Soul Evolution System

Chapter 68 Looting the stores

[Alexander level up]

[Saeko level up]

After an hour of beginning to kill zombies, they finally stopped coming from outside the parking lot and when we took care of all those who had been inside, we could take a break, then the system sounds making a notification that I and Saeko leveled.

The good thing was that after those 4 zombies that evolved 2 times, no more of these appeared, so we just had to take care of the normal ones and those that evolved only once. Although they were large in quantity, being careful did not represent much danger, all we had to pay attention was the physical condition of the soldiers who fought.

But when I thought about dividing the men into two groups so that one would take a break for a few minutes and then take turns fighting, but then the zombies stopped coming so it was not necessary to do so.

"Ha ... ha ... How many people are injured ... and how many have died?"

"Soichiro-san! Only 5 were bitten and 2 people were stabbed by zombies evolved with claws, but because we were able to apply the antidotes and potions fast to the injured, there were no casualties on our side."

"Well, the wounded may rest. The rest of us will enter the warehouses after a little rest."

When I checked my group and regained my breath, Soichiro asked about the report of casualties we suffered from the fight, it is good to hear that nobody died. Well, then let's reap the benefits of this fight, we can't waste all this watered here, besides leaving those bodies would only serve as food for the zombies themselves to strengthen.

I look around and really there were quite a lot of zombie bodies scattered around the parking lot ... oh, I also see some system reward boxes. With this amount, it was logical that they appeared, but unfortunately, lately they only provide me with gold, some potions, and antidotes.

But on the side of the bodies of the big zombies, I can see a box of higher rank than the others, maybe that gives me something good. With that in mind, I start walking through the parking lot focusing my concentration on my domain.

Then the bodies of the zombies around me begin to disappear one by one, no, not that they have vanished like smoke or something, I was sending them to my interdimensional inventory.

It was one of the new things that I discovered, as long as it is an inanimate object and that is not in the hands of someone else, by surrounding it with my domain I can save it. In addition, I can also make things appear in any place that my domain is deployed.

It really became something useful, I no longer had to go touching things by thing to store it, saving me a lot of time. So I just have to take out the bodies in the base again and Scythe can take out the crystals comfortably without worrying much about her surroundings.

You will ask why I have to deliver them and I just don't dismantle them with that system skill that I have. The truth is that I tried, but there was a problem with the result obtained... yes, I got the crystal so there was no problem for that, but the bones, muscles and so on, it became a pile of stinky rotten pasty meat...

It was much more work and disgusting to have to give the remains to my carnivorous plant in this way to feed it, so in the end, I opted to have Scythe to take the crystals and the body's of the other zombies will deliver it to the Venus for another people, anyway she didn't seem to mind having that job.

Soon the parking lot was free of bodies ... I can only say that in the center of the city certainly, the number of zombies is quite. I got a total of 564 normal zombies, 47 E1 and 4 E2 zombies (evolved), plus 4 wooden boxes and a wooden one with some metal inlays... this is a good harvest.

"Well, we have had enough rest. This place is not very safe and we don't know what we can meet here, so let's hurry up with our goal so we can leave as soon as possible.

That 10 men with firearms and 20 with swords kept watching here in the parking lot, also the sniper of the Soichiro team also stays here.

If there is an emergency message coming from the base or from Yuriko-san, send someone to report inside the warehouses as soon as possible. "

"Miku, you stay in charge while we inspect the wineries"

"Yes! Soichiro-san"

Soichiro speaks to the sniper who apparently is called Miku ... maybe I should try to learn the names of at least the team captains... no, that's a lot of work, with "You and all of you" should be enough to address me to them.

"All of you stay tuned and don't let your guard down"


After I tell them all they put serious faces and then we advanced to the metal curtains of the cellars ... these were open, more than because someone was ahead of us, it must have been because like this it was a busy place and also the apocalypse happened in the morning they had remained open all this time.

The good thing is that has not rained and the humidity of the air is not so much, so it should not affect the grains and other stored products.

"There are some zombies inside, be careful!"

When we enter the first cellar, by my domain I feel the presence of some zombies walking among the stacked sacks so I warn others, but these are quickly taken care of by some men. Only an E1 jumps between the sacks looking for his prey, it is a pity for it that Scythe was not far from where it decided to attack and its head is torn off by her.

We take a tour of the whole place, but we don't find anything else, so I start concentrating to store all the bags of rice.

