Soul Evolution System

Chapter 81 The military barracks

After receiving the news that Soichiro was trapped in the military barracks, with great pain in my heart I had to stop the party at the pool to go to help him. Curse! I wanted to apply bronzer to Yuriko-san and Haruna-san!

...and to the other girls too, but since I had my fun time in the pool with them, I wanted to concentrate on doing that to the sexy moms... well, I think I received a bad karma for those thoughts, as it would not be appropriate to have fun with the wife of another man while he is risking his life outside.

When I finished putting on my leather armor and the others conclude preparing their weapons in addition to putting on their carbon tube suits, we go outside the castle and board the cars to leave.

Haaa ... from being in a pool surrounded by girls in a swimsuit, I'm now heading to a place full of rotten zombies. In truth, one does not know the plan that life has.

"...I hope my dad is fine"

Saya who is close to me sighs with a slightly worried face.

"Don't worry Saya, your dad will surely be fine"

I turn to Saya and encourage her while smiling.

"Yes, thanks Alexander-san"

Soichiro must be fine, how good my reward will be depends on that, so it's better if he stays alive...

I wonder what kind of reward Yuriko-san will give me... Seeing her smile when we were leaving, I can't help but imagine several elaborate scenarios which could be possible.

"Alex-san, you're drooling"

Saeko who also is next to me takes a handkerchief and cleans my mouth. This is not good, I must concentrate since we will deal with a zombie horde, it is not as if we are going camping.

"Alex, you shouldn't be fantasizing about the wife of a person who is having a hard time!...

Besides, I don't know what Yuriko-san was thinking telling you that, she's a married woman!" Saeko tells me while smiling,

"Haaa ... my mom surely wanted to motivate Alexander-san, that is her way of joking with the people she has confidence in... although there aren't many people who fall into that category, so she rarely jokes"

Kurisu scolds me and complains about Yuriko-san... maybe because the times we have been together now she now knows what I have in my head... that makes me happy and scared at the same time. Also, Saya please do not kill my poor fantasies, let them grow and develop happily and these may come true if I water them with my dreams and hopes.

On the other hand, since Kurisu and Saya of them had not left MLDW recently, I thought it was a good opportunity for them to increase their level a bit. It is good that they did not make any complaints about coming with us. Saya joined, obviously because her father is involved in this and with Kurisu... She probably decided to take the day off and did not seem to care.

I must say that Kurisu is really someone who is passionate about science. After giving her the blueprints, there were days that she concentrated so much on them that she does not even come to sleep in the presidential suite. Although that is a bit sad for me, it is good to see her being so serious about it. Miyamoto told me that, if it weren't for her, the development of those blueprints would be 10 times slower.

Saya also helped, but perhaps because of the age difference, she is less noticeable than Kurisu. After all, being two years younger means that she has two years less experience, and it also seems that her intelligence is inclined toward different aspects. But she's still quite capable since she has also helped that department a lot.

While I was thinking about those things, the cars are moving steadily towards the military headquarters. After more than an hour of driving, we got close enough to hear the echoes of the constant shots ringing throughout the area.

After a few more minutes, we could only see groups of zombies after zombies in our vision... It has been a while since I saw so many of them gathered. The people defending the doors of the military base numbered between 5 and 10 while those rotten zombies numbered thousands... I also see zombies in the streets surrounding that area, surely there are more.

"Contact Soichiro to see how things are on their side"

"Okay... this is Alexander's team, what is your situation in the base, over..."

Yamada takes the intercom and asks, seconds later the voice of someone whom I don't recognize is heard in the car.

"It is good to hear that you have finally arrived... we were getting impatient. We are really exhausted and we also want to go home, so we would appreciate if you all made us a way to get out, over..."

Surely it's a man from Soichiro's team which answers us. His tone is relieved when he speaks, it must be because of our arrival, and the situation doesn't seem that desperate, so it should not be so bad on their side.

"Ask if they found the things that they were looking for in the barracks or if it had already been looted"

I tell Yamada.

"Did you find the weapons in the barracks? over..."

"We found rifles, bullets, military clothing, and other weapons, without them we likely would have been food for these zombies...Though it is a pity that the vehicles here seem to have broken down like most of those in the city, over..."

Well, that's good to hear, if not, with so many zombies I honestly would rather turn around and tell Yuriko-san that it was too late when we arrived... it's too bad I wouldn't get the reward, but in return, I could comfort her... But, Saya also came with us so that would not be possible at first.

