Soul Evolution System

Chapter 75 New Camp

Our group spending time on the roads of the city looking for a suitable place to settle and finally we found it, we chose what looked like a company that was dedicated to the sale of construction materials, so it had ample space where we could park cars and It was surrounded by solid walls.

Soichiro's group and mine got out of the vehicles to clean up the place, apart from the guys who have followed me since the high school, also as before I brought a captain with all his squad to follow my orders.

As usual, people who use weapons are responsible for killing the surrounding zombies while those with firearms only watch, of the former the only ones who join the fight are those who have High caliber rifles to get rid of any evolved zombie they discover.

Without many problems after a few tens of minutes, the company's facilities and a little the surrounding area all zombies are eliminated. The exterior is mainly treated by Scythe and Haruna-san's dog and the soldiers along with us take care of the interior.

I had to talk with her before and have her order the dog to follow my orders, so while it seemed to be a bit moody about separating from her I brought it with me.

"Damn dog, you shouldn't complain about coming to help. These days you have been fed by my precious crystals, you know ?"

Sitting in a car hood I complain to the dog that comes and lies down after that the area is safe. Our compatibility is not as good as the one I have with Scythe, every time I go with Haruna-san to hang out, the first thing it does when it sees me is to roar.

If it were not because it is something useful and above all that if something happens to it Haruna-san would be sad, I would have already cooked it to see how good is the meat of an animal that has exceeded the third limit ...

Also, another difference it has with Scythe is that it doesn't bring me the crystals of the zombies that kill, it just swallows them selfishly.

"You don't like dogs, Alex-san?"

Saeko who is carrying what looks like a lunch box asks me when she sees me arguing with Haruna-san's dog. Maybe she is right and partly that is since I never was a person with much interest in them, but I didn't hate them either, so my dislike should only be with the one I still have yawning on my side.

"I don't like or dislike them I think ... but with this one here, it must be because the feeling between the two of us is mutual. Do you like dogs, Saeko-chan? "

"Mmm… I don't dislike them, but previously when I approached a dog or other animals they avoided me, so I think it was I who didn't like animals"

They say that the animals are very sensitive, so they probably felt the somewhat fierce personality that was hidden inside her and that is why they should not want to approach her.

"... they didn't know how dumb they were when they lost your love, so don't pay attention to that Saeko-chan"

"Fufufu, I don't care about that anymore. Now I can pet Scythe and you, Alex-san"

It's a good thing that doesn't affect her, wait… did she just call me an animal indirectly? Well, it doesn't matter, it's very nice when she runs her fingers through my hair.

Saeko puts the lunch box in front of me and then rests with both hands on the car hood, in the next second with a small jump she climbs and crawls until getting behind me to wrap me with her arms.

"Lately you have been paying close attention to Shisuka-san and you have not spent much time with Kurisu and with me, Alex-san. Kurisu-san may not have complained because she is busy trying to do things on the plans, but our group didn't go out much so I didn't have a chance to be with you and I was bored inside the camp"

"I'm sorry about that, Saeko-chan, but I was planning on going to the labs these days. And since I had thought Shisuka would come, I thought it was better for her to get a little stronger.

Besides, soon you will have more time to have fun killing zombies, thought that after getting what we wanted from the laboratories we should also start with the extermination of zombies in the city.

Although we can get rid of this group of zombies evolved now, if we give more time to those who are in the city, we might then not just one group that is formed between them and as each day they become stronger, it will even more dangerous to give them time to continue evolving "

"... clean the entire city of zombies? That would certainly be very good, but ... do you think we can do it with just us?"

"I thought about that and I have an idea ... as you say, eliminating all the zombies in the city will be difficult, but at least we must try to reduce their number drastically"

"Well, I will help you with everything I can"

I lie on Saeko's breasts and take the lunch box to eat, so she happily begins to stroke my hair as usual.

This mission had ignited the alarms in my head, this type of zombies was very dangerous and unfortunately eliminating this one does not mean that they will not arise anymore, so the only solution to reduce the risk is to do what I said to Saeko.

But to carry out my plans, I need first to take care of this problem and we cannot allow many other teams of survivors to be eliminated. Also, we must continue to build a good relationship with the other groups as these will be essential in the future.

