Soul Evolution System

Chapter 63 Magic Land Dead World ( Part 2 )

After my words nobody says anything for a few minutes, many who had older people or children that did not want to see hunger or work putting their physical state at risk conform to what I say, in addition, there were sensible people who knew that my ideas were not so crazy and then they end up giving in and accepting the new social system that will be implemented.

For the people who remained dissatisfied and just wanted others to take care of their needs, I mention the latter part of before, certainly, I will not have anyone against their will and forcing them to be here, that would be a nuisance.

"D-do you mean you kick us out of here? That's not fair! We all strive to get to this safe place. You can't take ownership of it, it's all of us and not just yours !!"

"Yes! He's right, this place belongs to everyone!"

"That is true!!"

"Ha ... haha ... hahahahaha"

Someone who is disagreed with the new system complains again, then he giving value to others, more people begin to raise their voices to support what he said. Listening to him, spontaneously the laughter comes out of me without being able to avoid it.

" W-what are you laughing at ?! This is not something for you to make fun of !!"

"Hahaha ... ha ... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I thought you were kidding ... but it seems like it isn't. I see you say that also helped to make this place safe? I hadn't noticed that and I always thought you all were Inside the castle snuggled comfortably while my group risked the skin fighting with zombies.

As I was busy doing the before I said, I didn't realize that, so tell me what you were doing while we killed the zombies in the park? "

"T-that ..."

"We were…"

"Right! Yesterday we were unloading trucks from everything they had inside ..."

"... I see, then you want me to treat you equally with those who fought against zombies for unloading some boxes from the trucks?"

"E-emmm ... well, that is ..."

The man after hearing my question, not even he has the nerve to ask for the same treatment and runs out of arguments with which to continue.

"As I said, if you accept the jobs that we gave to you, you will be considered a citizen and have more food. But it is true, everyone helped load and unload the trucks, so I will not be a demon and let all of you leave empty-handed from here. Who decides to leave, I will give them food for a couple of days "

"A-a couple of days?… You should also give us a vehicle and weapons!"

"Don't say stupid things, the weapons and vehicles that got those things were my group, so I don't have to give them to others.

Well, now let's move on to the next topic. Bring the guy who tried to rape someone, let's solve that problem now. "

As I already talked about what I had to say about the social system that will be implemented in MLDW (Magic Land Dead World), I went to the last issue that was on the agenda, as to whether they wanted to stay or leave, that is the decision of other people and not mine.

Soon they bring the person I asked, perhaps because he had behaved uncontrollably after he was taken as a prisoner, his hands and feet were tied ... he also had to tire his jailers with the nonsense that spoke because they even gagged him.

Apart from the two men who brought him, Matsushima also comes to where I am, when I see her I can't help but ask.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"... no, I just want to make sure you don't kill another person"

"You don't have to worry about that, I don't intend to kill him"

The guy trembles when he hears to Matsushima, but he calms down when I answer her. I honestly thought it was easier to put a shot in the forehead of this guy, but I don't want to scare the others in the group of survivors too much, besides maybe it is a bad omen to found MLDW with blood ... I just hope that the spilled by the zombies don't count

Matsushima nods to my words, but still does not depart from me, her distrust of me is still quite large. I stop paying attention to her and turn to the two men who hold that guy.

"Release he"

The men doubt my words a little, but in the end, they carry them out. When the almost rapist is free, he carves his wrists because of the discomfort they caused him and since he didn't have the gag, he starts saying nonsense again.

Ignoring all the words that he says I take my colt, the people in the crowd shudder a little when they see my action, the guy closes his mouth and only observes the weapon with fear, then Matsushima quickly speaks complaining.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you wouldn't kill him? !!"

"Calm down, I won't kill him ... of course, as long as this guy complies with his punishment. You, let me tell you in advance so you don't waste everyone's time here in vain. I don't care why you tried to do that, nor do I want to Your apologies and it is useless to ask me to change my decision.

I'll give you a ... Matsushima , how long do you think it takes a person running from here to the amusement park gates? "

"E-eh? I don't know… about 5 minutes? "

"Well, you have 5 minutes to go out through the gates of this park. If you don't do it, you will have a new hole in the skull for what you tried to do to the girl, also I don't want to see you again around here either if I do, you will get the same treatment as the previous one "

"N-no, please, she was the one who tried to seduce me ... I won't do it again, so please forgive me!!"

