Soul Evolution System

Chapter 59 First Night in the Castle

Everyone in the room sat around a table that was in the living room. As Kurisu said, I had thought of eating something else than what they were serving for the others from the kitchen, by this I do not mean that the food there was bad, I just missed Gaia's supreme flavors a little.

On the other hand, I also hope that with this Kurisu, who was a bit moody, is encouraged and returns to normal. With that in mind I take out many skewers that I had previously bought in Gaia, seeing them many are surprised, but more than by them, it was because of their sudden appearance.

"I still find it impressive when I see things coming out of nowhere ... I don't think I can get used to it"

"Yes, it seems like a magic trick ..."

"It is certainly something very mysterious"

" Are they the ones you bought in Gaia before we came here ?! "

Hirano, Rei and Yuki who witness the appearance of the food comment their impressions on my interdimensional inventory, but the good thing is that one of my goals gave immediate results, since Kurisu stops frowning and sees the food happily.

"This food is where you come from, Alex-san?"

While the others watched the skewers with curiosity, Saeko focuses more on what Kurisu says, paying attention to her words. So to check her speculation she asks me.

I don't know if Kurisu said it because I had already revealed the secret of our origin, or because of the emotion escaped from her mouth, anyway, as is no need to hide these things anymore, even if it was a slip of her tongue it didn't matter.

I affirm with the head the words of Saeko, then she takes a skewer to see it closely… even though she looks at it, I don't think it has any difference in the flesh of this world that is noticeable to the eyes.

"Does it cook like the food of this world?"

"Yes, it is no different from how you do it here"

"Well, let me cook them so we can eat"

Saeko takes the bowl with the skewers and goes to the side of the living room where there was a small kitchen to cook them, Kurisu and Rei also get up and go behind her. The others wait until they are ready, it seems that the others apart from me, the others are somewhat integrated and excited by the possibility of eating something from another world, since they do not stop seeing with interest everything that the girls do.

Without requiring much time, the girls return with the skewers while the steam comes out of them, as they did not have to prepare anything and just make the meat cooked, did not take long to they start serving them on the table, then the skewers spread their aroma in the whole living room.

"Delicious! I missed this flavor!"

The others apart from Kurisu and I had some doubts about eating things from another world, but upon hearing the words of praise from her, the bravest decided to take one in their hands.

" Is it really safe for us to eat this, what animal does it come from? "

Rei that had taken a skewer and salivated when the aroma of it reached her nose, says. She seemed to have a strong desire to eat it, but a reluctance for the origin of this food stopped her from eating it. With their words, others also stop before they can taste it and look at me waiting for an answer.

"... Mmmm ... what animal was this from Kurisu?"

"Mmn? If I remember correctly it was from an ostrich-like animal of this world, it must also be certain that you can eat this, I was not from the same world where Alex was and I had no problem with that."

While taking another skewer I put my memory to work, it seemed like it was something very distant, although it was only a few days ago ... in the end, I decided to consult it with Kurisu and avoid the hard work ... strangely what I remember most about food apart from the taste, it is that in Gaia there are people who eat the goblin, so Rei asking where the meat comes from is something sensible.

"Ostrich? ... I've heard that people eat them in many places, but I've never tasted it"

"Well, if it's something like ostriches I have no problem with that"

Hearing Kurisu's response, that makes Saeko and Hirano's doubts disappear and bites the meat of the skewers. They chew it slowly and the more they do it, their eyes open gradually until they are round like plates, then after swallowing the bite they exclaim with enthusiasm.

"This is too delicious !!"

"Yes, it tastes great ... I had never eaten anything like it"

The others watching their reaction also begin to move their hands and mouths, without any surprise they end up just like them, with a big smile adorning their faces giving much praise to the food.

So as expected, because of the great momentum of everyone eating, the skewers do not last long on the table and in a few minutes they are finished.

For my part I lick my lips tasting the juice of the meat that had stained them ... I look at others and as the same that they are experiment now, I have a feeling of sadness when seeing the empty plate. I have more of these, but I must ration them in order to enjoy them during the time I am here.

Without can do it anything for this, we terminate dinner and then the girls start talking to each other. The one that was a little more overwhelmed was Kurisu who is bombarded with questions about how is the world where we came from. They also ask me sporadically, but it is probably easier for others to do it with her since they concentrate more on her.

Spending about an hour doing a little digestion and not feeling so full, those who will not stay in this room begin to leave to go to their habitations to rest.

