Soul Evolution System

Chapter 62 Migic Land Dead World ( Part 1 )


"M-Magic Land ..."

"... Dead World?"

After a long silence, some people begin to murmur ... everyone must have been surprised at how great the name is. It is logical, I spent about 2 hours thinking about it, so now praise me for my effort.

[... I am grateful that the name you gave me was normal]

Well, your name Aurora was something I thought for only a few minutes, but it is certainly also a good name. Maybe I have a talent for giving names, in fact, I have a skill that has to do with that, right?

[No, with this it is proven that this ability does not help you with that ...]

Hmn? What do you mean Aurora? Are you praising me and saying that my gift to give names is a talent I always had and there is nothing else that influences this?

[... yes, just that Alexander]

"Well, then we should listen to the opinions of others for the name of the park"

"Soichiro-san, you're right. Does anyone have another name?"


While talking to Aurora, Soichiro and Yoshioka stab me in the back ... I don't understand why, the name is great and there should be no complaints about it.

"This ... Alexander-kun, the name is a bit bleak, why does it have to carry the word death in it? Sounds like it's something of bad luck."

"But that name perfectly portrays the situation in the world!"

"But Alex ... I don't think people want to remember it at all times."

Yuriko-san gives reasons why the name is not appropriate ... and even you Kurisu betray me now. You are cruel, I who had given you my heart and now you step on it mercilessly.

"It's good for me to be called as Alex-san wants ... I don't think it matters how this place is called, it is only necessary that the park has a name and that is the important thing from what I have understood from the discussion, a nice name is a surplus "

"Yes, mom and dad, Alexander-san's name is not that bad"

Saeko and Saya speak in my support ... or so I think they do. Saeko-chan with just the first part you said was enough, you didn't have to continue speaking. Also, Saya, although you seem to help me, you still think the name is bad, right?

Well, it doesn't matter, I'll just be glad because they try to help me. Soichiro, you are not the only one who has support from a woman, I have it from two of them, and one of them is your daughter Hahaha.

"Yes ~ the name Alex-kun said is cute ~"

Shisuka coming through the door right now speaks ... I appreciate you helping me, but what are you doing here? Maybe she got bored of being in the presidential suite and decided to walk?

"Shisuka-san what are you doing here? We're talking about serious things!"

Kurisu gets up from the table and scolds Shisuka, so everyone also turns to her. I do not have many problems that she joins these meetings, but she has two great things that cause distractions to all men here, with these being agitated by each of her movements it is difficult to be able to concentrate.

"Heee ... but I heard there was a person who attacked a girl!"

Oh, so that was why, she must have been scared and came here to feel safe while she is by my side, it's can't be helped I guess. Besides, I think she's right to worry, if I were to attack someone, my first objective would be her.

She did well to come here to be more secure and it is better to stay with me until we solve that problem.

"I was worried that someone could have attacked Alex-kun ~!"

"CURSE! I want to see who has the guts to do it! The discussion is over, the name I said stays like the new name of the park! Shisuka you and I will talk now!"

"E-eh? A-Alex-kun why you're angry? "

"Wait Alexander, it 's fine and it doesn't matter if that's the name of this place ... as Busujima-sensei's granddaughter says, it doesn't matter what the name is, but there are still other things that we have to solve, like what to do with the person who is in custody"

When I try to go where Shisuka is, Soichiro stops me. Well, he is right, I had forgotten that because of the anger I felt at hearing her words ... our conversation will have to wait for a bit Shisuka.

I was going to take a seat again, but I think something better to solve that problem and other things, so standing there I turn to Soichiro, Yuriko-san and Yoshioka who were the other leaders of the other teams and then I tell them.

"Well, first that Yoshioka is responsible for gathering all the survivors we have rescued in one place, after that, we can tell others the official foundation of this camp.

We will also inform them of the rules that those who want to continue to be protected by us must follow and in passing, we will punish that guy so that everyone understands that they cannot do what they want. "


"Of course, there must be rules, it is not good to punish someone if they do not understand what they did wrong. That is why we will inform everyone about the rules that we will implement in the camp."

"What Alexander-kun says is correct, Soichiro. People in the camp must understand that there are rules that they have to follow. Since, although it is something childish, they can complain saying they simply did not know it."

