Soul Evolution System

Chapter 60 Hirano’s Night

(POV Hirano)

After eating the most delicious meal I've tasted in my life, I leave Alexander-kun's room ... I hope he invites me to eat again. Not only do I say it for the food, the truth is that I was never good at making friends, but after meeting him I could interact with many people who do not look at me as if I were someone weird or make fun of me.

I am not stupid and I know that he may consider me as someone useful, for that reason he has been good to me, but what prevents me from feeling bad about it, is that he is someone very direct, so he expresses what he feels and because that I can be sure that he has not approached me with bad intentions.

Those who are useful for him are treated well and those who do not, probably he not pay attention to them. You can see that for the people who he keeps closer ... maybe the exception of this rule is pretty girls, but as a man, I can understand that mentality.

In addition, something that makes him a reliable person to others follows him is that he is from another world. In all the stories I know, they are the heroes with amazing abilities that someone normal can only dream of having. Another thing they have in their favor is the luck that has these people, it is as if fate protects them, so being by the side of Alexander-kun we may be able to survive this calamity.

... although I probably shouldn't rely on fantasy stories to follow someone. Well, it's the best option there is, I also personally believe that Alexander-kun is someone I can respect and trust for everything I've seen that he has done until now.

Thinking in the new persons that I met after the apocalypse I arrive in the kitchen, where there were several people who are eating what they serve from the kitchen, looking at the food can say that I was lucky to eat with Alexander-kun, the aroma of these dishes did not It compares to the ones I ate just now.

Then I see some faces of familiar people from high school, when they see me for a few seconds they put a eyes like mockery or contempt that they normally used to look at me until a few days ago, but then their eyes view on the gun next to my waist or the rifle hanging from my shoulder and immediately lower their faces.

Perhaps because I am the person they observe do not hide the jealousy or injustice that believe they receive as I am the one who has these weapons. Surely if it was Alexander-kun who was here in my place, leave apart that they don't even would have the courage to look him at his face, they would probably throw themselves on the floor or under the table while they tremble to prevent him from looking at them.

As I know that they are people without much courage and only dare to raise the fists and their voices when the other side is weaker, I ignore them and go to the kitchen since I can't find Yuriko-san in this area where the tables are.

When I enter the kitchen, quickly I see Yuriko-san who stands out among other people for her beauty ... Saya-san will most likely end up becoming such a woman in the future, it is a pity that she seems to have fallen in love with Alexander-kun.

I have no resentment against him for that, it is not as if she had been my girlfriend in the first place, she is someone I admired and I knew that she was far from my reach ...

"Oh? Hirano-kun, why are you here? Will Alexander-kun and the others need food ultimately?"

"E-eh? N-no, Alexander-kun gave us some very delicious dishes. I came to know where I will sleep"

Damn! Why I always get nervous when I talk to a beautiful woman ... I even feel that my face is flushing from all the blood that goes to my head, I must look ridiculous.

"Mmn? I'm a little interested in that ... that child didn't invite me to taste them, when I see him again, I'll make he give me some of them"

If Alexander-kun heard of someone referring to him as a child, he would probably be angry ... and as few people want to see him angry, for everyone who knows him that words like "child" or worse ... cute girl, they have become taboo for all camp.

Perhaps the only ones who dare to say something like that are Kurisu-san, Saeko-san, Shisuka-san and Yuriko-san that is in front of me. Even the others in our group are careful with those words, because although he may not kill us ... he would not hesitate to cut off the life partner that we have between our legs.

" Sorry about that, I had forgotten about your room ... fufufu, tell me Hirano-kun, do Alexander-kun owe you a favor or something? "

"N-no, he's always the one who has been helping me!"

Why do I scream to answer her?! Why I can't speak normally to a woman?... it even seems that I surprised Yuriko-san a little because of my actions ... haa.

"... I see, well let's go to your new room, your roommates just left recently, so let's hurry before they fall asleep"

"Y-yes, Yuriko-san!"

I give up ... please someone shoot me.

Regretting my shyness with women, I follow Yuriko-san who walks the same path I traveled to get here. Apparently my room continues to be in the tower where the others are, that is a relief and at least we are close to each other.

But maybe I shouldn't complain even if they send me to a corner of this castle ... when I saw the first room they assigned me, which was with Yamada-kun and Komuro-kun, I thought had bad luck in stay with them since didn't want to be labeled like them. My life had improved dramatically and I would not like to go back to the way it was before, with everyone talking about me behind my back.

I do not dislike them, and even although their sexual preferences have just been revealed, I do not see them differently ... that isn't a lie, it is true that I do not care about their likes and I understand that everyone has different mentalities, but I do not want others to think I'm the same to them ... I'm a bad friend.

