Soul Evolution System

Chapter 76 Rescue (Part 1)

I enter the building and see Soichiro sitting in a chair next to the communications machine that someone else was handling. No matter if he was meditating or sleeping I approach him and then ask.

"Has there been any message from MLDW?"

"Nothing relevant, they only communicated to know how we were, but no one from the other camps has reported any zombie attack"

He opens his eyes and sees our group arrive, so what he tells us was what we assumed by not being called during the night.

"It seems we will have to wait longer to see if that zombie makes any movement"


Then we talk a little about how things are in this camp and if everything here works without any setback. In fact, as those who are here are only soldiers who were told that to have that position their only job would be to follow orders without asking why, things here were quite simple and we did not have many complications.

"Alex-san, can you please take things out to prepare our lunch?"

Having nothing else to discuss, I intended to leave to spend time outside and wait for MLDW to contact us, but when I walked to leave the building Saeko called me. Before coming here she had asked me to store things to be able to cook here in my inventory, so following her instructions we look for a place to put them

Then the girls stay preparing the food while the others go out to find a place to wait for the food. But there was only one problem with this ... Komuro was still staring at me without saying anything.

For that reason, I send the others forward while the two of us stay at a distance to be able to talk about the problems we had ... or the problems he might have with me.

" Are you mad with me, Komuro? "

"... Haaa ... being honest at first I was, and you can even say that I felt betrayed, but then I understood that neither have the blame"

When we are alone, I go straight to the point, but surprisingly instead of the claims of him that I waited for, his angry eyes changed to ones of having resignation and a little sadness in them... baffled by what happened a little, I can't find words to tell him, but then Komuro continues.

"I thought I would have some chance with Rei now, but they were only false illusions of mine. Our relationship could never advance from childhood friends and that probably had a lot to do with my indecisive attitude. Then when I wanted to change things it seems that it was already too late, so probably the anger I felt with you was because I didn't want to blame myself. "

"No, you... you can keep trying to chase Rei. Whether she decides to be with, I will accept her decision and don't will hold a grudge if she ends up choosing you, Komuro. So if you want-"

"Thank you Alexander-san, but I have already given up and it is better that I follow my own path, it will be easier for me to make a decision from now ... I am not as strong as you emotionally to compete for her and observe that in the end, she choose you

Don't worry, I don't hold a grudge either for this. We can only say that Rei and I were not destined to end up together, but she is still a very important friend to me, so please take care of her ... if you make her suffer, then you and I will have many problems "

Hearing Komuro give up for Rei I wanted to tell him that he was wrong about us and that he could stay with her. So when the words were about to come out of my mouth I stop abruptly ... I know myself well and know that although I don't like Rei's personality very much, I find her a very attractive girl and even the system had confirmed this by giving me the mission of to conquer her.

Therefore, even if I try to get away from her on my own, but if she does the opposite and wants us to get close, then I will most likely not be able to resist. So I don't want to tell Komuro one thing and that everything ends differently than the words I speak.

That is the reason why my words stop and I end up saying something else than I thought at first, I think that makes her take the final decision is the better, but Komuro intervenes before I can finish what I was talking about and although he had a somewhat depressing expression, I could see in his eyes that he was convinced with his decision.

"W-well ... so you've given up on with the girls... I-I see. Komuro, I hope you find happiness in your new path that you have chosen. I-I have to go, see you later"

"Wait! You've got it wrong, I haven't given up on the girls! Just with Rei ... don't walk away and see me with those eyes!"

After learning that Komuro would stop chasing girls I try to get out of here ... but it seems that it was a misunderstanding on my part and he has not changed his sexual preferences. For a moment I believed that all the rumors had affected him too much, lately, instead of these being forgotten, it was quite the opposite and these are heard more and more in the camp.

The cause of this is simple, now instead of a single little monster, they multiplied to two. Alice-chan and Iruka-chan got along very well from the first moment they met, the truth is that I'm glad for them, unfortunately, there was collateral damage from that union and these were Yamada and Komuro.

A few days after we brought Haruna-san's group to the base, I could see Komuro shed tears of blood as he watched the two girls arguing happily with other girls. The subject, of course was about what happened in the car with Yamada and him ... I can only say that they were both socially massacred.

Because of that when I heard him say that he would give up, I could only think that since everyone thought that about him, he simply desires to experience that route that society had opened.