"Eeeh?, But before Alex-kun punished me without me knowing that I did wrong ~"

Yuriko-san speaks supporting this time my point of view and then Soichiro ends up nodding in agreement. Yoshioka gets up to proceed with what I asked for and taking this as the end of the meeting, then the others also started going out of this place.

"Hyaaan ~"

When most of them also make their way out, then I walk to the exit too and when to reach Shisuka's side I pinch one of their fleshy buttocks. That was partly because of her words that she said when entered here and also because of her murmurs in a complaint that I could hear before.

Outside the meeting room I meet the Takagi couple again, they were deciding the place to gather everyone, the most optimal places for many people to be together were the great events hall of the castle and the parking lot. In the end, I got into the conversation a little to influence their decision for doing it in the latter, it was more appropriate for this occasion.

In the parking lot, we wait for everyone to be gathered, as the castle has a small slope over the foundations, the group with weapons stays on it, while the others gather below.

Spending a few minutes all the people in the camp with the exception of some who are watching the surroundings, meet here.

"We have gathered everyone here, to give you some news, but you can rest assured, although we have only received news and experiences bad in recent days, now it is to tell you something good.

This place is almost under the control of us the humans and very soon you will not have to worry that a zombie can appear here to attack you. On this day we plan to eliminate all of them and thus this amusement park will be completely safe "


"Here we no longer have to worry about zombies ?!"

"Can we live quietly?"

Yuriko-san is the one who starts talking to the crowd, at first the ones gathered here were frightened and somewhat nervous, but hearing her words she quickly gains the full attention of everyone, and you can even say that the sparkle in the eyes in some who had lost all hope returns a little.

Then when she pauses, people in the crowd raise their voices asking enthusiastically and little by little the number of those who speak grows until it was difficult to understand what they were saying among so many sounds.

As it was impossible to answer them like this, Yuriko-san raises her hand making a signal to keep silent, when they see it, the calm in everyone returns allowing her to speak again.

"My words are true, you do not have to doubt them. That is why, with the objective of eliminating the zombies from this place almost accomplished, it is time for us to talk about other things that are necessary.

But for that, I will let someone else explain it to you, many may already know him and know that he is someone trustworthy and that without him we might not have been able to get that far. For those who do not, I only ask you not to judge him by his appearance, just keep in mind that he is someone with who you can count "

Finishing talking Yuriko-san turns her head towards me, so those in the crowd also do the same. Now I feel a bit like a celebrity because of the way she introduces me, it also seems that she only took care of the good news and left me the most cumbersome part of all this ... well Yuriko-san, don't complain about how I do things later.

Most had had the opportunity to know my face or interact a little with me, so I don't think there are problems because they underestimate me due of my appearance, only a few who had been rescued on the way here or found hidden in the amusement park are the only ones that put on a doubt face when they see me take a step forward to speak.

"Are you sure you want to let him do this Yuriko-san?"

"Hmn? What's up Kurisu-san? You don't trust Alexander-kun to do it right? Well, I just want to see his capacity."

"No, my concern is not for Alex ... but for others. Don't come and complain to me about what may happen Yuriko-san"

"Fufufu, I think Alex-san will do well"

" You can do it Alex-kun ~! Shisuka-onesan supports you, so don't be nervous because there are so many people!"

Moving forward, I hear the murmurs of the other girls who stay behind me ... well, Shisuka was rather screaming than speaking in a low voice.

When I reach the edge of the unevenness of the place, I look down at what looked like two hundred people ... or is what I would like to say, but because of my short stature, I see rather directly in the eyes of those in front of the crowd ... Shit!! This way I can't address everyone.

Thinking for a few seconds for a solution, I see one of the people from the hospital. I recognize him because he was the first person we captured, and I slapped him because he complained about something pointless.

Since he is a person in the arms group, but they were more of my slaves than part of the group, it should be fine to ask him what I was thinking. My first option had been for Scythe to carry out what I was going to ask of this man and surely she would have done it without complaints, but I didn't feel good to do that to her, so this guy is a better option.

"You, come here for a moment"

"E-eh? I-I?"

"Yes, you, fast don't waste the time of everyone"

"Y- Yes , Boss !!"

The man runs quickly while others just wait and watch, in seconds he reaches where I am breathing a little agitated.

"Well, now get on all fours here"


"Don't make me repeat myself and look bad in front of everyone! Quick"


The guy follows my instructions and does it ... for some strange reason, he puts his butt in front of me, I kick and tell him to do it in parallel from where I am. He crawls and changes his position, then I get on his back.


