Soul Evolution System

Chapter 73 Other Survivor Groups

I finished of make that Shisuka does her training, I say goodbye to her and Saya that going to the castle to bathe and clean up all the sweat of their bodies ... ¿ I wonder when the girls let me bathe with them again? Since last time for various reasons I have not been allowed to do it, that is something very sad.

With them leaving, I also send Scythe to her usual work, but she has not sweated from the exercise ... I do n't know if she can sweat? Well, I'll find out later.

She may not sweat, but since her job is to split zombie skulls, she will end up dirtier than Shisuka and Saya so I will have to ask Saeko to take care of her in the bathroom again, as she doesn't seem to mind that, no there should be some problem.

"Another group has arrived to do some exchanges apparently"

Leaving the other girls I stay alone with Yuriko-san to see the operation of the store for a few more moments. As she says, a group of men arrive in some cars and immediately go to it while the one who looks like the leader walks forward while holding a small sack in his hands.

"With how many groups have we had contact so far, Yuriko-san?"

As there was nothing to do, just seeing the people who came to the store, I decided to try to get more information from the other groups we knew. I have met several in the expeditions that we have done, but I only remember one that was made up of only women and was led by a girl with a scar from a knife wound on her face.

"Hmm… we have made contact with many, from some small ones like this one now that only consists of about 10 to 20 people, to other large groups that have more than 500 refugees.

We will ignore the little ones since it is not necessary to be so cautious with them, they do not represent a great danger to us because their weapons are only things like swords or spears manufactured by themselves or that they found somewhere.

There are 3 groups that we could say are the most important, you should know them since I introduce you to their leaders before, the number of individuals that make up these groups and their strength is something to consider.

The first is one that is made up of policemen, so they have their commissary's weapons. The one who directs them is the captain of that division, but by his character, I don't think they cause us many problems since he is a very straight man.

Knowing that we are not doing inhuman things in our camp, we don't have to be worried because they will oppose or generated a problem for us.

They have a camp of survivors on the outskirts of the city, they have rescued more than 500 people ... but I must say that they have reached the limit of people that can keep, so with the opening of our store we have helped a lot. "

"Why do you say they have reached their limit?"

Now that Yuriko-san talks about him, I remember that guy. I don't think he's a bad guy only that his mind is even more closed than Soichiro. He thinks that as part of the police is their obligation to save everyone, that's fine and I have no problem with that, what puzzled me is that when we asked him to join our camp we had a disagreement for a reason that seemed very stupid, so we could only take separate paths.

Which one do you wonder? The guy asked us to disarm all the civilians and leave the protection to the police officers ... honestly, if Kurisu had not been there at the time to stop me, I would have slapped that guy ... who knows, maybe I would repair the head of the man that didn't seem to work well.

"He had the thought that people are divided into civilians and public officials, so with that ideology, the only people allowed to carry weapons are he and his partners.

It is a pity that the number of his companions who survived is less than 50 ... then if you think about keeping more than 500 people with just that number it is very difficult, in addition to that numbers of them they also have to stay some to watch the camp.

Assuming that 30 go out to look for resources, the amount they can get would barely feed those 500 people sparingly. The only advantage of them is that since they have the weapons of the police station, they are well equipped and have good training to use them.

But their other problem was that their ammunition was not infinite and with each passing day they had to spend more, so when they learned that we would exchange bullets and food for crystals, we greatly reduced their concerns. "

"I see ... so the Soichiro-Messiah reached these extremes to maintain his ideals. The situation of the survivors in that camp may have improved, but if he wants to maintain that stability he cannot afford to continue rescuing people and return to increase the number of them...

Perhaps we could also exchange survivors for food and bullets, we will take some weight off the shoulders of some leaders and our population will increase "

"S-Soichiro-Messiah? ... that's a bit hard don't you think, Alexander-kun? Well, it doesn't matter, but maybe that idea is a bit difficult to do. That could make us look like we're buying people ... or even misunderstand it as that we are enslaving them.

That could ruin the reputation we are trying to build with the other groups, and I don't think we should hurry to increase our population either. "

"... you are right that we must implement that carefully, Yuriko-san, but surely many will not mind getting rid of people who are a burden to them and more if they get something in place. For those who think we are enslaving them, we can show them that we will treat people humanely to reassure them.

About the population increase, I think you're wrong about that Yuriko-san. The more people we have, the better. The value of this can go unnoticed just like the crystals, it is because for now, most are more focused on being able to survive each passing day, but the older the individuals in a camp are better.

As long as you are not narrow-minded like the Soichiro- Messiah, you can recruit people to fight zombies. Having many people to fight also makes the camp safer against either the zombies or other groups with bad intentions.

