Soul Evolution System

Chapter 61 The new name of the amusement park

After hearing what happened with Hirano I can only sigh, the good thing about all that is that he manage to cross the first obstacle that was Matsushima. It seems like it was a good idea to leave Yuriko-san to assign him to the room of they two, if it had been me, she probably wouldn't accept no matter how much I insisted.

"It's okay Hirano, you just have to get used to being with the girls and soon that won't bother you. For now, drink a coffee or something, we will have to continue cleaning the park and it would be very bad for you to fall asleep while accompanying the group of Soichiro "

"Haa... Alexander-kun, I don't think it's as easy as you say…"

With Hirano staying in that room, things must develop in some way by themselves, just I must wait to see what happens. The problem is his insecurity and shyness, I hope that being with Matsushima and Asami lose a little these attitudes ... otherwise, I will have to think of another alternative to pair him with another girl.

Leaving Hirano aside, we all decided to eat, so I see that those who ate Gaia's food yesterday, can't help comparing the food and even have discouraged faces when taste what they have on the plate.

It is certainly difficult to return to the same once you have tasted a better thing, but also if we ate it every day, it would lose its impact when you try things of higher quality.

"Hirano's things are not so bad, you should worry more about trying to help me and Yamada"

"Hmn? What problem do you two have?"

While I try to eat Komuro suddenly speaks to me raising his voice, seriously, can they not let me fill my stomach calmly? Also, why should I fix their stuff?

"Of course it's because of the things we talked about before ... that what the others are talking about the two of us ... please don't make me say it"

So it's about that ... it also seems that Komuro seems to think that the girls don't know those things, since when he puts his eyes on them he only makes some insinuations of the subject and tries to put it into indirect words. Then he just looks me to the eyes as if saying that I know what he is talking about, but he is right about that and I know what he tries to tell me, it is just that I found it interesting to see what he will say, but...

Sorry man, they were the first to know about those things, so it is useless to try to hide them, but I will be a good friend and I will not give you another hard mental blow by telling you that. Well, we heed Aurora and strive to be more friendly with the other guys, for now, I will try to help ...

"Your problem is not so simple since it depends on how others see you two"

"…What do you mean by that?"

"Think about it, of the two of you, the one who others think is the receiver, is the one who has the most difficult to clear this misunderstanding"


With my words the two look at each other for several seconds, it seems that the two are evaluated between them and then Komuro speaks first by saying.

"Well, I think others will think I'm the one who gives"

"What are you talking about, it is obvious that you will be the one who receives!"

"No, no matter how you look at it, it is you who receives!"

"" Alexander-san who do you think is the one who receives ?! ""

Unable to agree with each other, they come to me to decide. Unfortunately for both of them, before I can give my opinion, Saya with her flushed face intervenes in the conversation.

"You two, what the hell do you thinking for are talking about strange things in front of others!"

"Alex, it's not right to get into personal issues ... much less when they're from that class"

Kurisu who is next to me whispers to me, then I assent to her words. Well, guys, I can't help you since have my hands tied, you can only wait for the rumors to go away by themselves.

It's good that they also seem to think the same and just keep quiet while they eat ... maybe it also has to do with the eyes that the girls see them and for that can't say any more words.

"I will go to tell Soichiro that we will leave soon to do our job"

I finish eating a little earlier than the others and get up to look for Soichiro as I say, without waiting for an answer I turn and walk around the tables of the place. As I passed one with some girls talking, I was surprised to see Alice-chan among them. Without realizing it, she came here and was talked happily with a group of young women that have been rescued for us before.

"And then, those two oni-chan started fighting over who would be the one who received ... one-chans, what did they mean by that? ~"

"Alice-chan, you don't need to know that ... besides, you shouldn't approach those two"

"Since the two have the appearance of serious people, I thought this was only rumors that someone was spreading for some resentment ... but it seems that I was wrong"

"No, it is not a rumor, I was next to their table when they started fighting over those things ... I think they are free to have their likes, but only the perverts shout their activities in the bedroom for others to hear "

"Hey, don't say those things in front of Alice-chan!"

"I-I'm sorry, is only that I can't believe they do that."

Alice-chan is someone fearsome ... without a doubt, she is a little monster with the skin of a beautiful creature, although perhaps this time it is the fault of Komuro and Yamada for shouting those things ... if they do not want the misunderstanding to continue, they should stop doing things like that.

I keep walking leaving Alice-chan and the other girls behind to look for Soichiro, I ask for information to see if anyone has seen him and they tell me he was outside the castle. I go out and find him along with Yuriko-san who were also preparing to go to their designated area and then I tell both that we start with the killing of zombies in the park.