Yes, much better, now with this I can see everyone. Their expressions vary, there are those who see me with doubt, others can't stand mocking the guy under my feet, but in the vast majority, I see the fear in their eyes.

"Well, I will be brief because my platform may not resist. As Yuriko-san said, today is the day on which we will establish the" Magic Land Dead World "survivors' camp and as the name implies, it will be a magical land within a world full of death. "

"So that meant the name? Isn't that bad when you hear it like that"

"But, it's still a bit dark"

"I think it's cute ~"

Ignoring the voices behind and the face of doubt that appears in each one of those in front of me, I continue with what I am saying.

"Everyone here is welcome to belong to this magical land, only to be part of it you have to abide by the social system that will be implemented in this camp of survivors. There will be three social levels in this place that are the next:

Refugee: These will only be given a daily food ration so that they can survive, the products necessary for everyday life will also be minimal, in addition to not being able to approach the opposite gender ... with the exception of those who are husband and wife. I will not lie to you, they will practically be like homeless people since they depend on others to survive.

The next is the Citizen: They will have 3 daily food rations. But in return, they must perform some work that this camp offers. The objects of daily use will be given in sufficient quantities so that they have a life without problems, in addition, they can also approach the opposite gender without exceeding the limits and always with the two parties agreeing. If you are worried that fighting zombies are in the works just mentioned, you can rest easy because that does not enter into these.

Finally, it will be the Soldier: They will be able to eat until they are completely satisfied, they will not have to worry about the utensils of everyday life and also their spouses or partners will have the same privileges. But of course, all this does not come without any risk, they will be the ones in charge of fighting zombies, rescuing survivors and looking for supplies.

The only exception here is those who are put to fight as punishment ... but you don't have to get discouraged so much, when the camp leaders consider that you have paid your crime for what you have done, you can continue with that work and receive the privileges or choose other of the two social states to live here. "

I could just do things as rules just like I did with the first group I had, but there was a problem with that.

The fact that different rules were applied to each person would simply be seen as favoritism of us who implemented them, so I decided to separate people in different social states, with this at least there would be a justification for the different treatment of each person.

Also while explaining the advantages of people fighting against zombies, I could see the happy mood on their faces when they heard me from these people that did it, of course, this also included those in the hospital group like the one I'm standing on.

For that reason, I make an exception in their case, but since I don't want them to hold me too much resentment, I give them some hope to be able to change their situation in the future.

Logically, although there is a justification for different states between people, others do not take it very well. Even on the side of the favored, I can hear some murmurs of Soichiro who was trying to move to where I am but is stopped by Yuriko-san.

"What does this mean? Why there are people who are treated well while others are mistreated? !! "

"Yes! We are all the same and we should receive the same treatment. There cannot be a few with privileges !!"

" Does that mean that if there are people who can't work they will have to beg for the goodwill of others? !! "

"I think it's just, we are the ones who fight against zombies so that you can live in peace !!"

"It's true! If I end up eaten by a zombie, surely none of you will shed a tear for me !"


All were separating into two groups, some were people who were only protected and the others were those who were armed. Those in the group of soldiers obviously did not find it difficult to accept this and support the new social system.

But I could not have the two sides fighting all the time, the camp simply would not work in this way, so when things started to get out of control I scream stopping the two groups and avoid the matter grow even more.

"The person who shouted about what happens to people who cannot work, let me answer. All those under 13 or over 60 years old will automatically enter as citizens here having the privileges I just said and if they have any serious disability that is an impediment to work, they will also be citizens.

Everyone who is between 14 and 59 will be their choice at what social level they want to be, at this time the third level will not have open positions, but anyone can join as citizens applying for a job.

Do not be confused, I am not asking you to do otherworldly things, it was the same as before the apocalypse occurred. The people who work get things for this in return, in addition, it seems that you didn't listen to me the first thing I said.

I will not force anyone to belong to this camp, only those who want to stay here will have to abide by this social system. Those who are not satisfied with this are free to leave, if you paid attention when all entered here, then you will have seen that the doors of this park are very wide, so you will not get stuck in them even if there are many who leave. "


Hello everyone, sorry for the delay a was a little busy with family parties and on the 2 of January, I have a dentist's appointment.

But I already had the chapters, only I didn't have time to upload them. So today I will upload 2 chapters to keep up.

Remember to support SES, and thanks for reading the novel.

See ya.

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