In addition, if we see more in the future, then we will need many people to sow and harvest fields, we cannot always live by looting the food that is in the city, there will come a time when they are unusable or finished.

Other things are that the human in this world did not reach the top of the food chain due to his strength, it was because of his intelligence. If we want to get back to the tip of that pyramid we will have to depend on weapons created by us or at least repair those that others had already been made, and for that many people are needed.

Or just to build houses, walls or anything else, the more people are doing them more quickly they will be ready.

Also, if we take into account that the number of survivors is limited and that for a child since birth we have to wait 13 years to integrate into society, no doubt people have become a very valuable resource in this world. "


Yuriko-san listens to everything I say in silence and after I finish she still remains without saying anything, then she finally makes a nod with the head and speaks.

"Well, I will try to do in the best way the exchange of people for materials so that there is no misunderstanding with the other groups"

"I will leave it to you Yuriko-san, so what are the other two groups that you consider important?"

"Correct, continuing with before. The second group was formed by the most important Yakusa in this city. He may be a criminal, but we can say that he has a certain integrity.

The little I know about him is that he is a person with strong character, but one thing in his favor is that he does not treat survivors who have rescued badly...

If I had to mention a complaint from his group, is that he forces all men to fight without exception, for that reason many of these who are paralyzed in their initiation when facing the zombies for the first time end up dying.

The number of survivors in their camp is about 800 and has more than 300 men fighting. His camp is placing in that Yakusa's mansion within the city, but his number of firearms is very few and depends mostly on short-range weapons. "

"I remember it now... he was the dark-Soichiro, if I'm not mistaken I think the Soichiro of our group had some discussions with him about those things you mentioned before.

But for its camp have 800 survivors it is seen that he is someone very capable, it is a pity that he not wanted to join our group "

"Haa… well, I must admit that they both have some similarities between them, but Alexander-kun, don't make it seem as if my husband was a common person. Besides, that he didn't join us your decision influenced a lot in that, you know?"

I'm sorry about that Yuriko-san, but if I want to remember those guys from now on, I have to use someone as a reference. But she is right, the Yakuza had no trouble joining us, but like the first one, he also had a condition to do so.

He was not as extreme as the first and was not so crazy, he asked to have a position as leader of the camp as we 4. The problem was that I no longer wanted to increase the leaders of the group, also if I accepted that, then other leaders of camps that joined us would ask for the same.

I could only offer him a position as captain of a group of men as I did with other leaders, but in the end he does not accept it. Because of his character, it must be someone who doesn't like being under others, it's a shame.

"So who is the last group?"

"Fufufu, the last group is perhaps the one you remember most, is the one that is made up of only women. Their quantity is perhaps the smallest of those three groups, but these women cannot be underestimated.

Like us, it seems they took the weapons of an abandoned commissioner, so they are well armed and equipped. If I had to highlight something bad about them, it would be that they are a totally feminist group and maybe also that, even though they have weapons don't have the skills of the police group with them.

Personally, it has become a problem for me, every time I have to deal with them they continue to insist to tell me to join them and get all the women out of this camp. The camp of them was located in a school on the edge of the city, they have about 400 survivors, but all are women.

The number of individuals fighting is about 50, with all of them using weapons just like the police group "

So it was the woman's group with a scar on her face, it seems that the leaders of that group received mistreatment of men after the apocalypse and that is why their feminist attitude. For that reason, it was useless at first to try to get them to join us since probably the only way they would do it would be to get all the men out of this camp.

But it seems that Yuriko-san knows me very well to know that would be the only group I remembered fine... but I also didn't expect them to try to remove the women from my group.

Thank God she did not accept, just imagining what it would be like if there were only men in this camp causing me chills ... if that happened I would have to appeal to my last resort, depend on my feminine appearance to join them, although that would probably make me spit blood... but it probably would n't be necessary since I doubt that Kurisu, Saeko, Shisuka and Scythe left me.

It may be a great regret to lose the other girls, but having them by my side would be bearable to be in a group of men ...

As we speak, a group of 3 cars arrives and park near the walls of our camp a few meters from the store where the two of us were. Then some armed men get out of the vehicles, with someone wearing an expensive-looking suit directing them.

"A nasty person has just arrived ... haa, it seems that he has not given up"

I look doubtfully at the man who comes to us, for Yuriko-san's expression of distaste and what she says they don't should be a good group. I don't remember that guy, if he were one of the two leaders we talked about earlier, I think I would at least recognize their faces since I saw them once.

"Yuriko-san is glad to see that you are well! Please reconsider things and do not exclude us from buying from your store! It is not fair that you treat us differently than others!"

When he arrives a few meters away from us, he begins to speak loudly and although his words indicate that he is making a request to Yuriko-san, because of his expression and tone it seems to be rather an order ...

