Soul Evolution System

Chapter 72 New plans for the camp

"It is something that worries me and that we have neglected so far. As everyone knows some people have formed their groups and for various reasons have not joined us, it is about them.

If they were only one or two we could ignore them and not worry about that since what they do would not affect us much, but unfortunately, things are not like that. These groups are quite a lot and although we have eliminated those that seemed most dangerous to us, we cannot downplay those that remain "

"Alexander, you won't be thinking about eliminating those people right?"

When I give a small introduction to say the things I plan, the first to react to my words is Soichiro who frowns at the thought of the worst thing to do. Influenced by his speculation, others also do not take it very well, so I answer his question to avoid misunderstandings.

"Soichiro, I am not a demon. I will not attack someone who does not harm me. Besides, as I said at the beginning most of those groups are harmless and have their hands occupied with trying to survive for themselves.

But this in itself is a problem... if the point where they are too desperate comes, they will not hesitate to focus their eyes on us that we are much better than them.

Some may only choose to join us, and that will only can benefit us, but there is also a chance that they will try to attack us to get food and other things. "

"... it is not difficult to imagine that scenario you describe, Alexander-kun. But also as you said, they will not represent much danger as long we are careful, we are much better equipped than they are after all"

With my answer they calm down, really, I am not someone who kills whoever crosses his path ... your assumptions hurt my poor heart, you know?

Yuriko-san agrees with the things I say but she does not seem to be anything to worry about, so I speak one more time to correct her point of view.

"You are right Yuriko-san, a group alone is not something dangerous, but we must assume that they also know it, I don't think they are stupid. What would be bad is for several of these groups to unite against us, if that happens then we will have some difficulties in dealing with them "

"... that certainly sounds like something very problematic, but if you don't want to eliminate these groups, how do you want to deal with them?"

Yuriko-san and Soichiro frown and pout when they imagine what I say, so Yoshioka who had remained silent while listening asked the important question, I looked at the three and answered smiling.

"If we don't want to eliminate them, I think we can only do one thing to prevent that from happening. If they wanted to attack us, that should be mainly because they are forced to do so because they don't have a livelihood to support themselves, so if we avoid that they won't have to think about snatching it from us.

To carry that out, there is an option that is simple and we will also make a profit. We will spread the word that we exchanged some things for the zombie crystals, for them this may be as if we were giving them food since they have no use for it, or at least that is what most people think.

There will probably also be some people who think that the crystals have some use since we are collecting them, but these only have value if we can do the things of the plans that I gave to our technical department, so they are practically useless for them... Well, there is also the fact that I can also use them, but I can assure you that there are no other people like me in this world.

That is why someone can't realize the value of crystals before us, probably if humans have not gone extinct in other parts of the planet, they will also begin to investigate them, but for get results will take years, so for now we can monopolize these.

If some fussy person insists on knowing why we want the crystals, we will simply have to tell them that we use them for research, we will tell that people in our group think we can get an antidote through them to prevent zombification or other nonsense"

While talking about my ideas I take a crystal from my storage to emphasize what I say, the others look closely at it, so when I finish explaining myself, Yuriko-san takes the word again.

"Well, that seems like a good idea. That way we can also improve our relationship with those groups and instead of being able to be against us in the future, we can gain their trust and we could even cooperate on some things.

As you said before, they are quite a few groups, but we still have contact with some, so I don't think it's a problem to carry out a trade between us.

Now we just have to decide what we will offer for crystals and the prices of these products. Besides, as it is true that for others they have no use, we can inflate prices a little and they will not complain "

Oh, it seems that Yuriko-san's true personality woke up ... maybe the Takagi family was rich thanks to her. I could see a glow that arose in her eyes when we started talking about things of business, even her aura changed a little while she was more and more encouraged to say a word.

Well, it doesn't matter. It is good to have someone reliable with whom we can count on that aspect since I am not good at it, for now, I will only suggest some products to exchange and so Yuriko-san takes care of the rest.

"The things we can sell now would be food, commodities for life ... other things we have in surpluses ... oh, it's true, bullets too"

It may be dangerous to market bullets with other groups, but as there are not many of them that have weapons they will not be so many, besides I have an advantage of buying them at a low price, so I cannot miss this opportunity.

Also when I think about the things that we can exchange with the other groups, I realize that in fact, I don't know much about what we have ... it can't be helped since I wasn't missing anything, so I didn't have to think about that.