"You two start counting, if he is still here after 5 minutes or stays around, then take care of him"

"Y-yes, sir !!"

"1 ... 2 ... 3 ..."

"No! You can't do this to a person !!"

"... what you did or tried to do should not be done to someone else neither, so if you don't want to die, leave here. Believe me, I have seen it and he will comply with what he says, so get out of here quickly!"

"Matsushima you will not get anything for flattering me"

"It wasn't a compliment !!"

While I and Matsushima talked the guy who I told to leave starts running towards the exit of the park after the two men who had him in custody initiate the counting ... I hope she has estimated well the time needed to leave this place because if that was wrong and death, it would not carry in my conscience but in hers.

I watch the man run for a few seconds and then I put my eyes on the crowd. It is time to finish this ... my step will not resist much more, it is also a bit annoying that is tremble while I am on it.

"For those who remain, I have one last thing to say. Who breaks a rule will be punished and depending on the severity of the crime, the punishment will be equally as hard. The rules that I speak are the ones I mentioned earlier in the levels social, in addition obviously the normal ones that you followed as a human, for example, do not steal, do not kill, do not rape and any other that is common sense.

These apply to the three social levels, not for being part of the group of soldiers you can go there committing atrocities to other people.

So that would be all for this meeting, those who want to stay are free to do so, those who do not can follow the previous guy to the door. Oh, I forgot, that guy was caught trying to rape someone and that's why he was exiled from here, so if you go after him following him, I recommend that you don't let him join you, especially if you're a woman since he could attack you.

In addition, soon there will be someone offering jobs to be a citizen of Magic Land Dead World. If you want to integrate just ask the manager.

Thank you all for your attention, have a nice day "

Well, I think I did well. Maybe I have the talent to be a politician ... with that thought I get off the step, in doing so he sighs with relief. What an exaggerated guy, it wasn't that long and I don't think I am so heavy.

"How did I do it? It was fine, right?"

"I'm glad you didn't kill the previous guy"

"We have to talk, Alexander"

"Fufufu, I think Soichiro is right, we need to talk since everything you said was ... as I say, newfangled?"

"You do it fine Alex-san"

"Yes, Alex-kun ~ You looked great talking to others ~ When you grow up, surely you will be someone important ~"

"Alex ... you didn't have to use that person as a step, you could better ask him to bring you a chair or something"

Matsushima is the first to speak, mentioning the guy who was exiled. The next one is Soichiro, who with his serious face I don't know if he's upset or happy, but surely it's not the second, but hey, this time I didn't want to spend the tedious job of trying to convince him, so once Yuriko-san gave me the opportunity, I took it.

In addition, they say that it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission and if he wants to complain, then that he does it with his wife for leaving me that work, on the other hand, she does not seem dissatisfied with what I said.

The last to speak is the 3 live girls who are always by my side, Saeko and Shisuka simply cheer me up. Kurisu, on the other hand, gives me a recommendation ... indeed, intelligent people think differently, it could only occur to me to use that type in that way.

As a suggestion of Soichiro we return to the meeting room, the subsequent work must also be done to implement the things I said, so I did not refuse, although I knew he would complain. When we all take a seat he starts the conversation.

"Alexander, could you explain what that was all about?"

"It is the system that will be implemented in this camp of survivors, it is the most optimal and efficient one that I thought at the moment"

"I don't think there should be a distinction between people, that will only generate pressure or disgust towards us"

"That's why I said that those who don't want to join can leave ... that will avoid to some extent what you say, then we just have to wait until they get used to it"

"... I don't think they are going out because of the fear of zombies outside. So they will become a latent problem here."

"I don't think so, the things I said are not so excessive. They may complain a little at first, but as I said, they will get used to it . Or tell me how you want us to run this camp?"

"... as we have done so far. We help those we can, without asking much in return, with the volunteers should be enough"

"All who are not part of my group or who are not leaders leave the room"

The men who accompany the couple Takagi and Yoshioka look at me and then their leaders, then after seeing them nod they withdraw and close the door when the last one leaves.

"Well, they are outside, so Alexander-kun what did you want to say that don't want them to hear?"

"It was not a bad thing for them to listen, Yuriko-san, it was more annoying than anything else. Honestly, I also do it more for you the other leaders than for me, you may not have noticed it because they are behind you, but many of those men did not like Soichiro's idea.

