Soul Evolution System

Chapter 64 The progress after 3 weeks

Three weeks passed since the founding of MLDW and at this moment I was alone in my presidential suite sitting in a chair on the balcony with an outward view. As yesterday I returned from an almost all-day expedition on the edge of the city to search for survivors, so I thought it was good to rest a little.

Seeing the number of people below entertained in various tasks I must say that my efforts were not in vain, while I observe a feeling of achievement emanates from within me, the number of the MLDW population has increased rapidly from the moment we founded it.

Aurora can you show me the number of zombies killed and people rescued, please.

[Sure, Alexander]

[Zombies Killed: 34,578]

[Rescued Survivors: 3,492]

Well, both numbers have grown quite a lot, with these amounts I completed the mission objectives of killing 10,000 zombies and rescuing 1,000 survivors. The trouble is that the number needed for the following objectives is even greater ... I think they were 100 thousand and 10 thousand respectively, 10 times that of the previous missions, a great leap of difficulty.


[What's happening, Alexander?]

It's nothing Aurora, don't worry, I was just thinking that things are getting harder and harder. With the missions and also with the zombies ...

Some expeditions ago we met a new zombie, it is not strong and could be said that even of the two previous different types we have fought with is the weakest, even a normal person would not have many problems to deal with it.

What worries me is the aspect in which this evolved ... the system marked it as an intelligence zombie, although I must say that its intelligence is still very primitive for now, is even worse than Scythe, but what worries me is what they can become if keep evolving.

When we found it was just loading a tube or something in its hands, so I can deduce that they have enough intelligence to use tools, but I am more concerned for two other different reasons.

The first, as I said, is what it will become if it continues to evolve since the more certain is that their intelligence grows as more stronger becomes. I do n't know how many limits you need to overcome this to reach the human ...

The second thing is its behavior since when it saw us, the first thing he did was flee, that is contrary to what any other zombie does, that must be the reason why we have not seen them so often.

They know how to clearly distinguish the danger we represent to them, so remain hidden when they see us nearby. For these reasons they seem even more dangerous than the other two types of evolved zombies, it is much more fearsome someone who waits patiently to strengthen and then show itself.

The only good thing about zombies in these 3 weeks, is that we have not met one that has broken its second limit ... but unfortunately, they are approaching this.

To get rid of those thoughts I turn my gaze back to the castle population, honestly, the rescue of people was faster and easier than I had expected.

I thought we would have to go into the city and look for the neighborhood by neighborhood, but it seems that I underestimate the instinct of survival of others. Like us, many considered that the city would now be the most dangerous place to be, so they armed themselves with courage in groups and tried to escape.

So we who were looking at the edge of the city met many of these groups and telling them that we had created a safe area to live in, then many quickly accepted to join us.

Of course, weren't all of them. Many others had their own ideas that they wanted to carry out in this apocalypse and that is why they took their own paths, others simply did not trust us since they had to experience their problems when meeting new people.

During that time it was also the baptism with the blood of normal humans for many of our group since as expected, we found bastards directing some of these people, who had to suffer the atrocities of these.

Among the leaders, it was agreed that we would try to rescue these people and as my purpose was to increase the number of survivors, logically I had no objection.

The first recourse to deal with these leaders was the dialogue, if they agreed to release the battered people, we would be let go them. If not, they would be forced to do so ...

And as you suppose, in these cases most of the time, being almost 100%, end up in bloodshed. When things developed in a fight, it was easy to know which side would win, since one had firearms and the other had only sharp weapons.

They were just fools who were driven by their greed or power they felt with their new lifestyle. Very few retained the sensibility and avoided a confrontation with us.

Then with the rescuing of a large number of people came the problem of enforcing them with the social system implemented here, or rather, that was what we all MLDW leaders thought we would have to face.

But the reality was very different, the vast majority accepted easily, there was only one or the other that put some buts, but in the end, they also decided to join MLDW.

Perhaps it was that they complied with the old saying "if you go to Rome, do like the Romans", it may have also influenced that many of the people who had bastards as leaders, for them this system was heaven compared to their old treatment.

And as expected with population growth, some things in the camp had to change. The castle became a residence for only those who have a rank of soldiers and their families, so only they stay in it.

So we had to start building houses for those who have a range of citizens and community dormitories for refugees. In fact, I can see a large number of people building houses under the balcony, for this we had to dismantle unnecessary attractions, and with some material that we brought and reusing the houses were created.

