Soul Evolution System

Chapter 67 Fighting in the Stores

All the men who fight with swords or spears come down immediately when the cars stop. Now we weren't as few as before that only me, Saeko, Soichiro, and Scythe were the ones who killed the zombies with swords or claws.

The groups were now made up of 20 people armed with rifles or guns and 30 using swords or spears. Although my team had the same members as before, I brought one of the preview groups mentioned to follow my orders, so adding the Soichiro men there were 60 people who stepped forward to fight and 40 carrying firearms stayed more back waiting for instructions.

"We will first secure the parking of the wineries and their surroundings. Everyone be careful"


While looking at the large number of people who were under my command now, Soichiro's voice sounds giving instructions. Without further distracting, I activate my domain and charge along with Scythe and Saeko in front eliminating any zombie that comes in our way.

"Gyaa !!"


Not long after starting the killing, a shout from one of our men is heard. When I turn to see what is happening, I find him down by an evolved zombie agility type, but for luck of that guy, things did not get bigger thanks to a shot of Hirano that crosses the head of that zombie.

Then someone else approaches the guy on the floor and administers the antidote quickly. Honestly fighting with normal zombies having good preparation in advance is not a difficult thing, you could even say that it is only a bit repetitive.

But unfortunately with the appearance of evolved zombies, this changed. Besides, those who are agility type are the most annoying, they hide among the normal waiting for their chance to attack, even I had complicated moments with these.

Although I should also thank them, since by using my domain more I could have more control over it, so I discovered a new thing about it that although this does not help me in the fights, it is still very useful.

Also, I had more understanding of another skill that I possess. In fact, now that I think about it, I think it's saved my life in the police station. When we found the first evolved zombie it had to be activated making it possible to stop the first attack of this one that was going directly to my neck.


While thinking about this, I discover through my domain an agility-type zombie who was walking to me on all fours by my blind spot. So when he is about to throw himself at me, I activate the ability of which I spoke saying his name in a murmur that only I could hear.

When activating the ability all around me seems to go much slower, I put my attention on the zombie that charged towards me and carefully analyze its movements. A few seconds later everything returns to normal, but now this zombie lies on the ground with its head separated while I take care of another normal zombie.

This ability maybe is a bit simple since it only allows me to accelerate my thinking process, but still it is a great advantage to be able to see the movements of my enemies in slow motion, this gives me enough time to think about my next attack.

The only regrettable thing about this is that although my thought process accelerates, unfortunately, my body cannot follow it at the same rate. Therefore, if I activate it too late when an attack is going to hit me, all I will achieve is that I can mentally prepare for the pain.

Also, this has other disadvantages, the first is that I cannot use it consecutively, there has to be a time between each use. On the other hand, the activation of this ability puts a lot of burden on my brain, so if I activate it too much I will have a big headache later.

"That was great Alex-san, you could easily decapitate that zombie"

"Hmn? It may seem like that Saeko-chan, but it's not because my skill with the sword has improved, it's because of another skill that I have. If we have to praise someone for his sword technique, then those should be you and Soichiro "

"Fufufu thanks, but still I think they were very good movements"

Suddenly Saeko who was next to me speaks praising me for my previous movements and although I am glad to receive her words, I still correct the misunderstanding. I don't want to make a fool of myself if she asks me to show her those sword movements later, so smiling bitterly I tell her the cause of these.

She smiles at me in response and still praising me for that, so this time I return the gesture in response. Then the two together with Scythe continue to take care of the zombies around us.

Really they are a big amount and although we have not made so much noise, the zombies closest to the stores continue to enter through the doors. The only good thing is that there are not so many to create a horde, with the number of people we have there should be no problem in taking care of them, only it would take some time to do so.

Hirano and the other guy with the sniper rifle occasionally fire, especially at evolved force-type zombies that are the most colorful and easy to eliminate. Their rifles pose a silencer so they are not so loud and should not attract the attention of more distant zombies.

"Growwn !!"

"W-what is that?"

"O-other types of zombies?"

"No ... maybe they have evolved again"

When we killed the zombies, a loud roar suddenly arises attracting everyone's attention here. The first reaction of others is surprise and fear for what their eyes witness entering the parking lot of the stores.

These were 5 huge bodies that stood out from all the other zombies ... when I evaluated them with my ability, as one of the men said, it shows me that they were force-type zombies that had evolved again.