Soichiro, your way of thinking I don't think is bad, only that it is very idealistic. While there are men who fight zombies with us, their motivation was to be able to survive this disaster, but that may change with the foundation of this camp. "

"Why? I think it's the opposite, seeing what we have achieved all of them will be more motivated."

"Yes, but that emotion will not last long. Besides, there is a big problem with the foundation of the camp and with it becoming in a completely safe area.

That is not bad in itself, but that can end the motivation of men that fighting against zombies, and without them looking for food for everyone will be more difficult. "

"But we are not self-sufficient, they should know that and therefore we have to look for food, things for life and rescue more people."

"Your idea is more cruel than mine Soichiro"

"…why do you say that?"

"Soichiro, I must agree with what Alexander-kun says this time"

I speak trying to explain my logic to Soichiro, being honest, although he is too straight person, I don't dislike him. In fact, it is better than having someone too ambitious that in an oversight he can kill me to take control of everyone, in that sense, I am grateful to Soichiro's personality since I don't have to worry about that.

With my last words Soichiro is a bit confused and Yurko-san who seems to understand what I am saying makes him doubt even more, so he puts his eyes on me waiting for an explanation, so I don't make him wait and I continue.

"I say that you are more cruel because while I am only asking others to work for food, you ask others to risk their lives for nothing.

If the soldiers we have, see that there are people who without risking, get all the things by they fight every day to get, then it won't take long for everyone to decide to be like them and just wait for the others to do the work.

The basic mentality of people is simple, if I do something, then I need to get something in return, if not, there is no reason to do so.

And in this world material things lost their value, so the only thing with which we can pay for their work are the basic needs of humans, food, water, sex, everyday utensils.

With the system I speak of, soldiers will have these easier than others, so logically they will be motivated to fight. Honestly limiting others with the basic things for life would not be necessary, it is not yet difficult to achieve all this, but it is essential that there is a distinction in advantages for those at greater risk. "


"Soichiro your mentality of wanting to help others is not bad, but you cannot demand that all others think the same way. The system of Alexander-kun may not hear very well, but as he says, I also think it is something necessary "

"It seems that I was really being a bit unfair to others who are fighting by my side. You're right, Alexander, my thoughts were more cruel to the men who risk fighting zombies, I have no more complaints about that system."

I only smiled at Soichiro for his words in response, as I said he is someone too straight, not someone irrational like a certain brown-haired girl. With everyone according to the new social system, we only talk to refine it a bit and then the person in charge of making it happen is Yoshioka who is the one in the castle more among us for now.

With things solved, we decided to go to lunch and then continue exploring the amusement park. In the end as it seemed that it would be a lot of work just for Yoshioka, he had to think about work that other people could do, for now they will be simple things like cleaning the castle, strengthening the fence near the entrance to the park and other necessary things.

Therefore, the Yuriko-san team also stays to help him and I also ask that they also begin to gather the bodies of the eliminated zombies since they have a lot of use, either to take their crystals or fertilizer for my plant.

So after eating only Soichiro's group and mine leave the castle. When I asked a soldier who was watching out how many people decided to leave, he just smiles at me and says none.

After returning a smile to that man in response, we left to finish cleaning MLDW. It wasn't until almost nightfall that we finally completed this, it took us a little longer because I also had to review with my domain the previous areas that Soichiro and Yuriko-san were in charge to be sure nothing missing to them.

"With this the whole park is now completely ours and it is safe. We don't have to worry about finding a zombie walking around the place"

"Yes, now we can concentrate on looking for other people and maybe we can find more relatives of us."

"Niki-san is right "

"Yes, maybe I can find my parents"

"Sure your parents and my parents will be fine, Rei"

"Alex, what will we do now that we've just cleaned the park?"

"For now I think it is best to rescue as many people as we can, but I think we will limit ourselves to the edges of the city ... we will also collect resources like gasoline and food and we should try to find more weapons."

The group returns lively to the castle while they speak, then Kurisu next to me asks me for my opinion about what we should do now and then I answer her while the others also stop talking for a few seconds to listen to me.

With the camp finally created, I can now concentrate more on completing the missions, mainly on the rescue of the survivors. There should be no complaint from the other leaders for what I say since they are necessary things and surely they will also approve.

In addition, the other people in the safe camp will be glad to know that the search for survivors will begin, many of them still hope to find loved ones of those who were separated.


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