"Well, see you tomorrow Alexander-kun, I will see if Yuriko-san continues down helping to distribute the food to others, I will ask her to tell me where my room be"

" It 's okay, be sure to have a good time and do not make my efforts have been in vain"

"Hmn? ... I don't understand well, but I'll try hard"

"So, I hope you can rest well, see you tomorrow"

"Yes, we will continue with the things we did yesterday as soon as the sun rises"

We dismiss Hirano, Rei, Yuki, Mizusu and Niki at the door. I would like to say that everything was very quiet, but there was a small event when Yuki asked to stay in this room with us, I had no problem with that, only before I could say anything Kurisu intervened telling her that we were already too many in this room.

Even insisting a little she could not get the support of any of the other girls, when she looked towards me for help I could only express my helplessness by making a gesture with my shoulders, Kurisu just had calmed down by letting Saya stay, I didn't want to have to sleep with a bad environment between us, so unfortunately she goes with Reí and the others.

When everyone leaves, we go to bathe to after can go to sleep... with tears in my eyes I go alone to the bathroom before the girls do it, as it was not something interesting and it only caused me more sadness to see the empty place, I finish quickly.

The girls are next to me, so I see how Kurisu, Saeko, Shisuka, Saya and Scythe enter the bathroom. They take their time and leave after half an hour and then we all go to sleep in the bed, well, with the exception of Scythe who stays in a corner while putting her eyes on us.

Although I could not bathe with them, not everything was so bad ... no, in fact it was, the feeling of seeing the glass door imagining the other side of there, was great suffering to me, but I have to look for the good side of things, if not I'm going crazy.

I could still enjoy the sexy appearance of the girls after they left the bathroom, and since Saeko and Shisuka tend to sleep with a minimum amount of clothes, I could delight in seeing their figure almost completely exposed.

Having just saved that moment in my brain, we all entered the bed. I take the center of it and immediately Kurisu wearing her pajamas and Saeko in underwear take my sides. Immediately after Kurisu, Saya also in pajama bed down and Shisuka lie down in underwear on the side of Saeko ... I don't know if it was a coincidence, but those on my right are the ones with the highest proportion of clothes, while those on my left wear smaller clothes.

Thinking about that, Saya turns off the light switch since she is the closest, so in the darknes I feel that my arms are taken by Kurisu and Saeko as they both get closer to me. I close my eyes thinking about going to sleep but I feel a soft touch and a little wet on my lips, then the person responsible for that speaks quietly near my ear.

"Good night Alex-san"

"., g-good night Alex"

I open my eyes immediately to feel the contact on my lips with Saeko's, she then pulls away while tells me that. Before I can tell her something, I feel the same feeling once more, but this time it is on my cheek, when I turn in the dim light of place I can see a nervous Kurisu with a flushed face.

I wait a few seconds to see if there is no one else who joins for the good night kiss, but when looking in Shisuka's direction, I discover that she is already asleep. Then when I put my eyes on Saya, the instant she sees me closes her eyes and pretends to sleep.

"Goodnight everyone"



Seeing that there would be no more good night kisses from the other two people, I return the gesture to Saeko and Kurisu. With the first, imitating her previous action I also attach our lips, but unlike her when I do it, I look for her tongue with mine and start stroking when finding it.

Feeling that Kurisu squeezes my right arm, I put an end to my and Saeko's moment. She then plunges her face into my shoulder as if don't want others to look at her right now. Then I stretch a little and turn to the second girl who kissed me.

As for Kurisu, as it seems that she was not yet ready for something like that, I simply repeat what she did and kiss her cheek, as a result, she goes blank. Since I knew that Saya was awake and in fact she observes everything without blinking and looking away, I wish they all good night and not only the two of them.

Not long after that one by one of us is falling into the world of dreams, joining with Shisuka who had come before us.

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The next morning I wake up ... I wish it was for the warm rays of the sun that illuminate the place, but no, I only saw darkness when I opened my eyes. Neither was Saeko's soft lips that kissing me as a greeting of the good morning ...

While what I felt on my face also was soft, what woke me was the feeling of suffocation when I couldn't breathe. After several attempts to try to get away from what prevented me from filling my lungs with oxygen , I finally succeeded and inhaled a great breath of air standing on the bed at the same time.

Looking down then I discover the person who did ... or the objects responsible. I don't know how, but Shisuka managed to jump at Saeko who slept beside me separating us and positioned herself over me, then putting my head between her breasts as she pressed tightly against her as if she wanted us to merge in one.

"Damn Shisuka ... are you trying to kill me ?!"

As she was lying on her stomach with her butt in the air, which was only covered by black lingerie, I gently kicked one of her buttocks with the sole of my foot while I complain ...

