Soul Evolution System

Chapter 7 Shooting Practice[Edited]

"This gun will be yours, pay close attention that the safety is always on, and only remove it when you are going to shoot"

I pointed out the Beretta’s safety and then walked to the nearest tree filling the magazine during the walk. So with my short sword I mark an X on the bark of this one, it really is sharp it seems that am cutting butter, I wonder what will happen if hit a gun whit it? We better not do it, I don't want to break them.

"Kurisu, come"


I called Kurisu who was distracted, carefully examining the weapon I gave her. I continue when I got the magazine ready.

"Try to make the bullet hit the x while shooting, you just have to remove the safety, aim and pull the trigger, simple right?"

When speaking I was positioned behind her who was trying to insert the charger, I don’t want my body to have another hole by mistake ... I think it is quite functional like this, so let's avoid unnecessary modifications. We are at a distance of about 10m, it should be fine for the first attempt .



A short detonation was heard along with a high-pitched scream, immediately after, something passed by Kurisu's shoulder and then over my head, I think felt that it moved my hair ... I turned my gaze to check the object from which had an idea of its origin, and as I expected there was the Beretta on the floor.


My voice came out choppy after having swallowed saliva loudly, it really surprised me.


"You must hold the weapon tightly, it is dangerous if it gets out of your hands in that way"

"I-I'm sorry Alex, I was surprised and it flew out of my hands before I realized ..."

She gave me a look of apology and regret with moist eyes. Haaa ... if you look at me that way, I don't think can get angry or complain more than I already told her. Perhaps that is the privilege of pretty women, men forgiving their mistakes.

[It seems that men are very simple creatures ...]

Hahaha ... maybe. While was answering Aurora I went to pick up the gun and return it to Kurisu. I smiled at her as I put the gun in her hands and helping hold in it, I positioned myself behind her and I get closer of her back.

"You just have to be careful, I will help you hold it until you get used to it"

She froze, it seemed strange to me and was about to ask what happened, then her sweet fragrance came to me and I noticed the compromised position that we were ... emmm, I'm not one of those characters who are ashamed or nervous to get close and getting in touch with a girl, but I don't like to impose myself on the other side either.

"Sorry, I did it without thinking too much"

Explain by removing my hands from hers ... her skin is really as it looks, smooth and soft to the touch. When I began to back away she turned back and spoke with her gaze on the floor.

"Eh ... I-I-I don't care ... p-please help me"

"I get it"

Without hesitation, I quickly returned to how we were, with her approval, for my part I will enjoy the moment. But unfortunately I will have to pay close attention to the weapon, it is not as if I were helping her learn a sport like tennis or baseball, what she has in her hands is a gun and an oversight can be serious.

"... You will have to aim because our point of view is different."

I spoke as I hugged her from behind, showing my head from her shoulder. Well, she is 18 and I 12 so the height difference is logical.



[Affection of Kurisu +5]

After the sound of the system I heard the explosions of shots in short intervals, the recoil of the weapon is not much and probably as she mentioned it, it’s more that she was took off guard than by its force. We continued until the bullets ran out, I counted the marks on the tree, 7 struck in a place where if the X had been the center of a goblin's chest the bullet would have hit it.

Not bad to be the first time, in fact, if we remove the first shot I think she did quite well. Kurisu put the safety on her weapon, and we lowered the weapon, I removed my hands from hers to deliver another magazine and continue whit the practice.

Again in the glorious previous position, in a couple of minutes she unload the cartridge on the tree, this time the number of hits was 11/15, for me this was a passing result to be able to overcome a greater distance. Besides, we couldn't afford to waste many bullets.

"W-how was it?"

"I am not an expert either, but I think it is excellent to be the first time you use a weapon, we should try it at a greater distance now"


She seemed to cheer up and gain confidence after I told her my evaluation, so I smiled at her and she responded with the same action.

"Eemm ..."