I feel bad about feeling good when I hear Yurko-san say that would give me another room. Sorry Komuro-kun and Yamada-kun, I'm still a very weak person.

Apologizing to both of them in my mind, I think we arrived at my new room is since Yuriko-san stands in front of a door that is on the first floor of the castle tower. When trying to look at the number to remember it and not make a mistake in the future, she knocks on the door.

Now that I remember, Yuriko-san said I would have roommates and because I was very nervous at that time talking with her, I missed it. Well, all the suites in this place were assigned to people of importance to our group, so I should at least know their faces.

Thinking about it, I am also part of that group ... of being a nobody to whom no one paid attention in school, it seems that I am now part of the important or popular people. My life has changed a lot after the apocalypse, now I can use and carry the weapons that I liked so much and I have companions with whom I can talk normally ... except for the girls that I still get nervous when having a conversation with them.

If I could find my parents or know if they are well at least, I could fully enjoy the fact that my life has become much better than before ... haa, I really must be a bad person, while most others suffer from the apocalypse, here I am thinking that this is the best thing that has happened to me.

"Yes, who is it? "

My thoughts stop abruptly when I hear the voice on the other side of the door ... th-that was the voice of a woman! why on the other side of the door where I'm supposed to sleep is that voice heard? Besides, I think I recognize her and if I'm not mistaken she should be Matsushima-san.

"It's me, Yuriko"

I understand, it must be that Yuriko-san has something to say to her and she comes here on the way when we were going to my room. Yes, that makes sense, hahaha, apart from Alexander-kun, adults would not allow a guy to stay in another girl's room, what I was thinking? I feel silly for being so nervous.

The door opens and Matsushima -san appears wearing light clothes to sleep, puts his eyes on both of us, then she concentrates on me for a few seconds and then passes to Yuriko-san, when her vision was on me I had to take my eyes off she quickly ... but I am a boy after all, I can't help for be surprised when I look at a girl who is exposing a lot of skin, so even having looked away, my eyeballs move by themselves in her direction trying to capture some images out of the corner of the eye.

" What's happen Yuriko-san, do you need anything? "

"I just forgot to tell you something before, and I came here for that."

I knew that was why ... I am pathetic, I should be disappointed, but I only feel relief hearing Yuriko-san's words. Cursing me for being such a coward, then things take an unexpected direction by the next sentence she says to Matsushima-san.

"You have another roommate, so I come to inform you that and bring him too"



Matsushima -san and I are surprised by what Yuriko-san says, on the other hand, she continues with a smile while watches us, a few seconds pass and then Matsushima -san points to me as she speaks.

"Yuriko-san ... he is a man ..."

"Fufufu I know, that's something that can be seen with the naked eye ~"

I am certainly not like Alexander-kun who can be confused with a girl ... I hope those words never come out of my mouth and reach his ears, I don't want to die yet.

"Yuriko-san, this is a room for girls!"

"That makes no sense, the rooms do not have something like gender distinction in them. Men and women can stay in these, they have no impossibility for anyone to stay in them"

"Hoaxes!! You know what I mean Yuriko-san! Don't play with words! In this room there are already two girls staying!"

Matsushima -san is right Yuriko-san, although you are not wrong in what you say, the logic is on her side ... also, is there another girl staying here? Things get worse.

"It is true that are only two girls here, so there is still enough space in this big Suite. We want to continue saving people later, so we will have to accommodate more and more people together in the rooms.

Matsushima-san do you plan on leaving other people that we save outside and sleep out of the door when we bring them?

I thought you as a police officer could understand that... but it seems I was wrong. It is more important for you to be comfortable than to offer a place to another person in your room. "

Yuriko-san starts talking quickly without giving the opportunity to Matsushima-san to say something, even while saying her words put a sad face, so Matsushima-san takes a step back with a worried face on hearing that.

"T-that's ... you're right about that, but now there are still enough empty rooms, so there's no need to do something like this right now."

"It is best to get used as quickly as possible so after there are no problems with that, I also think it is good for us as leaders of this camp to set an example to others"

When she finally ends speaking, Matsushima -san tries to make an argument but is quickly refuted by her. Still with a sad face, Yuriko-san sighs and turns around while saying.

"Well, I already did my job of informing you. The rooms have been assigned, if you want to be cruel and let Hirano-kun sleep outside, that's your decision."

"W-wait Yuriko-san! ..."

Without listening to her, Yuriko-san continues walking, then from my point of view, I can see that her sad face disappears and changes in the usual smile that adorns her face ...