"Well, be careful"

"Yes, you too. Ah, please take care of Hirano, Soichiro. It seems that he was not very well today. It would be good if we could eliminate all the zombies from the park today."

"Hmn? Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of him. Besides, I also think the same, since there aren't many zombies, maybe we can do it."

"Fufufu, it seems that Hirano-kun was finally able to enter to their room, I wonder how much things progressed?"

"What do you mean Yuriko?"

"It's nothing Soichiro, don't worry about it"

While the couple is talking, I return to those in my group. When I arrive, I tell them to prepare everything to leave, then in a couple of minutes, we leave the castle.

We go to the area that we had to cover and walked through places that we had not yet reviewed. Things were very quiet, you can even say boring. Most of the zombies were treated by Scythe who when she saw one, ran quickly against it and in seconds had its head in her hands to take out the glass.


[Objectives of the mission "The hope of humanity" completed]

It was until noon that suddenly when we were checking around an attraction the mechanical voice of the system was heard in my head. Apparently the 3 groups of us managed to clear 1km around the castle of all zombies.

"What's up Alex? Did something happen to make you happy?"

As I stopped abruptly, Kurisu who was at my side attentive in case an evolved zombie appears, she note my little mental lapse and asks me. It seems that the good news of the system notification made me smile unintentionally.

"It's nothing, let's continue"

I move my feet again and we continue, although I have fulfilled the condition to complete those missions, there are still parts of the park that we have not gone to, our goal now was not only 1km free of zombies, if all inside of within the walls.

As we do, I decide to review the missions to see their current status and see how many objectives I have completed so far.

[Mission / Main "Zombie Eradication" J - H]

Kill as many zombies as you can. Help humanity to recover the land lost by zombies.

Objectives and Rewards:

1 Zombie - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level1. [Completed]

10 Zombies - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level2. [Completed]

100 Zombies - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level 3. [Completed]

250 Zombies - 1 000C, 10 000G, Weapon Coupon - I, 10 Antivirus level 1, 5 Antivirus level 2, 1 Antivirus level 3. [Completed]

500 Zombies - 1 000C, 10 000G, Armor Coupon - I, 20 Antivirus level 1, 10 Antivirus level 2, 5 Antivirus level 3. [Completed]

1 000 Zombies - 1 000C, 10 000G, Object Coupon - I, 40 Antivirus level 1, 20 Antivirus level 2, 10 Antivirus level 3. [Completed]

10,000 Zombies - 10,000C, 100,000G, 5 Limit-break Pills, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

100 000 Zombies - 10 000C, 100 000G, Scroll parchment level 1: Monster, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

1 000 000 Zombies - 100 000C, 1 000 000G, 1 World exit passes, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Failure: Death Total number of deaths: 9,047]

[Mission / Main "The hope of humanity" J - H]

Create a survivor camp and keep the largest number of people at your disposal safe. Do not let humans become extinct from this world.

Objectives and Rewards:

1 Survivor - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level 1. [Completed]

10 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level 2. [Completed]

100 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Antivirus level 3. [Completed]

250 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Planes of a generator by Crystals, 10 Antivirus level 1, 5 Antivirus level 2, 1 Antivirus level 3.

500 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Crystals engine plans, 20 Antivirus level 1, 10 Antivirus level 2, 5 Antivirus level 3.

1 000 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Energy shield plans generated by Crystals - I, 40 Antivirus level 1, 20 Antivirus level 2, 10 Antivirus level 3.

10,000 Survivors - 10,000C, 100,000G, 5 Limit-break Pills, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

25,000 Survivors - 10,000C, 100,000G, Convocation Scroll Level 1, 100 Antivirus Level 1, 50 Antivirus Level 2, 25 Antivirus Level 3.

50,000 Survivors - 100 000C, 1 000 000G, 1 World Outbound Passes, 100 Antivirus level 1, 50 Antivirus level 2, 25 Antivirus level 3.

Failure: Death, 214 Survivors.

Of the objectives of killing zombies, a little more and I reached 10 thousand deaths, the scroll I used in the house of the Takagi made a lot of deaths at that time. The bad thing is that the last two objectives will be much more difficult and I cannot spend 50 thousand crystals all the time.

As for the mission of the survivors, that has gone a little slower. But I can't complain about it, it's only been a few days since I arrived and we barely found a base, from now on I should make us focus on rescuing people.

We spent another 3 hours killing zombies and then we decided to take a break to eat. The progress of the cleaning of the place has gone very well, with this last expedition we had to cover 80% of the park and if nothing happens outside the planned it will be possible to us finish today.