"A-Alexander! W-We're done checking the whole place and it's safe now."

When I enjoyed the food and the feeling in my neck, the voice of a girl interrupts my moment of happiness. I know the voice, but the tone with which she spoke to me puzzled me a little ... besides, she rarely addressed me by my name.

Normally she would call me with things like pervert, brat or the combination of both words, besides it would be with a tone of anger and not that of nervousness now.

I direct my eyes to the direction where the sound came from and there was Rei along with the others who were walking here. She has been acting this way since we rescued Haruna-san and Iruka-chan...

I am not stupid and I can only interpret this reaction as two things, one is that she now fears me and that is why she is nervous. The other is that somehow she developed an interest for me ... and for her next actions, this is the most likely.

Rei walks to the car where I am too, then she climbs up and approaches me discreetly, she arrives about half a meter away from where I am crawling just like Saeko before and when our eyes meet her face becomes red. In the next moment, it seems that she cannot get closer because of shame and sits at that distance from me...

I can't understand how this happened, I haven't done anything to get this reaction from her... I can only say that people's destiny and mentality is a total mystery ... is that, or she is masochistic.

Honestly, this is a bit awkward for me. First because of all the girls here she is the only one I really didn't think about developing a close relationship, not even as friends! The other problem is the guy who looks at me as if I stole his girlfriend ... technically he is right, but in my defense I did nothing and things just happened.

"Is something wrong Alex-san?"

"... I was just thinking that destiny is a mystery"


"No, don't pay attention to me Saeko-chan, I'm just rambling. Now we just have to wait for Yuriko-san to finish delivering the radios."

"Yes, but since there are several camps they have to go to, it will probably last a while"

When I say my thoughts out loud, Soichiro and Gloterus arrive after the people in my group and tell me, the latter came as I had promised to help him with his revenge. He, although showed us the fury he felt for the leader of the zombies that attacked them, still retains enough sense and patience and don't request go stupidly throughout the city looking for it, honestly that surprises me a little.

"What happens?"

"I was thought that you would be more upset and asking us to hurry to find the zombie that ended your camp, so I'm a little surprised to see you so calm."

Seeing that my vision was on him, Gloterus asks me. Since I didn't think it was anything bad and I was curious about his actions, I answer him honestly hoping to get an answer to the doubts I had and then in the next second they are resolved.

"No doubt I am furious with that zombie, but I am not going to waste my life or that of other people uselessly either. Besides, now my group you can say that it is now yours, I am no longer the one who gives the orders."

"Gloterus-san, then why didn't you take your men and go look for it instead of joining us?"

Listening to him speak it seems that Gloterus is what I thought he would be, strangely, he still being one criminal is someone who follows the rules or hierarchies firmly, well, probably only those he approves or imposes himself. I think he must be one of those thieves with honor... but for me, that only can be beneficial, so I have no problem with that.

If I give him an order that implies a very high risk of death but with sufficient reasonable reasons, then he will probably carry it out.

The only bad thing is that if you betray such a person, the only thing that can solve that is that one of the two parties dies, but since I don't have a reason to do that, then it should be fine.

When Gloterus answers my question, others also listen interested, so Hirano who was close to him cannot help questioning the reason for his resentful actions.

"Well, kid. You all may have heard my reputation or my old profession and maybe that's why you find it hard to believe. But I'm not an abrupt person or being carried away by his temper, in fact, if I were so, I would probably have died long ago.

Sometimes to take revenge you have to wait for the right time, no matter how long it takes it, as they say, revenge is a dish that is served cold. So no matter how much time you have to spend, the only thing that matters is that you can comply with it.

Also, complementing the answer I gave Alexander ... or maybe I should call him Boss from now on, well, complementing the answer I gave the boss, even if I wanted to go after the zombie that killed half of my camp with the men I still had would face the same problems we have now.

No ... it would be even worse since we were n't as well equipped as your camp. Even if we were lucky enough to find them, we would most likely end up in their stomachs, the swords of our group although they can be very useful against normal zombies, if the person is not skilled with these weapons, they do not offer much advantage with the evolved.