"It is good that you are still optimistic and think that there is a girl that is waiting for you, if you had decided to go the other route I would not know how to interact with you. Even so, I have to go to another place, Komuro... honestly your reputation is very bad in the camp and I don't want to others seen us together for much time"

"Burn in hell damn!!"

Friends should always tell themselves the truth, although it is sometimes hard to hear... Komuro, is fine and I understand. Although you yell at me when I walk away, I know you do it so that others do not think that we are close ... you are a great friend, I hope to be so good with you as you are with me.

[… Alexander, you enjoy his situation, right?]

... a little Aurora, but that's what the friendship is about, isn't it? To laugh at the things that happen to each one of us, so we can face it with humor, am I wrong?

[Maybe what you say is not wrong, but it is different when you are one of the main causes for the things he is going through]

What are you talking about, Aurora? The things he has to go through can only be because of destiny, I don't think that has such a great power to influence it.

[... well, forget it. What do you intend to do with Rei then?]

About that ... think I'll go with the same ideology as always, that happens whatever has to happen. I don't hate her, but of all the girls she was the least I imagined to have a relationship and her recent change of attitude towards me is something unexpected.

In addition, now I must focus on eliminating that annoying Zombie and then go find a laboratory. Finishing that we must also start with the cleaning of the city, so we must let those things happen naturally.

A few moments later all eat together and then wait for the communique from the base, but it is regrettable that the zombie decided to continue to remain hidden and the day passes without receiving a message from the camp and soon night falls again.

The night is the same as the previous one and we can sleep peacefully, so the next morning I was talking to Soichiro again.

Gloterus on this occasion was also here, but still with the same appearance as before, he seems not to worry that the zombie will appear or not. Looks like that I am not made to be a mafia leader, I cannot remain equally calm and I am beginning to despair that it is not showing itself.

"Although it is not pleasant to hear, perhaps the zombies of that group may be satisfied with the people who ate before. They may not attack again until they are hungry."

"It may also be that they are evaluating possible targets to attack and until that zombie does not feel safe, it will continue to look for more appropriate prey."

Seeing me upset by the wait, Soichiro and Gloterus talk about the possible causes of why the zombie not attacking. Their words seem reasonable to me, besides they worry in excess, although I do not like being here waiting, I will not go and drive everyone around the city without a clear objective.

If my patience reaches its limit, then I will leave them in charge here while I better go to the laboratory for the materials we need, as they are part of my group the mission will be accomplished even though I am not the one to kill that group of zombies.

With that idea in mind, I decided to wait a little longer and if there is no news of that zombie on this day, tomorrow I will return with my main group to the camp to prepare to go to the laboratories.

It was a relief that the afternoon of that day the radio sounds transmitting the message we were waiting for ... maybe I should not be so happy about this since that means that another camp is having a bad time.

"Camp number 16 is under attack ... I repeat, camp number 16 is under attack"


The man in charge of watching the radio responds and everyone who would go to help that camp quickly got into the cars after seeing the location on the map. The place is not removed from us, so it will only take like 10 minutes to arrive.

We leave behind the men in charge of watching this camp and our cars enter the streets of the city. After just over a dozen minutes we arrived at what looks like a school that was the location of this group's camp.

The shots were heard from within the premises, so the zombies had to pass their first line of defense of the walls... also the entrance of this school that was a fence was demolished.

The cause of this was a small car that gave the appearance that was impacted with the fence, as logically the zombies can not drive, there is only the option that this was thrown towards it.

Then standing outside the school watching what was happening was what a person looked like, but with my evaluation ability I could see that it was an evolved zombie type intelligence level 28.

He was not alone, there were also two other E2 levels 24 and 25 force-type zombies by its side. He notices the sound of the vehicles and turns to us, then a few seconds later he starts roaring as he turns his back on us and begins running in the opposite direction to us.

"That damn zombie thinks to run away!"

Gloterus who came in our car at seeing the actions of the zombie, shouts. It seems that he can no longer remain so calm to have the objective of his revenge in sight.

"Do not worry, he will not escape and you will get your revenge. Follow him Yamada"


"Soichiro we will go after those zombies, you will help that camp"

I tell Gloterus to calm down and he makes a nod when hears me, then I take the radio and inform Soichiro of our plans.

You must be kidding, we cannot allow him to escape. I don't want to have to wait another day for it to reappear, and if it escapes, it could become more cautious and make it harder to catch it.

