Soul Evolution System

Chapter 8 VS Goblin settlement (Part 1)[Edited]

"The Goblin settlement is about an hour away. I think it is better to wander around it, waiting for a group to go hunting or something like that. We will exterminate them and will gradually reduce their numbers to finally attack their base. What do you think? "

"Mmmm… I think that’s the best option. Do you know how many goblin the settlement has?"

"I do not know, I haven’t  seen it, I only know its location because of the system map. Its number is most likely to surpass 100 since it is a requirement for the mission to kill that amount, so it must logically exceed it”

"More than 100? ... Will we do it with just the two of us?"

"Don't worry, that is why we will not attack the place directly. In addition, they general strength is that of an average man, they don’t  use sophisticated tools and are not very intelligent. We can do it, we have firearms and as I said before we will ambush Goblin groups with a moderate number of individuals”

"Y- Yes, I will also help by doing my best"

I just smiled at Kurisu and we walked in the direction of the goblin settlement marked on the map, she was attentive to her surroundings, or rather restless. But with my ability [Soul Of The Emperor] that I had been practicing, with a domain of 200m that it had now, I didn't feel the presence of any monster or threat in that range. I consider telling her, but it is best if she get used to being alert. This is a world with much greater danger than the worlds we both lived.

Also, perhaps due to the proximity of the Goblin settlement, the other monsters were driven away or hunted by them. So the only ones around here should be them, by default we are having what would be considered a quiet walk in the woods.

After about 40 minutes we reach 1 km away from the target, this will be sufficient distance for our plan. From here we will circle the settlement looking for goblins in its vicinity.

"The goblin's nest is about a kilometer from here, let's look for goblins around it"


She nodded in confirmation, and then we proceeded to comb through the area to find the little green men. About 15 minutes later we heard some grunts, recognizing them quickly I headed to the way where it came from.

There they were, marching disorganized in a group of about 15 members while creating uproar wherever they passed as if they were the owners of the place.

Fuuu ... 15, I wonder if the three I found the first day were explorers or they got separated from their group? It doesn't matter, we have to end these ones anyway. I turned my gaze from them to Kurisu, she watched them carefully with her body shaking a little, it can't be helped I guess, being the first time she see the creatures that should only belong to fantasy stories and knowing that she will have to face them soon.

"Those green things are the goblin we were looking for Kurisu, they are about 700 meters away and by the direction they are walking they will reach our location in a few minutes"

"Y-yes, I can see them, they really are as described in stories and animations ... I wonder if they have the same habits they say?"

"Calm down, think of them as ducks when you shoot"

"Ducks? But I like ducks, they're cute ..."

"... well, think of them as big cockroaches"

"eeek, now I have chills"

"K-kurisu? Just don't think about anything, empty your mind and shoot when they enter your range."


Well ... I can't blame her for that, since in a second thought having to face one of those insects the size of a big dog is not pleasant. I can tolerate seeing cockroaches, but even when I see them fly they make me nervous with the idea that they would touch me ... Damn it, now even I have chills.

Finishing our little talk I stayed by her side while she took possession of the most comfortable way to shoot. As the goblin approaches I can see small boxes on their heads with the text on their heads. [Goblin level 7], [Goblin level 6], [Goblin level 8]… [Goblin elite level 14].

This must also be for [Evaluation] and the system integrating, right? It's practical. That aside, there is an elite goblin, it will be the evolved form of a goblin I guess. He is a little taller than the others with a tiny horn on his head and instead of wielding a stick he has a rusty sword.

I wonder if he cuts me with it, will I get tetanus or some disease. ... That would be more dangerous than the blade's edge.

[You may have a greater resistance to these, but for now it is better that you take that into account proceed whit precaution Alexander, although if you get stronger the diseases will be ineffective]

Haaa ... Aurora I'm only at level 3, practically weaker than an ordinary person according to the standards you told me, although I don't feel it that way, I don't think I’ll lose in physical strength against Kurisu.