Like zombies, they disappear little by little until the place is empty. With nothing else to do on this site, we move on to another winery. Then the same process is repeated in two more without any problem, only when we enter the fourth store the things change a little.

Entering, in my domain I detect something that moved very fast through the walls, but before I could even say anything, a man is lifted and dragged.

"Aaah !!"

"W-what the hell was that?"

"I barely saw a shadow that dragged him ..."

"All attentive, it is a zombie and one that has evolved twice as before!"

"You return outside the cellar, with the speed of this you are only an easy target !!"

Although it was fast, it could not avoid my eyes, I could see that it was a level 23 agility zombie. While I was following its movement in my domain, Soichiro gives orders to the other men, I do not oppose these since is like him says and they are only an easy prey for this one, besides that, with so many people crowded in the same place it is more difficult to move for us.

"Hirano! The zombie is up at 2 o'clock"


I give Hirano directions when I notice the zombie moving in my domain, he quickly takes the sniper rifle points it up to where I say and shoots a few times.

"I-I'm sorry, Alexander-kun. The zombie moves too fast ..."

As he said, the zombie moved before having it shot preventing the bullets from hitting it, it seems that he understands very well the danger of weapons for him. Quickly it went down hiding behind the merchandise to get out of our vision ... if it behaves in this way, it will be a bit difficult to take care of its.

"Don't worry Hirano, if your rifle is not effective then we 4 will have to go again to take care of it, you back off"

I do not want to waste so much time having to hunt it, we will go with the same strategy with which we took care of the 4 E2 zombies. Although this time we will use us as a bait to attract and annihilate it closely.

"Saeko you-"

"Alex-san please don't underestimate me, I've also grown stronger… that zombie shouldn't pose a danger to me."

When we 4 advanced the to take care of the zombie, I remember that Saeko is not of a much higher level than it... in fact, both are in the same limit, also what worries me most was that she would not have the advantage of speed like with the other evolved zombies that she face.

For that reason, I wanted to try to get her to back off with the others, but probably understanding my thoughts she speaks before I can say anything.

Seeing her determined eyes, I could only nod consenting to her request, but since I was still worried that something might happen to Saeko, through my link with Scythe I ask for not to stay far away from her.

As for Soichiro ... I think he can manage himself, his level is not only a simple number and he has improved by polishing his technique by killing so many zombies... also I don't think to be lucky enough to he leaves me a free way to flirt with Yuriko-san.

Although I may worry extra because surely the one who ends up facing the E2 agility zombie will be me, the reason is simple. By my domain I can know where it is, also within the 4, I am the smallest and it can think that I am the weakest.

Without wasting time I approach following it in my domain, soon it begins to move in my direction meeting my expectations.

The zombie on 4 legs walked on some boxes to the place where I am and then when this is a few meters throws towards me propelling with his hind legs in a jump. I calmly wait while I watch it and when it is in the air I shoot with my colt that held in my left hand.

Being in the air can not evade the bullets and therefore they are embedded in its head ... it is a pity that they do not seem to cross to the brain, most likely that apart from the increase in speed in the second evolution also improved their previous weaknesses a bit.

I take a small jump preventing the zombie from falling on me, I don't want to have to repeat the scene of having to share a 69 with another one of them just like in the police station.

When it touches the ground without losing a second runs with its four limbs behind me, for my part I active my limit-breaker ability and also run towards it. I see in slow motion its sharp claw going to my neck, so I bend down a little while bowing my head.

When its claw brushes my hair, with my sword that I held in my right hand make a cut pointing to its elbow joint. As a result, its arm flies through the air while the zombie screams ... I don't know if it feels any pain, or it's just a reaction to the impression of losing the limb.

"Graaw !!"

I try to finish it with my sword, but the zombie quickly recoils and climbs through some boxes trying to run away. With no other option, I unload the remaining bullets of my gun on it while I shouted informing the people he approached.

"Saeko and Scythe the zombie goes to you, be careful"


I run to the direction of the zombie and the girls, through my domain I can see that Scythe departs from Saeko to perceive her enemy for her senses, then runs and jumps for the merchandise of the place until she has a clear view of this and pounces on it.

The result was predictable, this zombie does not have the difference in size with Scythe and is not faster than her, besides it was injured without a limb.

Scythe evades the claw with which the zombie attacks her and digs hers into its neck, in the next second the head is hung losing its movements by cutting the connection of the spine with the brain.

