Soul Evolution System

Chapter 82 The Laboratory

The day after going to the military base, my group embarks on a trip to a famous laboratory which had its facilities on the center of the city. Because of several setbacks, we had to postpone going towards this one until now. 

In addition, because no one knew which equipments the biological research team needs in order to try and replicate the antidote, I let Shizuka accompany us for that purpose. Although I originally planned on taking her with us.

I feel much safer seeing the number 22 above Shizuka's head, but still, I do not plan to let her walk alone around the place, since she cannot avoid being clumsy at times. 

As most of the other groups move around the city, the number of zombies had been greatly reduced. So the risk will be lower when entering the center of the city. I hope we wouldn't' get trapped in the middle of a horde as what happened to Soichiro's team yesterday... Also, I feel uncomfortable going into a laboratory... This must be due to me playing too many zombie games with those scenarios in my previous world. 

"Are we close to the laboratory facilities, Shizuka-san?" 

"Mmm ... if I remember correctly, it should be close to this area" 

When we get closer to our destination, Yamada who was driving the TR-12 asks for more specific instructions to be able to go directly into the laboratory, but it is a pity that Shizuka doesn't seem to remember well the place where it is. 

"It doesn't matter, let's take a little look around. It helps us assess how much risk there is in here " 

The vehicles make their way by rolling a few zombies that block the road and also hitting some cars that were stranded in the streets. This is not much of a problem for us as we are using an armored car, although there may be some scratches and dents, these vehicles moves aside everything that we come across with.  

The only problem we have to avoid is when there are too many obstacles, be it zombies or vehicles, if that happens we would have to look for other roads. Oh, how I wish the tanks could have been repaired right away, it would be very exciting to crush everything in our path... or with the helicopter, we would just get in and out quickly without worrying about the streets. 

The only relief I have is that, with the increase in the population of MLDW, the number of mechanics at our disposal is greater. At this time they must be evaluating all the vehicles to see which parts are damaged and also making an inventory of what they need, as I can buy them the parts in the system. 

That is as for the vehicular parts, the weapons of these vehicles is another problem, but it is a relief that the weapons otaku of our group assured me that he could make them work after giving him manuals and plans that I obtained from the system for each weapon. 

For that reason, Hirano could not accompany us to the laboratories, so I instead ask Kurisu to take a break from her work to accompany us. 

Hirano is one of the people who has killed many zombies, his level has grown quite a lot, even reaching Saeko and also breaking his third limit. From what I have observed, the growth of status seem to greatly influence the development skills, and even if both are on the same level or even with Hirano being a little higher, I don't think he can defeat Saeko in physical combat. 

I noticed this when the soldiers exceeded the first limit, as many of them did not have physical development skills, their strength, endurance, and agility did not change much from what they were previously. 

The only good thing is that they have been gaining development skills over time, perhaps when they level up again their physical growth is even more noticeable. 

[You are not mistaken in your way of thought, Alexander. When breaking a limit, each person improves in the aspects they stand out the most, and the others remains almost the same.  

But thinking that people could only get stronger physically by leveling is a wrong train of thought. This is because you were comparing them to your growth, your physique is not normal and it is much superior than an ordinary person, just don't forget the things that I mentioned. 

When you break a limit, your statistics grow very equally. In fact, if it wasn't for this, the E1 zombie that bit you during your time at the police station, would not only just mark your leg with its teeth. If it was another person, a good piece of meat would be torn from their leg. As your defense has also been promoted your body's tenacity has also increased and for that reason you avoided that kind of situation. Although you cannot be compared with some beasts specialized in defense. ] 

... I had forgotten that my body was different from the others, but Aurora please do not mention what happened at the police station, just remembering that zombie's teeth near to my crotch gives me chills all over my body. 

But then that explains why the progress of the soldiers is so minimal, that is also the case with Shizuka, although she broke past two limits, her resistance has not grown enough and she continues to run out of stamina after half an hour of exercise... I thought it was because she has two big extra weights to carry, unlike the rest of the people, but analyzing it again, that makes no sense since she must be used to them. 

"What's going on Alex-kun? ~" 

Shizuka noticed that I had my eyes on her, she then asks me.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about some things. But you should be looking through the windows of the car to see if you recognize the road to the laboratories. " 

"Yes ~ but since I only came to the laboratory a couple of times, I don't remember it well ~" 

When I answer, I remembered that she should be the one trying to recognize the path, but instead, she hummed happily, so I also had to remind her of the work that she has to do. 

