Soul Evolution System

Chapter 84 Karmic Retribution

Reclining and pressing my head against Shisuka's big breasts is really a heavenly position. This is one of the habits I developed in order to achieve mental peace and serenity, but unfortunately my moment of tranquility is interrupted by a message that I receive through the tamer's bond with my plant.

" Hmn? Is there something wrong Alex-kun? "

Shisuka, noticing that something strange was happening when I stopped swinging myself in her breasts, asks me. I must say that maybe they grew to this size because of her big heart inside, she doesn't seem to care what I do, and just simply allows my actions without complaining while she smiles and hums some song that I don't know while wrapping me with her arms.

"… My plant complained to me that someone is attacking it and cannot defend itself because of the previous orders I gave it"

I get up from my luxurious chair and look at the entrance where I left my plant with Scythe... my previous order was that everything could be eaten but humans, so it must be someone who is attacking it.

The soldiers know that it is my pet so I can rule them out, the ones who are doing this must be some group of survivors that is moving through this area...

"Did something happen, Alex-san?"

Saeko and Kurisu, who was outside watching the surroundings while waiting for the other team to arrive comes to my side and asks me, then I tell them the same information that I gave to Shisuka. Then, the three of us started walking towards the entrance to investigate what it happens leaving Shisuka in the car.

When I arrive at the place, one of the vines strokes my cheek as if demanding that I do something, so I look at some soldiers around and immediately give orders to solve this situation while I also transmit a message to the Venus through our link in order to prevent its loyalty from descending for not paying attention to it.

"Someone is attacking my plant, hurry and stop those fools... take them here so I could talk with them, they might know other survivor camps in the area where we can go to and also pick them up"

"Yes sir"

After my words, a group of men begin to move immediately, first I thought about sending Scythe, but she might ended up killing them if she saw that they are hurting her beloved younger sister.

A few minutes later, the soldiers are now dragging three men who are complaining... when I see them I can't help but frown, they look really bad, as if they hadn't bathed since the apocalypse began, but that's not what surprises me since that is not something very rare in this world today.

What baffles me a little is their auras... they were black, but they also had shades of a purple hue, which indicates madness...

"Sir, we have brought them as you asked, what do we do with them?"

"Let me go! Who are you?!"

"Yes! Why they didn't let us cut some vegetables… I thought we could make a delicious broth tonight "

"If these plants are yours we didn't know. We won't cut them anymore, so let us go"

" As one of you says, this plant is mine so you can't make broth with it… leaving that aside, who are you? Are you from a group of survivors around here? "

I try to make them calm down a bit to get information, but they seem to be quite suspicious, they are looking everywhere as if hoping to see an opening where they can escape... they are most likely to be one of those kind of leaders who wants to direct their own group as if they were kings, so upon seeing us they may be thinking that their reign is in danger.

"N-no, only the three of us live here ... w-we have never seen other survivors... we thought we were the only ones"

A guy answers me by diverting his gaze and stutters as he speaks, so it clear that he is lying ... well, whatever, let's do this fast. I don't want to waste time with them and I want to quickly return to my heavenly chair...

With that in mind, I leave the sight of the survivors from the laboratory, walking towards a wall where they can’t see me, so with my eyes I tell the soldiers to bring them to me and then they drag those guys to where I am.

Kurisu, who probably has an idea of what will happen next, sighs and returns inside the truck where the others are, so only Saeko accompanies me.

"I know you’re lying. I really wanted to do this the easy way, but if you don't cooperate I will have to be a bit rude to you... I will give you one last chance, where is your camp?"

"I don't know what you're talking about ... it's just us, leave us-[CRACK] Gyaaahhh ! My leg!! "

Before he could finish speaking I kicked his knee to cause pain... but because I’m not yet used to my strength when I reached my 4th limit, his leg bends to an inverted position than what it normally should...

Shit! I didn’t want to break his leg... well, what’s done is done and I can’t undo it, let's pretend that nothing strange happened so others won't think that I can't control myself.

"Let's try again, where is your camp, or do you all seriously want me break your legs? "

"W-we'll take you there, b-but please don't hurt us"

"You see, it wasn't that hard to say it, where is it? Is it far from here?"

"It’s not! Its only one street from here! "

"Well, we will go to that place. You, tell the others we will go to a camp to pick up more survivors"

With the information obtained, I decided to take the men who were watching the entrance to the survivor camp and I order a soldier to inform the people inside the lab. As Venus and Scythe had eliminated a large number of zombies in the street while not making much sound when they were taking care of them, now only a few comes in this direction. This shouldn’t be any problem for my plant to deal with those that approach the entrance.