[Level 20 strength zombie] [Level 21 strength type zombie] [Level 20 strength type zombie] [Level 23 strength type zombie] [Level 21 strength type zombie]

5 zombies that had broken through their second limit ... and these exceeded 2 and a half meters easily. Also, his body was even more muscular than the previous versions and the hair of the skulls had disappeared showing his white skulls.


While watching them, Hirano behind us doesn't waste time and shoots one of them. As usual, the bullet directly hits the zombie's head, but this time it did not burst by the force of the impact.

When I thought it had been useless, then the zombie falls backward. Looking more closely, it had a large hole where his nose should have been.

"Oooh !!"

" Amazing !! Hirano-san managed to kill him with one shot !!"

"Yes! Although they have grown, it is not that they are immune to bullets!"

Well, at least the caliber of those rifles is still effective. In addition, to see the great zombie fall, others lose their nervousness and are encouraged.

"Groown !!"

[Tzun] [Tzun]

The zombies raise a cry in a complaint when they see their partner being shot down, in response to this Hirano and the other guy with the rifle shoot trying to kill the remaining 4.

Unfortunately, it seems that things would not be so easy, the zombies cover their heads with the arms avoiding a direct hit.

"Stop, you don't shoot !!"

Seeing that the zombies were covered and did not fall, the other armed people prepared their weapons to shoot at them. Seeing this I speak immediately to stop them, I do not want to create a great disturbance in this place.

"People with swords and spears take care of normal zombies, Hirano and the other guy with the rifle kill any evolved zombie. Me, Saeko, Soichiro, and Scythe each will take one of the greats to take care of them."

"It's okay"

"Fufufu, let's see if these are more resistant than the others"


With my words, we 4 run ah where the evolved zombies II are, Scythe is the first to choose one since it is the fastest advancing among us. She immediately reaches her goal and begins to attack it with her claws ... it did not seem to be ineffective as pieces of meat flew everywhere, but in this way, it will last a while until she can kill him.

Scythe was still more than twice the level of this zombie, but due to the difference in size, there was no great advantage.

While observing Scythe's performance, we 3 also reached our goal... they are really huge and if we take my size into account, the difference between him and I is even more remarkable.

…damn. I think that one of his arms is about my height... if this zombie manages to hit me it would be pretty bad. The good thing is that as their great body indicates, they are slow and clumsy when they make movements.

But the bad thing is that it is very intimidating to have to approach to attack them, for that reason I first attack him with my two guns to get their attention and stop it walking to where the others were.

The bullets impact it and for a moment I thought that these would bounce off its large muscles, but it is a relief that it is not something so extreme ... although it seems that they only manage to cross the first layer of its skin and not causing much damage.

Among us 4 the one who seems to have the calmest time when dealing with these zombies, and this being somewhat unexpected since one could say that she is the weakest of us for being the one with the lowest level, was Saeko.

Not long after she arrived at the side of her enemy when I turned for a second to see her, she had the zombie crawling without its legs because they were amputated, then in the next moment the zombie's head flew into the air.

Although this superiority has a lot to do with the weapon she has, I can't fall behind ... at least I have to take care of this zombie before Soichiro does. With that in mint, I charge traying moving towards the sides looking for its back.

When I reach my goal, I aim my guns that had full cartridges back behind one of its knees and shoot until the click sounds because they ran out of bullets.

"Groown !!"

Being a part of the body more fragile of a person, receiving the impact of bullets and damage, then the zombie falls on its knee while screaming. Ignoring it I charge towards it sheathing my weapons and then unsheathe my [Black Moon].

Then reaching a couple of meters of it, I jump on its back and piercing its neck with my sword. The zombie protests shaking and screaming at one more, but everything stops when turning the hilt and hear a snap of the spine as it separates from its brain.

The zombie falls forward and I pull my sword from his neck just keeping the grip tight and letting gravity do the rest. I look up and see Soichiro who was still entertained dealing with his enemy ... I won.

"Scythe-chan !!"

Saeko's scream stops my boasting against Soichiro and I quickly direct my eyes to the place where Scythe was fighting. The only thing I can see is the body of her that is shot in the air by a blow that the zombie with which she fought managed to hit her, when I was about to also raise my voice just like Saeko, I see the body of She spin in the air before falling.

