Soul Evolution System

Chapter 77 Rescue (Part 2)

I try to collect the bodies of the three bodies of the E2 zombies, I can not leave them here since only the three are worth more than 600 crystals, in addition to these, they are a better fertilizer for my plant.

"Don't get so mad at him Alex-san ... he must have been very hungry and that's why he did it. I'll tell Haruna-san to discipline him better, so please forgive him"

... but when I went for them, I could only get 2 full bodies and one without a head, the cause? The damn dog that swallowed the head from which Scythe cut it. That is why Saeko tries to calm me down while we go to the other camp.

It is impossible that I give the dog to eat to the plant for the reasons I have already mentioned above, but at least I can punish it for not obeying my words, I do not think Haruna-san complains if it is only this.

In short, what punishment the dog will have for what it did, well, since I can't go too far, it only running all the way until we reach our base.

So I will not allow it to go in the cargo cars where the other men come, it can also thank me since I will help it to have better digestion for the exercise it will do.

As we do not move far from the base we came to rescue, we return very soon to what should have been a school. It seems that with the loss of the leader of these zombies things here also improved a lot, and they no longer looked so determined to attack since I saw some zombies E1 and E2 trying to escape.

"Let's get down fast and kill all these zombies trying to escape, we can't let them go because if we do they could become stronger in the future"

When I get an affirmative answer from everyone, then we get out of the cars to take care of the zombies trying to get away.

When I run to the base 2 E1 agility zombies come in my direction, then when I am a few meters away from them I activate my Limit-break ability and evade one of the claws that attack me and embed my sword in its skull, the second that passes by my side without stopping is taken care by the bullets of my colt that penetrate its neck.

In the meantime, Saeko dismembers an E1 force-type zombie while the others shoot at any zombie within their reach. Watching others fight, I realize that without a doubt one of the most prominent in this type of situation is Hirano who continually opened fire with his rifle to shoot down his target.

After about 10 minutes the shots stop and no zombie is seen around, then we go inside the camp that is equally silent.


[Alexander level up to 40]

[Scythe level up 48]

[Saeko level up 30]

While walking to the door of the school with the others I listen to the notifications of the system, also accompanied by this the feeling of energy filling my body. Well, we eliminate all the zombies were evolved so it is not surprising that niveláramos, with this I came into my room and Saeko limit in the third, also Scythe is moving ever more to the fifth ... ¿ I wonder if you change something in she when she went through it? It is not something very far so I will have that answer soon.

[Mission / Optional "Prevention of the emergence of a zombie King" - H - Complete

Intellect-type evolved zombies have the ability to gather other zombies that evolved in other aspects under their mandate. If this is allowed to develop long enough, it will not take long for it to have an army of zombies to annihilate all the human groups around it.

It is better to kill these types of zombies as soon as possible and prevent them from becoming a greater threat than they already are.

Objectives: Finish with at least 30 zombies from that group 30/30

Kill the Zombie leader 1/1

Reward: 5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

System Store Extension: Objects (Electronic Components)

Additional Reward: 5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

2x coupons Vehicles [I]

1x coupon Vehicle [H]

Failure: Death, Destruction> 50% of camps: Current camps 90%, Escape from zombie leader]

Immediately I also hear the notification of having completed the mission, at other times perhaps the rewards would have moved me a lot, but now they can only be a small increase in the strength of the camp. The good thing is that it opened a new extension in the system store which will save me and facilitate many things.

Upon entering I can see Soichiro and his men, I look around the camp and also can see many armed women comforting others. As it is not very normal for a woman to decide to fight in any camp, that includes ours, I realize that this place was the group formed by only women.

I thought the zombie leader would choose a smaller camp to attack ... but maybe it tries to eliminate the bigger ones first and then continue with the others that would be easier.

"Did you end up with the zombie leader?"

"Hmn? Oh, yes we did it. Gloterus could get his revenge."

While looking around Soichiro and the woman with the scar on the face that is the leader of this camp approach me. Then the first one asks about how it was on our side, I turn with them and answer with a smile.

"Well, it's good that we were able to eliminate that threat. Also, it seems that Rina-san's group didn't suffer so many casualties."

" many women died?"

"Of my sisters who fight died 14 and since the zombies were able to enter, of which they do not fight they also died 23 ... what's up boy? Are you going to say that is this why women should not fight? That we should only wait to be defended for others? "

"No, I don't care what the gender of the person fighting next to me is. But if you ask me what I think of a camp of only women, then my answer is the same as I told you the last time, no it is something realistic for the long term "

Watching Rina say the casualties, perhaps remembering our old discussion when I asked her to join us, she asks a few questions with a mocking expression on her face. That is why I answer with the same words as before, I have no problem with women fighting, in fact, if the person has a gun in their hands I do not think that gender matters much to simply pull the trigger.

