Soul Evolution System

Chapter 66 Returning to the City

I enter the room and go to my place that was next to Soichiro, the layout of the place had changed a bit. In the center sat the 4 leaders of MLDW and after we, were the captains of the teams or people with special positions like Shisuka or Miyamoto, the other soldiers had to wait outside for their captains to inform them about the discussion.

If the number of people in the meeting was too much, then they would bring more disorder than the ideas that some might have ... so only those who had a high rank in the camp attended discussions to solve things in the camp.

The only people exempt from this were the members of my team who could also enter the room, the good thing was that there was no one to complain about this ... it must be because of my great charisma that everyone accepted it as if it were something normal, so next to me the girls were still sitting.

My only lament was Soichiro sitting on my right side ... ¿could not be Yuriko-san the one stay in that place? It would be much more pleasant to smell the sweet scent of her, than the smell of stinky sweat of him.

"Well, Alexander-kun. Why did you want us to meet? "

"Correct, Miyamoto and Kurisu have repaired the communications system that we brought from the police station. So I thought that now we could go deeper into the city, having the communication system we can request reinforcements in case of emergency and those who leave can stay aware of what's going on at the camp "

"That's good news to listen to"

Yuriko-san ends my distractions and then I inform her of the advances in the technology department. Hearing what I say, many turn happy about this, possibly thinking of their relatives who are still missing and who are within the city, since this opens the possibility of finding them... although I think it is very unlikely, but not let's discourage them.

Of course, there are also some who do not welcome the risk of entering the city, but hearing Soichiro's animated words they keep quiet.

"There are several things we have to do within the city, but because of the risk, they were postponed. In addition to the search for survivors, we have to go to a biological laboratory to get their instruments, it is essential that we try to make our own antidotes.

It will also be easier to find materials to develop the plans that I deliver to the technology department "

"What you say is very true, it is better to have a good number of antidotes, these have saved the lives of several men so far, but it is a pity that you cannot produce them en masse.

In addition, although I still find it difficult to believe that we can use the crystals of the zombies have on their heads as a source of energy, if we could achieve that it would also be a great advantage since the fuels we use will run out over time as they are not producing now"

About the last two things she speaks, everyone has the same opinion that Yuriko-san expresses. Being more people involved in the fight with the zombies, logically the possibility of someone being bitten increased, so the antidotes like her say have saved the lives of several soldiers, but even though I had to buy some to increase our reserves, there is a limit that I can spend in it.

I can not allow me to have the pockets empty, I have to keep a good amount of crystals in case of emergency, since that I survive on dangerous occasions depends on this.

The second case is a problem for the future, perhaps the 6 months in which I stay here does not affect me this problem, but for everyone else, relying on fossil fuels is a problem that they will have to solve later.

One solution would be to run the refineries and oil wells again, but for this, a large number of individuals are needed and people have now become a scarce resource in this world, so the best option is to find a second source of Energy.

"Then Alexander, when do you think we should go on the next expedition?"

"As everything mentioned previously is important things, we should do it as soon as possible. Miyamoto and Kurisu should concentrate today on putting the receivers in the cars and then we leaving tomorrow to the city."

" That sounds good to me, what will be our first objective? Labs or go to the area where the electronic stores are?"

With Soichiro's question, I start to consider where we should go first ... both are essential, but I'm more inclined to laboratories. If we go there, apart from finding the machines that Shisuka wants, I can also get the materials for the transmutation parchment that remains stored in my inventory.

But in the end, I decide not to go to these places for now, there is another thing that we should stock up with as much as we can.

"Let's postpone those places for now, although they are important there is something else that worries me more. With the increase in our population in the camp, food is being consumed quickly.

We cannot continue to plunder small stores, that simply relieves some of the pressure on us. It is better to go to a place where there are large amounts of food because if food begins to run out in the camp, it will cause more problems than the other two things. "

"No doubt, a lot of food is consumed every day and that is becoming a problem ... but if they are places where there is enough food, then I can only think of the large wineries that are close to the city center, it is also the port where large loads of products are received every day, but ... "

"Those places must have a lot of zombies"

After submitting my recommendation, Yoshioka who is in charge of the distribution of food in the camp enters the conversation, also gives some possible objectives that we should focus on, but being places that were very busy by people previously, the number of zombies in those areas will not be small.

"But if we had to choose a place, it would be better to go to the wineries. It is much riskier to have to cross the entire city to go to the port."

