Soul Evolution System

Chapter 78 Unforeseen

At this moment I should be going to the laboratories, but the plans do not always work out as one would like. That morning I woke up with that idea in mind, then something unexpected came up at the camp ... or I should say two unexpected things.

A large wild boar under the mountain back of the camp, this in itself was not a big problem, it died quickly by the shooting of some soldiers who guarded the surroundings. So it only caused a small tumult in those who saw it due to its large size and the sound of the percussion of weapons of those who heard them.

It was easily more than 3 times the size of a normal wild boar, the cause of this is precisely what you are thinking, it was an animal that had broken its first limit. When I used evaluation in it had a level of 16... it seems that as Aurora said, the animals are also evolving.

As if we didn't have enough problems with zombies now we also have to worry about this, haa...

Well, not everything is so bad, there is the advantage that at least this meat is edible, so when I get to the place where the dead animal was, I keep the wild boar in my inventory and then use decomposition in it. As it would be cruel to take over all of it, I decided to leave a little to the castle stores for other people.

That was when the second unexpected thing happened. When I got there, I found one of the women in charge to take inventory of the stores discussing with a team of soldiers who had just arrived from an exploration.

" How the hell do you are thinking to bring these things here? !! Do you find them useful for anything? !!"

"B-but the list of things to pick up includes clothes..."

" Do you see anyone wearing this type of clothing in the camp? !! For these things, there will be no coupon !!"

"D-don't do that Demi-san, please!! N-nana-san is waiting for me tonight !!"

"As if I care!"

I must say that the girls put in charge of the wineries of the castle have a lot of character... well, it is also because they have a lot of support from all the camp leaders. So, if it is known that a soldier has treated them badly, he will be severely punished, may even be degraded as a refugee.

But seeing the things the girl shouts at him, the soldier must be at fault for having brought something useless.

The coupons that Demi talks about are the replacement of the money used in the camp, it was a bit difficult to continue using only items such as bartering to trade here in the camp,

Besides, we do not have to worry because they are falsified since the paper used for them is one that I obtained from the system that cannot be obtained in this world, so with special equipment of the same origin they can be checked to verify its authenticity. Although I may extra worry since I don't think that many have the guts to create fakes with the strong punishments announced, but well, as the price of those materials was minimal I really have no complaints to buy them.

Returning to the topic of their discussion, because of the context of what the soldier says, he must be a regular client of the pink zone and that Nana must be a prostitute... I also want to meet Nana-san.

"What happens?"

"A-Alexander-san !!"


As my goal was to deliver some parts of the wild boar to the winery, I continue to approach as see what happens, so when I reach a few meters from that group I speak to them pay attention to me and then do what I wanted quickly to be able to leave.

...but I only get a slightly exaggerated reaction from everyone, the girl stands straight while looking at me with admiring eyes and the group of men puts themselves in a firm position making a military salute, this is due to Hirano's orientation, the bases that he implemented when was in charge of training the soldiers should continue to be used.

This is how celebrities or important people should feel… I am not going to lie, it feels good to be treated in this way. I nod with my head so they can relax a little and answer my question, therefore the girl in charge of the inventory speaks.

"T-this ... these guys brought some useless things, so I just told them they wouldn't get paid for that."

"Useless things?"

"S-sorry, sir !!"

After my words, the group must think that I was angry, so they speak by apologizing right away, but the truth is that I was only curious. I look at the items that are on the table in a big box and I get paralyzed when I see it… a few seconds later while I still look at the box, ask.

"... they brought this?"


"We really regret it !!"

The men who saw my reaction trembled more, so when they hear my question, it seems that the nervousness of one of them reached the limit and falls to his knees and when the others see it, imitate him with the same action.

"I don't know why you are so afraid of me ... well, it doesn't matter, I'm not angry. You, pay them three times what you usually give them... I'll take the box"


"O-Of course Alexander-san !! Did n't you hear it? Thank him quickly and come to pay you!!"

"Y- Yes, thank you very much, sir!"

I take the box and store it in my inventory, but since now the girls were giving them the coupons I have to wait to deliver them the wild boar. The good thing is that it does not last long, the group forms and greets again, then seeing them being so devout I can not help taking a piece of meat from my inventory and giving to them.

"Take it, divide it among you all, you will surely enjoy it a lot... also don't bring back things like this since they are not necessary, this time I will only make an exception "


With that, they go even more lively. It is natural, it has probably been a long time since they could taste fresh meat, although they do not know that it is of an animal that exceeded its first limit, so it will even be even better.