So instead of going to die bravely and stupidly, I agree to treat this cautiously and with a lower risk. You can say that if it were the opposite of how things are carried out now, instead of happy I would be disappointed "

With his words the others seem to change a little the idea they had of him, they probably thought that it would be the same as the classic bully of a school and that is why they are surprised that he had a good head on those shoulders.

For my part, I find it normal, since as he says, acting as a simple criminal would not have taken him to the position of the leader of the Yakuza of this city. If it were the contrary, the most logical thing is that he would end up dead as he mentioned or being the unimportant henchman of another person.

But I must say that when I heard him call me Chief, it was a good feeling ... it was not the same as with those people who attacked us in the hospital, these were simple unimportant people. On the other hand, he was a Yakuza leader, so surely the people he had to call boss in his life are very few.

[... don't let your ego inflate too much so Alexander]

... you're right Aurora, but it's hard to avoid that I feeling like a more important person to hear him call me boss.

We talked to each other for a few more minutes until Soichiro leaves to fix the schedules of people who would be in charge of monitoring the place. Then with nothing to do, I fall asleep in Saeko's arms.

After what it must have been a few hours she wakes me up telling me that Yuriko-san's group had arrived. When her group gets out of the cars, we all go in the direction of the company building and then on a large table she extends a map of the city.

Marked in this you can see several places that also have a number each of these, we did not have to think much to know that it was the location of the other camps ... seeing them I must say that is more than I had thought they would be, It seems that I underestimate people's ability to survive.

"These are all the camps of other people with whom we have had contact. The number next to the place is also the individual communication channel they have on the radio that I gave them. I explain the situation of the evolved zombie to all the leaders that direct others camp and the risk that this entails.

So everyone gladly accepted the radios and let us know if they are attacked or see something out of the ordinary. Now we just have to wait for this zombie to appear and we can handle it and so Gloterus can have his revenge.

Also, something good came out of all this is, some groups upon learning of the annihilation of the Gloterus camp, asked to join MLDW for fear of being the next target of this zombie "

Yuriko-san confirms what we all thought and also gives us the good news that the population of our camp has increased again.

"With this my work here is over, I will go and help Yoshioka-san to process the people who have joined us since he was the only leader who stayed in MLDW. If there is an attack on any of the camps, then the base will report this immediately to you here.

After we finish processing those who joined our camp, my group will stay on the edge of the city in case a camp in those surroundings is attacked ... although knowing that zombie's way of acting, that is very unlikely.

Most likely, he attacks the in-city groups than going to the borders that will leave him more exposed to be discovered, so everyone be careful. "

"Yuriko, you also be careful and don't let your guard down"

After the couple says goodbye, Yuriko-san also does it with the other people here and takes his group back to the base.

"So now all that remains is to wait for us to be informed if that zombie attacks a place"

Everyone agrees to my words and then they decide to wait for the radio to sound ... the only thing that worries me is that this zombie moves at night.

The day passes and then the night falls as I feared, but contrary to my pessimistic thoughts this also passed quietly. There was no one to wake me during the night and then when I open my eyes between the breasts of Saeko that hugging me wrapping in her arms, she makes me smile happily and tells me.

"It seems there was no attack tonight"

I thought she was criticizing me or advising me to be more proactive with her... also don't help the fact that after her words she kissed me.

"Hmmn ~!"

"Kohon ... are you two always are so passionate in the morning?"

So, feeling a little offended as a man, I decided to correct her thoughts by returning the favor more passionately than I usually respond to her kisses, but when things started to get a little hot inside the car where we slept a cough stops me.

When I raise my head and body from Saeko that was lying on her back, I see Rei with a red face, then when we both remember that we were not alone here, Saeko a little embarrassed asks me to get out of the car while I only answer Rei with a smile licking my lips to remove the excess of spittle on them.

I left behind Rei that put redder and looks around, doing so, then I remember we were doing here and I find that the words of Saeko were not a complaint, but referred to other camps ... well, that doesn't matter, it was fun to have an affectionate moment in the morning with her.

So in a good mood, I go to the company building to see if Soichiro is there to ask him what new information he has.


Hello!! New Chapter!!

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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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