"I already told you, Baka-san. We won't sell anything to your group."

"I don't need food, Yuriko-san, just ammunition will be fine!"

"Who is this idiot Yuriko-san?"

"Little girl! Watch your words, you're talking to who would be the next mayor of this city... that is if this damn apocalypse had not happened"

Before Yuriko-san could answer me, this man gets angry and then introduces himself as if he were an important person.

"Well, I understand that you are just an idiot... you are lucky to have arrived only a few moments after one of the happiest moments of my daily day. So since I am in a good mood, I will forgive you for what you said and let you go. .. I recommend you leave before I change my mind "


"Baka-san, you better go, anyway we won't sell you anything"

"You all will see what happens to you by treating me this way ... especially you Yuriko ... I will take my time especially with you to show you my greatness "


"B-boss ... we better go"

Seeing the discussion between the two sides did not seem to go well, the machine guns above point in this direction. Noticing this, one of the men who came with the type of suit rapidly stops him nervously, then he also sees the weapons that were pointing at us and stops screaming.


Yes, you better get away... I don't want those idiots above to open fire ... Damn! Those are not toys to point near where I and Yuriko-san are! When this is over I must have them severely punished, even I am sweating watching those guns point me.

Those guys start walking in the direction of the cars, so when they take a few steps away from us I bring my hands to my waist and take my weapons.


[Tzun] [Tzun] [Tzun]

Without responding to Yuriko-san shot and the armed men surrounding the one who was wearing the suit begin to fall one by one. Because of the sound and the falling guys he is baffled for a few seconds, then he turns trembling and sees me holding my guns that were now aimed at him.

"A-are you crazy, girl? Y-You killed a group of people! This is murder, they will condemn you for-"

"Come on guy, say something better, this is the fucking apocalypse. Besides, I know that you are not a saint, probably many people died at your hands or for your orders ... even now while you were leaving you should be planning how to attack us from behind.

But for your bad luck, I am not a saint either and I have no problem attacking someone who can try to kill me from the back ... well, I think I explained enough to you, now you can die.

Venus cleans the place, you can also eat that guy. Just do it fast so he doesn't make so much noise for doesn't scare other people here"



That guy and Yuriko-san are confused when they hear my words, but then their doubts are resolved in a few seconds later.

From where the plant is, several vines come out in the direction of the men on the ground and the one who was still standing, then envelops them surprising everyone present except me.

"Haa! W-what the hell is this ?!"



Understanding my previous words by the link between us, the Venus wraps one of its vines around the neck of the guy with a suit and breaks the spine killing it instantly causing he's annoying screams to stop.

"... Alexander-kun, you shouldn't have done that ..."

"... really he was someone so important?"

I thought it would be more annoying to wait for that guy to show his teeth against us and also to the danger that he would represent if attack us in surprise, would be greater eliminate him.

I did not want any of the girls who go on explorations to the city to be hurt by something I could do something before, for that reason I thought it would be better to take care of him now, but it may have precipitated me ...

"No, that guy doesn't matter, I thought he would end up dead one of these days ... it was just a little surprising that it was in your hands ... or for your plant.

He had been bothering several groups of survivors, even the 3 that I mentioned before. The fool was left with the idea that he was still an important person since was previously a rising politician with several connections, so he still thought that could oppress others.

That lived for such a long time is only because he had a group of armed people who got with such connections as their bodyguards when the apocalypse began, with these the very idiot came to places that had cleaned other groups to collect resources and seized of the things that were there.

He may have been ignored to avoid problems, but everything has a limit and his group was already blacklisted by others, so it was no surprise that someone would soon take care of him.

So that idiot doesn't matter much, what worries me is that if you kill people in front of the store you will scare away our important customers! "

... I seem to worry about anything. Yuriko-san looks upset while pointing to a guy who came to exchange crystals that creep along the ground to get away from the plant.

"Don't be angry Yuriko-san, it's not like we have competition. That guy will surely come back after changing his pants ... Come back soon!"

"... in that you are right. Well, I will send a group to go to the camp of the guy that died. It was a close group that did not allow much interaction with others, so I think that what finds inside those who go will not be very pleasant, but there must have a good number of survivors.

I just hope that these weren't too mistreated like others we've seen... although knowing that guy I can't be so optimistic,haa... "

Yuriko-san gets up to do what she said and then I'm left alone, well, at least for me that guy helped me with something. I had promised Kurisu to go for some vehicles that work, it seems that they were already starting to test the engine that uses crystals, that's a good thing to hear.

I also get up to go to the laboratory where she must be to tell her that I already got the cars they needed, while walking to the camp I also collect the weapons of those guys that Venus spits out and put in a corner.


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