Because of the treasure they brought me, I shouldn't be so stingy with them, I probably enjoy this more than the meat of the wild boar...

"I don't know if you found out, but the soldiers killed a large wild boar recently, I came to deliver it for storage... a part of it. Put it as an exchange with a high price since it is fresh meat and I guarantee that its flavor will be the best that anyone has tasted in their lives "

"T-then you should keep it for you Alexander-san and the leaders!!"

"Do not worry, I will give their share to them, it is good that someone who has savings and wants to enjoy it to do so"

"I see, understand!!"

I deliver some parts of the wild boar to her, so along with other girls carry it inside. Minutes later the girls come out again to say goodbye and that the work is done.

"Okay, Demi, then I'll go... take this, share this with your partners. You will see that I don't lie when I say it's very good."

" D-do you know my name? !!"

I was going to leave, but I remember that they saw the box... it's nothing bad, but I don't want strange rumors spread over me like with Komuro, so it's better for them to forget this now with something that leaves a greater impression and for that, I also give them some of the wild boar for them. When they tasted it, they will surely forget what happened here and then I will not have to worry about anything.

I answer her question with a smile that makes her blush, I don't need to tell her that I just heard it before, I turn around and leave the cellars.

"I-it's not as scary as they say it's him, don't you think so?"

"Yes, I think he's super cute!"

"B-but others say he killed people just for fun..."

"That can't be true, and if Alexander-san killed someone, for sure he deserved it."

"Yes, I've heard that of the 4 leaders is the one who most has helped to build this paradise!"

"But others also say that he's a womanizer... so maybe you should be careful Demi-san"

"I do not care if he is a womanizer! If I had the opportunity I would like to be with him... also, have you not seen the other soldiers? Most of them spend it their free time in the pink neighborhood when they have the opportunity"

"It's true ... I've even thought about becoming a prostitute because of how well these girls are living... the only problem is that I have a husband"

When I retire a little they start talking and apparently there are also rumors about me that are spoken in the camp... I wonder who created them? Well, they are not so bad and I can live peacefully if they are just those.

Now the important thing is the two treasures that I obtained, there is no other option than cancel the expedition for tomorrow since at this moment I only have one thing in mind and until I put it into practice, I will not be able to take this idea from my head.

With that in mind, I go to where some of the girls of my group are doing their job to inform them that the expedition will be postponed for the moment and leave what they are doing because there is one more important thing to do. Then I go with each of them and ask them to meet us in my room.

After several minutes of waiting, I am in the presidential suite with a large group of girls gathered... it is a bit intimidating to see so many women here.

" Did something happen or do you need anything to do the expedition of your group, Alexander-kun?"

"I don't know if you all heard it, but the soldiers killed a great wild boar that came down from the mountains"

While contemplating the flower garden in this place, Yuriko-san takes the floor asking me and then all the girls concentrate their vision on me, so I respond by informing with the resentful fact that happened in the camp.

"A wild boar ?"

"It is the first time I hear it"

"Is someone hurt~?"

"Yoshioka-san informed me, but I heard it was quickly resolved. Did something happen later?"

"Yes, I also heard it"

"No, it's as you say Yuriko-san, it was resolved immediately without having anyone hurting and there were only a few scared people, but they also calmed down when they saw the boar shot down.

But since we have the meat of the wild boar and I just picked this up in the stores, I think we should have fun for a while. We've been very busy the last few weeks, so I thought it would be good if everyone has some fun and can relax today!"

Speaking of the wild boar, the first to react is Haruna-san who bows her head while she speaks… she is probably thinking that it is a cute animal because when I say that was killed she is saddened a little.

The next to speak is Kurisu that for her, this information is new and she did not know it, but it does not surprise me because like her, the third person who intervenes, Shisuka, spends almost all the time in their laboratories lately.

After the words of Yuriko-san, Matsushima who is in charge of the security of the camp is the one who continues the conversation. For the previous reason, if she did not know about the wild boar it would be stranger, but I am glad that she is someone serious at her work.

Since these last two people frown thinking that perhaps something else happened, I speak so that there are no misunderstandings and explain the reason why I gathered them together. Then at the end of my words, I take out my inventory the box by placing it in front of all of them and immediately afterward everyone's eyes are attracted to it.


Seeing what is inside the box, Rei speaks. That's right, they were swimsuits. With the meat of the wild boar and these, I can only think of one thing... have a party in the pool of this castle.

"Yaaay ~ we can swim in the pool ~"

"Yes, Shisuka-sensei ~"

"... maybe as Alexander-kun says it's good to relax a little"

"… Yes, but it's been many years since I used a swimsuit, I wonder if it will fit me?"