When I turn around some boxes, a few meters away I can see Scythe standing next to the zombie's body waiting for me, I can also see Saeko running towards her like me.

"Good work Scythe"

"Yes Scythe-chan, well done"

"Mas-ter ... fo-od? ..."

So when I get to Scythe's side, that's the first thing she tells me in response to my praise while holding the zombie crystal in her hands and staring at it. Now that I think about it, I haven't fed her in a few days ... I take the crystal in her hands and store it in my inventory.

It wasn't because this crystal was worth more than 200, I just didn't like the idea that she put something that was in the rotten head of a zombie in her mouth. I take a new crystal of the same value and give it to Scythe to she eat it, so she receives it happily and immediately ingests it.

It doesn't weigh me to give it to her, even if she could resist eating a crystal with the value of 1000, I would give it to her without hesitation, after all that would only make her stronger. The only thing that would be a bit unfortunate is that she does not have the plant's absorption capacity, so she cannot fully absorb the energy of the crystals.

"This zombie has also changed a little ... it seems that it is still developing to move faster"

Saeko's words make my attention go to the body of the zombie, as she says, the limbs of this have lengthened a bit and its muscles look stronger. In addition, under those sharp claws, it seems that it has developed a class of suction cups ... that must be the reason why it could move quickly through the walls and climbing things easy.

"This zombie must perform better within the city buildings ... with the mobility that it showed can become a big problem"

"Yes, we will have to be careful even more than before when we enter buildings ... also, we will not only have to monitor the floor but also the roof and walls"

After Saeko says the characteristics of this zombie, Soichiro's voice is heard behind my back, when I turn my head in reaction to it, I see him walking while he says and looks the zombie on the ground.

"Well, let's finish checking if there are no more of these zombies in this place to continue collecting food and we can leave as soon as possible. It is not good to stay in the same place for a long time, a horde can be grouped and get here"

We split again and checked the entire warehouse, but we didn't find another E2 zombie, just some normal ones that walked between the boxes. When there is no danger detected in my domain, I begin to focus on it to store all merchandise.

After this we continue with the other wineries, it is a relief that in these there are no new problems and things were very quiet. Soon we looted everything that was useful in these facilities and with nothing else to do here we decided to leave.

"Let the wounded people and the body of the unfortunate person who died rise the cars, Soichiro you will make the corresponding arrangements if he had family or children you already know what to do"

"It's okay"

It is unfortunate that there was a casualty, but it does not affect the mood of others so much. Everyone understood that what we were doing was somewhat risky, but that's why they had better treatment than the normal citizens of the camp, and it was also promised that we would take care of the family of anyone who died.

Their women would be granted alimony for the rest of their life if she did not get a new partner, and if they had children these would be helped in the same way until they are of age ... although the full age now in this world had descended at 13 years old.

"Now that we have met our goal, we can look for survivors in the area"

"Ehm ... Alexander-san. I would like to ask you something, from this place the school where my mother worked and my sister was not far away ... if possible I would like to go to try to see if they are still there"

When addressing the topic about survivors, Komuro having some hope and nervousness at the same time in his voice when he speaks. We all could understand the reason for that, he probably still hopes to find them alive ... but he is also afraid to see them turned into zombies.

"Okay, give Yamada directions to where the school is ... we shouldn't be so pessimistic, we are likely to find them safe, but ... you should still be prepared for what we find in that place."

With everyone inside the cars, we left the parking lot to the streets of the city. It can be said that the excursion to get provisions was a great success, with all this we should not have problems for a while even if our population triples.

We obtained about 1,000 tons of rice, in addition to a lot of canned products. Counting all types of food we take from stores, it probably exceeds 1,500 tons.

It is a great relief to have my interdimensional inventory, if not for this I do not know how many cargo trucks we would use to transport all this merchandise... also to the time, we would have to entertain in filling them.

"Here Alexander ... we just took everything from the stores and now we will try to find some survivors ... over"

"It's good to hear that everything went well on that side ... Yuriko-san also reported that everything seems normal on her side, it's the same as always, have found some survivors trying to leave the city and she prepares to bring them to camp ... over"

"Well ... I'll communicate again once we decide to return or if something unexpected happens ... over"

"It's okay… over and out"

I take the radio intercom installed on the TR-12 where we were going and report our achievement to the base, for their part they also report that everything with the other groups has gone smoothly.

I put the intercom in its place and lie down watching the streets of the window, now I hope that things with Komuro's family are not bad.


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See you in the next chapter.

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