People sought work from managers arranged by Yoshioka to search for personnel, or also they performed their own tasks to get more food. In the latter case, there was only a small problem with an activity that some women decided to undertake ... they decided to prostitute themselves.

Many of these girls were those who had to offer their bodies before, and often without getting anything in return, so when they saw the opportunity to live much better than just looking for a normal job or fighting with zombies, then they did not hesitate to undertake this work.

I had no problem if they wanted that, but many of the girls around me or high-ranking in the camp were opposed ... but in the end, they had no choice but to give ... the reason was simple, the best clients of they were the soldiers who had no partner.

No, in fact when I went to "inspect" that they were not mistreated, I can see some guys who already had family living in the castle walking towards that place. It was a pity that in the end, I could not "inspect " the place that became the pink zone of MLDW.

Without realizing it when I was almost there, Kurisu, Saeko, Saya, Shizuka and even other girls like Mizusu, Niki and even Rei appeared. So the girls brought me back almost dragging me ... no, I wasn't scolded if that's what you're thinking.

While we were there, a fool who did not recognize Shizuka's face as someone in high command at the camp, approached her asking how much the price was for one night with her. So when the guy tried to touch her chest, he only managed to feel the touch the cool metal of my colt's in his palm.

So after he urinated and asked for forgiveness while kneeling, the girls dragged me back, so after that event, things didn't get so bad for me ... thinking about it now, maybe he was a good guy who recognized that I was in trouble and wanted to help me ... well, if I see him again I will forgive him and only shoot him in the leg for trying to touch Shizuka's chest.

Another thing that changed having more people, of course, it was the number of soldiers. Now I had 120 people carrying firearms under my command. We also decided to include more soldiers, but with swords or spears, a total of 180 men.

We decided among the leaders that having 10% of the population as soldiers was an adequate amount.

To make the swords and spears to arm them it was not difficult, as this place was previously an amusement park, this had plenty of steel, so we only had to get the tools of a blacksmith and skilled people among the survivors to make them.

As for why not everyone used firearms, the main reason obviously was because we didn't have that number of weapons. In fact, we were lucky to find a police station on the outskirts of the city and loot it, so we could arm those 120 people.

Of course, all these people were only given the weapon after having passed certain tests, and the main one was made by me and was that they had a stable aura. I didn't want to give a madman a gun and that he ends up doing something stupid inside the camp.

About MLDW leaders, I was still Soichiro, Yuriko-san, Yoshioka and me. I didn't want the command to be distributed to too many people, that would only be problematic. For that reason, some were assigned as group captains, but these were below us 4 without their own autonomy.

They had the right to comment on things for the camp, but their ideas would only be implemented if we 4 are agreed with that.

When we had to name several captains to lead a group of people, it was fun, or at least for me. Matsushima was chosen as a captain, so I immediately asked for her to be under my command.

It was fun to have her as my secretary for a couple of days, I liked to see her annoying face when I asked her to bring me a coffee, or whatever else I asked for. But in the end, I let her be under Yoshioka's command since as a policewoman, she had more experience to keep order.

Why did I transfer her to the command of another you say? Well, after a few days I got bored of that ... no, the truth was that when I harassed her a little, she complained to the girls who sleep in my room, so I was forced to leave her with Yoshioka. Well, it was fun while it lasted… I still remember the expression that she has when I asked her to sit on my legs so she wouldn't get tired of is standing, hahaha.

Now she is in charge of a group of people who patrol MLDW to solve any problems that may arise within the walls of the camp. By the way, it was she who discovered the prostitute girls and one of the ones who was most opposed to them doing that.

So there had to be a meeting to solve this issue, and then a vote was taken among the four leaders, with a result of 3 in favor to allow it and one that refraining from voting, then the girls were capable to offer their services without worrying.

You will think that this result is strange, but everyone understood that they provided a way to get rid of the stress and frustrations the soldiers accumulated when fighting.

For that reason I, Yuriko-san and Yoshioka allow it, as for Soichiro who abstained, what can I say, surely Yuriko-san has him strongly subject to his balls. So when it was his turn to vote he could not say he was in favor and could not contradict her, so he only had that alternative.

Those have been the most notable changes in the survivors' camp during these 3 weeks, but for everything that has happened in those days, I had to think seriously about something ... yes, surely you also realized if you heard me, it was something very important.

You should have reached the same conclusion as me ... yes, that's right. If I can't have a secretary that I can harass, then the only solution is to look for a maid!