Scythe falls on her four limbs while her claws leave marks on the asphalt of the parking lot. When she finally stops the inertia, she raises the head and turns the zombie with obvious discomfort on her face, then runs back to the zombie.

... haa, that scared me a little. It is good that she is not hurt, but it seems that I must give her a weapon, she should not take so long to take care of a zombie of that level.

Saeko who also gets angry at how treated Scythe that zombie, charges towards him ... they both should be able to handle that zombie easily ... in fact, I think that if Scythe doesn't run faster, when arrives she won't have a chance to get revenge for how it hit her.

Well, then I think I should help Soichiro deal with the other zombie. I turn to where he is again and run in his direction.

" Do you need help to take care of "YOU "enemy that "You still could not kill", Soichiro? "

"... I can take care of it... or so I would like to say, but it is better to defeat it quickly to help others with the other zombies. So I would appreciate the help."

When I ask Soichiro if he needs help, he frowns and stops paying attention to the zombie for a few seconds, then he answers me smiling bitterly.

Here I am worried about him, but he only interprets it as if I was making fun of him for being so slow to take care of this zombie ...

"... no Alexander, I think your words were actually more of a mockery than offering help ... also could you remove that smile from your face?... it's a bit annoying"

Oh shit, it seems that I said what I thought again, and I must have been smiling when I told him if want help ... I'm sorry Soichiro, you're not the bad guy. It's just that it bothers me to know that every night you can sleep with your beautiful wife ... this is to keep the balance in my heart, so at least I have to vent this envy on you, it's nothing personal ... no, yes it's very personal, but you will have to endure it for having a beautiful wife.

While I apologize in my mind with Soichiro for making fun of him, I also attack the zombie with my sword and colt. This having two objectives with which to be distracted, shows more openings in their movements that are not wasted by us.

In a few minutes later Soichiro, crosses the zombie skull through one of its eyes with his sword, it tries to grab it with one of its hands, but then he drops the sword and recoils by unsheathing the spare sword that was at his waist.

We only watch it for a few more seconds until the zombie falls because of damage to its brain. When I take my attention off the zombie to see how the two girls were doing, I can only see the body of the zombie cut into several pieces.

The combination of the girl alive and dead had long gone to where the other zombies were to help others fighting, so after regulating our breathing we also go to where they are.

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(POV 3rd person)

On a high-rise car was a man ... or by his appearance that seemed, but if you saw in more detail there were things that did not fit in that description.

The first would be that the skin of his naked torso that had a toned appearance was a pale color as if his body did not possess the warmth characteristic of any living being, if anyone saw him quickly he would only think of him as a very pale person, but if he paid more attention then would immediately notice those penetrating red eyes and that he also lacked breathing.

With this anyone could discover his identity ... it was a zombie, but not a normal one, this did not seem the same as those who wandered beneath and ignoring him, remarking even more for this reason that it was not a living creature for which they are attracted.

This zombie looked very carefully in the direction of the stores where some time ago a few vehicles stopped.


His bright red eyes examined everything that happened in that place in detail. In those pupils where the wisdom of a human should be distinguished, it was replaced by savagery and fierceness, but no one could say that he was silly like the zombies that wandered aimlessly beneath him.

It could be distinguished that he possessed intelligence, although perhaps it was not the wisdom of humans to create complex structures or develop complicated ideas.

His intelligence was the wisdom of a predator to hunt his prey, look for his weaknesses and take advantage of them or also be able to assess the risk that something represented towards him.

Seeing what happened in front of him, he let out a roar in a low tone in protest of not liking what he saw, a group of humans took care of a good number of zombies, but what bothered him most was the big 4 that ended up falling before they.

Not wanting to witness more the events that took place later, he under the truck in a jump falling next to a zombie, it heard the noise and turn towards him, but it immediately ignored him.

To the bad fortune of that zombie, he did not seem to care that he was his companion, then as if he wanted to release the frustration that felt for what he saw, held its head and stamp it against the metal of the truck several times until it broke apart and could take the crystal inside.

Holding the crystal in one of his hands, he brought it to his mouth while licking the blood and brain debris with which he had stained. Having calmed down, he began to walk through the streets full of zombies until he reached where a couple of large zombies that were the same as those who attacked the stores.


When he passed by in the middle of the two he made a growl again and then these two began to walk behind the smaller zombie as if they were a group ... or a pack, then together they moved away from the stores.


Hello!! New Chapter!!

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See you in the next chapter.

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