"Tch, don't think I don't know that in your camp also use women to only satisfy the men in your group. When I went to exchange crystals and Yuriko showed me the camp with the intention of convincing me to we joined, I saw women who sold themselves for food! "

"Oh, that. You're right, there are prostitutes in my camp, it's not something we hide, but maybe you're getting confused in something, nobody forces them to do it. If they do it, it's simply for two reasons, first because they want to do it and second because it is profitable.

Besides, those girls surely live much better than the normal citizens of our camp. Probably when you saw them didn't see them suffering, right? "

"Then why you don't just distribute enough food so they don't have to do it!"

"You can go and ask how the food is distributed in my camp, I cannot say that it is fair for everyone since there are three social ranks, but I can assure you that it is much better than in other camps, so if they did not want to do it then could still Survive with the livelihood we provide to people with the lowest rank.

You can be sure that in our camp people who do not have any work are still treated better than in comparison to other camps, and that is despite the fact that we do not have to feed a few hundred people, but thousands of mouths.

In the sense that your camp is only women, you could prevent your camp from expanding greatly and making it easier for you to feed them. But that right, we are not talking about your camp now, but mine.

So returning to it, people who do nothing in this only have to be able to survive, those who work can have their stomachs full every day and live with certain comforts, and who fight are those who live better, it is that simple, that is why the difference in treatment that each person receives is for how useful they are, not for their gender.

Also, before you have a misunderstanding let me clarify that in the jobs we do in the camp prostitution is not included. That was chosen by some women who saw the opportunity to live more comfortable doing that and we the leaders have no reason to stop them if they decided so"

"... you can say whatever you want, but you can't deny that it's mostly your soldiers who use their services!"

"Yes, that is true too, but that is due to two things that are present in all camps. The first is because those who fight have more preferences and are the ones with more resources, this must also be the same in your group although be only women right?

The second you and your sisters who fight must also understand it... going out to fight with zombies is something mentally exhausting, to be thinking that you can die in an expedition is not something simple.

That generates stress on anyone and in large quantities. So as you know there aren't many things to be able to disagree with this... hehehe, let me ask you. How many of your sisters had to play with each other even though they are not lesbians? Do not worry, I do not doubt your sexual preferences, I am sure that is because there are no men here and the simplest way to combat stress is to transform it pleasure"


By my words, her face and those of her companions who had approached blush. I know she wants to refute what I say, but when she sees the expressions of the women in her group and besides that she can't stop her own expression from exposing her, she remains with her mouth open without saying anything for a few seconds until at not is able to bear more the eyes of others and then yells at me.

"Y- you have also fought, so you must have done it to maintain your sanity in this world, so you cannot criticize us for that!"

"... being honest my limit to withstand stress seems to be something high, so I have to contradict you and tell you that I have not had to resort to that. So when I interacted with a girl in my case it's just for fun "

Hearing Rina's words most of my camp sees me with interest to see how I answer, they seem very interested in my sex life ... so I respond to everyone's curiosity. Although I don't think they are very surprised since them many times have seen me when I'm playing with the girls ... especially with Shisuka and Saeko.

"Tch, you're just a brat, don't fool anyone by pretending you have experience with wom- ..."

Rina doesn't believe my words at first, but after seeing Saeko's face that turned red and she lowers her eyes from what I said earlier, she stops her words to exchange her gaze between Saeko and me several times.

It is a pity that I have not advanced so much between the girls as she may be thinking, we have only reached the level of kisses and caresses. In part, it is because I do not want to deepen our relationship with my current physical age, but it also seems that the girls have reached a consensus between them so as not to have sex yet ... perhaps for the same reason.

It is also mainly because the only girl with whom I have been able to confirm that we are in a relationship is Saeko. Kurisu still can't decide to take a step forward to accept a polygamy relationship, so we haven't made much progress.

Shisuka has a simpler and at the same time more complex problem, in her case, she does not decide to see me as a man or a little brother to care for. With Saya, it seems that I attract her but she is a girl who is easily ashamed of these issues ... but I think that if I am a little more proactive as I was with Saeko it will not be difficult for both of us to have a relationship of lovers.

I thought that they would be the girls with whom I could develop romantic feelings for now, but Rei apparently also wants to join to this complex equation that I have to solve in the near future... no, I can't lie to myself, there are other girls I have shown interest, but there are more complications than with the girls I just mentioned above.

For example, Yuriko-san and Haruna-san... the first one I may not have to include her since her husband is standing in front of me... the second, of the two great social impediments that allow us to be together as with Yuriko-san, she only has one.