I do not know the location of these places so I could not comment on this, but listening to Yuriko-san, I am in favor of what she says.

The advantage is that now it is not necessary for a large caravan to go there, only the vehicles we need to transport us and perhaps a cargo truck to pick up some survivors we find will be enough.

I can put the merchandise in my inventory, avoiding having to bring more cars that would only attract more attention from the zombies.

"Then I think it is better to go to the wineries as Yuriko-san says. Me and you will go Soichiro, Yuriko-san can stay and direct several groups to the edges of the city to continue looking for survivors who try to leave the city and continue looking for resources, although I said that the amount that these places have is small, they say that the meat of a mosquito is still meat.

It is also better to have someone who can serve as support in case it is needed, we will not know what we will find within the city.

Yoshioka you will stay to watch the castle as is usual, we will be in constant communication for anything that can happen "

"We will do that, so I will go and start making preparations for my group to be ready for tomorrow."

"I will also accompany you two to the edge of the city, there we will separate"

"Then, I will go and install the communication system in the vehicles Alexander-san"

"I will help Miyamoto-san"

Finishing a plan for tomorrow, everyone gets up to do the things that belong to them. So I also stand up to leave since my group has to prepare equally, things inside the city must have to change during these 3 weeks and it will certainly be a more dangerous place than before.

The remaining time of this day, all are dedicated to making their preparations. I take my weapons to another department that we had to create that was responsible for maintaining the weapons. The people in this group were taught by Hirano, it was too much to make him alone in charge of carrying out this task with all the weapons.

Hours later Miyamoto along with Kurisu after doing the proper tests, come and inform me that the vehicles were already equipped with the communication system.

Then making the checks that everything is in order, the night arrives. Although we had electric generators to illuminate the camp, not wanting to waste resources, the sun hiding also meant the end of everyone's work, so each one returned to their respective resting place.

The only exceptions to this were the areas of the walls that had to be guarded, the surroundings of the park could be safe since we were cleaned it of zombies, but unfortunately, they were not the only ones we had to be careful of, the living people could perhaps to become more dangerous on some occasions.

The other area that is probably very visited tonight is the pink zone ... it had become a custom for soldiers to pass there before a mission ... I have a little envy of them, haa ... I want my body to grow rapidly.

As we had finished checking everything, after collecting my weapons, I went to my suite to also rest. When I arrived, the girls I share a room with were ready to sleep.

You will think that to see them with their clothes to sleep every day would come the time in which I get tired of seeing them, but I can tell you that until now it is still one of the moments that I enjoy the most and I look forward to witnessing it. It was a great delight to my eyes and without this, I probably wouldn't sleep peacefully.

"Don't stand there Alex, it's time to rest, we have to sleep early because tomorrow we will go to the city center"

"Fufufu, I do not mind his intense look. It makes me feel like an attractive woman"

"B-but it's also a bit embarrassing Saeko-senpai"

"Alex-kun, let's sleep. Besides, you have to keep your promise ~"

The last words belonging to Shisuka stop me from watching the girls through the chill that runs down my back and cause me when I hear her.

... it's true, today is another night where I will fight to survive. You asking why? That is because of the promise I made to Shisuka for killing the zombies in the afternoon.

While I struggle with the fear that I feel, I move towards the bed where the girls had settled to sleep leaving a space in the center for me, the only thing different sometimes before is the position of Shisuka ... it seems that it was Saeko's turn to yield my left side, where she used to sleep.

Now, this was taken by Shisuka who smiles happily ... yes, that is the smile that a shinigami must have when he is going to pick up someone's soul. Without further choice I accept my destiny and lie in bed, then quickly Kurisu takes my right hand and Shisuka the left.

In my right hand, the warmth and softness of Kurisu's body are transmitted, as for my left hand ... it simply sinks and loses in the most supreme softness of this world.

You wonder what the problem was with having Shisuka by my side, right? You would think this was more a luxury than something to I complain about ...

I thought just like you, in fact, while she is awake I can see it as something that someone privileged can have ... but everything changes when she sleeps.

Several times I wake up in the middle of the night because of the lack of oxygen since she wraps me and presses her big breasts on my face, but unfortunately, that is not the worst, the bad thing is that there is something inside me that tells me that is well to die in that way and I just must enjoy it!

Her body is a deadly trap for every man ... I just hope to see the sun tomorrow. If I die I can only say that I was a too weak person.