"Oh, right. If we don't separate it will be difficult to move. It was quite comfortable to hug you so I just forgot."

I said winking as I separated from her and walked to another tree to mark it again. From the side I could see that a red tone began to cover her face quickly, hahaha ... that innocent side of her is cute. When we arrive about thirty meters from the new tree, I speak to her.

"Let's try this distance, do it yourself and quietly no matter if you take your time between shots, just try to get used to it"

It is a pity that I no longer have to hug her, but it is not as if can do it while facing an enemy.


She nodded and walked quickly to where I was. She took a deep breath to calm down and focus, seconds later she pulled the trigger by herself this time without any  help. The shots were heard with longer lapses. At first glance everything was going well, or at least this time she didn't drop her weapon.

6/15, it get down to less than half of the hits per magazine, but considering that the distance is triple it can be a good result. Reloading the weapon she proceeded to try again with a result of 9/15.

"Sorry, I failed a lot this time"

Kurisu apologized , but this time the fact had not affected her much, it must be that her confidence in herself is stabilizing or because we are getting to know each other better and she is opening up to me. Both things are good so they are welcome.

"Okay, in truth I was surprised by your skill, considering that you have never received training for the use of weapons you are adapting very quickly to them"

"Emm ... I'm also surprised, at the beginning I was very nervous and didn't notice it, but somehow I can understand well how should use the weapon and the more use it the more familiar it becomes ... I think it must be because of my ability [Analysis]."

I see it is probably is like that ... also if we add the benefit of my [Blessing of Origin] ability that gives her 2x experience, she have no choice but to improve quickly.

[There you are wrong Alexander, her improvement is only due to her ability [Analysis]]

Eh... isn't it? it says that in the skill description, doesn't it? Or where am I wrong Aurora?

[You are correct that the ability has that function, but that part is active and not passive, also it has requirements that must be accomplished to carry it out]

... I thought it was like that. But if I remember right it was something about having confidence in her, she should be able to comply that condition, right? I feel that I trust her.

[Emotions are complicated, although you may believe that you trust her, however, in a subcontinent manner it may not be so. Wait for the affection or loyalty to exceed 100 in value, that way the emotional ties will be stronger and your subconscious doubts can be eliminated. On the other hand, you will have to perform a small ceremony to activate the ability]

Ceremony? The description says nothing about that.

[You just have to think about activating the skill and it will give you the information]

I do as Aurora says and try to activate the ability in Kurisu, I get the information that to activate it I had to make her profess loyalty for me or love and I had to give her an object as proof that I accept her feelings.

Hell, I truly underestimate the seriousness of what I was asked to activate the skill ... I thought that simply thinking that I trusted the person was enough, but what it is asking me to do is practically like a marriage commitment or a king granting a reward to a faithful subject.

[Getting a 2-fold increase in experience is not a minor thing, so for it be something formal to be granted, is understandable]

But doing that is a bit embarrassing ... well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there, now it's no use thinking about it too much.

If it is only the ability of Kurisu [Analysis] that led to these results, I must say that this is quite good.

"Well, now I should try shooting too"

After hearing me say that, Kurisu stepped aside and I took her place by removing the colt from the inventory and holding it tightly in my hands. The way in which this is loaded is different from the berretta, to do so you have to pull the trigger on the first shot.

Taking a deep breath I aimed and pulled the trigger, used the first shot to assess the feeling of recoil and control the weapon to adjust the aim, then I unleashed the remaining 6 bullets. Eject the magazine, insert the other and fired until it was completely empty again.

10/14, not bad. I only fail the first one and the second just strike the tree without hitting on what would be the body of the goblin around the X the following were getting closer and closer to the target.


Oh, praise me more Kurisu you don't have to be ashamed of that. Who knows, maybe you can even earn something for it.