That is why in order not to be ridiculous while the three of them saw me I start saying what little I remembered ... I feel a little bad being one of the leaders and not knowing that, maybe I should concentrate a little more on the administration of the camp ... no! , that would take away my precious time with the girls, let these three continue to take care of that.

Besides, it's not like I'm just having fun, I also go on expeditions to look for survivors and kill zombies, so they can't complain.

"... I will create a list of the surpluses we have now, but Alexander-san I needs you to take out everything you got from the stores to be able to count it"

"There are no problems, but maybe everything doesn't fit in the castle stores"

"Should we also offer antidotes to the other groups?"

"No! The antidote information should not leave our group. If they find out that we have an antidote, then we will have them on top of us trying to get these by all possible means they have.

Also, that will allow people below the rank of soldiers to know this information and this will only create a disturbance within our camp. "

"Alexander-kun is right Soichiro, the antidote can save some lives of those groups if we sell them, but that can also kill many in our camp"

"... I see and understand"

"We can't do anything for that, Soichiro. We barely have enough to cover the use of the soldiers we have ... but if Shisuka and the biological research team manages to replicate it, then maybe we can provide it to more people."

The most humanist of us, Soichiro, gives that suggestion but is quickly denied by the three of us. As I know that his reasons are because of his fair character, I cannot help speaking at the end to tell him something so his conscience can be calmer.

After listening to me the corners of his lips rise very slightly and he nods towards me, so to be able to proceed with this and carry it out I go to the cellars so that Yoshioka and his men make an inventory of everything.

While I advance to the castle, Saeko comes out of this bringing a blanket with her, then she smiles at me and wraps me with it... I had forgotten it, although I only answered without thinking at that moment about whether I was cold, now I cannot reject her goodwill.

Without any other remedy, I walk wrapped in the blanket until I reach the warehouses of the castle and then proceed to take everything from my storage to fill them. As I supposed, all the merchandise we brought does not fit in these, so we also use an outside area for all things can be counted and after I will have to store it again so that it is not in the open.

Finishing my work I dedicate myself to do other tasks that I had pending, such as Shisuka training. Hours later the day ends with nothing more remarkable and we will all rest in our rooms.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Three days passed quickly from the family meeting of Komuro, in these the most notable things that took place, apart from the daily excursions to the city in search of resources and survivors, were a few.

The first and most important thing to note is that it seems that I evaded my tribulation with Rei ... that had me on hold for the next day after looting the stores. I don't know if she really thought she had a spider on her or just let it pass, but I didn't receive a complaint about it from her.

... she may wait for my guard to come down to take revenge, she has been acting more kindly towards me since then, so this possibility exists. No, let's be positive and think it's one of the first two options, her attitude change will see it as ending the war between us.

One of the changes in the camp is the new building that is being built. After a discussion between the four leaders, the decision was made to create a small school here at the suggestion of Haruna-san who insisted on it.

It was not problematic, in fact, this school helps a lot in the camp, although it is a bit ironic that instead of being for instilling knowledge in children, this is due to something more practical like solved some difficulties we had.

The first thing that helps is that it also serves as an orphanage. The number of children with missing parents or who confirmed themselves as deceased is not small, nor are there any relatives who can take care of them, so leaving them alone was a problem.

So more than a school, it is the home of those children, we just have to hire several people to take care of them 24 hours, which with the increase in population was not difficult. When we announced a position for teachers or women to care for children, quickly we recruited several women who applied for the position.

Another problem that took us off was that with a good number of children in our camp it was a problem that they simply stay without doing anything. Since children under 15 are not forced to work or be soldiers, we leave them careless.

Since they having too much free time there had already been reports by Matsushima of a small group of children that caused some problems, it was nothing serious, but this was increasing. So by keeping them busy, this will probably be reduced.

Finally, some fathers or mothers could not do a job because they had children to care for. With the creation of the Orphanage / School / Nursery, these people were also able to remove that concern.

I will keep this from Haruna-san as secret, since if she knows that the precious work that she treasures to teach children valuable knowledge is used for other purposes, she may get angry.

As for what is taught at school, I only asked Haruna-san, who we put as the director of the place that included survival lessons and how to deal with zombies in the class. As for who would be responsible for developing a manual of this, I delegated that important task to think about to Yoshioka and some captains of the soldiers.

"Alex-kun ~ Ha ... I'm tired of jumping ~ Ha ... can I rest for a moment ~?"