We walk while being led by the two strangers whose legs are still fine and Scythe drags the one with the broken leg. He complained about the pain caused by his injury, but when I tell him that if he doesn't shut up, I will throw him at the zombies, he then clenches his teeth and endures it.

The place where they led us was not a large building than what I had expected, seeing them point at a normal house as their base, I assume that not many people are living there...

" Scythe go after him and bring him"

While we were concentrating on watching the house, one of the strangers tries to escape, so I ask Scythe to release the injured one and chase the other. When she reached him the guy tries to fight a little, but he is quickly subdued and she brought him back to us.

Seeing the nervous reaction of the three, we would probably find something very unpleasant inside... as what is common in these cases, surely they have women used as tools to unload all their frustrations on them.

Maybe I should have just sent a team of men to avoid seeing this... but since I'm here, I can't do that, so I'll have to see it myself ... haaa.

"Saeko stay here and watch the surroundings"

"…it's okay"

I don't want her to see the cruel things that they could’ve done inside, although she has a strong mentality, that doesn’t mean she is immune to that. Besides, she is still a high school girl.

Saeko must have understood what I was thinking because at first, it seemed like she wanted to say that she also wants to come in, but after seeing my serious face, she just nodded and smiled at me, so I returned the gesture and then the rest of us went inside to the house.

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(POV Saeko)

I stay out of the house because of Alex-san's instructions, I wanted to come in to help him if a problem arose, but after putting my eyes on his serious face and to the strangers who brought us here, I remembered the similar situations that the other teams talk about in the dining room when they eat in our camp.

Many times, when MLDW teams arrive at these camps of survivors, what they found were women living as slaves and battered people.

So, understanding that Alex-san did it to avoid me seeing unpleasant things, I could only smile at him while agreeing to his words. Besides, I probably don't have to worry about Alex-san's safety since he has Scythe-chan by his side. She's much stronger than me so I can count on her to protect him... although he probably doesn't need protection.

But being one of the leaders of MLDW and probably the most influential among them, although he may not realize it, it is necessary to maintain his safety... and obviously, I also personally want him to be safe.

In fact, I happily enjoy seeing him being a little perverted when he is with us the girls, and although Kurisu is constantly being bothered, I know she thinks the same thing too.

The things here are very quiet, that is because the plant and Scythe greatly reduced the number of zombies in the few streets around the laboratories, but probably in a few hours after we leave it will be infested again with zombies, even after killing a lot of them it still seems that their numbers are endless.

I watch the surroundings while I wait for Alex-san and the others to go out with the survivors in this house, but suddenly I hear 3 consecutive shots from it... then I direct my vision to the entrance of the house.

As I do not hear more shots, I think that things were solved with that ... although I continue to be a little intrigued, asking myself what forced them to shoot, but contrary to my thoughts I hear screams from inside the house, so it seems that the situation intensified there.

"You are rubbish !! You do not deserve to live !! "

" Gaaah !!"

" Kuuh !!"

"D-don't judge us… it was necessary so we could live !! [Cranck] Gyaaaah … m-my other leg !! "

It's probably the first time I've heard Alex-san's voice so angry... and because of the screams that are heard, he must be hitting them hard... I wonder what he saw to get that way.

"Do not enter Saeko !! Stay out !! "

"... Y-yes"

When I open the door a little to see what was happening, I only see Alex-san with a face completely full of rage stepping on the knee of a man. He looks in my direction and for the first time since we knew each other, he calls me by my name without honorifics that normally he uses.

Due to his fury and the tone of his voice and also the atmosphere all around him, it made me tremble a little while answering him and I immediately closed the door.

After a few minutes, only the people who entered goes out without any survivors... but seeing that some men were cleaning their mouths as if they had vomited, I realized that what they saw wasn’t very pleasant.

Normally, whenever Alex-san behaves aggressively, the soldiers would look at him nervously with fear, but this time I can only see hate in their eyes when they see the people that are being mistreated. Then the next dialogue of Alex-san with the three men who are squirming for being beaten, answer my doubts a bit...

"You three are the first ones who have made me kill people who I did not have to kill and who did not deserve it... you can be sure that I will make you three pay very expensively for that"

"P-please ... let us go ... w-we won't do it anymore, we've learned our lesson"

" I-I'm a doctor, I can be helpful! "

"What you have done is enough to condemn you in the cruelest way, there are no second chances for what you did.