[... and that is the difference from a skill that can only make a better understanding of one thing then you can get more out of it, and one that when performing an action is as if you did it 10 times]

Yes, I understand. It really is a skill that is practically cheating. Those 14 shots are as if they were 140 for me… well, it can also be considered ecological since it saves crystals would too.

"Let's try it one more time and move on to the rifle"


[Kurisu Loyalty +5]

I told to Kurisu and she looked at me with more respect than before ... I wonder which one would be first at 100 of her,  affection or loyalty? Well, we will find out in the future.

We cannot waste too many bullets in practice, with each shot my wallet also receives an impact on it, so this will be the last round of shooting for the guns, then we will continue or rather Kurisu will continue with the rifle since this will be her main weapon when fighting.

Finishing whit the gun practice, one that would surely leave all military instructors with their mouths wide open if they saw the progress and final outcome of this. 12/15 for Kurisu and 7/7 for me. Then I store the colt and Beretta for now and take out the rifle from the inventory. It is 5 times heavier than a gun, but I don't think it's an impediment for Kurisu.

"This will be your main weapon, I will count on you for support in the rear. The Beretta is more like insurance if a monster manages to pass me and approach you"

"I understand Alex"

She responded animatedly while I give the rifle to her, she was somewhat surprised by its weight after receiving it, but as I supposed she quickly adapted to it. I gave her time to analyze it and get used to it when explaining its characteristics.

"The effective range of the M-14 rifle is 800m, but you better focus on mastering it in a range of 300-400m for now, it also has a capacity of 8 cartridges per magazine so keep that in mind."


In the same way as before, I looked for a tree to mark while Kurisu who nodded to my speech followed me, doing so, I realized that visibility and obstacles to long-distance shooting will be a problem...

We took the approximate distance in which had to practice and without misspent long time she prepare the weapon and aim to the marked tree.

"You would probably feel greater recoil since the bullet's load is greater. Also, don't shoot in a burst, do it after you've aimed correctly."

When I finished my advice to which she pay attention, the explosion of gunpowder was immediately heard. I do not know if it was because the rifle had greater stability and precision or that her experience in the Beretta facilitated make things easier for her, but at a distance of about 350m from the 8 shots 6 of them were accurate. We continued another 2 rounds, making Kurisu achieve 7/8 almost a perfect score.

"Well, that was excellent. I want you to practice more, but it's a shame we can't afford it for the cost of the bullets. Now let's get ready for the mission."


My equipment consisted of [Lizard leather Armor and Boots-J], on the left side of my waist was my short sword [Black Moon-I] and to my right a little more towards the back the colt in a holster, and finally tied in my left leg a bag for two magazines.

As for Kurisu, I bought her [Iron Silk Hood-I] for a cost of 4,000 [G], becoming the most expensive item that I bought, but it was worth it in order to increase her safety. It has a gray color with borders and some green places, and on its waist it had some straps to adjust it to the body. When she changed from the other green one that she used there was a great contrast with this one that made her figure stand out.

There was only one moment where she make me sweat, when I gave it to her she told me a "With the one I’m wearing its fine, besides I’m not cold ", so I had to tell her its advantages and in the end my 4000 [G] were not wasted.

[Silk iron hood-I]

Made from the silk of Iron eating worms that inhabits the mines of said material. Very resistant, with the flexibility of normal fabric.

Skills: [Anti-cut-I] [Anti-perforation-I] [Impact Absorption-I]

"You look good on it”

"T-thank you, it shouldn't have been cheap ... sorry for before. Thanks also for the guns, all three things make me feel calmer knowing I'm in a place like this world"

She said smiling, highlighting the [M-14] held on her shoulder with a strap and the Beretta on her waist on the right part supported by a belt. In addition to the opposite side it had several compartments to store magazine for weapons.

Well, surely if she were in her world and vandals saw her, they would run with sweat and chills all over their body. Well, as a person raised in a mostly pacifist society, it is normal for all this equipment to feel safe and powerful.

"Then let's get going"



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