Why would I be more resistant?

[Your body is different from a normal one, it was built with source energy, however, it could be said that its potential is in an embryonic state because it does not have enough source energy. You may think that it is much better than that of others in certain aspects]

"But I don't see much difference ... even a wild boar managed to hurt me."

[The resistance of your body right now is not very different from that of a normal human, your greatest benefit is that the energy that enters your body is purified into source energy.

While the other energies that people handle would be like gases that are contained by their body, it has a saturation limit so that the individual is not affected. In your case, that gas entering your body would be compress it until it solidifies and by the time it is saturated the amount of gas collected would be much higher for being compacted.

You can see it as your body being like a hydroelectric dam in your world, the larger and more water it can store, the number of generators and power of they provide will increase.

Therefore, although there will not be much difference in the first levels since this dam is barely being built, when you reach higher heights you will notice the large amount of stored power]

Well ... I understand that I have a great advantage but unfortunately I can only verify it later, now am the same as a normal person.

During the mental talk whit Aurora, the goblin entered the 400m range from where we were without having seen us. Kurisu held the gun and inhaled and exhaled air to stabilize herself, she looked at me and I returned a nod as a gesture to start. She turned her gaze to the group, removed the safety, charged and pulled the trigger.


On the side of the goblins we could see one of them having his arm detached from his body flying in the air. They stopped due to the sound of the detonation and became surprised later by the scream of their partner.



Before their little brains processed what happened, another goblin was hit in the side being sent back flying by the force of the impact, it rolled a couple of times and stopped on the ground moaning while the blood formed a small puddle.

[Bang] ... [Bang] ... [Bang]

Then hell broke loose upon them when a series of intermittent bullets attacked, those who had no luck lamented on the ground holding their wounds and the lucky ones who were not reached roared with hate to the enemy they desperately sought to be able to vent their anger on it, finally they notice us following the sound of rifle explosions and charged towards us.

While they were running, Kurisu continued knocking down some until she ran out of bullets in the magazines. Of the 15 goblin only 8 remained standing, I don’t know if it was luck or he had greater instincts, but the elite goblin was included among them. Kurisu quickly wanted to fill a magazine with bullets to continue shooting. But I spoke to stop her.

"Kurisu is enough, its okay if you leave the ones left to me"

Finishing my sentence I began to walk calmly towards them who were about 200m from us. Taking my time after several steps I drew the colt, and kept it with its nose towards the ground, they are still too far away to enter the effective range of this weapon.

Seconds later, the first finally arrived, a normal goblin, the elite seemed to be more cautious and ran after the naive sacrifices that charge with enthusiasm, I don't think it was just him being slow.

Whatever, I have to kill him anyway, the order in which they die does not affect the result. He will only earn a few more breaths than the others.

I focused on the first goblin with my eyes and proceeded to activate the domain of [Soul Of The Emperor] that I stopped using to not warn the goblin of our presence. If I had to put into words the feeling it gave, it's like when you see in the anime of One Piece when Trafalgar D. Law activate his devil fruit but obviously with different effects.

The goblin's feet suddenly stopped and he even backed up a little when he saw me, without giving him time to take another step, I shot. What I can say? If he doesn’t move, it's exactly the same as shooting a tree like those I practiced whit. A hole appeared in his chest from which the blood pour in an instant, and as if he wanted to stop it from coming out he put both hands to his chest.

Without continuing to pay attention to him, I focus on the next one, as if it were an instant repetition the same thing is repeated. In a few seconds 7 more goblin were having their last moments. Only the elite goblin remained, who, even though felt the pressure of my ability, endured it better than the previous ones. Besides the fear, I could still see the hate in his eyes when he looked at me after he examined his fallen companions around him.

I remove the magazine, from which I use all of its bullets by storing it in the inventory, and take one from the bag from my leg and insert it. Without loading it, I put the insurance and put it in the case, it was just him and I being the perfect situation I wanted to check how strong it is compared to normal goblin and practice with my sword.