Also, how you say that you are a doctor? You are wrong, I only see a damn butcher of people, you are the worst of them all, and even if you were the brightest doctor in the world, I would still kill you ... but you can be calm, I will not kill you three right away, I will make you think carefully about what you all did "

"The world is now a place where people eat people... What's wrong with what we did? We just wanted to survive! "

"You are wrong about that too, the ones that eat people are zombies, not other humans. Besides, if you had been isolated without being able to get food, maybe I will agree that you had no choice, but seeing that you can go out to the streets to look for food, what you did can only be explained by the reason that you lost your way as humans during some point in this apocalypse"

By their words, I think about what made these men like this, and though something inside me is telling me that I was misinterpreting their words, even after analyzing again and again, I only get to the conclusion that they cannibalize other people…

Just thinking about it makes me nauseous and also makes my stomach churn... I instinctively step back from where they are as I can't help seeing them as if they were creatures and not humans.

"Take them, after making some preparations we will take care of these three... also, burn the house"

"Yes, Alexander-san"

After giving orders, Alex-kun walks in the direction of the laboratories while the soldiers take the men... if they can still be called that, one of our men enters the house again for a few minutes then runs outside to throw a lit cigarette from a distance. The man probably had to open the gas keys of the stove or something like that, and in the next second a small explosion is created.

After seeing that, I trot towards Alex-san who had moved away from me a little while I was watching the flames. I must thank him for preventing me from seeing the things inside of the house, I can imagine that it was unpleasant to see...

Upon reaching him, I take his hand, trying to lessen his anger a little. Seeing his frown diminish, a smile is drawn on my face and I kept our hands together while we walk back towards the laboratory.

Knowing Alex-san, the fate that awaits these men is not encouraging, but honestly that does not matter to me, it is not as if they were innocent people or my acquaintances. So I can only say that the following things that will happen to them are due to their own actions so they must face it themselves.

Arriving at the laboratory, the first thing Alex-san does is to ask the soldiers to look for pieces of wood, thick enough to support the weight of a person. After searching the surroundings and finding what he asked for, he makes them assemble it in the form of a cross...

When three crosses are made, he dragged the cannibals while they scream and ask for mercy... it is likely that after everyone saw the crosses, they also understand the cannibals’ destiny.

This time Alex-san did not let any of the girls who are usually by his side accompany him, he left alone with some soldiers and Scythe-chan. We who stayed just follow him with our eyes until they disappeared in the streets of the city...

"Saeko, what did those guys do to make Alex so mad with them?"

"...they were cannibals"

"C-cannibals ?"

"T-that's a very bad thing ~"

As Alex-san was very concerned about the mentality of the girls around him, I hesitate to tell them. But after thinking that just mentioning it will not be a big problem, I answer Kurisu and Shisuka who listened attentively. After those words, none of us said anything else and we just waited for his return.

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(POV Alexander)

After searching for a suitable place, I make the soldiers tie the three that ate their same species to the crosses.

This is not because it is something religious or has something with a deep meaning, it is only because it is suitable for what I am going to do. When I saw the two women and the man suffering in that house and that I had to end their agony by killing them, but I decided that I couldn't let these guys die easily.

"Please forgive us !"

"Yes, we have learned the lesson! "

" Please, just kill us fast! "

Minutes later the three are hanging at the crosses as they continue to ask for forgiveness or for a quick death. I ignore them, and together with the soldiers who accompanied me, we begin to make as much noise as we can.

Answering our call, several zombies begin to walk in this direction, so with our goal accomplished we quickly leave this place, ignoring the screams of the three at the crosses.

The reason why I crucified them is something easy to answer. Being in an elevated position the important organs will be out of reach of the zombies... so they will live longer.

I think it is a proper punishment for the things they did, they will feel that eating people slowly is very painful.

"If you see an evolved zombie kill it, I don't want them to die fast"

"Yes, sir"

In a safe area where we can see the show, I ask a sniper to come with me. Logically I could not make Kurisu witness this, so I brought another...

" Gyaaa ! T-they are biting me "

" No, no, get away, don't come! "

"Kill us fast!"

Zombies arrive at their food and begin to feast by tearing and biting their feet and legs which are the parts they can only reach. The sniper next to me occasionally shoots down an evolved ones that goes towards them but unfortunately even after trying to prevent them from dying fast, their screams stop after tens of minutes when they succumbed to the virus.

" Shoot the head of those three and get out of here "

Following my instructions, the sniper kills the now three zombies at the crosses and after that our group returns to the laboratory. I hope the reinforcements arrive quickly so I can go to my suite and sleep to forget all this...


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Hello everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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