When we arrive at the castle I see a crowd gathered, among them I can distinguish Yuriko-san, Soichiro and Yoshioka. With the first two being here, it seems that our group this time was the last to return.

I thought they would only be discussing some things between them, but as we approach I can see a man kneeling and a young woman crying ... haa, that does not look very good.

"What happens?"

"Oh, Alexander-kun, so you all have returned and it also seems that everyone is fine, it's good to see that."

"Hmn? Alexander ... a problem arose when we were checking the park"

"Yes, one of the men who are in charge of supervising the castle heard some shouts, then when he went to see what was happening, he found a person trying to abuse this girl"

When I am a few meters away from the crowd, I ask out loud. Then the three leaders turn and each of them speaks. Yoshioka, who is in charge of the castle, is the last to speak explaining what had happened and as I thought it was not good news, I can not say that they were so bad, only were simply annoying.

"So what do you intend to do with this guy?"

"... it is best that he be imprisoned for what he did, it is good that they could stop him and only remain in attempted of rape, but still he should be punished"

"For now, keep him, let's go to the meeting room to discuss that and other things."

" Why? !! The world is now in ruins, so what matter the things I do? !! It is better to enjoy this life while we are still alive!"

The guy who is dragged by two of Yoshioka men begins to rant, we just ignore him and go to the meeting room. So when we all have a seat at the table, I talk about something I wanted to do once the whole park didn't have any zombies, but because of such events I advance the things.

"Let's leave the punishment of that man for the end, now let's talk about other more important things. With this latest expedition of our 3 groups, we can say that we have practically taken control of the park from the hands of the zombies"

"Yes, Alexander-kun is right, a little more and this place will be totally human territory"

After my words, Yuriko keeps track of what I say by agreeing with me. With this, the face of disgust or anger of the people gathered by the recent events changes a little for better and then they nod.

"So that's why we should give this place a name!"

"... you can name it as you want, I don't think that matters much"

When I get up from my chair and speak with momentum, I only get a look of doubt from everyone here, so Soichiro speaks representing the same idea that others had in their head. I think I was too abrupt too, so this time I try to explain things more.

"It seems you don't understand Soichiro, let me ask you something. What do you think is what makes a country, company or any group of people achieve success?"

"…the effort?"

"... a good direction?"

"…the innovation?"

After asking, Soichiro with others gets to think and although I asked him, other people are also interested and answer. When there are no more people talking, then I shake my head and tell everyone.

"While the things that everyone said are important, there is something I consider to be the basis of all that. Without this, what you said like people striving for something, is difficult. And although these groups of people have a good direction or have innovation, if they don't count on this, then they won't have the motivation to do the other things that you mentioned.

It is a very simple thing, but have great power behind it ... I am talking about the feeling of belonging, of feeling part of something. Without this it is difficult for a group of people to strive for the same goal and for the same purpose.

That is why to make all people work together it is necessary that this place has a name, not only will it be the amusement park we came to seek refuge, it will be the place that everyone can name as their home "

" I understand what you say and it makes a lot of sense, but why don't we just make everyone feeling together as Japanese since we belong to this country? From what you say, you seem to want to found your own country."

"You can see it as a country, a group or as you want, honestly that does not matter to me. And answering your question of why not use only the nationality of the people here, it is because that represents the government of this country which many think that this has abandoned them to their fate, so if we put that label on us, it is most likely that instead of support we will only get complaints and unconformity. "

Soichiro, who is a very nationalist person finds my words a bit unpleasant, although I think he only thinks things too much, it is not as if I were going to overthrow the country ... that is not necessary, the zombies already did.

So when he hears my next words, he keeps quiet while thinks. And as if this were a sign of acceptance of him, Yuriko-san is the next to speak to continue our conversation.

" So Alexander-kun, have you thought of a name for this place? "

It's good that you ask Yuriko-san, while I was getting bored on the previous expedition I started thinking about this to distract myself. I had thought something like zombie-land, but think I heard that somewhere, so I had to think about another name.

After thinking about it for a few hours, I decided on one at the end. I had a hard time getting to this one, but it's a great name ... or so I think. I smiled at Yuriko-san and then answered with enthusiasm.

"Magic Land Dead World!!"


Hello everyone, sorry for the delay a was a little busy with family parties and on the 2 of January, I have a dentist's appointment.

But I already had the chapters, only I didn't have time to upload them. So today I will upload 2 chapters to keep up.

Remember to support SES, and thanks for reading the novel.

See ya.

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