I take black moon and resume my walk in the his direction, who let out loud grunts as I approached, rather than to intimidate me, he seemed to belong to a cornered animal and seeing the stage around us that should be exactly the case.

When I reached a distance of about 10m away from him, he couldn't stand the pressure and threw himself at me, brandishing his blade roaring as if his lungs were going to come out of his mouth.

His movements were faster than those of his peers, but not as if to be astonished by them, they were something I could still deal with. Placing my sword in the path of the opponent, both collided and immediately the superior quality of my sword was noticed since it was embedded from the edge to the middle of his weapon, it’s very likely that if either of us had more force it would break in two.

But even with the advantage of the level of our weapons it seems that he surpasses me in strength, my sword was gradually retreating so took a step back separating ourselves and then making a linear cut. This time it was the turn for the elite goblin to defend.

But before the weapons crashed, I pushed my sword back and placed it on my shoulder pointing to the elite goblin, I lower my center of gravity a little and execute a thrust. The enemy, not expecting for the attack change, was taken off guard and soon the tip of the sword was penetrating his chest.

The elite goblin with all his effort jumped back trying to keep the sword from going deeper into his body, but still the sword managed to reach his internal organs making him expelling blood from his mouth.

He must have thought that if it continued he would die, because suddenly he turned his back on me and started running away. Well, if he doesn’t have the desire to fight, it’s not useful practicing the [Swordsman] skill. I put black moon in its sheath and grab the colt, before he ran 10m away a bullet pierces his head.


He took a couple of steps and collapsed lifeless. With him being the last one his group they have been completely annihilated. 15 bodies were lying on their own blood with some still sobbing. I think at least I should get rid of their pain. With that idea inn mind I approach those who continue to make noise and release them from their misery.


[Alexander Level up to 6]

[Kurisu Level up to 7]

When I heard the System's notification of our level up, a wooden chest appeared in front of the elite goblin's body. Great! Another chest, I will open it later to see what it gives me.

"There is no more danger Kurisu, you can get close, they won't attack you"

After looking around to see if there were more things to appear, good or bad, I call Kurisu informing her that it was safe to come here.

Without taking too much time she walk to where I was, when she arrived and saw the goblins her face paled a little and she put a hand to her mouth somewhat shocked. She missed more than in the practice, but that was something expected because of the nerves and pressure one would face in real combat, let's encourage her as a reward.

"Don't worry, they are not creatures with whom we can communicate and come to an understanding. You did very well Kurisu."


"Well, I'll pick up the bodies. Maybe we can get something from them by selling them when we go to a town or city later."

With that said I started with the elite goblin that was the closest and continued with the others who were almost reunited as they attacked together. Actually the battle was somewhat anti-climactic, I expected a little more because of my first impression of them. But now that I remember it, my problems were due to the wild boar ... well, I said that I was going forgive it since it provide me with food, so I can't continue cursing it.

"What did you think of your first battle with monsters?"

"Maybe because of the weapons I don’t think it was that difficult?"

"You are right it is a great advantage to have them"

Haaa ... with such remarkable efficiency it is difficult not to depend on them, I should find a balance and not neglect the development of my other abilities.

On the other hand, I went up three levels and Kurisu one, I almost reached her and probably when we finished this mission I will have surpassed her.

"Let's get ready for the next fight, fill in the empty magazines. Once you're done we'll continue looking for more groups. We must finish off as many as we can before its leader notices that something is wrong, the elite goblin was smart enough to test us with his minions while he gathered information. It may be a pattern that the greater the strength or the position the monster has, their intelligence developed better”

[That's right, but you could also say that are their instinct that sharpens]

When I listened to Aurora, Kurisu didn't have stopped her hands and filled the magazine. I also did the same and filled the one I had spent. Once we finish talking I announce  the continue of our mission.

"Let's continue"


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