After driving through several streets, Shizuka's memory seemed to make a click with something, and then she remembered the road. Following her instructions for a few more minutes we arrived at our destination, it was a great construct with a good number of zombies wandering around inside and outside. 

As with the routine in our expeditions, we quickly got out of our vehicle as we passed the entrance fence and the same is done by the team of men that I brought with me in the cargo truck. 

Only this time when some men were heading towards the entrance to block the constant passage of zombies from the streets, I stop them when they were heading there. 

"Wait, I'll take care of the entrance, you just eliminate the zombies in the parking lot" 

Without asking for any other explanation they turn around and go with the rest to help. Along with Scythe, I go to the entrance, drawing my guns and killing any zombie that comes into my sight. 

I have to use my guns because if I don't, Scythe will split them into pieces before I can even kill one with my sword. Upon reaching the streets I see a large number of zombies slowly walking towards us... well, not everyone was slow, there were also several evolved running. 

Seeing this, instead of feeling the pressure of being widely outnumbered, a smile is drawn on my face. No, I don't consider myself a maniac who always wants to fight if you're thinking that. My smile is because I only see all these zombies as bags of fertilizer running here, as if they want to be used. 

"Go, Venus. You can give yourself a feast with them all" 

From my storage I take my poke-ball and throw it a few meters away from me, then a bright light appears for a few seconds and when it disappears a small green area in this gray place seems to have grown from out of nowhere. 

Before coming here I thought that it wouldn't be strange if our team is caught in the same situation as Soichiro. So I decided to bring my Venus when we came here. Without a doubt, she can be the best wall to stop a large number of zombies. 

"Venus, don't attack humans and Scythe stay with your sister and help her if the number of zombies she can digest increases too much " 


"Scy-the ... Ta-ke ca-re ... Sis-ter" 

I stroke Scythe who is by my side and one of the mouths of the Venus that approaches me.

I can see the other parts of the plant wasting no time in attacking the zombies with their vines, mouths, shooting needles and spitting pollen. 

This pair of sisters can surely take care of a few thousand zombies since one is practically an insatiable devourer and the other is a walking crusher. After seeing that things are going as planned, I turn around to kill some zombies in the parking lot. 

Although the abilities of the soldiers haven't improved drastically, their experience gained by killing zombies is not in vain. Having the entrance blocked, the soldiers, along with my team did not take long to take care of all the zombies surrounding the outside of the building. 

"Is there a casualty on the team?" 

"No, sir. Only a couple of wounded who were bitten, but nothing serious. " 

"Good job, someone gave them the basic treatment for now and also put together the group of bodies in one place to when we go out of here I can take them. 

After you're finished you can go and help my pets to monitor the entrance. 

If we find what we are looking for, the number of antidotes in our hands will increase and the casualties will be decreased."  "Understood!" 

When I tell that to them, the soldiers who are next to me are quite encouraged from the news. 

They have all become more skilled in killing zombies and the number of wounded in each expedition has been reduced by a good percentage. Usually, there are injuries or casualties only when E1 or E2 appears and take them by surprise, but with the increasing the number of snipers, we can control this. 

The only regrettable thing is that these rifles had to come out of my pocket, but with the camping tent working very well, I still have more profits than costs. 

If the number of antidotes increase to the point of making it possible for every soldier to have one, the probabilities of survival will increase even more for the soldiers. Knowing that, they can only be cheerful when they hear it. 

"Shizuka, you can go down, we will now enter the laboratory" 

"O-Ok ~!" 

Shizuka who stayed on the TR-12 opens the door and runs down to where I am with her breasts swinging from right to left... after the show stops when she stands next to us, we move into the building. 

It may be ideal to leave Shizuka outside while we clean the interior, but since it is not good to remain in the same place, it is better to get what we want and then get out of here. 

"Shizuka, do not separate with me and remain by my side, Kurisu, do not forget to check the ceilings when we enter. Open the flashlights of your weapons, be careful and do not be careless "  "Yes ~" 

"Okay Alex, leave it to me" 

The two girls to whom I speak answer. The others nod to my words and prepared their weapons to open the flashlights subject to the special attachment that they had previously installed. 