We also have a great advantage now since the zombie is separated from its subordinates who are inside the school, this makes it much easier to deal with it.

Our car advances while Soichiro stops, it is a pity that things do not go so well. The zombies that we follow while running turns on a street that is packed with cars stopped so we can not continue on this.

Without wasting time we got out of the car and we run after them, I was grateful that they were not the agility type and these were not so fast. Rather, the two strength types do not find it easy to walk between cars, so they are left behind.

"Scythe and your damn dog take care of those two !!"

While I kill a couple of normal zombies that were on this street I shout at Scythe, she immediately starts running after them while dragging her new weapon with her when I order... the previous fight with the E2 zombies I realized that she needed one to show all her strength better, so I recently bought it from the system store.

[Blood Moon - H]

Scythe created from magic-steel that was forged with runes during the process for the improvement of the edge, resistance and give it an absorption capacity. The last ability is activated when the weapon bathes in the enemy's blood stealing the vitality of the blood to give it to the user.

[Acuity - H] [Hardness - H] [Absorption-H]

Scythe dragging the weapon that was as big as her height and creating a groove behind it, this looks like a normal scythe, the only difference is the design of a crescent moon on top in the opposite direction which is the blade, also has inscriptions on the metal sheet at the top of the edge.

I would like her to treat it in a better way and she not drag it, it is something that cost me almost 10 thousand crystals ... well, now we will see if it was money well spent or wasted.

The other guy I asked to move just stares quietly at Scythe making her way to reach the zombies ...

"Move bastard! Otherwise, I will tell Haruna-san that you died bravely trying to save a little girl and you will end up in the stomach of my plant !!"

"Hauuu ... Grrr"

I kick the dog in its butt with all my strength so that it sitting quietly watching is pushed forward while making a shriek and then turns around growling ... damn, it shouldn't complain, my foot hurts with the kicking since It felt like a rock.

"You really have guts to kick Hashi ... haven't you thought he can bite you?"

Komuro, who goes down next to the others in the car, tells me that, he may think so, but honestly if the dog attacked me he would only give me the pretext to get rid of him and I think it knows that well, so it only dares to roar.

Even angry the dog runs to where Scythe is, but before it could reach its enemy the two E2 zombies had died from her weapon. This did not look like the same type of zombie that required her a job to kill a few days ago, I think she even takes less than normal...

When the first zombie was within reach of Scythe's weapon, it was split in two vertically from the bottom up. As for the second, I must praise it for lasting longer with her ... two movements, in the first it lost the arm that extended trying to reach her and in the second its head flew off.

"Now I understand, with her, I wouldn't be afraid of a big dog either..."

"Scythe bring me the other zombie alive !!"

Recovering from the surprise of her actions thanks to Hirano's words, I quickly yell at Scythe to chase the zombie that was still running, so she runs after him jumping for various cars.

Then being a few meters from the zombie she throws the scythe in her hands, at first I thought she had not understood me about bringing it alive, but the weapon takes a low trajectory and only cuts the zombie legs to continue until stopping when embedded in a car.

... I can say that Scythe did her job perfectly and I can't complain to her. I asked her to bring it alive and not complete, but the good thing is that I don't have to apologize to Gloterus because she killed his target.

"You don't even think about going through the crystals of those zombies! Scythe brings the zombie and your weapon !!"

While I was concentrating on Scythe, the dog takes the opportunity to approach the bodies of the E2 zombies, knowing what is its objective, immediately prevented by yelling at it, after I see that the dog stops I have her bring the zombie.


"Well done Scythe-chan, but it's a shame you didn't leave any of the bigs so that I can also play with it"

"As I promised here is the zombie, you can do anything with it, but it is better that it be fast, we have to go back and help Soichiro and the others"

"All right"

The zombie roars while Scythe brings it dragging and when she comes to us Saeko praises her complaining a little that she could only fight with the normal zombies around. I turned to Gloterus who was staring at the zombie and then handed him the decision on how to process it.

He draws his sword and digs it into the open mouth of the zombie for roaring causing the tip to come out from the top of the skull, it moves for a few more seconds until it loses all its forces when it dies.


Hello!! New Chapter!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 14 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my patreon so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Special thanks for the review to Gungnier, Hasu_Yodd, aemanz, god466, TetekGede, David_Gayle, Kuro_Gorg, Tonyorobsky, Michael_Garcia_7550.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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