Aurora, do you think it's possible for me to store military cars in my inter-dimensional storage? I've never tried it, but I don't want to leave them here to rust.

[Yes, you can Alexander. The limit of the size of a thing that you can store is the size of your domain. And the object must not be attached to other things, like what you have done so far]

"Then we have to make a way to get in and out... we will test if Hirano's invention works"

"I-it's not that I invented it ... it just occurred to me"

Hirano is ashamed when I praise him as usual and Komuro also gives his opinion.

"Isn't it easier to just make a way for them to go out, Alexander?"

I planned to do the same if Aurora had answered negatively about the space storage, and we would have done things as he suggests, but being able to take the cars is necessary, so I need enter the base.

"We'll take the military cars too, don't worry, we won't foolishly drag them with the other cars or something like that, I can store them just like with the other things"

"I see... that's a great help."

"Prepare the machine guns of the TR-12!"

I order loudly, and immediately Hirano climbs up the hatch, I can also see the men take their positions in the other two TR-12 vehicles that are next to us. After the men finish preparing for a few seconds, I scream again.


After shouting, the sound of firing machine guns resonated loudly, the bullets go through several zombies at once and even split them into pieces, causing a large number of limbs and bodies to fall on the ground.

With an indication, I make the TR-12 move slowly in an arrow formation along the path of blood that the machine guns carved for us. Behind us, two cargo cars with two teams of men holding firearms or a steel sharp-edged weapon follow us, and behind them is a fire truck with a large water tank.

While going through the path, two hoses sprinkles a lot of liquid on the sides of the streets, but it is not water that soaks the streets, it is diesel.

We continue with the same procedure until we reached the doors of the barracks. Then two men throw two grenades on each side of us which would detonate in a few seconds. In the following moment the explosion tears apart several zombies. The road soaked with diesel burn in a straight line creating a wall of fire.

It is a relief to do as this time, I did not have to spend about 50 thousand crystals... also when I asked Hirano why he used diesel instead of gasoline, he told me that because the second one was too volatile, it might create an explosion if we took too long to ignite it because of all the bullets flying around

It is good that I did not try to do something like that for myself as I may end up setting myself on fire... although now that I think about it, my status says I am immune to fire... but honestly, I do not want to find out on what level of fire this immunity covers me. Besides, the girls are not immune, I would shoot myself in the head if any of them received a burn because of me.

The barracks door opens, and the two teams of men get off. The first thing they do is remove the bodies of the stacked zombies that block the entrance with the help of those who are inside.

"Protect the two teams and be attentive for any zombie that crosses the wall of fire! Snipers! Be ready in case an one evolved does the same. Those on the fire truck! Keep the fire on until we get out of here, everyone move! "

"Yes, sir!"

When I give orders to everyone on the TR-12s, my group got off the truck and walks past the gate of the military barracks. Inside, we see Soichiro walking quickly towards us.

"I thought you would be with your group in the labs, Alexander"

"Fortunately and unfortunately several incidents happened consecutively"

"...well, I don't know what happened but I'm glad you came to our rescue"

Soichiro looks at me in a confused way and answers me, it is only logical that he does not understand what I mean. Fortunately I could spend an excellent time in the pool with the girls, but unfortunately I had to come to save his skin.

"Since they have opened the way for us to leave we should do just that, the trucks are loaded with all the things we could gather, but it is a pity that we cannot take everything that is here."

"I came here precisely for that, just show me the place where the military kept the good things and I'll take care of the rest"

"...I had forgotten your ability, okay, follow me and I'll take you to the things that no longer fit in the trucks"

Soichiro thinks for a moment, and after he remembers my ability, he speaks. I can't blame him for not remembering it, I rarely form a team with him to go on expeditions. The reason is obviously because I would prefer to go with his wife if I'm going to join another group...

Soichiro then begins to walk towards the barracks facilities, and I follow behind him. In a few minutes, we arrive in what the military seems to have used as a warehouses, the door looks like it had been forced to open it. The person that did that was surely one of Soichiro's men, besides there were no zombie inside. Well, moving on, we only find bodies on the ground, and it also seems that they are responsible for this.

But those thoughts are quickly pushed to the back of my brain from what I saw. Box after box with weapons, ammunition and other military things... was he really thinking of leaving all this? Shit, I'm glad that I came to avoid such idiocy.

"Don't look at me that way, we don't have the same ability as you"

Well, that's true, they can only carry what they can load on the trucks. Without wasting any more time I approach the boxes and start to store them. After several minutes, the place was empty and I turn to Soichiro and ask him.