So when I wanted to withdraw my foot to kick her a little harder, something prevents me, that feeling that is transmitted from skin to skin was like chains that tied my foot to her. Instinct takes hold of me and I begin to press that place on it with more force.

"Hmmm ~"

Yes, her breasts were super soft, but her buttocks were not far behind, they also had a little more resistance that pushed my foot back with the same force. At that moment I felt that all the physics classes I had previously finally made sense to me. Newton was right, to each action, there is a reaction of equal strength.

"Hyaaan ~"

"... what are you doing Alex?"

"... studying physics?"

"studying physics?"

Because of Shisuka's moans that she let out sporadically and the movements of the bed, the other girls wake up without me noticing. With everyone's eyes on me and Kurisu's sudden question, I can only answer with what I have in my mind now.

The first reaction they have is to think that they heard wrong, so they repeat my answer to make sure what they heard was right. While they bow their heads and try to understand how what I do is related to physics, I stop, get out of bed and start dressing.

"Well, I see you all down for breakfast"

I finishing getting dressed and quickly leave the suite while I shout at the girls who continue to see Shisuka's ass. This is not running away, it is avoiding the conflict.

"Wait Alex! Explain how it has something to do with physics! I know a lot about physics and I can't understand how Shisuka's ass has to do with it!"

"Fufufu, maybe it has something to do with the feeling of touching it?"

"No, that was probably just an excuse ..."

"Nya ~ Hmn? B-Busujima-san why are you touching my butt?"

It is true that the destiny of a genius is to be misunderstood ... hearing the voices discuss, I run down the stairs to get off the castle tower. I continue down until I reach the first floor and then go to the restaurant that now acts as the camp's dining room.

There I find Komuro, Yamada and Hirano ... the three seem to have problems looking at their decayed faces, although seeing them well must be for different reasons.

The first two have faces of worry and anger, they hold their heads with one hand while striking the table with the other. Hirano on the other hand has dark circles under his eyes as if he could not sleep all night ... if that is why, there is a possibility that his situation is good instead of bad.

In order not to guess, I turn to their table to find out what is happening, none seems to have noticed me since Komuro knocks on the table while he curses, Yamada sighs and Hirano seems to fall asleep.

"What's up losers? Why those faces?"

"Damn! Do you want to know why? !! Someone has spread the rumor that Yamada and I are lovers!!"

"... do you have an idea of who it could have been?"

"Honestly, I first thought it was you ... but since we've been practically always in the same place, you shouldn't have time to go around talking about it."

"Tch, I thought we were friends and now you doubt of me"

"Well, I apologize for that."

I had forgotten that ... Komuro, it's a shame that you don't understand that to spread a rumor you don't need to go with each person saying that, sometimes you just need to tell the right person and in a few hours half the world will know.

"Alex-onichan! Hirnao-onichan! Loving-onichans! Good morning!"

"Oh, Alice. You woke up very early today."

"Yes! I came for something to eat for my dad ~ He wanted to come for his food, but since Shisuka-sensei said he had to rest, I told him that would bring it to him ~"

"You are a good girl"


"E-eh? What's up?"

Speaking of the king of Rome, here is surely the responsible for your problems Komuro, or the half should say, the other half must continue in my room. Obviously as Alice and Shisuka are prettier, I'll keep their secrets ... but it's scary to think that behind that angelic smile is a monster that can destroy a person's life.

" Leaving the couple in love aside, what happens to you Hirano , why do you have that face? "

"Are you going to make fun to us too? !!"

"I couldn't sleep anything last night"

"That sounds great, tell me more"

"I knew it, that was because you Alexander-kun ... when Yuriko-san took me to Asami-san and Matsushima-san's room, for a moment I thought I would sleep outside"

Ignoring Komuro who yells at me, I pay attention to Hirano's story, from what I hear he doesn't seem to have had a good start with that, but in the end things didn't progress so badly.

I keep listening to what Hirano says and then the people in my group start arriving, I see sideways when Kurisu and the others approach to us, but either they forgot what happened in the room or they didn't want to talk about it with the other boys gathered at Around me, that's a good thing for me .

No matter what it was, it seems I am still safe evading her sermon. They go in search of food to the kitchen that someone must be prepared, and return carrying several dishes. Saeko puts what looks like a soup in front of me and Kurisu a bowl of rice.

Then we all eat while we listen to Hirano continue to tell his story of what happened in the room with Asami and Matsushima.


Hello everyone, new chapter!!

Thanks a lot for your words of good wishes for my health, I am better than before and the pain decreases. I can only wait to go to the dentist to extract the tooth... although I don't want to go.

Remember to visit my patreon and support SES.

See ya.

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