[... no, we can only say that you are a pervert, Alexander. But don't worry, I will prevent you from dying because of that]

Thank you Aurora, you are a great companion, I'm glad you're with me. Goodnight

"Goodnight everyone"

"Good night, Alex"

"Good night, Alex-kun ~"

"Have a good rest Alex-san"

"Good night... A-Al... All of you"

[Rest Alexander]

As Saeko is separated from me by two great mountains, there wasn't a good night kiss and Kurisu not feeling pressured to do it either, so in this simple way, we all try to sleep.

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... I open my eyes and see the clarity of the sun passing through the window. It's another victory for me since I've been able to survive another day...

"Alex-kun ~"

Shisuka tries to hold me so I quickly evade her and jump out of bed ... well, they say that when one feels safer and lowers one's guard, it is the most dangerous moment where one can die.

"Damn Shisuka, if I develop some kind of phobia of breasts, you will be responsible for curing me of this"

"Yaw ~ is dawn already Alex?"

"Could you rest well tonight Alex-san?"

"Well, I think today was not so bad ... I just woke up due to lack of air about 4 times"

"T-that sounds like it was very bad ..."

Girls who have sensitive sleep get up from the movement I caused when I got out of bed. And the person responsible for depriving me of a little of my rest is still comfortably asleep.

"I will go to the dining room, when you finish getting ready and wake Shisuka, I wait for you all below"


I get dressed quickly and leave the room, downstairs most who would go on the excursion would have breakfast and finish doing the last things to leave. After several minutes, the girls also show up, so we all eat together.

"Kurisu and Saya, I think it is better for both of you to stay and continue your investigation"

"... Okay, Alex. But you have to be careful and come back safely."

"Yes, please all take care"

When I finish eating I put my eyes on the two girls and tell them, as Kurisu had stayed on the last expeditions, she quickly accepted without complaining about leaving her here. Saya has always been obedient, so I have no problem convincing her.

Me, Soichiro and Yuriko-san and everyone in our group left the castle and started to get into the vehicles. As Kurisu and Shisuka stay, the driver this time is Yamada, it seems that one of his previous jobs was a valet parking so it was not difficult for him to get used to driving the TR-12.

Of course, I'm not so stupid as just trusting that to him, I asked several people to completely teach him to drive, so I can be sure with him behind the wheel.

Saying goodbye to everyone, the cars leave the castle towards the city. As we have been using this road constantly, all obstacles and zombies had been removed. Only the latter as the plague that they are, some new ones appear every time we use them, but these only become target shooting practice for some people.

With the free road the time needed to reach the city is much shorter than the first few times, in a few tens of minutes we reach our goal and then stop the cars to separate us from Yuriko-san.

"Soichiro, Alexander-kun and everyone else be very careful. We don't know how things have changed there."

"Yes, you also shouldn't trust yourself to be on the edge of the city Yuriko, you should also be careful"

"We will be careful Yuriko-san"

"Remember to maintain constant communication, channel 1 is to communicate with the camp and channel 2 is to talk to each other"

We exchanged a few words before separating from her and then after she reminds us of the communication channels, our cars move forward.

When entering the streets of the city, the number of zombies increases, but as we continue on the banks the number of them is not a problem. We only run over those that block the road and continue.

Sometimes we stop for a few seconds to eliminate an evolved zombie that is seen, Hirano or the person to whom Soichiro lent the Kurisu sniper rifle are responsible for this. The only thing that worries me is that these stops had become more constant than before, which means that the number of these zombies has increased.

The further we enter, we stop stopping, not because we no longer see evolved zombies, but the number of normal zombies was too much to allow them to surround cars ... if we lost momentum, then perhaps we would be stranded surrounded from them.

By increasing the speed and stopping less, then we reach our goal quickly. They were a group of large warehouses in a row that had several abandoned cargo vehicles in front of them.

The cars break the parking lot fence and we enter, then they maneuver around squashing zombies to make space and that we can get off.

"That people with close combat weapons take care of the zombies, the surroundings must be full of them, so we must make as little noise as possible so as not to attract a large number and form a horde.

If a horde of zombies forms, then we will be in big trouble ... "

I go under the car and draw [Black Moon] while at the same time I tell others, men with the characteristics I said advance and people who have guns are left behind just to observe and be alert for new instructions.


Hello!! New Chapter!!

Sorry for the delay, but I was busy translation chapters for patreon, now here you can read 2 months ahead that others of SES.

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES. Remember to visit my patreon so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

See you in the next chapter.

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