"That's all of it?"

"Yes, perhaps because it's a small base, this is the only place where they kept the equipment. Let's go back and leave this place, my men are tired and so am I."

"No, not yet. Take me also to the place where military vehicles are stored"

"They are useless, we have already reviewed them"

"I know, but they can be repaired"

"That's true but to get them out of here... don't tell me you can store them too !?"

With just seeing Soichiro's surprised face and hearing raise his voice a little, it think it was worth the trip. I can count on one hand the number of times he broke his character... No, the weapons are still more important, this is only an additional bonus.

"Then let's not waste time and go there"

After answering with a nod to his question, he enthusiastically shows me the way. We walk through several corridors and arrive at a large parking lot which is full of treasures... I can see 5 tanks. My evaluation indicates that they are called [Tank type 10], besides them were 8 troop trucks [Type 96].

Behind these are 10 armored vehicles with the name [Komatsu LAV], and even further at the back there are a good number of Jeeps mounted with machine guns. Seeing this felt that I had drawn the lottery, but then my eyes twitched to observe something else...

My attention is completely taken by three military helicopters parked in the barracks helipad, they are named [Bell AH-1 Cobra]... I had hit the jackpot... now we just need to find pilots for these machines... of course, in addition to repairing them and all the other vehicles.

But once I finished the mission of killing the zombie leader the system unlock the purchase of electronic components. So these will be much easier to restore, in addition to the expense of repairing them does not compare to having to buy all of them.

After recovering from the momentary stun caused by witnessing everything in the parking lot, I began to walk quickly through the vehicles using my domain. Immediately keeping them in my inventory one by one, it did not take long to complete this task. I return happily together with Soichiro on the way we had taken to get here.

"We have finished doing what we need here, everyone! Get ready to leave immediately!"

"You heard it, we're going home to rest !!"


When I got to where the others were, I immediately inform everyone to start preparing to leave ...

the diesel from the fire truck is not infinite and I also don't want to meet another unforeseen event for this day.

Seeing all the bodies that the machine guns left scattered on the street, I cannot help thinking that it would be a shame not to pick them up. So, while the cars move along the bloody road, I decide to walk behind them to collect all these, as both sides are blocked with flames, there is not much risk in doing this.

But even so, Saeko, Soichiro, Kurisu and Hirano decide to accompany me on my walk, and I also make Scythe go with us. Having them watch my surroundings, I calmly concentrate on storing the bodies.

When we reach the end of the bloody road, we all get inside our vehicles and then leave to go to our camp at normal speed.

I can't wait to count all the things we got on this trip, it will undoubtedly be the biggest loot we've got so far.

Our return trip goes smoothly and then in just over an hour, the vehicles pass through the doors of MLDW. At the entrance of the castle, we find Yuriko-san who, while seeing us all return she shows a smile, we go to where she is and then she speaks.

"I'm so glad you're well Soichiro"

"Yes, this time we got into some problems but it's good that Alexander was there to rescue us, that way we got more than we had thought in the first instance."

"Haaa, can't you be a little more emotional Soichiro? I was worried about you, you know?"

"... I'm sorry I made you worry, Yuriko"

"Well, that doesn't matter, what matters is that you returned safely... thank you Alexander-kun for helping Soichiro"

"…it's okay"

I wanted to demand my payment right now, but seeing the environment, It didn't seem like the best time to do it… besides, I think it would be better if her husband wasn't there when I did.

"Oh, Shizuka! Good thing you're here! Come on, we're doing your training today!"

"E-eh? A-Alex-kun? I thought you said we'd take the day off ~"

"Yes ... but I change my mind, we will retake it, come on"

"Eeeh ?! N-no, I don't want to kill zombies!"

Seeing Shizuka suddenly appear from inside the castle, I thought that if I can't get a good moment from Yuriko-san, I'll get it from her. That is why I immediately speak to her, but she doesn't seem to want to do it... Then when I saw those wet eyes begging, my heart softens, but before I speak to tell her that is fine, and she can rest today, Saeko intervenes.

"Come on Shizuka-san, this is for your sake"

"O-Okay Busujima-san, but don't pull so hard on me... I fall down!"

Well, it seems that in the end I will be able to see Shizuka's breasts sway, hoping to witness that great show, I walk behind them to go in the direction of the zombie farm, leaving behind the Takagi couple who kept talking.


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