She is a widow so I don't have to worry about being criticized to chase a married woman, so there is only the age difference between us what can be a problem, but that doesn't worry me much, in fact, I don't care what the others think ... I'm only worried about what the other girls could say.

But I don't think they complain much about the age of the woman I try to conquer, they themselves are physically older than me. The problem with Haruna-san is that she has an obstacle as big as a husband, it is her deeply rooted motherhood, for that reason I don't think she stops seeing me as a child.

Well, since I'm in no hurry to eat the girls that's not something that bothers me for now. Besides, if we see the little time we've been together, I think it's too soon for that. So I can be satisfied with the level of achievement of our relationship, we'll see how things develop more forward and how many girls I can realize a relationship of lovers.

Putting my inner thoughts aside to prevent Saeko from being ashamed more, I continue with the conversation that had with Rina who was still looking at us with surprised eyes.

"Rina, I don't say that a camp of only women can't work, it's just that why you formed it that will make this group of women end up with they leaving it in the future for themselves.

If you had made the camp with the idea of ​​gathering only women with preferences for other women then the union between them would not disappear, but look around, not all of them hate men "

By my words Rina lifts her face and looks at everyone around us, there were men in our group who talked normally with the women in her group, you could even see them happy while they were talking at a very close distance.

"The vast majority of women here have preferences for the opposite sex and you will not be able to change that mentality in them as much as you want. You can make strict rules to avoid this, but in the end, you will only gain discontent from your own followers.

It is true that many women have suffered a lot after the apocalypse, but not for this I believe that all men are bastards and all women are holy.

Also, as I told you before, Rina, it's better that you let go of the past, that will free you more than resent against all the men in the world. In the end, the only one who would be glad to see you in this way is the guy who hurt you, for him to see that he was able to mark you so thoroughly would be a great achievement. "

"... we thank you for your help, but it's time for everyone the men to leave."

"… Well, we will leave. But we will take the zombie bodies as payment to help you, okay?"

"… Ok, why not? you all can help to clean our camp before leave"

After my words, she remains silent for a long time looking at me until finally speaks, but it is only to end this conversation by not wanting to continue with that topic. I also don't insist because I could only make her angry, so I only ask for the zombie bodies as a reward for help.

She thinks about it for a moment and accepts, although her words are a bit harsh I don't care and respond with a smile to her words. For her, they may only be about 70 crystals, but for me they are more than 7 thousand since they are all evolved zombies.

"You heard, pick up the bodies in a car to transport them, when we finish we will go to our camp in the city"

I put my eyes on Soichiro, he nods and then gives orders to others to start moving. Since there are not many bodies, they are quickly stacked in a freight car.

"Then we will leave Rina ... think about what I told you. Besides, I will probably need your group's help soon, I will contact you on the radio when the time comes"

"... I'll do it brat, are you happy now? About the help, as long as there are benefits to our group I see no reason to refuse"

Receiving confirmation from Rina, the cars are driven through the streets towards the base in the city, I take my face out the window of the vehicle where I was going to see a dog running behind us, seeing it, I smiled and returned to my position inside.

"Yamada accelerates, let do that damn flea costal run more quickly, it will be good for it so it can not put fat by spending most of the time lying in front of the building construction of the school in MLDW"

"... you're still upset with Hashi? Was it just a crystal ..."

Being his mother's pet, Komuro comes out in its defense. The crystal is not mattered so much, but it dared to disobey me even when I told it not to take it, so I must make it clear who is in charge so that this does not happen again.

Yamada looks between Komuro and me for a few seconds and then ends up stepping on the accelerator... Komuro your boyfriend has betrayed you, or may he be the alpha in their relationship? Well, it doesn't matter, at least he is smarter than the dog.

It didn't take us long to get to the camp, but we didn't stay for long, we just arranged things so that a team of men stays here to watch this place. In my future plans, it may be helpful to have a camp in the city, so it is better to keep it for a while.

After several dozen more minutes in the cars, we arrive at MLDW, get out of the cars and let the men go to rest while I, Soichiro and Gloterus go to report on the success of the mission to the other leaders.

Finishing to inform them I plan to rest for a while and then prepare things to go out to look for a laboratory tomorrow.

When I and the other leaders met and talked for a while for our next goals, we decided that a team would see the surroundings of the military base of this city. If things look reasonable, then they will try to plunder the place.

Soichiro offered to do so, so it also seems that he will go on an expedition tomorrow to the military base. I hope he finds good things, at least armored vehicles, of course, many weapons too.

That way I won't have to get things from the system to arm our camp and my pockets wouldn't be affected for a while, so I could save a little more crystals.


Hello!! New Chapter!!

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