The younger-minded girls rejoice immediately, they were Shisuka with her two disciples ... yes, her followers grew into one more with the arrival of Iruka-chan. Alice probably came here following her teacher or with Haruna-san who brought her daughter.

Besides, Haruna-san, I can assure you that you would undoubtedly look great in a Swimsuits... it is a great sin to think about not showing me that great body of yours thinking that by being a mother you would lose part of your sensuality.

"I think Alex-san is right and we should have fun today."

"Yes, it's a beautiful day after all, the sky is clear and it would certainly be nice to enjoy the sun's rays in the pool"

"...I agree with everyone, but I know that Alex surely does it for reasons different from what everyone has said"

Saeko and Saya like my idea and approach the box where other girls were already choosing swimsuits... Kurisu seems to understand my thoughts well and looks at me narrowing her eyes for a few seconds. I can only make a wry smile in response, but perhaps knowing that she could not change my personality, she only sighs and goes along with the other girls.

"Well, it's not something from the other world that boys get excited to see girls in swimsuits. Nor do I think it's such a bad thing... I have more trouble wearing a swimsuit with all of you... it's something unfair that our bodies are so different "

"...I understand you senpai... all of them have unusual physical proportions... I don't want to be in the same group as little girls"

"Don't worry Asami-san... I've been through my growth stage, so you won't be the only adults in the pool with small breasts..."

"That doesn't matter, let's just choose a swimsuit that makes us stand out a bit!"

I thought Matsushima would be an ally in Kurisu's point of view, but it seems she doesn't have much trouble to go to the pool. From what she says it bothers her more to have to compare herself to the other girls than the fact that I am there.

Then after hearing Matsushima's words, an alliance seems to form between her, Asami, Niki and Misuzu. I can only say that either between men or women it seems that the question of size is a matter of regret or happiness ...

"Saeko-san, I think this swimsuit will look great on you"

" Do you believe that, Yuki-san? But isn't it a bit small?"

"" Shisuka-sensei ... we still haven't found a swimsuit of your size""

"It's not fair ~ why there are no beautiful swimsuits of my size ~"

"Shisuka-san is very unfair to you complain ... your words hurt the hearts of many people ... especially of us 4"

"Haruna-san I think the color of this swimsuit fits well with you"

"But you don't think is a little daring, Yuriko-san?"

"Mmmm ... then maybe I should make Saya use it"

"Mom! Of course I won't wear that !!"

The girls start a battle choosing their swimsuits, they even seem to have completely forgotten about me. As it will surely take a long time to them choose, then I just take a short-swimsuit and decide to go down to the pool to wait for them.

It will certainly be much better to be a surprise which type of swimsuit they chose and see them wearing it. With that in my mind, I start to go down to the pool to wait for the girls to come... everything indicates that today will be a great day.

I arrive at the large pool of the castle and observe the surroundings, as any luxury hotel has a good number of sunbathing chairs around it. It is good that I decided to order to clean the area and that people were giving it maintenance, the day it will finally have use has arrived.

Well, it's not like it's banned for others to use, in fact, soldiers who live in the castle have the right to hang out here. The problem was that there was no fun in coming to the pool until now since most of the soldiers are men, it didn't make sense to come just to contemplate the bodies of other guys.

For them, it was much better to go to the pink zone to spend their free time... no, I think some married couples came to hang out, only being so few that is very sporadic for someone else comes here.

Of course, since I was thinking of being the only one to enjoy this moment, I said that I would use the pool and did not want anyone to approach this area, so the people in charge of keeping the castle clean quickly accepted my request and took care of the preparations, this is one of the advantages in being the leader of the camp.

After changing with the swimsuit, I sit in a chair to wait, it's a shame that the first person who comes in here is not a girl...

"... What are you doing here?"

"... my litter sister went to tell me that you would have a pool party... leaving that aside, you need to put soldiers next to the doors?"

"...I try to prevent unwanted people from entering, it was to keep the girls safe... but it seems that those guys are not doing their job"

"Hahaha, can be said that was thanks to you, as we are part of your group there are not many soldiers who dare to block us"


Komuro, Yamada and Hirano come in wearing a swimsuit, obviously, they were thinking of participating in my pool party... I didn't think that my own power would turn against me, this is what Goku should feel when the "Kame Kame Ha!" is returned to him.

Let's think positively, I can't be cooking and having fun with the girls at the same time and neither I can put them to do it, so they will be the cooks of this party.

"... that smile of yours has never brought me anything good... you're thinking of something bad, right?"



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