The problem is that I will encounter the same barrier as before ... the girls, but don't underestimate me, during these days I thought about it and put my brain to work hard. Then I concluded that if I can't choose a new girl to do that job, I just have to choose one that is already by my side.

There is only one problem ... it is difficult to choose which one. Just think about it, I can choose Scythe, she would be a zombie-maid that meets all my whims !! ... but Shizuka, a girl with big breasts and clumsy can't be left aside either ... it could also be Saeko, a maid of combat devoted to her Master... or Saya as a maid with glasses can not be underestimated ... and of course, Kurisu becoming a strict maid and a little Tsundere, that sounds nothing bad to me... I can not decide on one.

That's why I decided to take the day and think carefully for the best girl... but for several hours of thinking I still can't decide which would be the best maid ... this is another great test that this world has put on me.

[No Alexander, these are just your perversions ... don't blame the world for that]

"Alexander-san !! Alexander-san !! We have finally managed to repair the police radio system !!"

Aurora's complaint and the shouts of Alice's father take me out of my deep reflection ... by the way, he had already recovered from his wound and I also recently learned his name, his name is Miyamoto and he also worked as a circuit engineer electrical before the apocalypse.

I put him in charge in an area of scientific research that was created a few days after the inauguration of MLDW, In addition to Shizuka was also given a similar rank as Chief of biological research.

Why she? I must say that although she seems very clueless, she is someone competent in her specialty, but what most influenced the decision of the other leaders is that she is someone who is by my side ... also as 3 of the leaders are men, the other two are not could go unnoticed her two great talents...

So after the two were approved as Chiefs of those departments in the camp, more people were put in their command to investigate some things. I asked Shizuka to try to create antidotes like the ones I got from the system with these as proof, but this doesn't seem to go very well, mainly because they occupy specialized tools.

Getting these is somewhat complicated since only found in specialized laboratories or institutes that are at the center of the city, but as it was too risky to go there now, they just could wait to do it later.

"So you were finally able to repair the radio-transmission equipment"

"Yes Alex, we repair the transmitter and receivers you gave us !!"

Kurisu and Saya who were also added to Miyamoto's team are walking behind him, and other girls who must have been outside to end my thoughts also enter.

"And the other things I asked? how are they going?"

"That ... I'm sorry Alexander-san, but those three things we will need more time to understand and create them"

"The first two planes that you gave us, Alex, we have advanced a lot since they are things like engines and generators, things that had already been created before, there are only a few different parts that we have to decipher, the problem is the last plane that you delivered us... that is something completely new and we have nothing to build on, it will take us longer to build it correctly "

The other things that I asked their team, was to try to develop the things that are in the plans that I received from the missions. If we could exchange gasoline for crystals as our used energy source, it would be a great help for the future.

We would not have to constantly look for gas stations to stock up or we could use it as a weapon without having to worry about its use, besides that it will be more difficult to obtain it over time.

Another thing is that I don't know why, but I have a feeling that the energy shield will be very useful shortly, so I would like to have it already in my hands.

"Keep trying to decipher those planes, also don't put aside the last one, in fact, you should accelerate the construction of the energy shield, if you need more people then talk with Yoshioka"

"Yes, Alex"

"I understand Alexander-san"

"Saya tell your parents that we have to have a meeting in an hour. Having a communication system, it's time to get into the city."

"Okay, Alexander-san. I'll go and inform they"

I thought about doing the meeting immediately and discussing the things we have to do inside the city, but when I saw Shizuka, I remembered a task that she and I had to do, so I postponed it for an hour to attend this first.

"Well Shizuka, it's time to do what we've been doing for the last few days."

"Eeeh, do we have to do that? ~ I don't like to do that Alex-kun ~"

"You shouldn't complain Shizuka-san, Alex-san does it for your sake. Besides, you also get something from doing that, so it's not fair for you to complain."

"I-it's fine, but Busujima-san, please don't look at me like that ~"

I get up from my chair when Saeko and Shizuka argue and drink the rest of my coffee. Then I start walking towards the door of my suite.

If you're thinking that what I have to do with Shizuka is something erotic, I'm sorry to disappoint you but it's not that ... not so much, in fact, is good for her to do it and I have to risk my life every night because that, so a bit of fun for me, is fair.

When they see me walking to the door, others also follow me, with Shizuka a little discouraged. Then we all go to the fence that had been reinforced, which is the entrance of this camp of survivors.


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