So we were only two in the place ... the atmosphere is very uncomfortable and I don't know what to say, for Matsushima-san's expression she seems to have problems with the choice that must make. The seconds pass and things do not change, we just stay here without saying anything for a good while.

I was thinking of simply leaving and looking for another place to sleep, like the sofas at the reception, if I'm lucky I will find one that is not stained with blood. But before taking the first step, suddenly another person's voice is heard from inside the room.

"Senpai, who was it?"

By reflex, I follow the origin of the voice and there was Asami-san… she was wrapped in a bath towel and her hair wet with a few drops sliding down her body. When I see her, I swallow the saliva from my mouth loudly and then she notices me.

"Hirano-kun? What's happening, did you need anything? "

Asami -san walks to the door regardless of her appearance ... she shouldn't mind that I'm here ... even she sees me as a man?

"N-no, t-this ... t-that is ... Y-Yuriko-san only..."

In my head only the image of Asami-san that is wrapped in a towel appears and also phrases with which I can answer, but my mind and mouth are not in sync since I only babble words of different sentences that I want to say.


Matsushima -san sees me and then closes the door without saying anything ... haa, why all this happens to me?... well, maybe it's a punishment for being such a bad friend with Komuro-kun and Yamada-kun. I will have to sleep outside in the halls of the castle, it is a relief that it is not so cold outside.

But I wonder why Yuriko-san put me in the room to stay with them? It doesn't seem like something she would do, and I can say that her previous words were just excuses ...

Then I realize, the final words of Alexander-kun to I have fun tonight that at that time I did not find meaning. Also, when I found Yuriko-san the first things she told me when she saw me, it was if I owed him a favor, it has to be him who orchestrated all this!

… Well, I can't get mad at him, he probably did it thinking about fulfilling his previous promise to help me to get a girl. Haa, let's find a place to sleep before it gets dark.


While I turning to leave here, I hear the sound of the door opening, when I look back there are Matsushima-san and Asami-san that now uses a pajama.

"I talked with Asami and she agrees that you stay here ... but I warn you something, I sleep with my gun aside from me, so if you try anything strange I will shoot you immediately!"


"Don't stay out there, get in fast!"

Listening to Matsushima-san's tone of command, my feet move before I realize ... that's a habit I got when I went to a camp in the USA. Now when someone speaks to me out loud and orders me something, I instinctively try to do it.

When I enter, I see a very nice suite for people's stay, although it doesn't look as luxurious as Alexander-kun's is still very good.

"You will sleep on that sofa ... do not even think about you moving from here to the bedroom ... I am very sensitive and I don't want to have to kill someone by accident"

"S-senpai, Hirano-kun seems to be a good boy, so you don't have to worry. Take Hirano-kun, here are some blankets for you if it's cold at night"

As it was a suite, the only door that blocked access to another part of the room was that of the bathroom, for that reason I could easily see the bedroom where the two girls would stay. When I put my eyes in that place, Matsushima-san stands in the archway of the entrance and tells me while she frowns, when I hear it I can only swallow my saliva while I shiver a little.

The good thing was that I will not only share the place with her, Asami-san who is much friendlier returns from looking for some sheets in the closet and hands them to me.

There was not much dialogue between us after that, everyone sits in their place and tries to sleep when we turn off the lights.

Alexander-kun, I don't know what you were thinking about doing this ... I think you skipped too many steps to send me directly to sleep in a girl's room. I can't even speak correctly with someone of the opposite sex, first of all, you should start with helping me with that ...

I try to sleep, but the soft breath I hear from them do on the other side of the sofa where I lie and the fact that I am too nervous about having to share the room with two women prevents me.

Then my night passes that way and before I noticed the sun's rays enter through a window ... I couldn't make my eyes stay closed for a long time, for whatever sound they made when moving in bed, I reacted by opening them immediately.

"Nwaa! I finally had a quiet night to rest completely"

"Fuwa ~ You're right senpai, I didn't think I could rest like this after everything that has happened"

Not long after Matsushima-san and Asami-san wake up and get out of bed, I also get up from the couch, there was no point staying there since I couldn't sleep. So when they see me, they immediately take me out of the room telling me they need to change their clothes.

As I simply forgot to change to sleep and I stayed with the same clothes of yesterday, I only take the weapons that were next to me and decide to go down to eat something, with the thought that maybe with some food in my stomach, I will not feel so tired.

There I meet Komuro and Yamada who have faces as if they also had some problems, thinking that I should try to be a best friend and learn from my mistakes, I approach them without avoiding them this time.


Hello everyone, this was New chapter and I hope you liked it!!

I wish you all a happy new year and that this be better than the previous one for all.

Remember to visit my petreon and support the novel.

See ya.

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