As laboratories are designed to insulate the interior from the outside, the sunlight that illuminated the facilities were generally very scarce. It is good that we have arranged our equipment in advance for this. With everything prepared, we move through the entrance doors. 

The place was dark as expected, but because of the various flashlights of our weapons, this is not a great impediment. We quickly kill any zombies we discover walking inside, and in order to make exploring much easier, we also look for something that tells us how the place is mapped. 

When we arrived at somewhere which was marked with the name of management, we found a sketch of the building. Analyzing it, we discover our first obstacle... this building was a single-level construct, but with 5 floors in the underground. 

"It seems that it is necessary to use the elevators in order to go underground… we will have to look for the generators to make them work" 

"I think I saw them while we were coming here ..." 

It is as Kurisu says, if we want to go down to get the equipment and materials, we will have to use the elevators. It seems that this was a safety system used by the laboratory to control the entry and exit of personnel. Without further choice, we return along the path where Komuro told us that he saw the generators to check and see if we can still activate them. 

"Haaa, I don't like buildings like this one" 

" But it is necessary for the facilities to be this way, Alex-kun. This laboratory also works for pharmaceuticals so there are very dangerous diseases inside. 

That is why it is important that this place is sufficiently isolated, it would be a disaster if these diseases got out of the building. " 

When I complain about the place because more and more of it resembles the scenery of a game to me. Shisuka tells me why the laboratory is such and I understand it, but even so, I still retort her. 

"I doubt that these diseases can cause a major disaster than what is already out there worldwide"  "Mmm ~ I think that's true too" 

While we were talking, we arrived at the generators, Kurisu and Komuro immediately tried to activate them, seeing him helping there, I can't help asking him out of curiosity. 

"Do you understand any of these machines, Komuro?" 

"Hmn? Oh, this is because my mother forced me to read one of the survival books created for the school in camp. " 

So also they include these things in school? It is good to see that the men I put in charge took the creation of the materials very seriously in order for the children to learn. 

"Ready! Komuro-kun, try to turn it on. " 

"Its fine, Kurisu-san" 

After checking, and a few small adjustments. Komuro lowers the lever after the indication of Kurisu, in the next second the generator motor is heard and the lights begin to flash until they stabilize completely. 

"Good job Kurisu… don't tell me that you also want me to praise you for holding a flashlight and lowering a lever Komuro? Stop wasting time and let's continue " 

At first, I thought he was going to help Kurisu, but all the time he just held the flashlight for her to check the generator. I wouldn't have said anything about that, but when the light went on and I praised Kurisu, who answers me with a smile, he immediately inflated his chest with pride as if they had the same credit. 

Hearing the discreet giggle of Niki and Mizusu and the laugh of Yuki who does not forget to make fun of Komuro, we go to the elevator. We arrive in front of the elevator and press the button to go down. After waiting for a few seconds,  the doors open. 

"Yuki, Misuzu and Niki you wait here... if the generator fails... obviously because it is an antiquity and not because Kurisu could not repair it, we will need you to try to turn it on or seek help with others, I do not want to stay locked in there " 

When we were about to enter I think for a moment on what would happen if the generator shuts down, that's why I suggested for us to separate. But with my words, Kurisu turns to me, looking a little annoyed thinking that I do not trust her, so I quickly explain my decision a little. 

"It's okay Alexander-san" 

"Everyone be careful down there" 

"If things get bad in that place, leave the couple, "men in love" as bait while you escape, Alex-san"  "Okay" 

"Hey! We are listening you know! " 

Finishing our slight joke, I press the button to go down and the elevator starts up... although most interpret it as a joke, I could see it in Yuki's eyes that she wasn't kidding with it. 

At other times, maybe I would do what she says if things got very difficult, unfortunately now I can't... Honestly, it's not because I have softened but because one of those two is Haruna-san's son, and I don't want to see her sad. 

"Everyone, get ready for when the elevator doors open, Shisuka and Kurisu, follow the same instructions I told you when we entered the laboratory" 

With a serious face, I speak so that everyone concentrates. In the games from my world, usually when you open a door to reach an important place, a zombie comes out attacking you immediately. If this world follows the same pattern, what will we find once the elevator doors reopen will surely not be pleasant. 

Curse! Why do people have to put weird songs in the elevators? This is making me more nervous. Perhaps because of the pressure, the time it takes to arrive seems quite longer than usual, but then a bell is heard and the doors start to open...


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