"I'm sorry Shisuka, I was thinking about other things. You can rest in a few minutes later, then we'll go and kill some zombies."

"Ha ... Ha ... Ok ~"

It seems that Shisuka's breasts led me into a trance of remembering past events ... they are certainly mysterious. Well, it also has to do with taking advantage that it was time to train her, I saw how the new tent in the camp outside the walls was going.

That same day we brought the food, Yoshioka along with other people spent the entire night carrying the inventory. Then the next morning Soichiro and Yuriko-san went to inform the other survivor groups that we would exchange some products for the zombie crystals tomorrow.

The result of this store was very good, although I don't know very well the prices that Yuriko-san decided for the products, in the total sale of the first day, I could put more than 30,000 crystals in my pocket.

One thing that helped make the quantity so large is that a crystal has the value of more than 1 for me, but as they don't know it, for them a crystal is a crystal. Also, another advantage I received was that perhaps because the system now considers the others groups my workers or followers because there is an exchange of materials between us, so the zombies they kill are counted for the missions.

"Fufufu, Alexander-kun, your mood has been very good in recent days, don't you think?"

"I can't deny that, if things go well it's logical that anyone will be happy"

"But I had a difficult time, you know? First of all, the name of the store is a bit ... why you had to name it as "Shop of the plant eats zombies" and was it also necessary to put it between this plant?

At first, our clients did not want to approach when they saw the big mouths that could eat them, even the girls who were in charge of attending there, the first day they had to attend to the clients while they had tears in their eyes and trembled. "

Yuriko-san who is sitting in a chair next to me watching the exercise of the girls and the store talks to me when I smiled at the thought of the gains I made in recent days. As for the complaints she has, I can only say that I thought it was a pretty name and it also served as a deterrent for those who came to the store had ideas like stealing from us.

Of course, I couldn't depend solely on the plant for that, although it looks pretty intimidating, as people don't know how scary it is, they can ignore it and try to rob us. That is why with the profits that I have obtained, I spent a little to buy 4 heavy machine guns to place them on the walls today.

When the people arrived to make their exchanges today, they stopped for a moment while watched them and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then they walked slowly to the store trying not to get the attention of the people who handled it to point them at them.

It was also entertaining to see those girls attend to the other people while they watched carefully every movement that made the plant, but seeing them again, I must say that Yuriko-san really is a businesswoman.

These girls have good sales skills, but she also seems to have chosen the ones that looked better. She probably also thought of attracting people by having pretty girls who attended to them... without a doubt, she is a very intelligent woman.

"Well, I thought it would be good as a deterrent for people who come to make exchanges, and they seem to have gotten used to what shouldn't be a problem now."

"Well, you're right, only the first day was the toughest for them. After they saw that the plants didn't harm them and could calmed down a lot."

"Mama! Stop talking quietly and stop this!"

"Hmn? Saya, it's good that you exercise a little, you've been only in the technology lab these past few days and that's not good for your health."

"Mama I hate you for making me do this !!"

"... it's for your sake Saya"

One of the people who did the exercises together with Shisuka, Saya complains to her mother about putting her to exercise. It seems that in a world full of zombies and even if you had weapons with yourself, a person still cannot get out of a mother's yoke... leaving that aside, there is something that intrigues me.

"Yuriko-san ... was it necessary for her to wear sports school clothes?"

"Sure, it's easier to move that way, besides ... it was very necessary if she wants to compete with Shisuka."

"...I see"

The second thing she said I could not hear because she had to say it for herself since she spoke it in a very low voice, but I have no complaints of seeing Saya showing her white legs and her well-defined butt due to the short shorts she wears ... in fact, It's much more entertaining for me that way.

"... maybe I should try to have Shisuka use something like that, no doubt that would be-"

"You can't do that Alexander-kun! That would be a crime for all the women in this camp ... many would cry with envy upon seeing that."

I try to imagine what Shisuka would look like using the same that Saya, but Yuriko-san interrupts my words while she has one of the most serious faces I've seen in her while tells me.

... well, it would be very cruel to make Shisuka the number 1 enemy of all the women in the camp, and I am at the limit of jealousy seeing all the spectators she has attracted.

If she goes out wearing only short shorts, then the amount of these will only increase... and perhaps this beautiful scene that I enjoy can become something bloody, so let's stop doing that.


Hello!! New Chapter and new cover!!

I am not an expert in photoshop but I worked hard to do it, so I hope you like it.

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See you in the next chapter.

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