she must have intoxicated me before I realized.

"Kohon, I don't think it's anything bad, it's just that with Soichiro's character he can refuse if he hears it, so I just wanted to avoid that.

I need you to put Hirano in a room ... I want him to be in the same place that the police officer Asami."

I try to control myself because I know she is just playing with me, cough to calm the flames that burn in my blood and I talk to her about my goal.

"Hmn? If I remember correctly Asami-chan and Matsushima-san would have a suite on the first level of the tower ... do you want me to also put Hirano-kun with them?"


Well, it doesn't matter that Matsushima is also there, in fact, it's better. If for some reason it doesn't work to match him with the first one, maybe he can do it with the second one, you don't know how fate works.

"Hmmmm ... that's a bit difficult, but well, the two girls are of age and Hirano-kun doesn't have a personality to take advantage of them, it will also be interesting to see the reaction of the two ... it's fine, but you owe me a please Alexander-kun "

"... it's fine, but only if the three sleep in the same room"

"It's a deal ~"

Yuriko-san is not surprised by what I ask, only think about it for a few seconds. She must have understood my purpose to do that since you don't need to be a genius to deduce it, but in the end when she asks me for a favor I feel that I am signing a pact with a demon ... it must be my imagination.

Maybe she goes behind my body?...she is a devil sinner… but since I have already signed a contract with her I should accept my destiny.

"Fufufu, stop drooling Alexander-kun and let's go with the others to talk"

Yuriko-san's voice takes me out of my imagination, so I'm going behind the wiggle of her waist. When entering the only new thing was Soichiro who admired the room as evaluating it, then he listens to our step and turns to us, so the two of us go to him.

"We will not take much of your time, so you all can continue with you are doing soon"

"Yes, we just wanted to give you this, on this sheet. Here are the names of the people of the whole survivor's camp and the room that was assigned to them.

As you made me realize my mistake of not keeping a record when we were at our house, I asked Yoshioka to do it while we were dealing with the zombies in the park "

Soichiro passes me several papers, in them, is write the name of people, in what do they worked before the apocalypse and the number of the room they were given in the castle. While I giving a quick read, several of my group come to see where they will sleep.

Since I was not very interested in this, I give it to Kurisu, besides she has a better memory than me, so that is the most practical.

"We also wanted to inform you that dinner is ready and you all can go down for it"

"Thank you Yuriko-san, but it's not necessary. We'll eat something else."

"Okay, then we'll leave for everyone can rest. Ah, Hirano-kun, your room that says the leaves is wrong, so ignore what they say. After lunch, I'll take you to the right place."

"I-I understand, Yuriko-san"

Hearing her speak then Hirano releases a sigh of relief ... I could read in which room he was before, they had put him together with Komuro and Yamada in a suite on the second floor of the tower when I read it and could see he make a worried face for that.

Hirano, you have no complaints to say that I am not a good friend, I save you from being judged like those two and also send you to a girl's room, so you owe me a huge favor.

Besides, it seems that all the people in my group and other important people also took a room in the tower, for example, Rei, Yuki, Mizusu and Niki were in one of the second-floor suite as well. When I thought in what place was each person, the couple Takagi try leaves, but before reaching the door are stopped by Saya.

"Mom, wait! I don't see my name here ... it means I'll sleep with both of you? "

"Fufufu, what are you saying, Saya? You don't think you're too old to sleep with mom and dad... people who don't appear on the list is because they had already been assigned to this room"


Saya blushes in shame at her mother's first words, but when she hears her continue then starts to get nervous. Now that I think about it, not even my name, Kurisu, Saeko, Shisuka and Saya were on the list.

Without worrying about the state in which her daughter was, Yuriko-san advances with Soichiro and when the two go out the door I can hear their voices arguing.

"I don't think it's good for a girl to stay in a boy's room, Yuriko"

"Don't worry, there are 3 other girls there, we must also trust our daughter"

Soichiro says nothing more and I only see him nod as he walks. Yuriko-san you can trust in your daughter... but not on the guy who you leave her with. As if she reading my mind turns with me, sees me and makes me a wink with one of her eyes.

Well, for me there is no problem if another pretty girl sleeps in my bed, but you can't blame me for what might happen in the future. I turn with Saya, and she is still paralyzed watching her parents leave.

After a few more seconds she finally reacts, then she sees me and instantly her face becomes like a tomato when our eyes meet. In the end, unable to bear it, Saya decides to hide behind Shisuka while in a barely audible voice she apologizes.

"S-sorry about my mother Alexander-san, surely it bothers you that I stay here ... I will talk to her to she assigns me another room"

"To me, it does not bother me to you also sleep here, as long as you'll agree"



She seems to cheer up a bit with my answer, it seems she was worried that I refused to let her stay here more than anything else. After hearing my confirmation then she stops hiding behind Shisuka and smiles happily ... it's a shame, I have no excuse to continue seeing Shisuka's breasts directly.

Well, they say that the universe always seeks balance, so, if someone is encouraged, another person should get angry. In this case is Kurisu, who looks at what happened with obvious discomfort on her face, but it is an advantage that only huffs through the nose and then sits on one couch while she is sulky without complaining to me about letting Saya stay.

"Alex! You told Yuriko-san that the food they had prepared below was not necessary, so what shall we eat? "

Well, it seems that Kurisu thinks to calm her anger with food ... with those words the others also look in my direction waiting for an answer. The truth is that I'm hungry too, so let's eat.


Hi everyone, I hope you had a happy Merry Christmas.

Sorry for not upload the chapter yesterday, but I was very busy with family parties.

But the worst was that since 23 of this month I have a toothache, and when I went to the dentist he tells me that I have an infection and don't can extract the wisdom tooth, so I have to endure the pain until 2 of January...

Seriously, this is the worst...

Remember to visit my patreon and support SES... maybe if I see new supporters the pain be less.

See ya.

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